
Tome of Battle Feats

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Adaptive Style Crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st Change readied maneuvers with a full-round action
Avenging Strike Any good alignment Add Cha bonus on attack and damage against an evil outsider a few times per day
Blade Meditation* Concentration 1 rank, base attack bonus +4, one martial maneuver from any discipline +1 damage on strikes, +2 on skill check, +1 save DC with discipline-related weapons, skills, and maneuvers
Desert Fire One Desert Wind strike +1d6 skirmish damage when using a Desert Wind strike
Desert Wind Dex 13, Dodge Move 10 feet, +1 AC, +1 fire damage one Desert Wind maneuver
Devoted Bulwark One Devoted Spirit maneuver +1 AC when foe damages you
Evasive Reflexes Dex 13 Instantly take 5-ft. step instead of an attack of opportunity
Extra Granted Maneuver Crusader level 1st Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known
Extra Readied Maneuver Swordsage level 1st Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known
Falling Sun Attack Stunning Fist, one Setting Sun strike Make Setting Sun strike a stunning attack, +1 to DC of stunning attacks and Setting Sun strikes
Ironheart Aura One Iron Heart stance Adjacent allies gain +2 bonus on saves while you are in an Iron Heart stance
Martial Stance* One martial maneuver Learn one martial stance
Martial Study* Gain the use of a martial maneuver
Rapid Assault Base attack bonus +1 +1d6 melee damage in first round of combat
Shadow Blade One Shadow Hand maneuver Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on damage rolls with Shadow Sun weapons
Shadow Trickster Caster level 1st, one Shadow Hand stance +1 bonus on save DCs of illusions while in a Shadow Hand stance
Song of the White Raven Bardic music (inspire courage), one White Raven maneuver Use inspire courage as swift action while in a White Raven stance
Snap Kick Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 Make an extra attack, all attacks at �2
Stone Power Str 13, one Stone Dragon maneuver Trade attack bonus for temporary hit points
Sudden Recovery One martial maneuver Recover an expended maneuver as a swift action 1/day
Superior Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 Deal greater unarmed damage
Tiger Blooded Ability to rage, wild shape, or shift; one Tiger Claw maneuver Knock smaller foes back while raging or wild shaped
Unnerving Calm Concentration 1 rank, one Diamond Mind strike Use Concentration in duel of wills, gain +2 bonus on attacks after successful duel for 1 round
Vital Recovery Two martial maneuvers Heal 3 + level points of damage when you recover a maneuver
White Raven Defense One White Raven maneuver +1 bonus to AC while adjacent to ally; adjacent allies gain +1 AC while you wield a White Raven weapon
Divine Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Spirit Ability to turn or rebuke undead, one Devoted Spirit stance Instantly heal yourself while in a Devoted Spirit stance
Item Creation Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Scribe Martial Script Crusader or swordsage level 1st Create martial scripts
Psionic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Instant Clarity Concentration 7 ranks Use swift action to gain psionic focus after initiating a successful martial strike
Psychic Renewal Expend psionic focus and power points to recover a maneuver
Tactical Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Clarion Commander See feat description See feat description
Distant Horizon See feat description See feat description
Faith Unswerving See feat description See feat description
Gloom Razor See feat description See feat description
Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body See feat description See feat description
Reaping Talons See feat description See feat description
Scorching Sirocco See feat description See feat description
Shards of Granite See feat description See feat description
Stormguard Warrior See feat description See feat description

* A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.


With just a short period of meditation, you can change your maneuvers and tactics to meet the threat you currently face.

Prerequisite: Crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st.

Benefit: You can change your readied maneuvers at any time by taking a full-round action. If you're a crusader, your current granted maneuvers are lost and you gain new granted maneuvers as if you had just readied your maneuvers for the day.

Normal: You can change maneuvers only by spending 5 minutes to do so.


Your strength of will and strong sense of justice allow you to smite your foes.

Prerequisite: Any good alignment.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can channel the power of your faith and energy to enhance a single attack you make, You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) on the at tack roll and damage roll for the next melee attack you make against an outsider with the evil subtype. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum l).


