Tome of BattleClasses |
Base Class | Description |
Crusader | Crusaders follow the Sublime Way, seeking to perfect their combat skill to better serve their deity. |
Swordsage | A master of martial maneuvers, the swordsage is a physical adept - a blade wizard whose knowledge of the Sublime Way lets him unlock potent abilities. |
Warblade | Swift, strong, enduring, and utterly confident in their martial skills, Warblades seeks to test themselves against worthy foes. | Prestige Class | Description |
Bloodclaw Master | A bloodclaw master embraces the animal within to a degree that it becomes external, partially transforming him into the beast from which the discipline was inspired. |
Bloodstorm Blade | Bloodstorm blades have amazing powers with thrown weapons. |
Deepstone Sentinel | Deepstone sentinels are dwarf warriors who are renowned for breaking enemy charges and forming a dauntless line in battle. |
Eternal Blade | An eternal blade communes with the spirit of an ancient warrior. This spirit aids the warrior in battle by providing advice, menacing his enemies, and lending him strength and support. |
Jade Phoenix Mage | Jade phoenix mages are reborn again and again in the world to keep an ancient evil locked away. |
Master of Nine | Masters of nine strive to learn the secrets of each path, and in so doing become the masters of nine, using a martial style that combines all of the techniques of the Temple of Nine Swords. |
Ruby Knight Vindicator | The Ruby Knights are the knights-templar of Wee Jas's faith. |
Shadow Sun Ninja | Shadow Sun ninjas harness both dark and light in battle. This represents the competition in their own souls between their good and evil aspects. |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Adaptive Style | Crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st | Change readied maneuvers with a full-round action |
Avenging Strike | Any good alignment | Add Cha bonus on attack and damage against an evil outsider a few times per day |
Blade Meditation* | Concentration 1 rank, base attack bonus +4, one martial maneuver from any discipline | +1 damage on strikes, +2 on skill check, +1 save DC with discipline-related weapons, skills, and maneuvers |
Desert Fire | One Desert Wind strike | +1d6 skirmish damage when using a Desert Wind strike |
Desert Wind | Dex 13, Dodge | Move 10 feet, +1 AC, +1 fire damage one Desert Wind maneuver |
Devoted Bulwark | One Devoted Spirit maneuver | +1 AC when foe damages you |
Evasive Reflexes | Dex 13 | Instantly take 5-ft. step instead of an attack of opportunity |
Extra Granted Maneuver | Crusader level 1st | Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known |
Extra Readied Maneuver | Swordsage level 1st | Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known |
Falling Sun Attack | Stunning Fist, one Setting Sun strike | Make Setting Sun strike a stunning attack, +1 to DC of stunning attacks and Setting Sun strikes |
Ironheart Aura | One Iron Heart stance | Adjacent allies gain +2 bonus on saves while you are in an Iron Heart stance |
Martial Stance* | One martial maneuver | Learn one martial stance |
Martial Study* | � | Gain the use of a martial maneuver |
Rapid Assault | Base attack bonus +1 | +1d6 melee damage in first round of combat |
Shadow Blade | One Shadow Hand maneuver | Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on damage rolls with Shadow Sun weapons |
Shadow Trickster | Caster level 1st, one Shadow Hand stance | +1 bonus on save DCs of illusions while in a Shadow Hand stance |
Song of the White Raven | Bardic music (inspire courage), one White Raven maneuver | Use inspire courage as swift action while in a White Raven stance |
Snap Kick | Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 | Make an extra attack, all attacks at �2 |
Stone Power | Str 13, one Stone Dragon maneuver | Trade attack bonus for temporary hit points |
Sudden Recovery | One martial maneuver | Recover an expended maneuver as a swift action 1/day |
Superior Unarmed Strike | Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 | Deal greater unarmed damage |
Tiger Blooded | Ability to rage, wild shape, or shift; one Tiger Claw maneuver | Knock smaller foes back while raging or wild shaped |
Unnerving Calm | Concentration 1 rank, one Diamond Mind strike | Use Concentration in duel of wills, gain +2 bonus on attacks after successful duel for 1 round |
