Player's Handbook IIClasses |
Class | Description |
Beguiler | Beguilers use deception, misunderstanding, and secrets as skillfully as a soldier employs weapons of war. |
Dragon Shaman | Dragon shamans devote themselves to dragons and aspire to their power. |
Duskblade | The duskblade blurs the line between spellcaster and warrior, marrying the power of magic with hand-to-hand combat prowess. |
Feat | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Acrobatic Strike | Tumble 12 ranks | +6 on next attack against opponent you tumble past |
Arcane Flourish | Perform 4 ranks, arcane caster level 1st | Expend spell to gain bonus on Perform check |
�Arcane Accompaniment | Perform 4 ranks, Arcane Flourish, arcane caster level 1st, bardic music | Expend prepared spell or spell slot to extend duration of bardic music |
Arcane Thesis | Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, ability to cast arcane spells | +2 caster level, cheaper metamagic with one spell |
Arcane Toughness | Toughness, arcane caster level 3rd | Expend prepared spell or spell slot to heal when at or below 0 hit points |
�Arcane Consumption | Arcane Toughness, Toughness, arcane caster level 6th | +2 save DC for one spell, Con penalty for 12 hours and fatigued |
Armor Specialization | Proficiency with selected armor type, base attack bonus +12 | DR 2/� with chosen armor |
Battle Dancer | Base attack bonus +2, bardic music | +2 on attacks while moving and using bardic music |
Bonded Familiar | Familiar | You and familiar shift damage after deadly attack |
Bounding Assault | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +12 | Attack twice while using Spring Attack |
�Rapid Blitz | Dex 13, Bounding Assault, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +18 | Make third attack as part of Spring Attack |
Brutal Strike | Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 | Daze opponent with successful bludgeoning attack |
Combat Acrobat | Balance 9 ranks, Tumble 9 ranks | Gain new uses for Balance skill |
Combat Familiar | Arcane caster level 1st, familiar | Familiar enters foe�s square without provoking attack |
�Lurking Familiar | Combat Familiar, arcane caster level 6th | Familiar can hide in your square |
Combat Tactician | Dex 13, Dodge, base attack bonus +12 | +2 on damage against foe you approach and attack |
Cometary Collision | Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack | Ready action to slam into charging foe |
Companion Spellbond | Animal companion | Share spells with companion at greater range |
Crossbow Sniper | Proficiency with hand, heavy, or light crossbow, Weapon Focus with hand heavy, or light crossbow, base attack bonus +1, skirmish or sneak attack | Half Dexterity bonus on crossbow damage, 60 ft. |
Cunning Evasion | Hide 9 ranks, evasion | Hide and move immediately after using evasion |
Dampen Spell | Improved Counterspell | Reduce your save DC against foe�s spell by expending spell or slot as immediate action |
Deadeye Shot | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4, skirmish or sneak attack ability | Ready action to fire, denying foe Dex bonus to AC on your attack after ally hits foe |
Defensive Sweep | Base attack bonus +15 | Foe must move or provoke attack |
Elven Spell Lore | Int 17 or elf, Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks | Bonus on dispel attempts, alter energy type of spell |
Fade into Violence | Bluff 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks | Foe strikes ally, not you, if your Bluff check succeeds |
Fiery Fist | Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 | Expend Stunning Fist use to cloak fists, feet in fiery energy for +1d6 damage |
�Fiery Ki | Defense Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 | Expend Stunning Fist use to cloak self in flame, damaging any who strike you |
�Ki Blast | Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 | Expend Stunning Fist uses to throw ball of ki energy |
Flay | Str 13, Power Attack | Inflict painful wounds on unarmored targets |
Grenadier | � | +1 on attacks and damage with splash weapons |
Hindering Opportunist | Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +3 | Replace attack of opportunity with aid another |