You have learned a meditation that grants you insight into the martial disciplines you have studied.

Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank, base attack bonus +4, one maneuver from any discipline.

Benefit:When you take this feat, choose a discipline. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with all the preferred weapons of your chosen discipline when using a strike combat maneuver, as well as a +2 bonus on checks involving the discipline's key skill. The save DCs of any maneuvers that you perform from the chosen discipline are increased by 1, if they have a save DC. The weapons and skills associated with each discipline are given below.

Desert Wind: Scimitar, light mace, light pick, spear, falchion; Tumble.

Devoted Spirit: Falchion, greatclub, maul, longs word; Intimidate.

Diamond Mind: Rapier, shortspear, trident, bastard sword (katana); Concentration.

Iron Heart: Bastard sword, dwarven waraxe, longsword, two- bladed sword; Balance.

Setting Sun: Short sword, nunchaku, unarmed strike, quarterstaff; Sense Motive.

Shadow Hand: Dagger, sai, siangham, short sword, spiked chain, unarmed strike; Hide.

Stone Dragon: Greatsword, greataxe, heavy mace, unarmed strike; Balance.

Tiger Claw: Kama, kukri, handaxe, claw, greataxe, unarmed strike; Jump.

White Raven: Longsword, battleaxe, warhammer, greatsword, halberd; Diplomacy.

Special: A fighter can select Blade Meditation as a bonus feat.


The power of the Desert Wind surges through you, and you find power in the motion of the hot winds and shifting sands that you can channel into your Desert Wind strikes.

Prerequisite: One Desert Wind strike.

Benefit: If you move at least 10 feet away from your original position before using a Desert Wind strike in the same round, that strike deals an extra 1d6 points of damage.


Your training in the Desert Wind discipline allows you to dance across the battlefield like a blistering sirocco.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, one Desert Wind maneuver.

Benefit: If you move at least 10 feet from your original position, you gain a+1 dodge bonus to AC and deal an extra 1 point of fire damage with any attack you make with a scimitar, light mace, light pick, spear, or falchion. This benefit lasts the start of your next turn.

Special: Desert Wind Dodge can be used in place of Dodge to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. If you already have Dodge when you select Desert Wind Dodge, you can choose to lose the Dodge feat and gain a new feat in its place. You must meet the prerequisite for the new feat.


Because of your staunch devotion to your cause and your Devoted Spirit training, you can stand your ground even in the face of an enemy's resounding attack.

Prerequisite: One Devoted Spirit maneuver.

Benefit: If an enemy deals damage to you with a melee attack, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your AC until the end of your next turn.


The fervor and dedication of the Devoted Spirit discipline, combined with your fanatical adherence to a divine power, turns you into a font of spiritual energy. With only a moment's focus, you can channel power to enhance your fighting talents.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, one Devoted Spirit stance.

Benefit:While in a Devoted Spirit stance, you can expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt as an immediate action to heal yourself a number of hit points equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, if any (minimum 1 point).


When an opponent gives you an opening in combat, you know exactly what to do: slip away.

Prerequisite: Dex 13.

Benefit:When an opponent gives you a chance to make an attack of opportunity, you can instead immediately take a 5-foot step.

Special: Evasive Reflexes can be used in place of Combat Reflexes to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. You can take both this feat and Combat Reflexes.


You are especially devout or insightful, and you have more control over which of your martial maneuvers are currently granted than other crusaders.

Prerequisite: Crusader level 1st.

Benefit: You begin each encounter with one additional readied maneuver granted. This feat also applies when you determine a new set of granted maneuvers after recovering expended maneuvers. For example, if you are a 5th-level crusader, you normally begin an encounter or finish recovering expended maneuvers with two of your five readied maneuvers granted, and the remaining three maneuvers with held. With this feat, three of your five readied maneuvers are granted, and only two are withheld. Naturally, this benefit provides you with a better array of maneuver options early in a battle.

Special: You can take this feat only once.


You are an unusually perspicacious student of the Sublime Way, and you find it easy to keep a large number of maneuvers ready for use.

Prerequisite: Swordsage level 1st.

