
Player's Handbook II

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Acrobatic Strike Tumble 12 ranks +6 on next attack against opponent you tumble past
Arcane Flourish Perform 4 ranks, arcane caster level 1st Expend spell to gain bonus on Perform check
�Arcane Accompaniment Perform 4 ranks, Arcane Flourish, arcane caster level 1st, bardic music Expend prepared spell or spell slot to extend duration of bardic music
Arcane Thesis Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, ability to cast arcane spells +2 caster level, cheaper metamagic with one spell
Arcane Toughness Toughness, arcane caster level 3rd Expend prepared spell or spell slot to heal when at or below 0 hit points
�Arcane Consumption Arcane Toughness, Toughness, arcane caster level 6th +2 save DC for one spell, Con penalty for 12 hours and fatigued
Armor Specialization Proficiency with selected armor type, base attack bonus +12 DR 2/� with chosen armor
Battle Dancer Base attack bonus +2, bardic music +2 on attacks while moving and using bardic music
Bonded Familiar Familiar You and familiar shift damage after deadly attack
Bounding Assault Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +12 Attack twice while using Spring Attack
�Rapid Blitz Dex 13, Bounding Assault, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +18 Make third attack as part of Spring Attack
Brutal Strike Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 Daze opponent with successful bludgeoning attack
Combat Acrobat Balance 9 ranks, Tumble 9 ranks Gain new uses for Balance skill
Combat Familiar Arcane caster level 1st, familiar Familiar enters foe�s square without provoking attack
�Lurking Familiar Combat Familiar, arcane caster level 6th Familiar can hide in your square
Combat Tactician Dex 13, Dodge, base attack bonus +12 +2 on damage against foe you approach and attack
Cometary Collision Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack Ready action to slam into charging foe
Companion Spellbond Animal companion Share spells with companion at greater range
Crossbow Sniper Proficiency with hand, heavy, or light crossbow, Weapon Focus with hand heavy, or light crossbow, base attack bonus +1, skirmish or sneak attack Half Dexterity bonus on crossbow damage, 60 ft.
Cunning Evasion Hide 9 ranks, evasion Hide and move immediately after using evasion
Dampen Spell Improved Counterspell Reduce your save DC against foe�s spell by expending spell or slot as immediate action
Deadeye Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4, skirmish or sneak attack ability Ready action to fire, denying foe Dex bonus to AC on your attack after ally hits foe
Defensive Sweep Base attack bonus +15 Foe must move or provoke attack
Elven Spell Lore Int 17 or elf, Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks Bonus on dispel attempts, alter energy type of spell
Fade into Violence Bluff 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks Foe strikes ally, not you, if your Bluff check succeeds
Fiery Fist Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 Expend Stunning Fist use to cloak fists, feet in fiery energy for +1d6 damage
�Fiery Ki Defense Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 Expend Stunning Fist use to cloak self in flame, damaging any who strike you
�Ki Blast Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8 Expend Stunning Fist uses to throw ball of ki energy
Flay Str 13, Power Attack Inflict painful wounds on unarmored targets
Grenadier � +1 on attacks and damage with splash weapons
Hindering Opportunist Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +3 Replace attack of opportunity with aid another
�Stalwart Defense Combat Reflexes, Hindering Opportunist, base attack bonus +9 Foes provoke aid another action from you when they attack allies
Indomitable Soul Endurance, Iron Will Roll twice against fear and mind-affecting attacks
Intimidating Strike Intimidate 4 ranks Use Intimidate check with attack to shake opponent
Keen-Eared Scout Listen 6 ranks, Alertness or Skill Focus (Listen) Listen check reveals extra information about sound
Leap of the Heavens Jump 4 ranks Don�t double DC for standing jumps, +5 bonus on running jumps
Lunging Strike Base attack bonus +6 Extend reach of one attack
Mad Foam Rager Rage or frenzy ability Once per rage or frenzy, delay spell or attack effect
Master Manipulator Cha 13, Diplomacy 9 ranks Gain two new uses of Diplomacy skill
Melee Evasion Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge While fighting defensively, negate foe�s attack
Melee Weapon Mastery Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon
�Crushing Strike Proficiency with a bludgeoning weapon, Weapon Focus with a bludgeoning weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning), Weapon Specialization with a bludgeoning weapon, base attack bonus +14 +1 on attacks per previous hit with bludgeon
�Driving Attack Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (piercing), Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +14 Bull rush with piercing weapon attack
�Slashing Flurry Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing), Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +14 Gain extra attack with slashing weapon
�Weapon Supremacy Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Melee Weapon Mastery with weapon type of selected weapon, fighter level 18th Gain further abilities with chosen weapon
Overwhelming Assault Base attack bonus +15 Gain bonus against adjacent foe not attacking you
Penetrating Shot Str 15, Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +10 Your ranged attack targets every foe in 60-ft. line
Ranged Weapon Mastery Proficiency with selected weapon Weapon Focus with selected weapon, with Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +8, Weapon Specialization Gain Weapon Focus, benefits multiple weapons
Robilar�s Gambit Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +12 Grant foes bonus on attacks and damage, but their attacks provoke attacks of opportunity
Shield Specialization Proficiency with shields Increase shield bonus by +1
�Active Shield Defense Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization Make attacks of opportunity without penalty when fighting defensively
�Agile Shield Fighter Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization Reduce two weapon penalties when using shield bash
�Shield Sling Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, base attack bonus +9 Use shield as ranged weapon
�Shield Ward Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization Gain shield bonus to touch AC and against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip
Short Haft Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +3 Lose reach benefits, attack adjacent foes
Spectral Skirmisher Base attack bonus +6 Gain bonuses while invisible
Spell-Linked Familiar Arcane caster level 9th, familiar Familiar gains limited spellcasting ability
Steadfast Determination Endurance Use Constitution to modify Will saves
Telling Blow Skirmish attack or sneak attack Gain skirmish or sneak attack damage on critical hits
Trophy Collector Craft (taxidermy) 6 ranks Gain bonuses from trophies you create and wear
Tumbling Feint Bluff 4 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks +5 on feint attempt after successful Tumble
Two-Weapon Pounce Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 Attack with both weapons when charging
Two-Weapon Rend Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 Gain bonus damage if you hit with both weapons
Vatic Gaze Arcane caster level 9th Detect magic at will, use Sense Motive to determine foe�s highest-level spell
Versatile Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike Deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage with unarmed strikes
Vexing Flanker Combat Reflexes +4 on attacks when flanking
�Adaptable Flanker Combat Reflexes, Vexing Flanker, base attack bonus +4 Flank chosen foe from adjacent square
Wanderer�s Diplomacy Halfling or 4 ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive Gain special social abilities
Water Splitting Stone Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +9 +4 bonus on damage when striking foe that has DR
Ceremony Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Ritual Blessing Good alignment, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks Gain warding rituals
Ritual Blood Bonds Orc or half-orc, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks Gain toughening rituals
Combat Form Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Combat Focus Wis 13 Enter meditative state to gain +2 bonus on Will saves
�Combat Stability Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +3 +4 against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip
�Combat Defense Dex 13, Wis 13, Combat Focus, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 Change target of Dodge feat as immediate action
�Combat Vigor Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +9 While in focus, gain fast healing 2
�Combat Awareness Wis 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +12 Learn hit point totals of all adjacent creatures
�Combat Strike Wis 13, Combat Focus, any two other combat form feats, base attack bonus +15 Expend combat focus to gain bonus on attacks and damage
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Armor Divine caster level 5th, ability to turn or rebuke undead Expend turn/rebuke attempt to gain DR 5/�
Divine Fortune Divine caster level 5th, ability to turn or rebuke undead Expend turn/rebuke attempt for +4 bonus on next save
Divine Justice Ability to turn or rebuke undead Expend turn/rebuke attempt, choose foe, deal your damage or his
Divine Ward Ability to turn or rebuke undead Increase range of spells from touch to short for ally
Profane Aura Divine caster level 9th, ability to rebuke undead Create mist that grants concealment, +2 AC for undead
Sacred Healing Ability to turn undead Expend turn attempt for bonus on healing attempts
�Sacred Purification Sacred Healing, ability to turn undead Expend turn attempt to heal living and harm undead
Sacred Radiance Divine caster level 9th, ability to turn undead Expend turn attempt to create radius of light that soothes allies, hampers undead
Heritage Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Celestial Sorcerer Heritage Sorcerer level 1st Gain bonus spell and a bonus on saves against electricity and petrification
�Celestial Sorcerer Aura Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Expend spell slot to create righteous aura
�Celestial Sorcerer Lance Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Expend spell slot to create energy bolt that harms evil creatures
�Celestial Sorcerer Wings Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Expend spell slot to fly for short period of time
�Celestial Sorcerer Lore Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, any two other celestial sorcerer heritage feats, sorcerer level 1st Add magic circle against evil, tongues, teleport to list of spells known
Infernal Sorcerer Heritage Sorcerer level 1st Gain bonus against fire and poison, +2 caster level with conjuration (summoning)
�Infernal Sorcerer Eyes Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Expend spell slot to see in darkness
�Infernal Sorcerer Howl Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Expend spell slot to create cone of sonic energy
�Infernal Sorcerer Resistance Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Gain acid and cold resistance
Metamagic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Blistering Spell � Fire spells cause �2 penalty for 1 turn on failed save
Earthbound Spell � Cast spell into ground as a trap
Flash Frost Spell � Cold spells coat area of effect with slippery ice
Imbued Summoning Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration) Summoned creature arrives with beneficial spell
Smiting Spell Base attack bonus +1, caster level 1st Place touch spell in weapon
Tactical Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Blood-Spiked Charger Str 13, proficiency with armor spikes and shield spikes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (armor spikes), Weapon Focus (shield spikes), base attack bonus +6 Gain armor and shield spike maneuvers
Combat Cloak Expert Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 Gain cloak maneuvers
Combat Panache Bluff 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks Gain charismatic combat maneuvers
Einhander Tumble 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6 Gain one-handed weapon combat maneuvers
Mad Alchemist Grenadier, Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks Gain thrown item combat maneuvers
Shadow Striker Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks Gain stealthy combat maneuvers


