Psionic PowersRaces of Stone
PERFECT ARCHERYClairsentienceLevel: Psychic warrior 3 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level Power Points: 5 While this power is manifested, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for firing ranged weapons. Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power�s duration increases by 1 round. PERFECT RIPOSTEClairsentienceLevel: Psychic warrior 5 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target:Melee weapon touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None (object, harmless) Power Resistance: No (object, harmless) Power Points: 11 You form a perfect bond with your melee weapon. Once per round, as long as you hold the weapon with which you are bonded, you can make an attack of opportunity against any creature that attacks you with a melee weapon or natural attack and misses, provided that the attacking creature is within your threatened area. You must be holding a melee weapon in your hand when you manifest this power. Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, you can manifest this power as a swift action. POWER CLAWSPsychokinesis [Force]Level: Psychic warrior 2 Display: Vi Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: No Power Points: 3 You encase one of your natural weapons in telekinetic force. The next successful attack with that natural weapon deals force damage instead of normal damage. This change provides a number of benefits. The natural weapon does not have a miss chance against incorporeal creatures, and the damage from the natural weapon overcomes damage reduction as if it were a spell and not a weapon attack. Only the base natural weapon damage, magical enhancement bonuses, bonus damage from Strength, and other bonuses on the natural weapon itself are changed to force damage. Other additional damage-dealing effects from any other source, such as the sneak attack class feature or the flaming special ability of a weapon, remain normal damage instead of force damage. Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can invest the weapon with an additional charge. Each additional charge allows the weapon to be used one more time before the power claws effect is discharged. POWER WEAPONPsychokinesis [Force]Level: Psychic warrior 2 Range: Touch Target:Melee or thrown weapon touched Power Points: 3 This power functions like power claws, except where noted here. BLACKSTONE HAMMERPsychometabolismLevel: Psychic warrior 6 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target:Melee weapon touched Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged Saving Throw: None (object, harmless) and Fortitude negates; see text Power Resistance: No (object, harmless) and Yes; see text Power Points: 11 You alter the nature of one weapon and create a psychic conduit between it and the power of the terrible blackstone gigant. Although the base damage of the weapon is unaltered, the weapon deals bludgeoning damage for the duration of the power. In addition, the weapon now has the power to petrify those it strikes. If a creature struck by a weapon affected by blackstone hammer fails its saving throw, it (along with all its carried gear) is turned into a mindless, inert statue. Striking a creature with the weapon discharges the power. If a statue resulting from this power is broken or damaged, the subject (if ever returned to flesh) has similar damage or deformities. The creature is not dead, but neither does it seem to be alive when viewed with spells such as deathwatch. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by this power. Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can invest the weapon with an additional charge. Each additional charge allows the weapon to be used one more time before the blackstone hammer effect is discharged. EARTH WALKPsychometabolismLevel: Psion/wilder 2, psychic warrior 2 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 min./level Power Points: 3 You create a perfect mental bond with stone, allowing you to move over it with uncanny ease. While this power is in effect, you can climb stone and earthen surfaces at your current land speed. You can move across ceilings, overhangs, and other slanted or vertical surfaces without making Climb checks. While climbing in this manner, you do not have to make a Climb check to avoid losing your grip when you take damage. In addition, you can cling to a stone surface easily with just one limb, allowing you to attack without restriction, manifest powers normally, and retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while climbing. Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, you can manifest this power as a swift action. HEAVY EARTHPsychometabolismLevel: Psion/wilder 3 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: 20 ft. Area: 20-ft.-radius burst, centered on you Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 5 You create an area of strange, otherworldly gravity, causing the earth itself to seemingly pull creatures to it. Creatures in the affected area that fail their saving throws fall prone. In addition, these creatures are slowed (as the slow spell) as long as they remain prone, and for 1 round after they stand up. Creatures that succeed on their saves are not knocked down, but they are still slowed for 1 round. Creatures that are already prone and fail their saves are slowed for as long as they remain prone and for 1 round after they stand up. Creatures with multiple legs or exceptional stability (such as a dwarf�s stability racial trait) get bonuses to this save as if they were attempting a Strength check to resist a normal trip attempt. STONE MINDPsychometabolismLevel: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1 Display: Visual Manifestation Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 min./level Power Points: 1 When you manifest this power, your mind becomes as the earth, and the earth becomes your mind. You gain a +4 bonus on Search checks while standing on a stone (including a worked stone floor) or an earthen surface. In addition, you gain a further +2 bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework. This bonus stacks with the regular +4 bonus on all Search checks that this power grants and with the +2 bonus to notice unusual stonework gained from the stonecunning racial ability. Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, you
can manifest this power as a swift action.