Vital Recovery | Two martial maneuvers | Heal 3 + level points of damage when you recover a maneuver |
White Raven Defense | One White Raven maneuver | +1 bonus to AC while adjacent to ally; adjacent allies gain +1 AC while you wield a White Raven weapon |
Divine Feat | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Divine Spirit | Ability to turn or rebuke undead, one Devoted Spirit stance | Instantly heal yourself while in a Devoted Spirit stance |
Item Creation Feat | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Scribe Martial Script | Crusader or swordsage level 1st | Create martial scripts |
Psionic Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Instant Clarity | Concentration 7 ranks | Use swift action to gain psionic focus after initiating a successful martial strike |
Psychic Renewal | � | Expend psionic focus and power points to recover a maneuver |
Tactical Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Clarion Commander | See feat description | See feat description |
Distant Horizon | See feat description | See feat description |
Faith Unswerving | See feat description | See feat description |
Gloom Razor | See feat description | See feat description |
Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body | See feat description | See feat description |
Reaping Talons | See feat description | See feat description |
Scorching Sirocco | See feat description | See feat description |
Shards of Granite | See feat description | See feat description |
Stormguard Warrior | See feat description | See feat description |
* A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
1ST LEVELDesertBlistering Flourish: Strike—Dazzle creatures around you. Burning Blade: Boost—Deal 1d6 fire + 1/initiator level. Distracting Ember: Boost—Fire elemental appears, flanks enemy. Flame’s Blessing: Stance—Gain fire resistance based on Tumble ranks. Wind Stride: Boost—+10-ft. bonus to speed. DevoCrusader’s Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6 + 1/initiator level. Iron Guard’s Glare: Stance—Enemies take –4 penalty on attacks against your allies. Martial Spirit: Stance—Heal 2 hit points with each successful attack. Vanguard Strike: Strike—Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target. DiamMoment of Perfect Mind: Counter—Use Concentration check in place of Will save. Sapphire Nightmare Blade: Strike—Opponent flat-footed, +1d6 damage with Concentration check. Stance of Clarity: Stance—Gain +2 AC against one foe, –2 against all others. IronPunishing Stance: Stance—Attacks deal +1d6 damage, but you have –2 to AC. Steel Wind: Strike—Attack two opponents. Steely Strike: Strike—+4 bonus on one attack, enemies gain +4 bonus on attacks against you. SetCounter Charge: Counter—Ruin charge attack, force charging foe to move away from you. Mighty Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft. Step of the Wind: Stance—Ignore difficult terrain, gain bonus against foes in such terrain. ShadowChild of Shadow: Stance—You gain concealment as long as you move. Clinging Shadow Strike: Strike—Foe suffers 20% miss chance on attacks. Island of Blades: Stance—You and allies flank all adjacent foes. Shadow Blade Technique: Strike—Roll two attacks, use lower result to deal bonus cold damage. StoneCharging Minotaur: Strike—Charging bull rush deals damage, ignores attacks of opportunity. Stone Bones: Strike—Gain DR 5/adamantine. Stonefoot Stance: Stance—+2 bonus on Strength checks, +2 bonus to AC against larger foes. TigerBlood in the Water: Stance—Gain +1 bonus on attacks and damage for each critical hit. Hunter’s Sense: Stance—Gain scent. Sudden Leap: Boost—Jump as a swift action. Wolf Fang Strike: Strike—Attack with two weapons. WhiteBolstering Voice: Stance—Allies gain +2 bonus on Will saves, +4 against fear. Douse the Flames: Strike—Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. Leading the Attack: Strike—Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against foe you strike. Leading the Charge: Stance—Allies deal +1 damage/initiator level on charge attacks. |
