Races of DestinyFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Able Learner* | Human or doppelganger | Cross-class skills cost less per rank |
Bright Sigil | Illumian | You can increase the illumination from your sigils |
Channeled Rage | Half-orc, ability to rage | Use rage to improve Will saves |
City Slicker* | � | Certain skills are class skills for you |
Complementary Insight | Half-elf | Increase bonus from skill synergy to +3 |
Diverse Background* | Half-human | You gain a second favored class |
Enhanced Power Sigils | Illumian, two power sigils | Increase bonuses from power sigils by +1 |
Heroic Destiny | Human or half-human | Add +1d6 to d20 roll once per day |
�Protected Destiny | Human or half-human, Heroic Destiny, character level 3rd | Reroll saving throw once per day |
�Fearless Destiny | Human or half-human, Heroic Destiny, character level 6th | Avoid death once per day |
Human Heritage* | Half-human or human-descended race | You gain the human subtype and 4 skill points |
Improved Sigil (Aesh) | Illumian, aesh power sigil | Bonus on melee weapon damage with Weapon Focus |
Improved Sigil (Hoon) | Illumian, hoon power sigil | Bonus on saves against death effects, massive damage, and some environmental effects |
Improved Sigil (Krau) | Illumian, krau power sigil | You can cast some spells at higher CL |
Improved Sigil (Naen) | Illumian, naen power sigil | Bonus on saves against illusions and language-dependent effects |
Improved Sigil (Uur) | Illumian, uur power sigil | Bonus on ranged weapon damage against targets denied Dex bonus |
Improved Sigil (Vaul) | Illumian, vaul power sigil | Bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities |
Inside Connection | � | +4 bonus on checks to interact with a specific organization |
Menacing Demeanor | Orc blood or orc subtype | You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks |
Resourceful Buyer | � | Communities are considered larger for you when buying equipment |
Smatterings | Int 13 | You can communicate in languages you don�t know |
Sociable Personality | Half-elf, Cha 13 | You may reroll Diplomacy and Gather Information checks |
Subtle Sigil | Illumian | You can make your sigils disappear |
Urban Stealth | Knowledge (local) 2 ranks | +3 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks in cities |
Urban Tracking | � | Use Gather Information to track down person |
Initiate Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Arcane Insight | Cleric level 3rd, deity Boccob | Knowledge (arcana) is a class skill, +2 on Spellcraft checks, additional spells |
Dread Tyranny | Cleric level 3rd, Str 13, deity Hextor | Intimidate is a class skill, add Str bonus to Intimidate checks, additional spells |
Eternal Strength | Cleric level 5th, Str 13, deity Kord | +4 on saves vs. Str damage or drain, additional spells |
Far Horizons | Cleric level 1st, deity Fharlanghn | Climb, Jump, and Swim are class skills, always know north, additional spells |
Law Inviolate | Cleric level 1st, lawful alignment, deity St. Cuthbert | Weapons are lawful, additional spells |
Radiant Fire | Cleric level 3rd, deity Pelor | +2 damage against evil creatures, additional spells |
Undying Fate | Cleric level 3rd, deity Wee Jas | Determine if other creatures are dying, additional spells |
Whispered Secrets | Cleric level 1st, deity Vecna | Listen and Spot are class skills, aware of divination attempts, additional spells |
Tactical Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Crowd Tactics | Hide 5 ranks, Dodge | Gain move and skill bonuses in crowds |
Roofwalker | Balance 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Dodge, Mobility | Gain move, skill, and AC bonuses on rooftops |
*May only be selected at 1st level.
ASSASSIN SPELLS1st LEVELRooftop Strider: Move across uneven surfaces with ease. BARD SPELLS1st LEVELDiscern Bloodline: Know the race of one creature/level. Friendly Face: Gain +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. Locate City: Find nearest city. Scholar’s Touch: Read books in seconds. 2nd LEVELInsignia of Alarm: Alert bearers of special insignia. Proud Arrogance: Targets gain +4 bonus on saves against charm, compulsion, and fear. 3rd LEVELInsignia of Healing: Bearers of special insignia healed 1d8 damage +1 point/level (max +10) Winding Alleys: Trap foe in phantasmal maze. 4th LEVELCharm Person, Mass: As charm person, but all within 30 feet. 6th LEVELBestow Curse, Greater: As bestow curse, but more severe penalties. City Stride: Teleport between two cities. CLERIC SPELLS1st LEVELOmen of Peril: You know how dangerous the future will be. Scholar’s Touch: Read books in seconds. 2nd LEVELInsignia of Alarm: Alert bearers of special insignia. 3rd LEVELDelay Death: Losing hit points doesn’t kill subject. Insignia of Blessing: Bearers of special insignia gain +1 bonus on attacks and saves against fear. Insignia of Healing: Bearers of special insignia healed of 1d8 damage +1 point/level (max. +10). Insignia of Warding: Bearers of special insignia gain +1 to AC, Fortitude saves. 5th LEVELStalwart Pact: Target gains combat bonuses automatically when reduced to half hit points or lower. 7th LEVELBestow Curse, Greater: As bestow curse, but more severe penalties. DOMAINSCITY DOMAINGranted Powers: Add Gather Information and Knowledge (local) to your list of cleric class skills. Domain Spells
DESTINY DOMAINGranted Powers: Once per day as an immediate action, you can grant a willing creature within 30 feet the ability to reroll an attack, save, ability check, or skill check. You must be able to see the creature to be affected. You cannot use this power on yourself. This is a supernatural ability. Domain Spells
DRUID SPELLS1st LEVELOmen of Peril: You know how dangerous the future will be. PALADIN SPELLS2nd LEVELInsignia of Alarm: Alert bearers of special insignia. 3rd LEVELInsignia of Blessing: Bearers of special insignia gain +1 bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear. Insignia of Warding: Bearers of special insignia gain +1 to AC, Fortitude saves. RANGER SPELLS1st LEVELLocate City: Find nearest city. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1st LEVELDivDiscern Bloodline: Know the race of one creature/level. Locate City: Find nearest city. Scholar’s Touch: Read books in seconds. IllusFriendly Face: Gain +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. 2nd LEVELEnchProud Arrogance: Targets gain +4 bonus on saves against charm, compulsion, and fear. EvocCity Lights: Absorb nearby light to release as blinding flare. 3rd LEVELIllusPhantom Guardians: Create illusion of group of guards. 4th LEVELConjUnseen Servant, Mass: As unseen servant except creates one servant/level. 5th LEVELEnchCharm Person, Mass: As charm person, but all within 30 feet. IllusShadow Guardians: Create group of shadowy warriors. 8th LEVELTransBestow Curse, Greater: As bestow curse, but more severe penalties. |
PSION/WILDER POWERS1st levelSynchronicity: Ready an action and use it when you choose. Urban Strider: Move across uneven surfaces or through crowds with ease. 2nd levelAnticipatory Strike: Take your action out of initiative order. 3rd levelRealized Potential: Target gains +1 on attacks and saves and +2 on trained skill checks. |
PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS1st levelUrban Strider: Move across uneven surfaces or through crowds with ease. |