�Stalwart Defense | Combat Reflexes, Hindering Opportunist, base attack bonus +9 | Foes provoke aid another action from you when they attack allies |
Indomitable Soul | Endurance, Iron Will | Roll twice against fear and mind-affecting attacks |
Intimidating Strike | Intimidate 4 ranks | Use Intimidate check with attack to shake opponent |
Keen-Eared Scout | Listen 6 ranks, Alertness or Skill Focus (Listen) | Listen check reveals extra information about sound |
Leap of the Heavens | Jump 4 ranks | Don�t double DC for standing jumps, +5 bonus on running jumps |
Lunging Strike | Base attack bonus +6 | Extend reach of one attack |
Mad Foam Rager | Rage or frenzy ability | Once per rage or frenzy, delay spell or attack effect |
Master Manipulator | Cha 13, Diplomacy 9 ranks | Gain two new uses of Diplomacy skill |
Melee Evasion | Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge | While fighting defensively, negate foe�s attack |
Melee Weapon Mastery | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon | |
�Crushing Strike | Proficiency with a bludgeoning weapon, Weapon Focus with a bludgeoning weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning), Weapon Specialization with a bludgeoning weapon, base attack bonus +14 | +1 on attacks per previous hit with bludgeon |
�Driving Attack | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (piercing), Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +14 | Bull rush with piercing weapon attack |
�Slashing Flurry | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing), Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +14 | Gain extra attack with slashing weapon |
�Weapon Supremacy | Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery with weapon type of selected weapon, fighter level 18th | Gain further abilities with chosen weapon |
Overwhelming Assault | Base attack bonus +15 | Gain bonus against adjacent foe not attacking you |
Penetrating Shot | Str 15, Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +10 | Your ranged attack targets every foe in 60-ft. line |
Ranged Weapon Mastery | Proficiency with selected weapon Weapon Focus with selected weapon, with Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +8, Weapon Specialization | Gain Weapon Focus, benefits multiple weapons |
Robilar�s Gambit | Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +12 | Grant foes bonus on attacks and damage, but their attacks provoke attacks of opportunity |
Shield Specialization | Proficiency with shields | Increase shield bonus by +1 |
�Active Shield Defense | Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization | Make attacks of opportunity without penalty when fighting defensively |
�Agile Shield Fighter | Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization | Reduce two weapon penalties when using shield bash |
�Shield Sling | Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, base attack bonus +9 | Use shield as ranged weapon |
�Shield Ward | Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization | Gain shield bonus to touch AC and against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip |
Short Haft | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +3 | Lose reach benefits, attack adjacent foes |
Spectral Skirmisher | Base attack bonus +6 | Gain bonuses while invisible |
Spell-Linked Familiar | Arcane caster level 9th, familiar | Familiar gains limited spellcasting ability |
Steadfast Determination | Endurance | Use Constitution to modify Will saves |
Telling Blow | Skirmish attack or sneak attack | Gain skirmish or sneak attack damage on critical hits |
Trophy Collector | Craft (taxidermy) 6 ranks | Gain bonuses from trophies you create and wear |
Tumbling Feint | Bluff 4 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks | +5 on feint attempt after successful Tumble |
Two-Weapon Pounce | Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 | Attack with both weapons when charging |
Two-Weapon Rend | Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 | Gain bonus damage if you hit with both weapons |
