Tome of Battle


Base ClassDescription
Crusader Crusaders follow the Sublime Way, seeking to perfect their combat skill to better serve their deity.
Swordsage A master of martial maneuvers, the swordsage is a physical adept - a blade wizard whose knowledge of the Sublime Way lets him unlock potent abilities.
Warblade Swift, strong, enduring, and utterly confident in their martial skills, Warblades seeks to test themselves against worthy foes.
Prestige ClassDescription
Bloodclaw Master A bloodclaw master embraces the animal within to a degree that it becomes external, partially transforming him into the beast from which the discipline was inspired.
Bloodstorm Blade Bloodstorm blades have amazing powers with thrown weapons.
Deepstone Sentinel Deepstone sentinels are dwarf warriors who are renowned for breaking enemy charges and forming a dauntless line in battle.
Eternal Blade An eternal blade communes with the spirit of an ancient warrior. This spirit aids the warrior in battle by providing advice, menacing his enemies, and lending him strength and support.
Jade Phoenix Mage Jade phoenix mages are reborn again and again in the world to keep an ancient evil locked away.
Master of Nine Masters of nine strive to learn the secrets of each path, and in so doing become the masters of nine, using a martial style that combines all of the techniques of the Temple of Nine Swords.
Ruby Knight Vindicator The Ruby Knights are the knights-templar of Wee Jas's faith.
Shadow Sun Ninja Shadow Sun ninjas harness both dark and light in battle. This represents the competition in their own souls between their good and evil aspects.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Adaptive Style Crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st Change readied maneuvers with a full-round action
Avenging Strike Any good alignment Add Cha bonus on attack and damage against an evil outsider a few times per day
Blade Meditation* Concentration 1 rank, base attack bonus +4, one martial maneuver from any discipline +1 damage on strikes, +2 on skill check, +1 save DC with discipline-related weapons, skills, and maneuvers
Desert Fire One Desert Wind strike +1d6 skirmish damage when using a Desert Wind strike
Desert Wind Dex 13, Dodge Move 10 feet, +1 AC, +1 fire damage one Desert Wind maneuver
Devoted Bulwark One Devoted Spirit maneuver +1 AC when foe damages you
Evasive Reflexes Dex 13 Instantly take 5-ft. step instead of an attack of opportunity
Extra Granted Maneuver Crusader level 1st Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known
Extra Readied Maneuver Swordsage level 1st Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known
Falling Sun Attack Stunning Fist, one Setting Sun strike Make Setting Sun strike a stunning attack, +1 to DC of stunning attacks and Setting Sun strikes
Ironheart Aura One Iron Heart stance Adjacent allies gain +2 bonus on saves while you are in an Iron Heart stance
Martial Stance* One martial maneuver Learn one martial stance
Martial Study* Gain the use of a martial maneuver
Rapid Assault Base attack bonus +1 +1d6 melee damage in first round of combat
Shadow Blade One Shadow Hand maneuver Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on damage rolls with Shadow Sun weapons
Shadow Trickster Caster level 1st, one Shadow Hand stance +1 bonus on save DCs of illusions while in a Shadow Hand stance
Song of the White Raven Bardic music (inspire courage), one White Raven maneuver Use inspire courage as swift action while in a White Raven stance
Snap Kick Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 Make an extra attack, all attacks at �2
Stone Power Str 13, one Stone Dragon maneuver Trade attack bonus for temporary hit points
Sudden Recovery One martial maneuver Recover an expended maneuver as a swift action 1/day
Superior Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 Deal greater unarmed damage
Tiger Blooded Ability to rage, wild shape, or shift; one Tiger Claw maneuver Knock smaller foes back while raging or wild shaped
Unnerving Calm Concentration 1 rank, one Diamond Mind strike Use Concentration in duel of wills, gain +2 bonus on attacks after successful duel for 1 round
Vital Recovery Two martial maneuvers Heal 3 + level points of damage when you recover a maneuver
White Raven Defense One White Raven maneuver +1 bonus to AC while adjacent to ally; adjacent allies gain +1 AC while you wield a White Raven weapon
Divine Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Spirit Ability to turn or rebuke undead, one Devoted Spirit stance Instantly heal yourself while in a Devoted Spirit stance
Item Creation Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Scribe Martial Script Crusader or swordsage level 1st Create martial scripts
Psionic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Instant Clarity Concentration 7 ranks Use swift action to gain psionic focus after initiating a successful martial strike
Psychic Renewal Expend psionic focus and power points to recover a maneuver
Tactical Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Clarion Commander See feat description See feat description
Distant Horizon See feat description See feat description
Faith Unswerving See feat description See feat description
Gloom Razor See feat description See feat description
Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body See feat description See feat description
Reaping Talons See feat description See feat description
Scorching Sirocco See feat description See feat description
Shards of Granite See feat description See feat description
Stormguard Warrior See feat description See feat description