Benefit: Increase the number of maneuvers you can ready for your swordsage levels by one. For example, a 5th-level swordsage can normally ready six maneuvers. With this feat, she can ready seven.

Special: You can rake this feat only once.


The discipline of the Setting Sun teaches you how to turn an opponent's strengths into weaknesses. You can identify precisely the correct spot on your opponent's body to deliver a stunning attack.

Prerequisite: Stunning Fist, one Setting Sun strike.

Benefit: You can declare any Setting Sun strike delivered with an unarmed strike to be a stunning attack. In addition, add 1 to the save DC of your Stunning Fist attacks and 1 to the save DC of your Setting Sun strikes. Using this feat expends a use of your stunning attack for the day.


You have sharpened your concentration to the point that you can focus your psionic abilities with just an instant's thought.

Prerequisite: Concentration 7 ranks.

Benefit: You can take a swift action to become psionically focused after successfully initiating a martial strike. You can use this ability three times per day.

Normal: A character without this feat must take a full- round action to become psionically focused.

Special: Instant Clarity can be used in place of the Psionic Meditation feat (see Expanded Psionics Handbook) to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. You can take both this feat and Psionic Meditation.


Your strength of spirit and martial training inspires those around you.

Prerequisite: One Iron Heart stance.

Benefit:While you are in any Iron Heart stance, adjacent allies gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws.


You have mastered the fundamentals of a martial discipline, and you are now able to master one of its stances.

Prerequisite: One martial maneuver.

Benefit:When you gain this feat, you can select any stance from a discipline in which you already know at least one maneuver. You must meet the normal prerequisite of the stance. Your martial adept level for using this maneuver is equal to your levels in martial adept classes (if any) + 1/2 your levels in other classes.

Special: You can choose this feat more than once. When you take this feat again, you gain knowledge of a new stance. You do not have to choose a stance from the same discipline you selected the first time, but you must know at least one martial maneuver from the discipline of the stance you choose.

Special: A fighter can select Martial Stance as a bonus feat.


By studying the basics of a martial discipline, you learn to focus your ki and perfect the form needed to use a maneuver. As a result, you gain the use of a combat maneuver.

Benefit:When you gain this feat, you must choose a discipline of martial maneuvers, such as Desert Wind. The key skill for the chosen discipline becomes a class skill for all your classes (current and future).

Select any maneuver from the chosen discipline for which you meet the prerequisite. If you have martial adept levels, this maneuver becomes one of your maneuvers known. If you do not have martial adept levels, you can use this maneuver once per encounter as a martial adept with an initiator level equal to 1/2 your character level, if you do not have martial adept levels when you take this feat, and you later gain a level in a class that grants maneuvers known, these new maneuvers can be used only once per encounter and have no recovery method. If you later gain levels in a martial adept class (crusader, swordsage, or warblade), you use the recovery method for maneuvers learned as a result of those class levels, but your previous maneuvers (gained through this feat or through prestige class levels) do not gain a recovery method.

A maneuver learned through this feat cannot be changed for a different maneuver if you are a crusader, swordsage, or warblade (see the class descriptions in Chapter 1 for details on swapping out maneuvers as you gain levels). Once you choose a maneuver with this feat, you cannot change it.

Special: You can take this feat up to three times, Each time you take it after the first, you gain one of two benefits. You can choose a new discipline, gaining one of its maneuvers and its key skill as a class skill, as described above. Alternatively, you can choose a maneuver from a discipline to which you have already gained access by means of this feat. In either case, you must meet the maneuvers prerequisite.

Special: A fighter can select Martial Study as a bonus feat.


Your mental strength and psionic abilities allow you to focus your mind on combat and use your most devastating maneuvers more frequently.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can recover any expended maneuver by expending your psionic focus and spending power points equal to the maneuver's level.


Your fighting style emphasizes taking foes down with quick, powerful blows.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: In the first round of combat, your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of damage.


You know the secret of creating martial scripts - small slips of paper into which you infuse your own martial power and skill. The user of a script you have created gains the ability to use a maneuver you know.