Vatic Gaze | Arcane caster level 9th | Detect magic at will, use Sense Motive to determine foe�s highest-level spell |
Versatile Unarmed Strike | Improved Unarmed Strike | Deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage with unarmed strikes |
Vexing Flanker | Combat Reflexes | +4 on attacks when flanking |
�Adaptable Flanker | Combat Reflexes, Vexing Flanker, base attack bonus +4 | Flank chosen foe from adjacent square |
Wanderer�s Diplomacy | Halfling or 4 ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive | Gain special social abilities |
Water Splitting | Stone Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +9 | +4 bonus on damage when striking foe that has DR |
Ceremony Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Ritual Blessing | Good alignment, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks | Gain warding rituals |
Ritual Blood | Bonds Orc or half-orc, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks | Gain toughening rituals |
Combat Form Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Combat Focus | Wis 13 Enter meditative state to gain +2 bonus on Will saves | |
�Combat Stability | Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +3 | +4 against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip |
�Combat Defense | Dex 13, Wis 13, Combat Focus, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 | Change target of Dodge feat as immediate action |
�Combat Vigor | Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +9 | While in focus, gain fast healing 2 |
�Combat Awareness | Wis 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +12 | Learn hit point totals of all adjacent creatures |
�Combat Strike | Wis 13, Combat Focus, any two other combat form feats, base attack bonus +15 | Expend combat focus to gain bonus on attacks and damage |
Divine Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Divine Armor | Divine caster level 5th, ability to turn or rebuke undead | Expend turn/rebuke attempt to gain DR 5/� |
Divine Fortune | Divine caster level 5th, ability to turn or rebuke undead | Expend turn/rebuke attempt for +4 bonus on next save |
Divine Justice | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | Expend turn/rebuke attempt, choose foe, deal your damage or his |
Divine Ward | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | Increase range of spells from touch to short for ally |
Profane Aura | Divine caster level 9th, ability to rebuke undead | Create mist that grants concealment, +2 AC for undead |
Sacred Healing | Ability to turn undead | Expend turn attempt for bonus on healing attempts |
�Sacred Purification | Sacred Healing, ability to turn undead | Expend turn attempt to heal living and harm undead |
Sacred Radiance | Divine caster level 9th, ability to turn undead | Expend turn attempt to create radius of light that soothes allies, hampers undead |
Heritage Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Celestial Sorcerer Heritage | Sorcerer level 1st | Gain bonus spell and a bonus on saves against electricity and petrification |
�Celestial Sorcerer Aura | Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Expend spell slot to create righteous aura |
�Celestial Sorcerer Lance | Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Expend spell slot to create energy bolt that harms evil creatures |
�Celestial Sorcerer Wings | Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Expend spell slot to fly for short period of time |
�Celestial Sorcerer Lore | Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, any two other celestial sorcerer heritage feats, sorcerer level 1st | Add magic circle against evil, tongues, teleport to list of spells known |
Infernal Sorcerer Heritage | Sorcerer level 1st | Gain bonus against fire and poison, +2 caster level with conjuration (summoning) |
�Infernal Sorcerer Eyes | Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Expend spell slot to see in darkness |
�Infernal Sorcerer Howl | Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Expend spell slot to create cone of sonic energy |
�Infernal Sorcerer Resistance | Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st | Gain acid and cold resistance |