* A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Maneuvers and Stances


Blistering Flourish: Strike—Dazzle creatures around you.

Burning Blade: Boost—Deal 1d6 fire + 1/initiator level.

Distracting Ember: Boost—Fire elemental appears, flanks enemy.

Flame’s Blessing: Stance—Gain fire resistance based on Tumble ranks.

Wind Stride: Boost—+10-ft. bonus to speed.


Crusader’s Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6 + 1/initiator level.

Iron Guard’s Glare: Stance—Enemies take –4 penalty on attacks against your allies.

Martial Spirit: Stance—Heal 2 hit points with each successful attack.

Vanguard Strike: Strike—Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.


Moment of Perfect Mind: Counter—Use Concentration check in place of Will save.

Sapphire Nightmare Blade: Strike—Opponent flat-footed, +1d6 damage with Concentration check.

Stance of Clarity: Stance—Gain +2 AC against one foe, –2 against all others.


Punishing Stance: Stance—Attacks deal +1d6 damage, but you have –2 to AC.

Steel Wind: Strike—Attack two opponents.

Steely Strike: Strike—+4 bonus on one attack, enemies gain +4 bonus on attacks against you.


Counter Charge: Counter—Ruin charge attack, force charging foe to move away from you.

Mighty Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.

Step of the Wind: Stance—Ignore difficult terrain, gain bonus against foes in such terrain.


Child of Shadow: Stance—You gain concealment as long as you move.

Clinging Shadow Strike: Strike—Foe suffers 20% miss chance on attacks.

Island of Blades: Stance—You and allies flank all adjacent foes.

Shadow Blade Technique: Strike—Roll two attacks, use lower result to deal bonus cold damage.


Charging Minotaur: Strike—Charging bull rush deals damage, ignores attacks of opportunity.

Stone Bones: Strike—Gain DR 5/adamantine.

Stonefoot Stance: Stance—+2 bonus on Strength checks, +2 bonus to AC against larger foes.


Blood in the Water: Stance—Gain +1 bonus on attacks and damage for each critical hit.

Hunter’s Sense: Stance—Gain scent.

Sudden Leap: Boost—Jump as a swift action.

Wolf Fang Strike: Strike—Attack with two weapons.


Bolstering Voice: Stance—Allies gain +2 bonus on Will saves, +4 against fear.

Douse the Flames: Strike—Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.

Leading the Attack: Strike—Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against foe you strike.

Leading the Charge: Stance—Allies deal +1 damage/initiator level on charge attacks.


Burning Brand: Boost—Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.

Fire Riposte: Counter—Counter foe’s attack with fiery touch that deals 4d6 damage.

Flashing Sun: Strike—Gain extra attack.

Hatchling’s Flame: Strike—Cone deals 2d6 fire damage.


Foehammer: Strike—Overcome foe’s DR, deal +2d6 damage.

Shield Block: Counter—Grant shield bonus + 4 as AC bonus to ally.


Action Before Thought: Counter—Use Con- centration check in place of Reflex save.

Emerald Razor: Strike—Turn melee strike into touch attack.


Disarming Strike: Strike—With successful attack, attempt to disarm foe.

Wall of Blades: Counter—Replace AC with attack roll result.


Baffling Defense: Counter—Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.