Prerequisite: Crusader or swordsage level 1st.

Benefit: You can infuse the knowledge of any maneuver you know into a martial script (see Martial Scripts). The market price of a martial script is equal to the initiator level X maneuver level X 50 gp. You must spend 1/25 of this market price in XP and use materials costing 1/2 the market price. Scribing a martial script takes one day for each 1,000 market price.

Like a potion or scroll, a script can be used only once.


In the course of your training in the Shadow Hand discipline, you learn to use your natural agility and speed to augment your attacks with certain weapons.

Prerequisite: One Shadow Hand stance.

Benefit:While you are in a Shadow Hand stance and attack with one of the discipline's preferred weapons, you can add your Dexterity modifier as a bonus on melee damage for attacks made with the weapon.

Special: Shadow Blade can be used in place of Weapon Finesse to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. If this substitution allows you to gain a benefit that normally applies to all finesse weapons (those described in the Weapon Finesse feat description), it instead applies only to the Shadow Hand discipline's preferred weapons.


Your mastery of the Shadow Hand discipline lets you augment your illusion spells with the stuff of shadow.

Prerequisite: Caster level 1st, one Shadow Hand strike.

Benefit:While you are in a Shadow Hand stance, the save DC for any illusion spell you cast increases by 2.

You also gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls when making a sneak attack, a sudden strike, or when you flank your target.


The White Raven discipline shows you how to rouse dedication and fervor within your allies' hearts. Such teachings can augment and improve your musical ability.

Prerequisite: Bardic music (inspire courage), one White Raven maneuver.

Benefit:While you are in any White Raven stance, you can activate your bardic music ability to inspire courage as a swift action. Your crusader and warblade levels stack with your bard levels to determine the bonus granted by your inspire courage ability.


You have continued to hone your unarmed combat skills, and you deal more damage with your unarmed strikes.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit:When you make a melee attack with one or more melee weapons (including a standard attack, full attack, or even a strike maneuver), you can make an additional attack at your highest attack bonus. This attack is an unarmed attack that deals damage equal to your base unarmed attack damage + 1/2 your Str bonus. You take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls you make this round.


The principles of the Stone Dragon discipline teach you how to gather and focus your raw, physical strength into an attack.

Prerequisite: Str 13, one Stone Dragon maneuver.

Benefit: When you use an attack action or a full attack action, or you initiate a Stone Dragon strike in melee combat, you can take a penalty of as much as -5 on your attack rolls. This number cannot exceed your base attack bonus. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice the number that you subtract from your attack rolls (to a maximum of +10). These Temporary hit points last until the beginning of your next turn.

Special: Stone Power can be used in place of Power Attack to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. You can take both this feat and Power Attack.


You can instantly recover your focus, balance, and personal energy after using a martial maneuver.

Prerequisite: One martial maneuver.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can instantly recover an expended maneuver. It is now ready again. If you are a crusader, the maneuver is also granted immediately.


Your unarmed strikes have become increasingly deadly, enabling you to strike your foes in their most vulnerable areas.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit: You deal more damage with your unarmed strikes, as shown on the table below.

Special: If you are a monk, you instead deal unarmed damage as a monk four levels higher.

Character Level Unarmed Damage
3rd 1d4
4th-7th 1d6
8th-11th 1d8
12th-15th 1d10
16th-20th 2d6


The Tiger Claw discipline teaches the students to mimic the rampant, feral qualities of a wild animal. When you assume an animal form, or at least descend into a wild, bestial state, you strike with superior strength and accuracy.

Prerequisite: Ability to rage, shift (such as the shifter ability from the EBERRON campaign setting or the bloodclaw master prestige class feature), or wild shape; one Tiger Claw maneuver.

Benefit:While you are in a rage, shifted, or wild shaped into an animal form, you can attempt to knock back 5 feet a creature of your size category or smaller that you hit with a Tiger Claw strike unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your character level + your Str modifier). This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


You know that the secret to defeating your enemies lies within the still center of your own mind. When your enemies meet your eyes, they see only calm and certain death awaiting them.

Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank, one Diamond Mind strike.

Benefit: You can use your Concentration skill instead of your Intimidate skill when you engage in a duel of wills. You gain a +4 bonus on skill checks made to resolve a duel of wills. If your enemy chooses to ignore your challenge, you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against that opponent for 1 round.

Normal: Resolving a duel of wills requires an Intimidate check. You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against an opponent who ignores your challenge.


Preparing yourself to execute more of your maneuvers gives you the chance to catch a quick second wind and recover from damage you have sustained in the fight.

Prerequisite: Two martial maneuvers.

Benefit:When you recover one or more expended maneuvers, you heal 3 points of damage + 1 point per character level. You can gain this benefit only once per encounter.


The White Raven discipline has taught you to shine as a gleaming beacon of hope and endurance amid the chaos of battle. Not only do you aid your allies, but you also draw strength and support from them.

Prerequisite: One White Raven stance.

Benefit:When you are in a White Raven stance and adjacent to at least one ally, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Furthermore. when you are wielding one of the White Raven discipline's preferred weapons, each ally adjacent to you gains a +1 bonus to AC. These bonuses don't apply when you're flat-footed.


On the battlefield, you are a natural leader. You issue orders and coordinate your allies, but you also learn to take advantage of their actions and maximize the fruits of teamwork. When you attack a foe with your allies, the combined result of your efforts can be devastating.

Prerequisite:White Raven Defense, base attack bonus +6, two White Raven maneuvers.

Benefit: The Clarion Commander feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Following Up: To use this option, you must make a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check as a move action after hitting your target with a melee attack. If you hit that target again on your next turn, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from an ally of your choice (assuming at least one is in position to make such an attack).

Perpetual Flank: To use this option, you make a DC 20 intimidate check against an opponent as a standard action. If this check succeeds and you make a successful melee attack against the same foe on your next turn, you and your allies can treat that enemy as flanked for 1 minute.

Pile On: To use this option, you must use the aid another action to grant an ally a bonus on his next attack roll against an opponent both of you threaten. If your ally attacks and hits that enemy, you can make an immediate attack of opportunity against that target. You gain this benefit if your ally hits the foe before the start of your next turn. You gain the attack of opportunity only on the first successful attack.


An initiate of the Setting Sun sometimes learns a set of combat maneuvers that combine to create the Distant Horizon fighiing form. This form teaches you how to recognize an opponent's weaknesses in the current moment, as well as in the future. A blow struck now ruins an opponents defenses against your next volley of attacks.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Falling Sun Attack, base attack bonus +6, two Setting Sun maneuvers.

Benefit: The Distant Horizon feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Continued Push: To use this option, you must move an opponent at least 5 feet with a bull rush attack or a Setting Sun strike. On your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus on any Strength, Dexterity, or grapple checks you make against that foe.

Turn the Tables: To use this option, a foe must charge you and either miss you with his charge attack or be unable to attempt the attack (perhaps because of your use of a maneuver). On your next turn, you can make a charge attack against that foe even if you cannot move more than 5 feet. You can also make a charge attack against that enemy even if you cannot charge in a straight line.

Lasting Weak Spot: To use this option, you must hit a foe that you flank with at least two melee attacks on your turn. On your next turn, as a standard action, you can make a single melee attack against your foe with a -2 penalty. If this attack hits, your foe takes an extra 1 point of damage from every melee attack that hits him for the next minute.


The initiate of the Devoted Spirit knows that his fanaticism and devotion to a cause are enough to carry him through almost any thing. This tactical feat allows you to draw on this reservoir of energy. As your foes injure you, you become a more daunting foe.

Prerequisite: Devoted Bulwark, base arrack bonus +6, two Devoted Spirit maneuvers.

Benefit: The Faith Unswerving feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Keep Up the Pressure: To use this option, you must make a charge attack against a foe. If you hit, at any time before the start of your next turn you can take an immediate action to move up to your speed immediately after that foe moves, as long as you end your movement adjacent to that target.