You call upon the powers of goodness and light to bless your allies. If your religious studies are advanced enough, the rituals you learn allow you to ward against illness or poison, enhance your healing abilities, and protect against evil.

Prerequisites: Good alignment Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: You gain access to rituals based on your ranks in Knowledge (religion).

Anoint (Knowledge [religion] 4 ranks): You speak a blessing over the recipient of this ritual, anoint him with holy water, and say a short prayer for him. When you cast a cure spell on the recipient, he heals an extra 2 points of damage. Performing this ritual requires 5 minutes of incantation and a vial of holy water, its effects Last for 24 hours.

Cleanse (Knowledge [religion] 8 ranks): You sprinkle holy water over the recipient of this ritual and speak a prayer to his health and vigor. The target gains a +2 bonus on saves against disease and poison. Performing this ritual requires 10 minutes of incantation and a vial of holy water. Its effects last for 24 hours.

Ward (Knowledge [religion] 13 ranks): You use a special combination of powdered silver and holy water to create a mystical ward that offers protection against demons and devils. The recipient of this ritual gains a +1 bonus on saves against spells and special attacks used by evil outsiders. Performing this ritual requires 10 minutes of work, a vial of holy water, and powdered silver worth 30 gp. Its effects last for 24 hours.


You invest your allies with the mighty power of your totem, god, or similar divine entity. These rituals allow you to forge bonds between warriors that stand the test of combat.

Prerequisites: Ore or half-ore. Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: You gain access to rituals based on your total ranks in Knowledge (religion).

Blood Brothers (Knowledge [religion] 4 ranks): Yon gather up to six of your allies together in a circle. Each member of this circle pledges allegiance to the others, cuts himself, and bleeds into a bowl containing holy water or unholy water (as appropriate to your alignment). You then sprinkle this mixture on yourself and the- members of the circle. You and everyone else who participated in this ritual gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against tear as long as each individual can see one other ally who took part in this ritual. This ritual requires 10 minutes of incantation and a vial of holy water or unholy water. Its effect lasts for 24 hours.

Vengeful Bonds of Brotherhood (Knowledge [religion] 8 ranks): You create a close, mystical bond between you and your allies. Up to six individuals can participate with you in this ritual. Each participant cuts his hand. Everyone in the ritual then clasps hands in a circle while you stand in the middle. You speak a prayer while sprinkling holy or unholy water on each participant. This ritual grants a benefit to its participants (including you) when an ally falls in battle. If an individual who participated in this ritual sees another participant drop to 0 or fewer hit points due to an opponent�s actions, he gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against the foe who dropped his ally.

The benefit lasts for 1 minute every lime it is triggered. You can gain this bonus against multiple foes during the duration of the effect. This ritual requires 10 minutes of incantation, a vial of holy water or unholy water, and silver dust worth 10 gp. The ritual�s benefit lasts for 24 hours.


You can transfer the XP of other creatures into an agreed upon magic item and construct magic items with prerequisites that you do not meet.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion), any item creation feat.

Benefit: You gain access to rituals based on your ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion). If you qualified for this feat with Knowledge (arcana), only magic items with arcane spell prerequisites can be constructed with the transfer ritual. If you qualified for this feat with Knowledge (religion), only magic items with divine spell prerequisites can be constructed with the transfer ritual.

Transfer (Knowledge [arcana] 4 ranks or Knowledge [religion] 4 ranks): You can courier a transfer of XP from one or more creatures (maximum five) into an agreed upon magic item you are constructing. Any creatures participating in this ritual control how much XP to transfer. You cannot courier a transfer of more XP than is needed to construct the agreed upon magic item. All the requirements for transferring XP, compensating for XP, and sharing XP costs apply to participating in this ritual. If allowable changes are made that require more XP, you or the participating creatures must provide that XP as needed. If allowable changes are made that require less XP, the difference is returned to you or the participating creatures in proportionate amounts (as per their original contributions).

If you start making a magic item that is not allowed by even one of the creatures participating in this ritual, all the transferred XP is returned to those creatures. If you spend at least one day making the agreed upon magic item, the XP is consumed regardless of whether the magic item is completed or not. If you start working on a new magic item after spending at least one day making the agreed upon magic item, the XP is consumed and lost (as per the normal rules for creating magic items). Any creatures participating in this ritual must be present while the magic item is being created (one day per 1,000 gp in the item�s base price, 8 hours per day; potions always take just one day to make, regardless of cost). If any creatures participating in this ritual are not present, then no progress can be made toward the magic item that day. If any creature leaves before 8 hours per day has elapsed, no portion of that day counts toward the construction time.

Coalesce (Knowledge [arcana] 8 ranks or Knowledge [religion] 8 ranks): You can rely on any creature participating in this ritual who transferred at least 50% of the XP cost to provide prerequisite spells for the agreed upon magic item. The creature must provide any material components or focuses the spells require, and must pay any XP costs required for the spells. The act of constructing the magic item triggers these spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the magic item�s creation.

Note: If you are commissioning the creation of a magic item from an NPC with this feat (for which you are providing spells), a discount consistent with your contribution and type of magic item is subtracted from the final market price (see Table 7�33: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values, page 285 of the Dungeon Master�s Guide). Similarly, you can rely on any creature participating in this ritual who transferred at least 50% of the XP cost to provide ability score, alignment, character level, class level, class feature, race, or skill rank prerequisites for the agreed upon magic item. No discount is given for providing these qualities. You must always provide the caster level and item creation feat needed to make a magic item.

Special: A character who meets the prerequisites automatically gains Ritual Transference as a bonus feat after constructing five talismans of transference.


When you maintain your combat focus, you have an uncanny ability to sense the ebb and flow of your opponents� vitality. As you attain greater mastery of this fighting style, you learn to sense a foe�s presence even with your eyes closed.

Prerequisites:Wis 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit:While maintaining your combat focus, you learn the current hit point total of each adjacent opponent and ally. If you have three or more combat form feats, you gain blindsight out to 5 feet.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Awareness as one of his fighter bonus feats.