Clever Positioning: Strike—Swap positions with target of attack.


Cloak of Deception: Boost—Turn invisible until the end of your turn.

Drain Vitality: Strike—Attack deals 2 points of Constitution damage.

Shadow Jaunt: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action.


Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

Stone Vise: Strike—Deal +1d6 damage, attack immobilizes creature.


Claw at the Moon: Strike—Make Jump check, deal +2d6 damage.

Rabid Wolf Strike: Strike—+4 bonus on attack, deal +2d6 damage, –4 AC for 1 round.


Battle Leader’s Charge: Strike—No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.

Tactical Strike: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, adjacent allies move 5 feet.


Death Mark: Strike—Enemy takes extra fire damage and explodes in a fiery spread.

Fan the Flames: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage.

Holocaust Cloak: Stance—Attackers take 5 fire damage.

Zephyr Dance: Counter—+4 AC against single attack.


Defensive Rebuke: Boost—Foes you strike must attack you or provoke attack of opportunity.

Revitalizing Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 3d6 + 1/initiator level.

Thicket of Blades: Stance—5-ft. steps provoke attacks from you.


Insightful Strike: Strike—Use Concentration check to determine damage.

Mind Over Body: Counter—Use Concentration check in place of Fortitude save.

Pearl of Black Doubt: Stance—Gain +2 AC each time foe misses you.


Absolute Steel Stance: Stance—+10-ft. bonus to speed, +2 AC with movement.

Exorcism of Steel: Strike—Strike opponent’s weapon, it deals –4 damage.

Iron Heart Surge: Remove effect, gain +2 morale bonus on attacks.


Devastating Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength.

Feigned Opening: Counter—As an immediate action, provoke an attack, then counter.

Giant Killing Style: Stance—+2 bonus on attacks and +4 bonus on damage against larger foes.


Assassin’s Stance: Stance—Gain sneak attack +2d6.

Dance of the Spider: Stance—You climb walls like a spider.

Shadow Garrote: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 points of damage.

Strength Draining Strike: Strike—Your attack deals 4 points of Strength damage.


Bonecrusher: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +10 bonus on attacks to confirm critical hits.

Crushing Weight of the Mountain: Stance— Constrict for 2d6+1-1/2 times Str when grappling.

Roots of the Mountain: Stance—+10 bonus on checks against bull rush, trip, and others, and gain DR 2/–.

Stone Dragon’s Fury: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage against objects, constructs.


Flesh Ripper: Strike—Foe’s attacks and AC have –4 penalty.

Leaping Dragon Stance: Stance—+10 on Jump checks, always considered running for jumps.

Soaring Raptor Strike: Strike—Attack larger foe from above with +4 bonus, deal +6d6 damage.

Wolverine Stance: Stance—Use any weapons while grappled.


Lion’s Roar: Boost—Defeat enemy, allies deal +5 damage.

Tactics of the Wolf: Stance—You and allies deal +1 damage/2 initiator levels against flanked target.

White Raven Tactics: Boost—Ally’s initiative changes, he can act again.


Firesnake: Strike—Stream of fire twists around corners.

Searing Blade: Boost—Attacks deal +2d6 fire damage + 1/initiator level

Searing Charge: Strike—Fly while charging, deal +5d6 fire damage.


Divine Surge: Strike—Deal +8d8 damage.

Entangling Blade: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, target has –20-ft. penalty to speed.


Bounding Assault: Strike—Double move and attack.

Mind Strike: Strike—Attack deals 1d4 Wisdom damage.

Ruby Nightmare Blade: Strike—Attack deals double damage with successful Concentration check.


Lightning Recovery: Counter—Reroll an attack that misses with +2 bonus.

Mithral Tornado: Strike—Make attacks against adjacent foe, +2 on each attack.


Comet Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength.

Strike of the Broken Shield: Strike—Attack deals +4d6 damage, makes target flat-footed.


Hand of Death: Strike—Touch renders foe paralyzed for 1d3 rounds.

Obscuring Shadow Veil: Strike—Deal +5d6 damage and foe has 50% miss chance on attacks for 1 round.