2ND LEVELDesertBurning Brand: Boost—Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage. Fire Riposte: Counter—Counter foe’s attack with fiery touch that deals 4d6 damage. Flashing Sun: Strike—Gain extra attack. Hatchling’s Flame: Strike—Cone deals 2d6 fire damage. DevoFoehammer: Strike—Overcome foe’s DR, deal +2d6 damage. Shield Block: Counter—Grant shield bonus + 4 as AC bonus to ally. DiamAction Before Thought: Counter—Use Con- centration check in place of Reflex save. Emerald Razor: Strike—Turn melee strike into touch attack. IronDisarming Strike: Strike—With successful attack, attempt to disarm foe. Wall of Blades: Counter—Replace AC with attack roll result. SetBaffling Defense: Counter—Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack. Clever Positioning: Strike—Swap positions with target of attack. ShadowCloak of Deception: Boost—Turn invisible until the end of your turn. Drain Vitality: Strike—Attack deals 2 points of Constitution damage. Shadow Jaunt: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action. StoneMountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness. Stone Vise: Strike—Deal +1d6 damage, attack immobilizes creature. TigerClaw at the Moon: Strike—Make Jump check, deal +2d6 damage. Rabid Wolf Strike: Strike—+4 bonus on attack, deal +2d6 damage, –4 AC for 1 round. WhiteBattle Leader’s Charge: Strike—No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage. Tactical Strike: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, adjacent allies move 5 feet. |
3RD LEVELDesertDeath Mark: Strike—Enemy takes extra fire damage and explodes in a fiery spread. Fan the Flames: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage. Holocaust Cloak: Stance—Attackers take 5 fire damage. Zephyr Dance: Counter—+4 AC against single attack. DevoDefensive Rebuke: Boost—Foes you strike must attack you or provoke attack of opportunity. Revitalizing Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 3d6 + 1/initiator level. Thicket of Blades: Stance—5-ft. steps provoke attacks from you. DiamInsightful Strike: Strike—Use Concentration check to determine damage. Mind Over Body: Counter—Use Concentration check in place of Fortitude save. Pearl of Black Doubt: Stance—Gain +2 AC each time foe misses you. IronAbsolute Steel Stance: Stance—+10-ft. bonus to speed, +2 AC with movement. Exorcism of Steel: Strike—Strike opponent’s weapon, it deals –4 damage. Iron Heart Surge: Remove effect, gain +2 morale bonus on attacks. SetDevastating Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength. Feigned Opening: Counter—As an immediate action, provoke an attack, then counter. Giant Killing Style: Stance—+2 bonus on attacks and +4 bonus on damage against larger foes. ShadowAssassin’s Stance: Stance—Gain sneak attack +2d6. Dance of the Spider: Stance—You climb walls like a spider. Shadow Garrote: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 points of damage. Strength Draining Strike: Strike—Your attack deals 4 points of Strength damage. StoneBonecrusher: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +10 bonus on attacks to confirm critical hits. Crushing Weight of the Mountain: Stance— Constrict for 2d6+1-1/2 times Str when grappling. Roots of the Mountain: Stance—+10 bonus on checks against bull rush, trip, and others, and gain DR 2/–. Stone Dragon’s Fury: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage against objects, constructs. TigerFlesh Ripper: Strike—Foe’s attacks and AC have –4 penalty. Leaping Dragon Stance: Stance—+10 on Jump checks, always considered running for jumps. Soaring Raptor Strike: Strike—Attack larger foe from above with +4 bonus, deal +6d6 damage. Wolverine Stance: Stance—Use any weapons while grappled. WhiteLion’s Roar: Boost—Defeat enemy, allies deal +5 damage. Tactics of the Wolf: Stance—You and allies deal +1 damage/2 initiator levels against flanked target. White Raven Tactics: Boost—Ally’s initiative changes, he can act again. |
4TH LEVELDesertFiresnake: Strike—Stream of fire twists around corners. Searing Blade: Boost—Attacks deal +2d6 fire damage + 1/initiator level Searing Charge: Strike—Fly while charging, deal +5d6 fire damage. DevoDivine Surge: Strike—Deal +8d8 damage. Entangling Blade: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, target has –20-ft. penalty to speed. DiamBounding Assault: Strike—Double move and attack. Mind Strike: Strike—Attack deals 1d4 Wisdom damage. Ruby Nightmare Blade: Strike—Attack deals double damage with successful Concentration check. IronLightning Recovery: Counter—Reroll an attack that misses with +2 bonus. Mithral Tornado: Strike—Make attacks against adjacent foe, +2 on each