The state of keen focus and mental discipline you attain in combat allows you to shift the focus of your defense from one opponent to another with careful, precise maneuvers.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Combat Focus, Dodge, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit:While you maintain your combat focus, you can change the target of your Dodge feat to a new opponent as an immediate action. If you have three or more combat form feats, you gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC against the target of your Dodge feat.

Normal: Designating or changing the target of your Dodge feat can only be done on your turn as a free action.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats.

COMBAT FOCUS [Combat Form]

The way of the warrior requires more than simple, brute strength. Some warriors bring their minds in such keen focus during the heat of battle that they can attain superhuman levels of endurance, perception, and mental toughness. Through intense mental exercise and training, you learn to enter a state of perfect martial clarity.

Prerequisite:Wis 13.

Benefit: In battle, you push aside the chaos of the fight and attain a focused state that grants you a keen, clear picture of the bailie. Fear and pain ebb away as you focus solely on defeating your enemy. The first time you make a successful attack during an encounter, you gain your combat focus. In this state, your mind and body become one, allowing you to overcome mundane physical limits. You can maintain your combat focus for 10 rounds after entering it, +1 additional round per combat form feat you possess aside from this one.

You can only gain your combat focus once per encounter. While you are maintaining your combat focus, you gain a +2 bonus on Will saves. If you have three or more combat form feats, this bonus increases to +4.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats.


When you maintain your combat focus, you become difficult to dislodge. Your muscles lock into an unyielding position, granting you superior ability to resist trip attacks, bull rushes. disarms, and similar effects.

Prerequisite:Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on checks or rolls to resist bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip attempts made against you. If you have three or more combat form feats, the bonus granted by this feat increases to +8.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Stability as one of his tighter bonus feats.


Your intense, focused state allows you to see the one critical moment in a battle when you hang suspended between victory and defeat. By pouring the energy required to maintain your focus into your assault, you bailer through your foe�s defenses.

Prerequisites:Wis 13. Combat Focus, any two other combat form feats, base attack bonus 15.

Benefit: It you choose to end your combat focus as a swift action, you gain a bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls equal to your total number of combat form feats for the rest of your current turn. You immediately lose all benefits of combat form feats that affect you only while you are maintaining your combat focus.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.

COMBAT VIGOR [Combat Form]

When you maintain your combat focus, your clarity of purpose and relent less drive allow you 10 overcome your body�s frailties. Minor wounds heal in a matter of seconds, and you quickly recover from even a grievous blow.

Prerequisites:Wis 13, Combat Focus, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit:While you maintain your combat focus, you gain fast healing 2. You lose (his benefit when your combat focus ends. If you have three or more combat form feats, the benefit of this feat improves to fast healing 4.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Vigor as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You call upon your deity to protect you in your hour of need by wreathing you in divine power that wards off your enemies� attacks.

Prerequisites: Divine caster level 5th, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt to gain damage reduction 5/� until the start of your next turn.


With a quick prayer, you channel divine energy to help resist spell, poison, or other deadly effect.

Prerequisites: Divine caster level 5th. ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt to gain a +4 bonus on your next saving throw. If this benefit is not used immediately, it lasts until the start of your next turn.


You can channel divine energy to turn your foe�s strength against him, striking him with the same force that he used against you.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt to mark an opponent as the target of this feat. The next time this opponent strikes you with an armed melee attack or a natural weapon, record the damage he deals. The next lime you strike him in melee, you deal that damage or your weapon�s normal damage, whichever is greater. Your weapon�s qualities still determine if damage reduction applies to the damage you deal.

You can mark only one opponent at a time with this feat. You must take damage from your foe within 1 minute of using this feat, or your turn or rebuke undead attempt is wasted. After taking damage, you must strike your foe within 1 minute, or you lose this feat�s benefit. Until you strike your foe and trigger the feat�s benefit, you cannot use this feat again to mark the same or a different opponent.


You create a channel of divine energy between yourself and a willing ally. This link allows you to cast your spells upon him from greater than normal range.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: Once every 24 hours, you can spend 11) minutes creating a magical ward between you and one willing target. For the rest of the 24-hour period, you can increase the range of a touch spell to short range (25 feet+5 feet per two caster levels) if you target the warded creature, and only the warded creature. When you cast a spell in this manner, you must expend 1 turn or rebuke undead attempt. You can create a ward between you and more than one target, so long as you expend the necessary time and turning attempts. You must expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt to create each ward beyond the first.


You call upon the dark powers you worship to fill the area around you with a dreadful mist that obscures sight.

Prerequisites: Divine caster level 9th, ability to rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one of your rebuke undead attempts to fill the area around you with a cold, clammy mist. The mist extends out in a 60-foot-radius emanation centered on you and flows through the air as you move, keeping you at the center of its area. The mist provides concealment to creatures within the cloud. While in the mist, creatures (including you) 5 feet away from each other have concealment, and creatures separated by more than 5 feel have total concealment from each other. In addition, mindless undead creatures within the cloud gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC.


You can channel divine energy to aid in your efforts to tend to a comrades injuries, sickness, or other conditions.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a turn undead attempt to augment your ability to tend to the wounds of others. You gain a +5 bonus on Heal checks and a +2 bonus per die on the damage healed by any conjuration (healing) spells you cast. This benefit lasts until the end of your current turn.


You serve as a conduit of divine energy, filling the area around you with power that aids the living and saps the undead.

Prerequisites: Sacred Healing, ability to turn undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a turn undead attempt to create a pulse of divine energy. All living creatures within 60 feet of you heal an amount of damage equal to 1d8 points + your Charisma bonus (if any). All undead creatures in this area take damage equal to 1d8 points + your Charisma bonus.


You channel divine energy to fill the area around you with a soothing, gentle radiance.

Prerequisites: Divine caster level 9th. ability to turn undead.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend a turn undead attempt to bathe yourself in light. This light provides bright illumination in a 60-foot-radius emanation centered on you and an additional 60 feet of shadowy illumination beyond that area. The light moves as you move, keeping you at the center of its area. It temporarily negates areas of magical darkness created by spells of 3rd level or lower. Any nonevil creature within 60 feet of you gains a +2 morale bonus on saves against fear, poison, disease, and death effects. Evil creatures take a �2 penalty on saves against fear effects. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes. sorcerer heritage feats.


The power of your sorcerous heritage shines through. allowing you to infuse the area around you with a menacing aura.

Prerequisites: Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend a spell slot to generate a righteous aura of menace that affects all hostile creatures in a 20-foot radius around you. All your opponents within this area must make a Will save (DC 10 + the level of the spell slot expended + your Cha modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes a �2 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saves for 24 hours or until it successfully hits you. A creature that resists or breaks this effect cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. This is a supernatural ability.


Your ancestry manifests in the form of several special abilities. You gain access to abilities similar to those of an archon.

Prerequisite: Sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: You gain a bonus on saves against electricity and petrification equal to the number of celestial sorcerer feats you possess. You also add protection from evil to your list of 1st-Ievel sorcerer spells known. This spell is in addition to the spells you gain normally based on your sorcerer level.


You can channel your arcane energy into a bolt of power that is baneful to evil creatures.

Prerequisites: Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend a spell slot to create a 60-foot line of energy that deals damage only against creatures with an evil alignment. The bolt deals 1d8 points of damage per level of the spell slot spent to activate this ability. A Reflex save (DC 10+ the level of the spell slot expended + your Cha modifier; halves this damage. This is a supernatural ability.


The power of your a ancestry grants you access to a variety of new spells.

Prerequisites: Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, any two other celestial sorcerer heritage feats, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: You add magic circle against evil, tongues, and teleport to your list of spells known. You gain these spells when you gain access to spells of the appropriate level. These spells are in addition to the spells you gain normally based on your sorcerer level.


You channel your inborn magical abilities to spawn a pair of spectral, magical wings that glow with majestic power.

Prerequisites: Celestial Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: You can expend a spell slot as a standard action lo gain the ability to fly. You fly at a speed equal to twice your base land speed with good maneuverability. This benefit lasts for 1 round per level of the spell slot used to activate it. This is a supernatural ability.