Metamagic Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Blistering Spell | � | Fire spells cause �2 penalty for 1 turn on failed save |
Earthbound Spell | � | Cast spell into ground as a trap |
Flash Frost Spell | � | Cold spells coat area of effect with slippery ice |
Imbued Summoning | Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration) | Summoned creature arrives with beneficial spell |
Smiting Spell | Base attack bonus +1, caster level 1st | Place touch spell in weapon |
Tactical Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Blood-Spiked Charger | Str 13, proficiency with armor spikes and shield spikes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (armor spikes), Weapon Focus (shield spikes), base attack bonus +6 | Gain armor and shield spike maneuvers |
Combat Cloak | Expert Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 | Gain cloak maneuvers |
Combat Panache | Bluff 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks | Gain charismatic combat maneuvers |
Einhander | Tumble 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6 | Gain one-handed weapon combat maneuvers |
Mad Alchemist | Grenadier, Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks | Gain thrown item combat maneuvers |
Shadow Striker | Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks | Gain stealthy combat maneuvers |
ASSASSIN SPELLS1st LEVELBlade of Blood: Weapon deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 if you take 5 points of damage. 2nd LEVELIncrease Virulence: Poison’s DC increases by 2. BARD SPELLS1st LEVELShare Talents: Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks. Stay the Hand: Change subject creature’s attitude to helpful for 1 round. 2nd LEVELBlade Brothers: Use higher saving throw result between two creatures, but both suffer effects if the saves fail. Celerity, Lesser: Take a move action immediately, but be dazed for a round. Crown of Veils: Gain +2 to Disguise and Hide, discharge to gain +8. Increase Virulence: Poison’s DC increases by 2. Insight of Good Fortune: Subject rolls twice, takes best result. Master’s Touch: Subject gains immediate +4 bonus on a skill check. Ray of the Python: Creature can only attack once per round, cannot make attacks of opportunity,–10 ft. penalty to speed. Stretch Weapon: Melee weapon gains 5 ft. of reach for one attack. Vertigo: Subject creature must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check to move each round. 3rd LEVELAlter Fortune: Cause one creature to reroll any die roll. Halt: Subject’s feet become stuck to ground. Hesitate: Force subject to lose actions. Phantom Battle: Illusion of battle flanks creatures and denies attacks of opportunity. Sonic Shield: +4 deflection bonus to AC; 1d8 sonic damage and push back creatures that hit you in melee. 4th LEVELBaleful Blink: Subject has 50% chance of failure on attacks and spells. Celerity: Take a standard action immediately, but be dazed for a round. Healing Spirit: Ball of light heals 1d8/round. Mirror Image, Greater: As mirror image, but gain an additional image each round. Thunder Field: Creatures in area take 1d8 sonic damage/round, knocked prone. 5th LEVELDance of Blades: A weapon attacks on its own. Friend to Foe: Make subject creature believe its allies are its enemies. Incite Riot: Subjects attack nearest creature. Magic Convalescence: Spells cast nearby heal you 1 hp/spell level. Renewed Vigor: Remove fatigue and +2 bonus to Constitution for 1 round/level. BEGUILER SPELLS1st LEVELRouse: Awakens creatures in area. Whelm: Deal 1d6 nonlethal damage +1d6/2 levels above 1st (max 5d6). 2nd LEVELBlinding Color Surge: Blind subject for 1 round, gain invisibility. Stay the Hand: Change subject creature’s attitude to helpful for 1 round. Vertigo: Subject creature must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check to move each round. Whelming Blast: 15-foot cone deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 levels (max 5d6). 3rd LEVELCrown of Veils: Gain +2 to Disguise and Hide, discharge to gain +8. Halt: Subject’s feet become stuck to ground. Hesitate: Force subject to lose actions. Inevitable Defeat: Subject takes 3d6 nonlethal damage/round. Legion of Sentinels: Ghostly swordsmen threaten a 10-foot radius, deal 1d8 damage +1/3 levels (max +5). Vertigo Field: Creatures have 20% miss chance and possibly become nauseated. 