attack. SetComet Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength. Strike of the Broken Shield: Strike—Attack deals +4d6 damage, makes target flat-footed. ShadowHand of Death: Strike—Touch renders foe paralyzed for 1d3 rounds. Obscuring Shadow Veil: Strike—Deal +5d6 damage and foe has 50% miss chance on attacks for 1 round. StoneBonesplitting Strike: Strike—Attack deals 2 Constitution damage. Boulder Roll: Boost—Gain +4 bonus on over- run attempts. Overwhelming Mountain Strike: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, target loses move action. TigerDeath From Above: Strike—Leap into the air, attack foe from above, deal +4d6 damage. Fountain of Blood: Boost—Defeat foe, cause fear in enemies. WhiteCovering Strike: Boost—Every opponent you strike cannot make attacks of opportunity for 3 rounds. White Raven Strike: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, target becomes flat-footed. |
5TH LEVELDesertDragon’s Flame: Strike—Cone deals 6d6 fire damage. Leaping Flame: Counter—Teleport adjacent to foe who attacks you. Lingering Inferno: Strike—Deal +2d6 fire damage, and target takes 2d6 fire damage per round for 3 rounds. DevoDaunting Strike: Strike—Target of attack becomes shaken. Doom Charge: Strike—Charge attack deals extra damage against good, you gain DR 10/—. Law Bearer: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +8 attack against chaotic enemy, gain +5 on saves and AC. Radiant Charge: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage against evil foes, gain DR 10/—. Tide of Chaos: Strike—Charge attack deals extra damage against law, grants you concealment. DiamDisrupting Blow: Strike—Successful attack causes foe to be unable to act for 1 round. Hearing the Air: Stance—Gain blindsense 30 ft., +5 bonus on Listen checks. Rapid Counter: Counter—Strike opponent who provokes attack from you. IronDancing Blade Form: Stance—+5-ft. reach during your turn. Dazing Strike: Strike—Melee attack dazes opponent. Iron Heart Focus: Counter—Reroll save. SetMirrored Pursuit: Counter—You match opponent’s movement. Shifting Defense: Stance—5-ft. step with each missed attack against you. Soaring Throw: Strike—Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength. Stalking Shadow: Counter—Move into foe’s space as he tries to move away from you. ShadowBloodletting Strike: Boost—Strike deals 4 Constitution damage. Shadow Stride: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as move action. Step of the Dancing Moth: Stance—Ignore terrain, walk over liquid. StoneElder Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness. Giant’s Stance: Stance—Deal damage as if you are one size category larger. Mountain Avalanche: Strike—Gain ability to trample foes. TigerDancing Mongoose: Boost—Make one extra attack with each weapon (max of two extra attacks). Pouncing Charge: Strike—When you charge, make multiple attacks. WhiteFlanking Maneuver: Strike—Hit flanked target, allies gain free attack. Press the Advantage: Stance—Move +5 feet with 5-ft. step, move into difficult terrain. |
6TH LEVELDesertDesert Tempest: Strike—Attack foes as you move by them. Fiery Assault: Stance—Melee attacks deal +1d6 fire damage. Ring of Fire: Strike—Surround foes with burning flame. DevoAura of Chaos: Stance—Reroll and add maximum damage dice. Aura of Perfect Order: Stance—Treat d20 result as 11. Aura of Triumph: Stance—You and allies heal 4 points with each attack against evil. Aura of Tyranny: Stance—Drain hit points from allies. Rallying Strike: Strike—Successful attack allows you to heal 3d6 + 1/initiator level in 30- ft. burst. DiamGreater Insightful Strike: Strike—Use double Concentration check to determine damage. Moment of Alacrity: Boost—Gain +20 bonus on initiative during battle. IronIron Heart Endurance: Boost—Heal hit points equal to two times your level. Manticore Parry: Counter—Deflect attack and redirect it against opponent. SetBallista Throw: Strike—Throw foe in 60-ft. line, deal 6d6 damage to all in area. Scorpion Parry: Counter—Parry attack into second opponent. ShadowGhost Blade: Strike—Target becomes flat-footed. Shadow Noose: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 8d6 damage and might stun flat-footed target. Stalker in the Night: Strike—Move and attack while remaining hidden. StoneCrushing Vise: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, attack immobilizes creature. Iron Bones: Strike—Gain DR 10/adamantine. Irresistible Mountain Strike: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, target loses standard action. TigerRabid Bear Strike: Strike—Gain +4 on attack, deal +10d6 damage, –4 AC with attack. Wolf Climbs the Mountain: Strike—Enter larger foe’s space, deal +5d6 damage, gain cover from foe. WhiteOrder Forged from Chaos: Allies move up to their speed during your turn. War Leader’s Charge: Strike—No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +35 damage. |