Your eyes glow with infernal fire, allowing you to see through magical darkness.

Prerequisites: Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a spell slot to cause your eyes to emit a spectral red glow. You gain the ability to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, out to the limit of your line of sight. You ignore the concealment provided by darkness spells and effects. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes per level of the spell slot used to activate it.


Your innate magic derives from infernal ancestors. Your blood is thick with their power, allowing you to exhibit a variety of abilities.

Prerequisite: Sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: You gain a bonus on saves against fire and poison equal to the number of infernal sorcerer heritage feats you possess. When you use a conjuration (summoning) spell 10 summon an evil outsider, you gain a +2 bonus to your caster level.


You channel the fury of your infernal ancestors into a thunderous roar that blasts your enemies with sonic power.

Prerequisites: Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: By expending one of your spell slots, you create a 30-foot cone of sonic energy. All opponents within the cone rake 2d6 points of damage per level of the spell slot expended. Each target can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the level of the spell slot expended + your Cha modifier) for half damage. This is a supernatural ability.


You are as tough and resilient as an infernal monstrosity, allowing you to shrug off acid and cold damage.

Prerequisites: Infernal Sorcerer Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: You gain resistance to acid and resistance to cold equal to the total number of infernal sorcerer heritage feats you have.


Your fire spells sear the flesh from your enemies�bones. leaving them wracked with pain.

Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to a spell that has the fire descriptor. A blistering spell deals an extra 2 points of fire damage per level of the spell. In addition to the spells normal effect, any creature that fails its save against a blistering spell takes a �2 penalty on attack rolls and checks until the beginning of your next turn.

A blistering spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level.


You bind a spell into the rock and soil, leaving it there until an opponent stumbles across it. At that time, the spell releases its energy.

Benefit:When you cast an earthbound spell, you place it within a square adjacent to you. You must specify all effects, options, and other relevant variables when you cast the spell. The next creature to enter the warded square triggers the spell. If the spell affects an area, that square is the center of the area or the point at which the area begins. For a cone, line, or similar area, you must designate the direction in which the cone or line extends. An earthbound spell that does not affect an area targets the creature that triggered it.

You cannot apply the Earthbound Spell metamagic feat to a spell with a range of personal. An earthbound spell remains in place for 1 hour or until it is triggered. A Search check (DC 25 + the spell�s level) reveals its presence, as does detect magic and similar abilities. A character with trapfinding can make a Disable Device check (DC 25 + the spell�s level) to remove an earthbound spell (as if it is a magic trap). A dispel magic effect can also remove an earthbound spell, thus preventing it from functioning.

An earthbound spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell�s actual level.


Your spells that use cold and ice to damage your foes leave behind a thin layer of slippery frost.

Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to spells that have the cold descriptor and that affect an area. A flash frost spell deals an extra 2 points of cold damage per level of the spell to all targets in the area. When you cast such a spell, the area of the spell is covered with a slippery layer of ice for 1 round. Anyone attempting to move through ibis icy area must make a DC 10 Balance check or fall prone. A creature that runs or charges through the area must make a DC 20 Balance check to avoid falling.

A flash frost spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level.


Your summoning spells gain an element of surprise. You can summon creatures that come into existence with the benefit of a spell such as invisibility or bull�s strength.

Prerequisites: Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration).

Benefit:When you cast a spell from the summoning subschool, you can choose to grant the summoned creature the benefit of any spell of 3rd level or lower you can cast that has a range of touch. You cast the spell you wish to grant the creature (using a prepared spell or a spell slot) at the same time you cast your summoning spell. The creature gains the benefit of the spell when it appears.

An imbued summoning spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level.


You can channel the energy of a touch spell into a weapon, causing the spell to discharge when you strike an opponent.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, caster level 1st.

Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch to transfer its energy from your hand to a weapon that you hold. The next time you strike an opponent with that weapon, the spell discharges. The target takes the normal damage and effects of a successful attack in addition to the spell�s effect. Once you place a spell into a weapon, you must discharge it within 1 minute, or its energy dissipates harmlessly.

You can place a smiting spell on a piece of ammunition or a projectile, such as a sling bullet, an arrow, or a crossbow bolt. In such a case, the spell dissipates if the attack misses. The spell cannot be placed on a bow, crossbow, sling, or similar weapon that uses ammunition.

A smiting spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level.


Your dexterous maneuvers and skilled acrobatics allow you I. I slip past a foe�s defenses and deliver an accurate strike against him.

Prerequisite: rumble 12 ranks.

Benefit: If you succeed in using fumble to avoid an opponent�s attack of opportunity, you gain a +4 bonus on the next attack that you make against that foe as long as the attack occurs before the end of your current turn.

Special: A fighter can select Acrobatic Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your expert use of your shield allows you to strike at vulnerable foes even when you forgo your own attacks in favor of defense.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields. Shield Specialization.

Benefit:When lighting defensively and using a shield, you do not take the standard fighting defensively penalties on attacks of opportunity. When using the total defense action and a shield, you still threaten the area around you as normal. You can make attacks of opportunity with a �4 penalty.

Normal: You take a �4 penalty on all attacks while fighting defensively. You cannot attack while using the total defense action.

Special: A fighter can select Active Shield Defense as one of Ins fighter bonus feats.


When you and an ally team up against a foe you know how to maximize the threat your ally poses to ruin your target�s defenses.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Vexing Blanker, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As a swift action you designate a single opponent as the target of this feat. When you are adjacent to the chosen target, you can choose to count as occupying any other square you threaten for purposes of determining flanking bonuses for you and your allies. You also occupy your current square for flanking an opponent.

Special: A fighter can select Adaptable Flanker as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are skilled in combining your shield bash attack with an armed strike. When you use your shield in unison with a weapon, your training allows you to score telling blows with both.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialisation.

Benefit:When making a shield bash and armed strike attack as part of a lull attack action, you rake a �2 penalty on each attack. These penalties replace the normal ones you incur for lighting with two weapons.

Special: A fighter can select Agile Shield Fighter as one of his fighter bonus teats.


You infuse your performance with magical energy, allowing its effects to continue even as you attend to other tasks.

Prerequisites: Perform 4 ranks, Arcane Flourish, arcane caster level 1st, bardic music.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a prepared spell or a spell slot to extend the duration of your bardic music ability alter you stop performing. You extend the duration a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell used in this manner. This extension is in addition to the normal duration of the effect after you stop your performance. You can expend only one spell slot to extend the duration of your bardic music. The slot can come from any of your arcane caster classes, nor just bard. This has no effect on bardic music or similar abilities with a duration of instantaneous or permanent.


You can sacrifice your physical health to strengthen a spell. This process leaves you wracked with pain, but the enhanced energy you draw from the spell might provide the margin between victory and defeat.

Prerequisites: Arcane Toughness, Toughness, arcane caster level 6th.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can grant the next spell you cast a +4 bonus on its save DC. You must cast and complete this spell on the same turn that you use a swift action to activate this feat. In return, you take a �4 penalty to Constitution for 12 hours and are fatigued.


You use your magical abilities to improve your performance talents. By bleeding magical energy into your singing, oratory, or other abilities, you enhance the pitch and sound, project your voice with a more commanding tone, and so forth.

Prerequisites: Perform 4 ranks, arcane easier level 1st.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a prepared spell or spell slot to grant your next Perform check a competence bonus equal to 1 + the level of the spell or slot. You must make a check within 1 minute of using ibis feat, or the energy you expend dissipates with no effect.


You have studied a single spell in-depth. Your expertise grants you formidable though narrowly focused arcane mastery.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, ability to cast arcane spells.

Benefit: Choose one arcane spell that you can cast ID be your thesis spell. When casting that spell, you do so at +2 caster level. When you apply a metamagic feat other than Heighten Spell to that spell, the enhanced spell uses up a spell slot one level lower than normal. For example, an empowered thesis spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual slot (rather than the normal two levels higher).

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each lime you take the feat, it applies to a new spell.


You draw upon the power of your magic to sustain yourself, allowing you to continue fighting long alter your physical body has failed you.

Prerequisites: Toughness, arcane caster level 3rd.

