Races of StoneFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Earth Sense | Con 13, Wis 13 | Sense creatures within 20 feet that are touching the ground |
�Earth Adept | Earth Sense | +1 bonus on damage rolls if you and your foe are touching the ground |
�Earth Master | Earth Adept, Earth Sense | +1 bonus on attack rolls if you and your foe are touching the ground |
�Earth Spell | Earth Sense, Heighten Spell | Heightened spell treated as higher level and higher caster level |
�Stone Rage | Earth Sense, rage ability | Gain +1 to natural armor while you rage |
Exotic Armor Proficiency1, 2 | Armor Proficiency of the appropriate sort | Gain proficiency with specific exotic armor |
Exotic Shield Proficiency1 | Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1 | Gain proficiency with specific exotic shield |
Goad1 | Cha 13, base attack bonus +1 | Cause enemy to make melee attacks only against you |
Heavy Armor Optimization1 | Armor Proficiency (heavy), base attack bonus +4 | Reduce armor check penalty by 1 and increase armor bonus by 1 |
�Greater Heavy Armor Optimization1 | Armor Proficiency (heavy), Heavy Armor Optimization, base attack bonus +8 | Reduce armor check penalty by 2 and increase armor bonus by 1 |
Improved Weapon Familiarity1 | Base attack bonus +1 | Racial weapons are martial, not exotic |
Knockback1 | Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, size Large or larger | Push foes backward with your blows |
Mountain Warrior1 | Survival 5 ranks, base attack bonus +3 | Gain +1 bonus on melee damage, +1 bonus on ranged attacks with higher ground, negate opponent�s bonus, and +2 bonus on Balance checks on slopes |
Rampaging Bull Rush | Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger, rage class feature | Knock foe prone as part of raging bull rush |
Reckless Rage | Con 13, rage ability | Take additional �2 penalty to AC, gain additional +2 to Str and Con while raging |
Rock Hurling | Str 19, size Large or larger | Hurl rocks like a giant can |
�Improved Rock Hurling | Str 23, Rock Hurling, size Large or larger | Throw rocks farther and more accurately |
�Fling Ally | Rock Hurling | Throw a friend into another square |
�Fling Enemy | Rock Hurling | Throw an enemy you�re grappling |
Shielded Casting | Concentration 5 ranks, Combat Casting, Shield Proficiency | No attacks of opportunity when you cast spells with a shield ready |
Shielded Manifesting | Concentration 5 ranks, Combat Manifesting, Shield Proficiency | No attacks of opportunity when you manifest powers with a shield ready |
Steady Concentration | Concentration 8 ranks | Always take 10 on Concentration checks |
Steady Mountaineer | Goliath, or Climb 8 ranks and Jump 8 ranks | Always take 10 on Climb and Jump checks |
Tunnel Fighting1 | Base attack bonus +1 | No penalty on attacks or to AC when squeezing |
�Stoneback1 | Shield Proficiency, Tunnel Fighting | Prevent flanks when a wall shields one side |
�Tunnel Riding1 | Mounted Combat, Tunnel Fighting | You and your mount take no penalty on attacks or to AC when squeezing |
Racial Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Ancestral Knowledge | Dwarf, Wis 15 | Make untrained Knowledge checks and use Wisdom modifier |
Auspicious Marking | Goliath | Gain +2 bonus on Charisma checks against goliaths and reroll stabilization checks |
�Markings of the Blessed | Goliath, Auspicious Marking | Choose higher of two saving throw rolls |
�Markings of the Hunter | Goliath, Auspicious Marking | Choose higher of two initiative checks |
�Markings of the Magi | Goliath, Auspicious Marking | Choose higher of two caster level checks |
�Markings of the Maker | Goliath, Auspicious Marking | Choose higher of two skill checks |
�Markings of the Warrior | Goliath, Auspicious Marking | Choose higher of two attack rolls |
Battle Hardened | Dwarf, base attack bonus +4 | Gain +4 bonus on saves against fear, +2 bonus on initiative |
Burrow Friend | Gnome, Cha 13 | Gain +2 bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks with burrowing animals |
Clan Prestige | Dwarf, Cha 13 | Gain +4 bonus on Charisma checks against members of the same clan |
Dwarven Armor Proficiency1 | Dwarf, Armor Proficiency (heavy) | Gain proficiency with dwarf exotic armors |
Earth Fist1 | Dwarf, gnome, or goliath, Earth Sense, Improved Unarmed Strike | Unarmed attacks are treated as cold iron while you touch solid ground |
Extra Silence | Whisper gnome | Use racial silence ability 3/day + Cha bonus |
Gnome Foe Killer | Gnome | Gain +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against kobolds and goblinoids |
Heavy Lithoderms | Goliath | Natural armor increases by 1 |
Moradin�s Smile | Dwarf | Gain +2 bonus on all Cha-based skill checks |
Natural Trickster | Gnome, Cha 13 | Gain 1st-level illusion spell as spell-like ability |
Piercing Sight | Gnome | Gain +4 bonus on saves to disbelieve illusions |
Silencing Strike | Sneak attack ability, whisper gnome | Silence target of your sneak attack |
Titan Fighting1 | Dodge, racial dodge bonus against giants | Apply racial dodge bonus to AC when dodging larger opponents |
Trivial Knowledge | Gnome, Int 13 | Choose higher of two Knowledge or bardic knowledge checks |