7TH LEVELDesertInferno Blade: Boost—Melee attacks deal +3d6 fire damage + 1/initiator level. Salamander Charge: Strike—Charge and create trail of fire. DevoCastigating Strike: Strike—Deal +8d6 damage and trigger area blast. Shield Counter: Counter—Shield bash cancels foe’s attack. DiamAvalanche of Blades: Strike—With each attack that hits, make another attack with increasing penalty. Quicksilver Motion: Boost—Use swift action to complete move action. IronFinishing Move: Strike—Gain extra damage against weakened foe. Scything Blade: Boost—Strike one foe, free attack against another one. SetHydra Slaying Strike: Strike—Foe is unable to use full attack action. ShadowDeath in the Dark: Strike—Deal +15d6 damage to surprised target. Shadow Blink: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as swift action. StoneAncient Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +12d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness. Colossus Strike: Strike—Strike deals +6d6 damage, knocks opponent backward. TigerHamstring Attack: Strike—Attack deals 1d8 Dexterity damage, foe’s speed has –10 penalty. Prey on the Weak: Stance—Attack of opportunity with each foe that drops. Swooping Dragon Strike: Strike—Jump over foe, deal +10d6 damage, stun. WhiteClarion Call: Boost—If you drop a foe, allies within 60 ft. can make free attack or take move action. Swarming Assault: Strike—Allies make free attacks against a foe you strike. |
8TH LEVELDesertRising Phoenix: Stance—Hover on column of super-heated air. Wyrm’s Flame: Strike—Cone of fire deals 10d6 fire damage. DevoGreater Divine Surge: Strike—Deal +6d8 damage, also gain +1 on attacks and deal +2d8 damage per point of Con damage you voluntarily take. Immortal Fortitude: Stance—You cannot die due to hit point damage. DiamDiamond Defense: Counter—Gain save bonus equal to level. Diamond Nightmare Blade: Strike—Attack deals quadruple damage with successful Con- centration check. Stance of Alacrity: Stance—Gain extra counter each round. IronAdamantine Hurricane: Strike—Two attacks against each adjacent foe, +4 bonus on each attack. Lightning Throw: Strike—Use melee attack as a line attack. Supreme Blade Parry: Stance—Gain DR 5/—. SetFool’s Strike: Counter—Reflect foe’s attack. Ghostly Defense: Stance—Enemies hit target of your choice while you have concealment. ShadowBalance on the Sky: Stance—Walk on air. Enervating Shadow Strike: Strike—Target of strike gains 1d4 negative levels. One With Shadow: Counter—Become incor- poreal for 1 round. StoneAdamantine Bones: Strike—Gain DR 20/adamantine. Earthstrike Quake: Strike—Local quake knocks enemies prone. Strength of Stone: Stance—Gain immunity to critical hits. TigerGirallon Windmill Flesh Rip: Boost—Gain ability to rend with successful attacks. Raging Mongoose: Boost—Make two extra attacks with each weapon carried (max four extra attacks). Wolf Pack Tactics: Stance—Free 5-ft. step with each successful attack. WhiteSwarm Tactics: Stance—Allies gain +5 on attacks against enemy adjacent to you. White Raven Hammer: Strike—Deal +6d6 damage, stun opponent. |
9TH LEVELDesertInferno Blast: Strike—Burst of fire deals 100 points of damage DevoStrike of Righteous Vitality: Strike—Successful attack grants heal spell. DiamTime Stands Still: Strike—Take full attack action two times. IronStrike of Perfect Clarity: Strike—Deal +100 damage on single attack. SetTornado Throw: Strike—Move and throw foes repeatedly. ShadowFive-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike: Strike—Channel shadow into target, causing hp damage, ability damage, other effects. StoneMountain Tombstone Strike: Strike—Attack deals 2d6 Constitution damage. TigerFeral Death Blow: Strike—Leap upon foe, slay him with a single strike. WhiteWar Master’s Charge: Strike—You and allies charge, no attacks of opportunity, deal extra damage, stun. |