Benefit: You can expend a prepared spell or spell slot as an immediate action when you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. You heal a number of points of damage equal to the level of the spell or spell slot used in this manner. You cannot use this ability to negate effects that disable you without causing bit point damage, such as a medusa�s ability to turn you to stone. Even if this healing does not bring you above negative hit points, it still stabilizes you. Using a 0-level spell with this feat grants no benefit.


Through long wear and hours of combat, you have trained your body to believe in its armor. Where others flinch, you confront. When the sword falls, your instincts, born of bruises and rent flesh, present your cuirass, cuisse. helm, or gorget to meet the blade at the perfect angle, causing it to skitter off harmlessly.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor type, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit: Choose one type of medium or heavy armor with which you are proficient. When wearing masterwork armor : including magic armor; of that type, you gain damage reduction 2/�. Any time you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, you lose the benefit of this feat, because you cannot properly deflect the blows of the enemy.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not slack. Each time you take the feat it applies to a new type of armor. A fighter can select Armor Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You strike at your foes in time with the music you sing or in cadence with an oration you deliver. The magical power of your bardic performance drives you forward and improves your fighting ability.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, bardic music.

Benefit: During a round in which you grant any ally a bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, or saves with one of your bardic music abilities, you gain a +2 morale bonus on your attack rolls if you move at least one square before attacking. You lose this benefit for the remaining duration of your current use of bardic music if you do not move or if you do not attack on your turn. If you stand still and attack (or move without attacking), you do not gain this feat�s benefit, but this ability�s duration continues.

Special: A fighter can select Battle Dancer as one of his fighter bonus feels.


You enjoy a stronger than normal magical bond with your familiar, granting you access to two special abilities.

Prerequisite: Familiar.

Benefit: As long as your familiar is within 30 feet of you, the two of you can share the damage from a single deadly attack. Once per day, if an attack would drop your familiar to 0 or fewer hit points, you can instead choose to accept that damage. In addition, once per day, your familiar can choose to take the damage from a single attack or effect that would reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points. This ability applies only to attacks or effects that deal hit point damage. You or your familiar could not absorb the effect of a spell such as flesh to stone.


You can move and attack with superior speed and power.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge. Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit:When using the Spring Attack feat, you designate two foes rather than one. Your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from either of these foes. While using an attack action with the Spring Attack feat, you can make a second attack with a �5 penalty. You can use both attacks against one of the opponents targeted with this feat, or split your attacks between them.


You can baiter foes senseless with your mace, morningstar. quarterstaff, or flail. Few victims are willing to stand toe-to-toe with a warrior known for knocking his foes witless with a single strike.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: If you use your Power Attack (eat to increase your damage with a bludgeoning weapon, you can attempt a brutal strike. You must declare your intention before making your attack, if the attack hits and your opponent takes damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your extra damage from the Power Attack feat on the attack)or be sickened for 1 round. You can use this feat once per round during your attack action.

Special: This feat cannot be used against a creature that is not subject to extra damage from critical hits. A fighter can select Brutal Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your acrobatics and agility in combat allow you to maneuver across the battlefield with ease. You stay on your feet and speed over difficult terrain due to your superior athleticism and acrobatic talents.

Prerequisites: Balance 9 ranks. Tumble 9 ranks.

Benefit: You gain several benefits from this feat to reflect your overall athletic ability and training in the skills vital to an acrobat.

Acrobatic Recovery: If an effect causes you to fall prone, you can make a DC 20 Balance check to remain on your feet.

Sure Footed Maneuver: With a DC 15 Balance check, you can ignore up to 4 squares of difficult terrain while moving. You treat these squares as normal terrain. You still endure any el lefts or hazards associated with the terrain. For example, a shallow pool of boiling water might deal fire damage and count as difficult terrain. You would still take damage from the water even if your Balance check allowed you to move through it at full speed.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Acrobat as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your familiar is skilled in delivering attack spells against your foes. It flits past their defenses to discharge its spell without leaving itself vulnerable to attack.

Prerequisites: Arcane caster level 1st, familiar.

Benefit: If your familiar holds the charge for a couch spell, it does not provoke an al lack of opportunity for entering an opponents square.


You excel at approaching an opponent from an unexpected direction to deliver deadly attacks. As you approach your foe, you duck and weave to confuse his defenses. Alternatively, you draw a weapon and make a quick arrack that surprises your foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit: You can designate one specific foe as the target of this feat as a free action. If neither you nor the target threatens each other at the start of your turn, you gain a +2 bonus on melee damage against that target during your turn.


You are a thunderbolt of destruction on the battlefield. By carefully timing your charge, you rush forward and slam into an enemy just as he gathers the speed needed to charge you. You turn your opponent�s momentum against him.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.

Benefit: You can ready a standard action to use this feat when an opponent charges you or any other target. At any point during your opponent�s charge, you can charge him. In place of the normal charge benefits, you gain +2 on your attack roll and +4 on your damage roll. Your foe loses the benefits of charging (but not the penalties) but can still attack you. If the target charged someone else, he can choose to instead attack you. You take the standard �2 penalty to AC for charging. If you cannot move at lease 10 feet or cannot charge due to terrain or other factors, you do not gain this tear�s benefit. In either case, you use your readied action to move but do not gain an attack.

Special: A fighter can select Cometary Collision as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You form a special magical link with your animal companion, allowing you to share spells with it over a greater distance.

Prerequisite: Animal companion.

Benefit: You use your companion�s share spells ability out to a range of 30 feet, rather than the standard 5 feet. You can cast touch spells to affect your companion at a greater range than normal. You can change a spell�s range from touch to short (range of 25 feet + 5 feet per two caster levels) if the spell targets only your companion.


You are skilled in lining up accurate, deadly shots with your crossbow. Perhaps you add custom-made sights to your weapon, or you have learned to maximize the stability and precision the weapon offers.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with hand, heavy, or light crossbow. Weapon Focus with hand, heavy, or light crossbow. base arrack bonus +1.

Benefit:When using a crossbow for which you have the Weapon Focus feat, you gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your Dexterity bonus. If you have the skirmish or sneak attack ability, the maximum range at which you can make such attacks increases to 60 feet when you are using a crossbow for which you have the Weapon Focus feat.

Special: A fighter can select Crossbow Sniper as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You wield a bludgeoning weapon with superior power, allowing you to batter aside an opponent�s defenses.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with a bludgeoning weapon, Weapon Focus with a bludgeoning weapon, Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning), Weapon Specialization with a bludgeoning weapon, base attack bonus +14.

Benefit:When you use a full attack action while fighting with any bludgeoning weapon, each attack that connects beats down your foe�s defenses, grant ingacumulaiivc+1 bonus on attack rolls until the end of your current turn.


When an area attack detonates around you, you use the chaos and Hash of energy to duck out of sight.

Prerequisites:Hide 9 ranks, evasion.

Benefit: If you are caught within an area attack whose damage you avoid completely due to your evasion or improved evasion ability, you can make a combined Hide check and a 5-foot step its an immediate action. You can attempt this check only if there is cover suitable for a Hide check, and you can lake your 5-foot step into cover before making your Hide attempt.

Special: If you have the hide in plain sight class feature, you do not need cover near you to attempt the Hide check allowed by this feat.


From the lowliest prestidigitator to the most august hierophant, spellcasters both arcane and divine recognize the power of counterspelling. You are no exception. You have learned to channel energy into a foe�s spell to weaken its effects. Although you fail to nullify the spell, you render it much easier to resist.

Prerequisite: Improved Counterspell.

Benefit: You can use an immediate action to attempt to dampen an enemy�s spell. As with counterspelling you must identify the target spell as it is being cast. If you successfully identify it, you can expend any spell or spell slot to dampen your opponent�s incantation. Because of your hasty, immediate casting, you do not fully counter the target spell. Instead, you subtract the level of the spell or spell slot you expend from the save DC of your opponent�s spell.


You carefully line up a ranged attack, timing it precisely so that you hit your opponent when his guard is down. When your target is busy dealing with an ally�s melee attack, you strike.

Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4, skirmish or sneak attack ability.