4th LEVELMirror Image, Greater: As mirror image, but gain an additional image each round. Phantom Battle: Illusion of battle flanks creatures and denies attacks of opportunity. Whelm, Mass: 1d6 nonlethal damage/level (max 10d6) to 1 creature/level. 5th LEVELEtherealness, Swift: Subject momentarily becomes ethereal. Friend to Foe: Make subject creature believe its allies are its enemies. Incite Riot: Subjects attack nearest creature. 6th LEVELOverwhelm: Nonlethal damage knocks out subject. BLACKGUARD SPELLS1st LEVELBlade of Blood: Weapon deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 if you take 5 points of damage. 2nd LEVELIncrease Virulence: Poison’s DC increases by 2. CLERIC SPELLS1st LEVELBlade of Blood: Weapon deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 if you take 5 points of damage. Invest Light Protection: Heal 1d4 damage + 1/2 levels, grant DR 1/evil. 2nd LEVELAnimalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con. Black Karma Curse: Subject damages self with melee attack. Blade Brothers: Use higher saving throw result between two creatures, but both suffer effects if the saves fail. Cloud of Knives: Release one knife/round, 1d6 damage +1/3 levels (max +5). Insight of Good Fortune: Subject rolls twice, takes best result. Mark of Judgment: Creatures that attack subject heal 2 points of damage each successful hit. Master’s Touch: Subject gains immediate +4 bonus on a skill check. Share Talents: Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks. Stay the Hand: Change subject creature’s attitude to helpful for 1 round. Stretch Weapon: Melee weapon gains 5 ft. of reach for one attack. 3rd LEVELAlter Fortune: Cause one creature to reroll any die roll. Channeled Divine Shield: Gain DR, amount based on casting time. Crown of the Grave: Command undead, discharge to gain +4 on turn or rebuke. Crown of Might: Gain +2 Strength, discharge to gain +8 bonus for 1 round. Crown of Protection: +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 resistance bonus on saves; discharge to gain +4 for 1 round. Crown of Smiting: +2 damage bonus, discharge to gain +8 damage on single attack. Curse of Arrow Attraction: Subject takes –5 penalty to AC against ranged attacks. Divine Retaliation: Weapon appears and strikes those who attack you. Energy Aegis: Subject gains resistance 20 against one energy type for one attack. Energy Vulnerability: Subjects gain vulnerability to the specified energy. Hesitate: Force subject to lose actions. Invest Moderate Protection: Heal 3d4 damage + 1/2 levels, grant DR 3/evil. Mark of Doom: Subject takes 1d6 damage for each hostile action. 4th LEVELBleakness: 1d6 damage/round to living creatures, grants undead turn resistance and fast healing. Blessing of the Righteous: Weapons deal +1d6 holy damage and become good-aligned. Channeled Divine Health: Heal a creature, amount and range based on casting time. Healing Spirit: Ball of light heals 1d8/round. Mystic Aegis: You gain SR 12 + caster level against one spell. Stifle Spell: Subject must concentrate or botch spell. 5th LEVELCondemnation: Lowers subject outsider’s SR and stuns for 1 round. Etherealness, Swift: Subject momentarily becomes ethereal. Invest Heavy Protection: Heal 5d4 damage + 1/2 levels, grant DR 5/evil. Magic Convalescence: Spells cast nearby heal you 1 hp/spell level. Mana Flux: Magic in area has 20% failure chance. Meteoric Strike: Melee attack deals an extra 1d6 damage + 1d6/4 levels; adjacent creatures take half damage. Radiance: Creates daylight that dazzles undead. Renewed Vigor: Remove fatigue and +2 bonus to Constitution for 1 round/level. 6th LEVELChasing Perfection: Subject gains +4 to all abilities. 7th LEVELAnimalistic Power, Mass: As animalistic power, but multiple subjects. Plague: One creature/level contracts quickly terminal disease. Pulse of Hate: Nearby enemies take 2d6 damage/round. Righteous Burst: Allies healed, enemies damaged 1d8 damage +1/level (max +35). 