Take One for the Team: To use this option, you must hit an opponent with a melee attack. At any time before the start of your next turn, you can take an immediate action to bloc It a melee attack made by that opponent if he targets one of your allies. You must be adjacent to the ally to use this ability, and you must decide to use this ability before you know the result of the enemy's attack roll. If the arrack hits your ally, roll 1d20 and add your AC to the result. If the result of this roll is greater than the opponent's attack result, he hits you instead, even if the attack roll's result wouldn't normally be high enough to hit you.

One Last Strike: To use this option, you must be the subject of an attack, spell, or ability that reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points. As an immediate action, you can move up to 5 feet and make a single melee attack with a +5 bonus on the attack roll. You gain a bonus on your damage roll equal to your character level. This attack is considered a strenuous action. Regardless of the result of your arrack, you still take the damage from the attack that triggered this ability. You complete this immediate action before dropping to 0 or fewer hit points.


The teachings of the Shadow Hand discipline allow you to confuse your enemies. Your attacks and parries are infused with the stuff of shadow. Through careful training and discipline, you learn to use your ki to inhibit a foe's fighting ability with your shadowy nature.

Prerequisite:Hide 9 ranks, Shadow Blade, base attack bonus +6, two Shadow Hand maneuvers.

Benefit: The Gloom Razor feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Lingering Gloom: To use this option, your opponent must miss you due to concealment. On your next turn, you can make a Hide check opposed by your foe's Spot check as a swift act ion. If this check succeeds, you gain the benefit of an invisibility spell against that foe until the end of your turn.

Moving Shadows: To use this option, you must deal damage to an enemy with a melee attack and move at least 10 feet during your turn. On your next rum, you can treat that enemy as flat-footed against the first melee attack you make in that round.

Shadow Slip: To use this option, you must make a successful melee attack against an opponent you flank. On your next turn, you can make a DC 20 Tumble check if you are adjacent to your foe. If this check succeeds, as a free action you can move to any square adjacent to your opponent without provoking attacks of opportunity from any opponent.


Your mastery of the Diamond Mind discipline allows you to tap into reserves of spiritual and physical strength that other warriors cannot imagine using. Through focus, dedication, and a heightened awareness of your inner talents, you push yourself beyond your limits.

Prerequisite: Unnerving Calm, base arrack bonus +6, two Diamond Mind maneuvers.

Benefit: The Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Coiled Spring: To use this option, you must use the total defense action and move no more than 5 feet on your turn. On your next turn, you gain a +30-feet bonus to your land speed and a +2 bonus to AC as you burst across the battlefield. You can make a single attack after moving in this round, if you don't move more than double your modified speed.

Expert Mind: To use this option, you must first defeat an enemy in a duel of wills. On your next turn, you gain a +4 morale bonus on any roll you make to disarm, feint, or trip that enemy.

Press the Advantage: To use this option, you must damage, disarm, or trip an opponent. On your next turn, you can make a DC 20 Intimidate check against your opponent as a free action. If this check succeeds, your foe takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round.


When fighting with the Tiger Claw discipline's preferred weapons, you can use a variety of combat options that maximize the benefits of wielding two weapons.

Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6, two Tiger Claw maneuvers.

Benefit: The Reaping Talons feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Focused Assault: To use this option, you must fight defensively, use the total defense action, or use the Combat Expertise feat to gain a +3 bonus to AC in return for a -3 penalty on attack rolls. You must also wield any two preferred weapons of the Tiger Claw discipline and move no more than 5 feet. Keep track of each opponent that attacks you after you take that action. On your next turn, as a full-round action, you can make a single melee attack against each of the opponents that attacked you on the previous round at your highest attack bonus. You must still threaten the enemies you attack with this option.

Cornered Predator: To use this option, you must hit your foe with two attacks that each use one of the one-handed or light preferred weapons of the Tiger Claw discipline (kukri, kama, handaxe, unarmed strike, or claw). On your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against this foe for each opponent that threatens you.

Talon Shield: To use this option, you must hit the your foe with two attacks that each use one of the preferred one- handed or light weapons of the Tiger Claw discipline (kukri, kama, handaxe, unarmed strike, or claw). On your next turn, if you fight defensively or use the total defense action, you gain a +2 shield bonus to AC against that foe (in addition to the normal AC bonus granted by that action).