Benefit: By firing just as your ally connects with a blow, you take advantage of the distraction to strike the same enemy when his guard is ruined. If you ready a ranged attack to occur when an ally strikes a particular target, and your ally succeeds, that target loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack.

Special: A fighter can select Deadeye Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats


You sweep your weapon through the area you threaten, warding away opponents and forcing them to move away or suffer a fearsome blow.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 15.

Benefit: If an opponent begins his action adjacent to you and does not move, he provokes an attack of opportunity from you immediately after his turn ends, provided that you threaten the square that he occupies. Any sort of movement, including a 5-foot step, allows the opponent to avoid provoking this special at lack of opportunity. This feat does not give you any ability to make additional attacks of opportunity in a given round.

Special: A fighter can select Defensive Sweep as one of his fighter bonus feats.


When you strike an opponent with a piercing weapon, the brutal impact of your strike sends him sprawling.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected piercing weapon. Weapon Focus with selected piercing weapon, Weapon Mastery (piercing), Weapon Specialization with selected piercing weapon, base attack bonus +14.

Benefit: If you use a full-round action to make a single melee attack with any piercing weapon and succeed in hitting, you can initiate a special bull rush attempt against the target. This bull rush uses your total bonus on damage rolls in place of your Strength modifier. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity with this bull rush, and you cannot move forward with your opponent. If you succeed in pushing an opponent back 10 feet or more, you can reduce the distance you push him by 10 feet. In return, your foe falls prone in the square where he ends his movement. Note that by reducing the distance you push your opponent, you can have him fall prone in his current space.


You have studied the mighty arcane traditions of the elves, granting you insight into (he intricate workings of magic and the theoretical structures behind spells.

Prerequisites: Int 17 or elf, Knowledge (arcane) 12 ranks.

Benefit: Your understanding of the elven secrets of magic grams you two benefits. When you cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic, you gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check, Your understanding of magic allows you to more easily unravel the power that sustains a foe�s spell. In addition, your knowledge of magic grants you rare insights into forgotten spell lore. Choose a single spell in your spellbook when you take this feat. When preparing that spell, you can alter the type of damage it deals to a single type of your choice. You must make this choice when preparing the spell (those who do not prepare spells cannot benefit from this aspect of the feat). You can prepare the spell multiple times, selecting the same or a different energy type for it with each preparation. You can gain this feat multiple times. The easier level bonus does not slack, and each time you take the lent, a different spell must be chosen.


While the chaos of battle swirls around you. you rely on your ability to slip into the background 10 avoid your enemy�s notice. Your frightened demeanor and pitiable appearance causes your opponents to seek out other targets.

Prerequisites: Bluff 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks.

Benefit:When you wear no armor or light armor and carry nothing in your hands, your opponents might assume that you are an ineffectual fighter. As an immediate action, choose a single target for this feat. If that opponent threatens both you and one of your allies, that foe strikes your ally rather than you unless he succeeds on a Sense Motive check opposed by your Bluff check. If your foe is larger than you, you gain a +4 bonus on your Bluff check. You lose this benefit if you attack any opponent or target an opponent with a spell. This benefit does not apply 10 ranged attacks or attacks of opportunity that you provoke. Once you choose a target for this feat, you cannot switch to a new target for the rest of the encounter.

FIERY FIST [General]

By channeling your ki energy, you sheathe your limbs in magical fire. Your unarmed strikes deal extra fire damage.

Prerequisites:Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend one of your uses of the Stunning Fist feat to surround your fists and feet in flame. For the rest of your turn, you gain an extra 1d6 points of fire damage on your unarmed strikes. When you select this feat, you gain an additional daily use of Stunning Fist.

Special: A fighter can select Fiery Fist as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk with the Stunning Fist feat can select Fiery Fist as her bonus feat a) 2nd level, even if she does not meet the other prerequisites.


You channel your ki energy into a cloak of flame that injures all who attempt to strike you.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 15, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend one of your uses of the Stunning Fist feat to cloak yourself in flame. Any creature that strikes you with a melee attack takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.

Special: A fighter can select Fiery Ki Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk with the Stunning Fist feat can select Fiery Ki Defense as her bonus feat at 8th level, as long as she also possesses the Fiery Fist feat (other prerequisites can be ignored).

FLAY [General]

When fighting unarmored opponents, you excel at twisting your weapon just before impact. This motion rips and tears at your foe�s flesh, causing intense pain. This attack is wholly ineffective against armored foes, but it tears through natural defenses.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack.

Benefit:When you use your Power Attack feat with a slashing or piercing weapon against a foe who lacks an armor bonus to AC. you inflict horrid pain on your target. 11 your attack hits, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your damage bonus from Power Attack on the strike). If this save fails, he takes a �2 penalty on attacks for 1 round. You can use this feat once per round against a given target.

Special: A fighter can select Flay as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are skilled in using grenade-like weapons. You excel at tossing them to just the right spot to maximize the amount of damage they cause as they burst open upon the battlefield.

Benefit: You are an expert with splash weapons and all manner of incendiary mixtures. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with splash weapons and a +1 bonus on the weapon�s damage (including splash damage).

Special: A fighter can select Grenadier as one of his fighter bonus feats.


When you have a chance to strike a distracted foe, you instead use that opportunity to aid or protect an ally against him.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit:Whenever an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you can choose to replace that attack with an aid another action targeting that opponent.


You make a display of your combat prowess designed to strike terror in your foe. Your stance, attack method, and demeanor demonstrate to your foe that you are capable of defeating him with little effort. Your intent is clear�if you decide to hit your foe. you could easily slay him.

Prerequisites: Intimidate 4 ranks.

Benefit: As a standard action, you make a single melee attack against your foe. You subtract a number from this attack equal to or less than your base attack bonus. If your attack hits, you can make an Intimidate check against the foe you struck, with a bonus equal to the number you subtracted from your attack roll. If this check succeeds, your opponent is shaken for the rest of the encounter. You cannot use (his feat IO worsen an opponent�s fear condition beyond shaken.

Special: A fighter can select Intimidating Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your physical toughness translates into greater menial resiliency. Where others cave in to magical effects that alter their minds, you stand resolute.

Prerequisites: Endurance, Iron Will.

Benefit:Whenever you make a Will save against a mindaffecting or fear ability, you can roll 2d20 and use (he higher of the two die rolls.


Your sharp sense of hearing allows you to determine much more about your surroundings.

Prerequisites: Listen 6 ranks, Alertness or Skill focus (Listen).

Benefit:When you make a Listen check, you might learn more than normal about a source of noise. If you beat the Listen DC by 5 or more, you determine the size, speed, and direction of the source of noise If you beat the DC by to or more, you determine the precise, current position of the creature or object that caused the sound. If you beat the DC by 15 or more, you determine the type of armor the creature wears and what it carries, if anything. If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you learn the creature�s type and subtypes. The information you learn is cumulative.

For example, if you got a Listen check result of 35 against a DC of 23, you gain the information for beating the check by 10 and by 5. These benefits apply to both standard and opposed Listen checks. Also, you gain a �5 bonus on Listen checks to pinpoint invisible creatures.

KI BLAST [General]

You focus your ki into a ball of energy that you can hurl at an opponent.

Prerequisites: Dex 13. Wis 13. Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike. Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: You can expend two daily uses of your Stunning Fist feat as a move action to create an orb of raw ki energy. You can then throw the seething orb as a standard action with a range of 60 feet. This ranged touch attack deals damage equal to 3d6 points + your Wis modifier. The let orb is a force effect. If you fail to throw the orb before the end of your turn, it dissipates harmlessly. When you take this feat, you gain an additional daily use of Stunning Fist.

Special: A fighter can select Ki Blast as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk with the Stunning Fist feat can select Ki Blast as her bonus feat at 8th level, as long as she possesses the Fiery Fist feat and a base attack bonus of +6 (other prerequisites can be ignored).


Your excellent athletic ability and superior conditioning allow you to make near-superhuman leaps.

Prerequisite: Jump 4 ranks.