8th LEVELChain Dispel: Dispel multiple magical effects in multiple creatures. Visions of the Future: +2 sacred bonus on saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC; discharge spell to gain bonus equal to half caster level. 9th LEVELSummon Golem: Summon a clay, flesh, iron, or stone golem from a small amount of like material. DRUID SPELLS2nd LEVELAnimalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con. Drifts of the Shalm: Create difficult terrain made of snow, leaves, or ash. Linked Perception: Allies gain +2 bonus/ally in spell area on Listen and Spot checks. 3rd LEVELAlter Fortune: Cause one creature to reroll any die roll. Crown of Clarity: +2 to Listen and Spot, discharge spell to gain +8. Evard’s Menacing Tentacles: Grow two tentacles with 10-ft. reach that deal 1d8 damage each. 4th LEVELCall of Stone: Slowly turn subject to stone. Healing Spirit: Ball of light heals 1d8/round. Meteoric Strike: Melee attack deals an extra 1d6 damage + 1d6/4 levels; adjacent creatures take half damage. Renewed Vigor: Remove fatigue and +2 bonus to Constitution for 1 round/level. 5th LEVELBlood Creepers: Vines deal 1/level damage for multiple rounds and entangle one creature. Longstrider. Mass: Allies within 60 ft. gain +10 ft. bonus to speed. Magic Convalescence: Spells cast nearby heal you 1 hp/spell level. Radiance: Creates daylight that dazzles undead. 6th LEVELBones of the Earth: Create pillars of stone. Chasing Perfection: Subject gains +4 to all abilities. Thunder Field: Creatures in area take 1d8 sonic damage/round, knocked prone. 7th LEVELAnimalistic Power, Mass: As animalistic power, but multiple subjects. As the Frost: Transform into a creature of cold. Plague: One creature/level contracts quickly terminal disease. Wrack Earth: Deals 1d6 damage/level (max 15d6) to creatures in a line and creates a wall of rubble. DUSKBLADE SPELLS1st LEVELBigby’s Tripping Hand: Hand trips subject. Blade of Blood: Weapon deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 if you take 5 points of damage. Deflect, Lesser: Gain a deflection bonus of +1/3 levels (max +5) against one attack. Kelgore’s Fire Bolt: 1d6 fire damage/level (max 5d6), partially ignore SR. Rouse: Awakens creatures in area. Stand: Subject stands up from prone. 2nd LEVELAnimalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con. Bigby’s Striking Fist: Hand deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 levels (max 5d6) and knocks subject back. Deflect: Gain bonus to AC for one attack. Dimension Hop: Teleport subject short distance. Seeking Ray: Ray deals 4d6 electricity damage, ignores concealment and cover; you gain +4 on attacks with rays against the subject. Stretch Weapon: Melee weapon gains 5 ft. of reach for one attack. Sure Strike: Gain +1 bonus/3 levels on next attack. 3rd LEVELCrown of Might: Gain +2 Strength, discharge to gain +8 bonus for 1 round. Crown of Protection: +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 resistance bonus on saves; discharge to gain +4 for 1 round. Dispelling Touch: Dispel one magical effect on touched subject. Doom Scarabs: Scarab swarm deals 1d6/2 levels, gives you temporary hit points. Energy Aegis: Subject gains resistance 20 against one energy type for one attack. Energy Surge: As lesser energy surge, but 2d6 damage. Halt: Subject’s feet become stuck to ground. Regroup: Teleports nearby allies to your side. 4th LEVELChanneled Pyroburst: Deal fire damage, amount and radius based on casting time. Toxic Weapon: Coats weapon with poison. 5th LEVELSlashing Dispel: As dispel magic, but creatures take damage for spells dispelled. Sonic Shield: +4 deflection bonus to AC; 1d8 sonic damage and push back creatures that hit you in melee. |