As a student of the Desert Wind, the burning fury of the desert sirocco is at your command. In battle, you call upon its power to burn your enemy and lend you speed.

Prerequisite: Desert Wind Dodge, base attack bonus +6, two Desert Wind maneuvers.

Benefit: The Scorching Sirocco feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Fan the Flames: To use this option, you must deal fire damage to a foe. On your next turn, you can attempt a DC 20 Tumble check as a move action. You must be adjacent to the target to use this ability. If you succeed, your opponent catches fire.

Mark of Fire: To use this option, you must deal fire damage to a foe with a Desert Wind strike. On your next turn, you must deal fire damage to that foe again and make a DC 20 Spellcraft check. If you succeed, the flames spread across your target, granting your allies a +2 bonus on attack rolls against her for 1 round.

Dance of Flames: To use this option, you must move at least 10 feet and initiate a Desert Wind stance. On your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus on Tumble checks. If you succeed on a Tumble check to avoid an attack of opportunity, the opponent whose attack you avoided takes 1d6 points of fire damage as mystical flames twirl around you.


Like the great Stone Dragon, you hammer through your opponents' defenses using raw, brutal strength. Each blow sunders steel, shatters bone, and cleaves through flesh. With each successive arrack you make, you hit with greater force.

Prerequisite: Stone Power, base attack bonus +6, two Stone Dragon maneuvers.

Benefit: The Shards of Granite feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Battering Smash: To use this option, you must make a successful melee attack using one of the preferred weapons of the Stone Dragon discipline (greatsword, greataxe, heavy mace, or unarmed strike) and take a -5 penalty on the attack roll using your Stone Power feat. If you hit, you ignore the target's hardness (if any).

Eviscerating Strike: To use this option, you must hit the same creature at least two times in the same round using one of the preferred weapons of the Stone Dragon discipline (greatsword, greataxe, heavy mace, or unarmed strike). On your next turn, you ignore any penalty you take on your attack roll from your Stone Power feat when making a roll to confirm a critical hit.

Unstoppable Onslaught: To use this option, you must make a successful melee attack using one of the preferred weapons of the Stone Dragon discipline (greatsword, greataxe, heavy mace, or unarmed strike), and take a -5 penalty on the attack roll using your Stone Power feat. If you hit, your melee attacks against that creature on your next rum overcomes its damage reduction (if any).


The Stormguard Warrior feat encompasses a number of the more advanced tactics and techniques you would use as a student of the Iron Heart school.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with an Iron Heart preferred weapon (bastard sword, dwarven waraxe, longsword, or two-bladed sword), Ironheart Aura, base attack bonus +6, two Iron Heart maneuvers.

Benefit: The Stormguard Warrior feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Channel the Storm: To use this option, you must choose to refrain from making one or more available attacks of opportunity against a single opponent. On your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls for each attack that you refrained from making against the same opponent. You gain this bonus only against an opponent that you refrained from making an attack of opportunity against in the previous round.

Combat Rhythm: To use this option, you can choose to make melee touch at tacks in place of normal melee attacks against an opponent. These touch attacks deal no damage. For each melee touch attack that hits, you gain a +5 bonus on melee damage roll against that same foe on your next turn.

Fight the Horde: To use this option, you must deal damage to at least two different foes on your turn with melee attacks or Iron Heart strikes. On your next turn, if you fight defensively or take a -4 penalty on your attack rolls with your Combat Expertise feat you have it), you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against any foe you damaged with a melee attack or Iron Heart strike during the previous turn.


Originally presented in the Complete Warrior supplement, this feat makes any weapon a deadly ranged weapon in your hands.

Prerequisite: Dex 15, proficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +2.

Benefit: You can throw a melee weapon you are proficient with as if it were a ranged weapon. The range increment of weapons used in conjunction with this feat is 10 feet.

Normal: You can't throw a melee weapon without taking a -4 penalty unless it has a range increment (such as a hand axe or dagger).