Benefit:When making a Jump check, the DC for the check doesn�t double if you fail to move 20 feet in a straight line prior to jumping, if you do move 20 feet in a straight line before attempting a jump, you gain a +5 competence bonus on your check.

Normal: All Jump checks require a 20-foot running start to avoid doubling the DC of the check.


You make a single attack against a foe who stands just beyond your reach.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a single strike with a 5-foot bonus to your attack�s reach. This benefit applies to both armed and unarmed attacks, including touch attacks made to deliver spells.

Special: A fighter can select Lunging Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your familiar hides within the (olds of your robe or lakes cover behind you as your opponents close in. When it moves to attack, its sudden appearance might catch your foe by surprise.

Prerequisites: Combat Familiar, arcane caster level 6th, familiar.

Benefit: If your familiar occupies your square, it gains cover against all attacks. As a consequence, it can make a Hide check to avoid your foe�s notice. If your familiar then leaves your space to attack an opponent, it gains the normal benefit for attacking from a hidden position.


You fight with the rage that only a rabid badger or a beer- addled dwarf can bring to bear. In combat, you shrug off attacks and continue fighting even in the face of horrific injuries and effects.

Prerequisite: Rage or frenzy ability.

Benefit:When fighting, you can endure tremendous blows with little visible effect. As an immediate action, you can choose to delay the effect of a single attack, spell, or ability used against you. The damage or effect does not lake hold until the end of your next turn. You can only use this ability while under the effect of your rage or frenzy ability. You can activate it once every time you use your rage or frenzy ability.


Your words are your weapons. You confuse others with your speech, luring them into giving up vital secrets and leaving them dumbfounded with your carefully constructed, conversational static.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Diplomacy 9 ranks.

Benefit: This feat grants two new uses for the Diplomacy skill. You must share a language with a creature to use these options against it. Neither ability functions during combat.

Captivating Speech: You can distract a creature with your compelling delivery and witticisms. With a successful Diplomacy check opposed by the target�s own Diplomacy check or Will save, you can impose a �4 penalty on the target�s Listen. Sense Motive, and Spot checks so long as you continue speaking. You can affect a number of targets equal to 1 + your Cha bonus (if any) as long as they are all Within 20 feet.

Trap of Words: If a creature attempts and fails to successfully to use Bluff to lie to you, you skillfully maneuver the conversation to confuse the target or trick him into letting slip a vital clue. After succeeding on your Sense Motive check, you can then engage the target in conversation for at least 1 minute. At the end of this time, make a Diplomacy check opposed by the target�s Bluff check. If you succeed, the target inadvertently reveals his lie and the reason behind it.


Your speed, agility, and talent for intelligent fighting allow you to avoid your opponent�s blows. You take careful stock of an opponent and slip away from his sword blow just as he commits to the attack.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.

Benefit:While lighting defensively, you can attempt to negate a single attack made by the target of your Dodge feat. If this opponent attacks you. use an immediate action to make a d20 roll modified by your highest base attack bonus. The result is used as your normal AC and touch AC against that single, specific attack from your opponent. You cannot use this feat if your Dexterity bonus to AC does not apply against your opponent�s attack.

Special: A fighter can select Melee Evasion as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have mastered a wide range of weapons. Your training with one specific weapon now extends to other weapons of a similar sort.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon. Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus 48.

Benefit:When you select this feat, choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You must have Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with a melee weapon that deals this type of damage. When using any melee weapon that has the damage type you selected, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a �2 bonus on damage rolls.

Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time, you can select a new damage type. A fighter can choose Melee Weapon Mastery as one of his fighter bonus feats.


If you attack a foe who does nothing to turn aside your attack, you press forward with an indomitable strike. Only a fool ignores the deadly threat you present.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +15.

Benefit: As a free action, designate one specific foe as the target of this feat. If this foe begins his turn adjacent to you, ends his turn still adjacent to you, and does not attack you, target you with a spell, or use a special ability against you, you gain a +4 bonus onmelee attack rolls against him on your next turn.


You send a powerful shot cleaving through your enemies.

Prerequisites: Str 15, Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +10.

Benefit:When you make a ranged attack with a projectile weapon (such as a bow, crossbow, or sling), you can instead choose to unleash a single, mighty attack that blasts through multiple opponents. This attack requires a standard action, and your shot takes the form of a 60-foot line Make a separate attack roll against each creature in the line. If struck, creatures along this line take damage from your shot, though any extra damage (such as from a sneak attack or a flaming weapon) is applied only against the first creature struck.

Special: A fighter can select Penetrating Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have mastered a wide range of weapons. Your training with one specific weapon now extends to other weapons of a similar son.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon. Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit:When you select this feat, choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You must have Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with a ranged weapon that deals this type of damage. When using any ranged weapon that has the damage type you selected, you gain a +2 bonus on attacks and a +2 bonus on damage. In addition, you increase its range increment by 20 feet.

Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time you can select a new damage type. A fighter can choose Ranged Weapon Mastery as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You charge across the battlefield, combining your speed and fighting ability to move and attack with unmatched skill.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Bounding Assault, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +18.

Benefit: You can designate a third target for your Spring Attack teat. In addition to the second attack you gain from your Bounding Assault feat, you can make a third attack with a � 10 penalty.


By offering Robilar�s Gambit, you absorb damage to place yourself in an advantageous position. This dangerous sacrifice is not for the unfit or the unwise, for one failed retaliatory strike can undo the advantage gained. Lord Robilar, a rash and impetuous fighter, gained fame using this technique against his enemies.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit: At the start of your action, you can adopt a fighting stance that exposes you to harm bill allows you to take advantage of your opponents� exposed defenses as they reach in to attack you. Anyone who strikes at you gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against you. In return, they provoke attacks of opportunity from you each time they swing. Resolve your attack of opportunity after your foe�s attack.

Normal: Opponents do not provoke attacks of opportunity by attacking. Further, when an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity, you resolve your attack before he completes the action that provoked the attack of opportunity.

Special: A fighter can select Robilar�s Gambit as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You can hurl your shield as a deadly missile, turning it from a defensive item to a crushing, thrown weapon.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: You can wield your light shield or heavy shield as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 20 feet. The shield deals damage as normal for its size (see Table 7� 5, PH 116), and you gain your Strength bonus on damage as normal for a thrown weapon. In addition, you can make a ranged touch attack to initiate a trip attempt. Your target resists the trip attempt as normal. You lose your size bonus (though not a size penalty) on your Strength check. If your foe�s check succeeds, he cannot attempt to trip you. You cannot throw a tower shield. You can throw a buckler, but it does no damage, and you cannot use it to trip an opponent.

Special: A fighter can select Shield Sling as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are skilled in using a shield, allowing you to gain greater defensive benefits from it.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with shields.

Benefit: Choose one type of shield from the following list: buckler, heavy, or light. When using a shield of the appropriate type, you increase its shield bonus to AC by 1.

Special: You can take this feat more than once, each time you select it, choose a different type of shield. A fighter can select Shield Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You use your shield like a wall of steel and wood. When an opponent attempts to draw in close to you. your shield forces him away or ruins his attacks.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization.

Benefit: You apply your shield bonus to your touch AC, and on checks or rolls to resist bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, or trip attempts against you.

Special: A fighter can select Shield Ward as one of his fighter bonus feats.

SHORT HAFT [General]

You have trained in polearm fighiing alongside your comrades in arms, sometimes reaching past them while they shield you, and sometimes shielding them while they attack from behind you.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with a reach weapon, Weapon Focus with a reach weapon, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can choose to lose the benefit of wielding any reach weapon other than a spiked chain or a whip. In return, you can use that weapon to threaten and attack spaces adjacent to you. With another swift action, you can give up this feat�s benefit in order to regain the use of your weapon�s superior reach.

Special: A fighter can select Short Haft as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You swing your weapon with uncanny speed, slicing apart a foe in the blink of an eye.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected slashing weapon, Weapon Focus with selected slashing weapon, Weapon Mastery (slashing),Weapon Specialization with selected slashing weapon, base attack bonus +14.