PALADIN SPELLS2nd LEVELCrown of Smiting: +2 damage bonus, discharge to gain +8 damage on single attack. Mark of Doom: Subject takes 1d6 damage for each hostile action. 3rd LEVELHealing Spirit: Ball of light heals 1d8/round. 4th LEVELBlessing of the Righteous: Weapons deal +1d6 holy damage and become good-aligned. Divine Retaliation: Weapon appears and strikes those who attack you. Meteoric Strike: Melee attack deals an extra 1d6 damage + 1d6/4 levels; adjacent creatures take half damage. RANGER SPELLS1st LEVELLinked Perception: Allies gain +2 bonus/ally in spell area on Listen and Spot checks. 2nd LEVELAnimalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con. Crown of Clarity: +2 to Listen and Spot, discharge spell to gain +8. Curse of Arrow Attraction: Subject takes –5 penalty to AC against ranged attacks. Hunter’s Eye: Gain +1d6 sneak attack damage/3 caster levels for 1 round. Share Talents: Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks. 4th LEVELLongstrider. Mass: Allies within 60 ft. gain +10 ft. bonus to speed. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1st LEVELAbjurDeflect, Lesser: Gain a deflection bonus of +1/3 levels (max +5) against one attack. ConjStand: Subject stands up from prone. Kelgore’s Fire Bolt: 1d6 fire damage/level (max 5d6), partially ignore SR. EnchRouse: Awakens creatures in area. Whelm: Deal 1d6 nonlethal damage +1d6/2 levels above 1st (max 5d6). EvocBigby’s Tripping Hand: Hand trips subject. Kelgore’s Fire Bolt: 1d6 fire damage/level (max 5d6), partially ignore SR. NecroBlade of Blood: Weapon deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 if you take 5 points of damage. TransBurning Rage: Subject takes 4 points of damage/round, gains attack bonus and DR. 2nd LEVELAbjurDeflect: Gain bonus to AC for one attack. Dispelling Touch: Dispel one magical effect on touched subject. ConjCloud of Knives: Release one knife/round, 1d6 damage +1/3 levels (max +5). Dimension Hop: Teleport subject short distance. Kelgore’s Grave Mist: 1d6 cold damage/level, cause fatigue, partially ignore SR. DivInsight of Good Fortune: Subject rolls twice, takes best result. Master’s Touch: Subject gains immediate +4 bonus on a skill check. Sure Strike: Gain +1 bonus/3 levels on next attack. EnchBlack Karma Curse: Subject damages self with melee attack. Stay the Hand: Change subject creature’s attitude to helpful for 1 round. Whelming Blast: 15-foot cone deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 levels (max 5d6). EvocBigby’s Striking Fist: Hand deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 levels (max 5d6) and knocks subject back. Bigby’s Warding Hand: Hand of force slows opponent. Electric Vengeance: 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10) to opponent who damages you in melee. Seeking Ray: Ray deals 4d6 electricity damage, ignores concealment and cover; you gain +4 on attacks with rays against the subject. IllusBlinding Color Surge: Blind subject for 1 round, gain invisibility. Vertigo: Subject creature must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check to move each round. NecroKelgore’s Grave Mist: 1d6 cold damage/level, cause fatigue, partially ignore SR. TransAnimalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con. Celerity, Lesser: Take a move action immediately, but be dazed for 1 round. Energy Surge, Lesser: One attack deals an extra 1d6 energy damage. Increase Virulence: Poison’s DC increases by 2. Share Talents: Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks. Stretch Weapon: Melee weapon gains 5 ft. of reach for one attack. 3rd LEVELAbjurEnergy Aegis: Subject gains resistance 20 against one energy type for one attack. Energy Vulnerability: Subjects gain vulnerability to the specified energy. ConjDimension Step: Allies can immediately teleport a distance equal to their speed. Luminous Assassin, Lesser: Summons an assassin to attack the subject. Melf’s Unicorn Arrow: 1d8+8 damage and bull rush; +1 unicorn arrow/3 levels beyond 5th. Regroup: Teleports nearby allies to your side. Scattering Trap: Imbue one 5-ft. square/2 levels with teleport trap. DivAlter Fortune: Cause one creature to reroll any die roll. Crown of Clarity: +2 to Listen and Spot, discharge spell to gain +8. EnchHesitate: Force subject to lose actions. Inevitable Defeat: Subject takes 3d6 nonlethal damage/round. EvocBigby’s Disrupting Hand: Hand disrupts opponent’s spellcasting. Prismatic Mist: Multicolored mist has random effect. Ray of the Python: Creature can only attack once per round, cannot make attacks of opportunity,–10 ft. penalty to speed. IllusLegion of Sentinels: Ghostly swordsmen threaten a 10-foot radius, deal 1d8 damage +1/3 levels (max +5). Vertigo Field: Creatures have 20% miss chance and possibly become nauseated. NecroCrown of the Grave: Command undead, discharge to gain +4 on turn or rebuke. TransCrown of Might: Gain +2 Strength, discharge to gain +8 bonus for 1 round. Crown of Protection: +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 resistance bonus on saves; discharge to gain +4 for 1 round. Curse of Arrow Attraction: Subject takes –5 penalty to AC against ranged attacks. Energy Surge: As lesser energy surge, but 2d6 damage. Evard’s Menacing Tentacles: Grow two tentacles with 10-ft. reach that deal 1d8 damage each. Halt: Subject’s feet become stuck to ground. 4th LEVELAbjurCondemnation: Lowers subject outsider’s SR and stuns for 1 round. Slashing Dispel: As dispel magic, but creatures take damage for spells dispelled. Stifle Spell: Subject must concentrate or botch spell. ConjBright Worms: Fiery worms damage enemies within 20-ft. spread. Doom Scarabs: Scarab swarm deals 1d6/2 levels, gives you temporary hit points. Explosive Rune Field: Area is covered with runes that explode on contact with creatures. EnchWhelm, Mass: 1d6 nonlethal damage/level (max 10d6) to 1 creature/level. EvocBleakness: 1d6 damage/round to living creatures, grants undead turn resistance and fast healing. Channeled Pyroburst: Deal fire damage, amount and radius based on casting time. Crushing Grip: Subject takes –2 on attacks, checks, saves, and AC and –20 ft. penalty to speed, might be paralyzed. Slashing Dispel: As dispel magic, but creatures take damage for spells dispelled. IllusCrown of Veils: Gain +2 to Disguise and Hide, discharge to gain +8. Mirror Image, Greater: As mirror image, but gain an additional image each round. Phantom Battle: Illusion of battle flanks creatures and denies attacks of opportunity. NecroDoom Scarabs: Scarab swarm deals 1d6/2 levels, gives you temporary hit points. TransBaleful Blink: Subject has 50% chance of failure on attacks and spells. Call of Stone: Slowly turn subject to stone. Celerity: Take a standard action immediately, but be dazed for a round. Trollshape: You take on the form and abilities of a troll. UnivMystic Surge: Ally’s spell gains +2 DC and +1 caster level. 5th LEVELAbjurField of Resistance: Zone provides SR 11 + caster level. Mana Flux: Magic in area has 20% failure chance. ConjDimension Shuffle: Teleport multiple creatures short distances within line of sight. Luminous Assassin: As lesser luminous assassin, but the assassin is more powerful. Toxic Weapon: Coats weapon with poison. EnchIncite Riot: Subjects attack nearest creature. EvocElectric Vengeance, Greater: As electric vengeance, but 5d8 damage +1/level (max +15) and daze subject. Radiance: Creates daylight that dazzles undead. Sonic Shield: +4 deflection bonus to AC; 1d8 sonic damage and push back creatures that hit you in melee. IllusFriend to Foe: Make subject creature believe its allies are its enemies. TransDance of Blades: A weapon attacks on its own. Etherealness, Swift: Subject momentarily becomes ethereal. 6th LEVELEnchOverwhelm: Nonlethal damage knocks out subject. EvocThunder Field: Creatures in area take 1d8 sonic damage/round, knocked prone. TransChasing Perfection: Subject gains +4 to all abilities. Energy Surge, Greater: As energy surge, but 3d6 damage. 7th LEVELConjLuminous Assassin, Greater: As luminous assassin, but the assassin is more powerful. NecroPulse of Hate: Nearby enemies take 2d6 damage/round. TransAnimalistic Power, Mass: As animalistic power, but multiple subjects. As the Frost: Transform into a creature of cold. 8th LEVELAbjurChain Dispel: Dispel multiple magical effects in multiple creatures. NecroPlague: One creature/level contracts quickly terminal disease. TransCelerity, Greater: Take a full-round action immediately, but be dazed for a round. 9th LEVELConjSummon Golem: Summon a clay, flesh, iron, or stone golem from a small amount of like material. EvocDetonate: Slays subject and creates 20-ft.-radius explosion that deals 1d6 damage/level (max 20d6). TransDragonshape: You take on the form and abilities of a Huge red dragon. |