Bardic Music Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Enchanting Song | Perform (any) 5 ranks, Spell Focus (enchantment), bardic music | Spend bardic music to increase enchantment spell caster level and DC by 1 |
Inspire Spellpower | Perform (any) 8 ranks, bardic music | New song increases allies� caster level by 1 |
Metamagic Song | Any two metamagic feats, bardic music | Spend bardic music to apply metamagic to spells |
Misleading Song | Perform (any) 5 ranks, Spell Focus (Illusion), bardic music | Spend bardic music to increase illusion spell caster level and DC by 1 |
Divine Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Earth�s Warding | Earth Sense, ability to rebuke earth creatures | Spend rebuke attempt to increase your natural armor by 2 |
�Divine Damage Reduction | Earth Sense, Earth�s Warding | Spend rebuke attempt to gain damage reduction 2/adamantine |
Divine Spellshield | Ability to rebuke earth creatures, racial bonus on saves against spells | Spend rebuke attempt to grant +2 bonus on saves against spells to your allies |
Pierce the Darkness | Ability to turn undead, darkvision | Spend turn attempt to double darkvision range |
Roots of the Mountain | Ability to rebuke earth creatures, stability racial trait | Spend rebuke attempt to make yourself immovable |
Item Creation Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Craft Rune Circle | Caster level 5th | Create rune circles |
Psionic Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Deep Vision | Darkvision | Darkvision increases while focused |
Deflective Armor | Heavy Armor Optimization | Protects against touch attacks while focused |
Earth Power | Earth Sense | Pay 1 less power point to manifest power while you stand on stone or earth |
Focused Shield | Shield Proficiency +1 | to shield bonus while focused |
Invest Armor | Proficient with armor | Expend focus to increase armor bonus by 3 |
�Energize Armor | Invest Armor | Psychic energy grants you resistance 10 against next energy attack |
Weapon Style | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Axespike | Armor Proficiency (heavy), Weapon Focus (armor spikes) | Make secondary attack with armor spikes with full attack |
Shielded Axe | Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe, handaxe) | Retain buckler�s shield bonus when making full attack with waraxe and handaxe |
Spellrazor | Concentration 5 ranks, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (gnome quickrazor), Two-Weapon Fighting | Make off-hand attack with quickrazor when casting touch attack spell |
Turtle Dart | Exotic Armor Proficiency (battle plate or mountain plate), Exotic Shield Proficiency (extreme shield) or Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus (short sword) | Do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving from any creature that you attack with your short sword in the same round |
Wild Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Stone Form | Con 13, wild shape class feature | Wild shape into stony form |
Powerful Wild Shape | Powerful build racial trait, wild shape ability | Retain powerful build while wild shaped |
1 A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
2 You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of exotic armor.
BARD SPELLSLevel 2Harmonize Starting a bardic music effect only requires a move action. Level 4Harmonize, Greater Starting and concentrating on a bardic music effect only requires a move action. CLERIC SPELLSLevel 2Stone Fist Unarmed attack damage increases, does not provoke attacks of oppurtunity. Dwarves and Goliaths overcome damage reduction. Level 5Earth Hammer Melee weapon's damage increases and becomes bludgeoning, considered adamantine. DRUID SPELLSLevel 3Walk the Mountain's Path Creature gains +10 bonus on jump and balance checks, climb speed, and is not hindered by slopes. Level 8Earth Glide Creature can swim through earth and stone. |
PALADIN SPELLSLevel 2Stone Fist Unarmed attack damage increases, does not provoke attacks of oppurtunity. Dwarves and Goliaths overcome damage reduction. Level 3Earth Hammer Melee weapon's damage increases and becomes bludgeoning, considered adamantine. SORCEROR/WIZARD SPELLSLevel 3Walk the Mountain's Path Creature gains +10 bonus on jump and balance checks, climb speed, and is not hindered by slopes. Level 6Eye of Stone As Arcane Eye, but sensor can move through stone. Level 8Earth Glide Creature can swim through earth and stone. |
PSION/WILDER POWERS1st levelStone Mind: Gain bonuses on Search checks while standing on stone or earth. 2nd levelEarth Walk: Move easily in all directions while on earthen surfaces. 3rd levelHeavy Earth: Alter gravity locally. |
PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS1st levelPerfect Archery: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for firing ranged weapons. 2nd levelPower Claws: Natural weapons deal force damage and ignore damage reduction. Earth Walk: Move easily in all directions while on earthen surfaces. 3rd levelPower Weapon: Weapons deal force damage and ignore damage reduction. 5th levelPerfect Riposte: Make an attack of opportunity against any creature that attacks you 1/round. 6th levelBlackstone Hammer: Weapon deals bludgeoning damage, and may petrify. |