Bonesplitting Strike: Strike—Attack deals 2 Constitution damage.

Boulder Roll: Boost—Gain +4 bonus on over- run attempts.

Overwhelming Mountain Strike: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, target loses move action.


Death From Above: Strike—Leap into the air, attack foe from above, deal +4d6 damage.

Fountain of Blood: Boost—Defeat foe, cause fear in enemies.


Covering Strike: Boost—Every opponent you strike cannot make attacks of opportunity for 3 rounds.

White Raven Strike: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, target becomes flat-footed.


Dragon’s Flame: Strike—Cone deals 6d6 fire damage.

Leaping Flame: Counter—Teleport adjacent to foe who attacks you.

Lingering Inferno: Strike—Deal +2d6 fire damage, and target takes 2d6 fire damage per round for 3 rounds.


Daunting Strike: Strike—Target of attack becomes shaken.

Doom Charge: Strike—Charge attack deals extra damage against good, you gain DR 10/—.

Law Bearer: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +8 attack against chaotic enemy, gain +5 on saves and AC.

Radiant Charge: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage against evil foes, gain DR 10/—.

Tide of Chaos: Strike—Charge attack deals extra damage against law, grants you concealment.


Disrupting Blow: Strike—Successful attack causes foe to be unable to act for 1 round.

Hearing the Air: Stance—Gain blindsense 30 ft., +5 bonus on Listen checks.

Rapid Counter: Counter—Strike opponent who provokes attack from you.


Dancing Blade Form: Stance—+5-ft. reach during your turn.

Dazing Strike: Strike—Melee attack dazes opponent.

Iron Heart Focus: Counter—Reroll save.


Mirrored Pursuit: Counter—You match opponent’s movement.

Shifting Defense: Stance—5-ft. step with each missed attack against you.

Soaring Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength.

Stalking Shadow: Counter—Move into foe’s space as he tries to move away from you.


Bloodletting Strike: Boost—Strike deals 4 Constitution damage.

Shadow Stride: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as move action.

Step of the Dancing Moth: Stance—Ignore terrain, walk over liquid.


Elder Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

Giant’s Stance: Stance—Deal damage as if you are one size category larger.

Mountain Avalanche: Strike—Gain ability to trample foes.


Dancing Mongoose: Boost—Make one extra attack with each weapon (max of two extra attacks).

Pouncing Charge: Strike—When you charge, make multiple attacks.


Flanking Maneuver: Strike—Hit flanked target, allies gain free attack.

Press the Advantage: Stance—Move +5 feet with 5-ft. step, move into difficult terrain.


Desert Tempest: Strike—Attack foes as you move by them.

Fiery Assault: Stance—Melee attacks deal +1d6 fire damage.

Ring of Fire: Strike—Surround foes with burning flame.


Aura of Chaos: Stance—Reroll and add maximum damage dice.

Aura of Perfect Order: Stance—Treat d20 result as 11.

Aura of Triumph: Stance—You and allies heal 4 points with each attack against evil.

Aura of Tyranny: Stance—Drain hit points from allies.

Rallying Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 3d6 + 1/initiator level in 30- ft. burst.


Greater Insightful Strike: Strike—Use double Concentration check to determine damage.

Moment of Alacrity: Boost—Gain +20 bonus on initiative during battle.


Iron Heart Endurance: Boost—Heal hit points equal to two times your level.

Manticore Parry: Counter—Deflect attack and redirect it against opponent.


Ballista Throw: Strike—Throw foe in 60-ft. line, deal 6d6 damage to all in area.

Scorpion Parry: Counter—Parry attack into second opponent.


Ghost Blade: Strike—Target becomes flat-footed.

Shadow Noose: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 8d6 damage and might stun flat-footed target.

Stalker in the Night: Strike—Move and attack while remaining hidden.


Crushing Vise: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, attack immobilizes creature.

Iron Bones: Strike—Gain DR 10/adamantine.

Irresistible Mountain Strike: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, target loses standard action.


Rabid Bear Strike: Strike—Gain +4 on attack, deal +10d6 damage, –4 AC with attack.

Wolf Climbs the Mountain: Strike—Enter larger foe’s space, deal +5d6 damage, gain cover from foe.


Order Forged from Chaos: Allies move up to their speed during your turn.

War Leader’s Charge: Strike—No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +35 damage.


Inferno Blade: Boost—Melee attacks deal +3d6 fire damage + 1/initiator level.

Salamander Charge: Strike—Charge and create trail of fire.


Castigating Strike: Strike—Deal +8d6 damage and trigger area blast.

Shield Counter: Counter—Shield bash cancels foe’s attack.


Avalanche of Blades: Strike—With each attack that hits, make another attack with increasing penalty.

Quicksilver Motion: Boost—Use swift action to complete move action.


Finishing Move: Strike—Gain extra damage against weakened foe.

Scything Blade: Boost—Strike one foe, free attack against another one.


Hydra Slaying Strike: Strike—Foe is unable to use full attack action.


Death in the Dark: Strike—Deal +15d6 damage to surprised target.

Shadow Blink: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as swift action.


Ancient Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +12d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

Colossus Strike: Strike—Strike deals +6d6 damage, knocks opponent backward.


Hamstring Attack: Strike—Attack deals 1d8 Dexterity damage, foe’s speed has –10 penalty.

Prey on the Weak: Stance—Attack of opportunity with each foe that drops.

Swooping Dragon Strike: Strike—Jump over foe, deal +10d6 damage, stun.


Clarion Call: Boost—If you drop a foe, allies within 60 ft. can make free attack or take move action.

Swarming Assault: Strike—Allies make free attacks against a foe you strike.


Rising Phoenix: Stance—Hover on column of super-heated air.

Wyrm’s Flame: Strike—Cone of fire deals 10d6 fire damage.


Greater Divine Surge: Strike—Deal +6d8 damage, also gain +1 on attacks and deal +2d8 damage per point of Con damage you voluntarily take.

Immortal Fortitude: Stance—You cannot die due to hit point damage.


Diamond Defense: Counter—Gain save bonus equal to level.

Diamond Nightmare Blade: Strike—Attack deals quadruple damage with successful Con- centration check.

Stance of Alacrity: Stance—Gain extra counter each round.


Adamantine Hurricane: Strike—Two attacks against each adjacent foe, +4 bonus on each attack.

Lightning Throw: Strike—Use melee attack as a line attack.

Supreme Blade Parry: Stance—Gain DR 5/—.


Fool’s Strike: Counter—Reflect foe’s attack.

Ghostly Defense: Stance—Enemies hit target of your choice while you have concealment.


Balance on the Sky: Stance—Walk on air.

Enervating Shadow Strike: Strike—Target of strike gains 1d4 negative levels.

One With Shadow: Counter—Become incor- poreal for 1 round.


Adamantine Bones: Strike—Gain DR 20/adamantine.

Earthstrike Quake: Strike—Local quake knocks enemies prone.

Strength of Stone: Stance—Gain immunity to critical hits.


Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip: Boost—Gain ability to rend with successful attacks.

Raging Mongoose: Boost—Make two extra attacks with each weapon carried (max four extra attacks).

Wolf Pack Tactics: Stance—Free 5-ft. step with each successful attack.


Swarm Tactics: Stance—Allies gain +5 on attacks against enemy adjacent to you.

White Raven Hammer: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage, stun opponent.


Inferno Blast: Strike—Burst of fire deals 100 points of damage


Strike of Righteous Vitality: Strike—Successful attack grants heal spell.


Time Stands Still: Strike—Take full attack action two times.


Strike of Perfect Clarity: Strike—Deal +100 damage on single attack.


Tornado Throw: Strike—Move and throw foes repeatedly.


Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike: Strike—Channel shadow into target, causing hp damage, ability damage, other effects.


Mountain Tombstone Strike: Strike—Attack deals 2d6 Constitution damage.


Feral Death Blow: Strike—Leap upon foe, slay him with a single strike.


War Master’s Charge: Strike—You and allies charge, no attacks of opportunity, deal extra damage, stun.