Benefit:When you use a standard action 10 attack with any slashing weapon, you can choose to make a second attack with that weapon. You take a �5 penalty on the first attack, and a �10 penalty on the second. When you use a full attack action with any slashing weapon, you gain one additional attack at your highest base attack bonus. That attack and all other attacks you make in the current round take a �5 penalty.


You have trained extensively in the use of magic that renders you invisible. In combat, you use this experience to vex your opponents and increase your survivability.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit:While you are invisible, you gain additional benefits. Creatures unable to see you due to invisibility take a �5 penalty on all Listen checks to detect you. A creature using a melee attack against the square you occupy provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You must choose to make this attack before checking to see if the creature finds you. If you attack and hit, the creature automatically finds you in your square. See page 152 of the Player�s Handbook and page 295 of the Dungeon Master�s Guide for the effects of invisibility on combat.

Special: A fighter can select Spectral Skirmisher as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You and your familiar can share spell energy, allowing your familiar to cast a limited number of spells each day.

Prerequisites: Arcane caster level 9th, familiar.

Benefit: Your familiar can cast spells that you grant to it. A familiar gains spells based on your arcane easier level, and any spells granted to your familiar are subtracted from your daily allotment. The maximum number of spells of a certain level that you can grant to your familiar is given on the table below. For example, as a 16th-level arcane caster, you can grant your familiar as many as three 0-level spells, two 1st-level spells, and one 2nd-level spell. The familiar uses 1/2 your caster level as its caster level. It cannot cast spells that have a gp or XP cost, or that require a focus. A familiar does not need somatic, material, or verbal components to cast a spell that was granted to it by this feat.


You excel at aiding your allies in battle. When an opponent attempts to strike one of them, you make a quick, distracting motion to ruin the foe�s efforts.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Hindering Opportunist, bass attack bonus +9.

Benefit:When an opponent you threaten attempts a melee attack against one of your allies, you can give up one of your attacks of opportunity to attempt an aid another action. You target the attacking opponent with the aid another. The target of your foe�s attack gains the benefit of your action in the form of a +2 bonus to AC against the attempted attack. You cannot use this feat against the same opponent more than once per round.


Your physical durability allows you to shrug off attacks that would cripple a lesser person. Rather than depend on agility or willpower, you use your raw toughness to survive.

Prerequisites: Endurance.

Benefit: You can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier on Will saves. You do not automatically fail Fortitude saves on a roll of natural 1.


When you strike an opponents vital areas, you draw on your ability to land crippling blows to make the most of your attack.

Prerequisite: Skirmish or sneak attack ability.

Benefit:When you score a critical hit against a target, you deal your skirmish or sneak attack damage in addition to the damage from your critical hit. Your critical multiplier applies only to your normal damage, not your skirmish or sneak attack damage. This benefit affects both melee and ranged attacks.


A belt of minotaur fur, a hood of cloaker wing-skin, and an amulet fashioned from a petrified dragon�s eye�these are (he intimidating symbols of your trade. You are skilled in preserving portions of defeated enemies and turning them into trophies. The memory of your past accomplishments drives you onward, instilling in you the confidence needed to face still greater foes.

Prerequisite: Craft (taxidermy) 6 ranks.

Benefit:When you defeat a foe in combat, you can preserve a part of its body and create a trophy that you can wear or brandish. In order to be worthy of your efforts, the opponent must have a CR greater than your current level. A trophy has a value equal to the defeated creature�s CR � 100 gp. You must spend lime using the Craft (taxidermy) skill to create the trophy as normal. Once you create a trophy, you can sell it for its market price or wear it. When you create a trophy, you must design it to occupy space on your body as one of these kinds of magic items: amulet, belt, boots, or cloak.

You cannot gain the benefit of both a magic item and a trophy if both occupy the same space on your body; in such a case, the object you donned last becomes functional and the other object does not work. While wearing a trophy, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks per trophy against creatures of the same type as the trophy, except for outsiders and humanoids. In these two cases, the target must share the same subtype as the creature from which you crafted the trophy. You take a �4 penalty on Diplomacy checks against creatures of the same type or subtype as one or more of your worn trophies.

For each trophy you wear, you gain a +1 bonus on saves against fear effects. Once per day, you gain a morale bonus on a single Will save equal to the number of trophies you wear. In this case, you draw upon the memories of past victories to strengthen your resolve. If you choose to take this morale bonus on a save against a fear effect, it stacks with the usual +1 bonus on saves per trophy worn.

Special: You can only craft trophies from corporeal creatures that you actively helped defeat. You cannot craft trophies from oozes.


When you move near an opponent, your acrobatic maneuvers leave him confused and unable to properly defend himself.

Prerequisites: Bluff 4 ranks. Tumble 4 ranks.

Benefit: As a swift action at the start of your turn, you designate a single opponent as the target of this feat. If you successfully use your Tumble skill to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity from that opponent, you gain a +5 bonus on your next Bluff check to feint against him. You must use this benefit on or before your next turn.

For example, Lidda designates a nearby ogre as the target of this feat. She tumbles into the ogre�s threatened area and continues to tumble past the creature, moving to a square from which she plans to make a melee attack against the ogre. Lidda succeeds on her Tumble check to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity from the ogre, and she moves into her destination square. She can now use a standard action to feint the ogre, applying the benefit of this feat on her Bluff check. or she can take any other sort of standard action, including making a normal melee attack against the ogre. If she chooses not to feint immediately, she can wait until her next turn and still gain this feat�s benefit.

Special: A fighter can select Tumbling Feint as one of his fighter bonus feats.


When you charge an opponent while wielding two weapons, you can make two quick attacks. You trade the momentum and power of the charge for the opportunity to use your second weapon.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit:When you are making a charge and wielding weapons in both hands, you can attack with both of your weapons. If you do so, you lose the bonus on attack rolls normally granted by a charge. The �2 penalty to AC from charging till applies.

Normal:When making a charge, you get a single attack at the end of your movement.

Special: A fighter can select Two-Weapon Pounce as one of his fighter bonus feats. A ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style can select Two-Weapon Pounce as long as he has a base attack bonus of +6 and is wearing light armor or no armor.


You wield two weapons with an artisan�s precision. Each strike builds on the next, allowing you to deal more damage.

Prerequisites: Dex 15. Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: If you successfully hit an opponent with both of the weapons you wield, you deal extra damage equal to 1d6 + 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus. This extra damage is treated as the same type that your off- hand weapon deals normally for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and other effects related to damage type. You can gain this extra damage once per round against a given opponent.

Special: A fighter can select Two-Weapon Rend as one of his fighter bonus feats. A ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style can select Two-Weapon Rend as long as In-has a base-attack bonus of +11 and is wearing light armor or no armor.

VATIC GAZE [General]

Your arcane studies have brought forth your nascent talent to sense magical auras and the power that others are capable of wielding.

Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 9th.

Benefit: You can use detect magic at will. Also, as a swift action, you can attempt to determine an opponent�s spellcasting ability. You make a Sense Motive check (DC 5 + target�s caster level). 11� this check succeeds. you learn the highest-level spells the target is capable of casting. This benefit grants you no insight into spell-like or supernatural abilities.


You employ a variety of unarmed righting styles, allowing you to alter the type of damage your attacks deal.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can opt for your unarmed strikes to deal your choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. Once you make this choice, your unarmed strikes continue to deal the chosen damage type until you use another swift action to change it.

Special: A fighter can select Versatile Unarmed Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You excel at picking apart an opponent�s defenses when your allies also threaten him.

Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on your attack rolls when flanking.

Normal: Flanking grants a+2 bonus on attack rolls.

Special: A fighter can select Vexing Flanker as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Many halflings journey far and wide across the world, spending no more than a few months in one place. You have spent time among the halflings, or you are a halfling yourself. Your exposure to that race�s nomadic way of life has taught you several Useful methods of dealing with strangers.

Prerequisites:Halfling or 4 ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive.

Benefit: You excel in using your words and wit to make your way in the world. This feat grants you three separate abilities.

Canny Merchant: You can make a Diplomacy check to track down an item that is normally too expensive to be purchased in the town or settlement where you are currently located. The DC of this check is 10+(the item�s gp cost minus the community�s gp limit, divided by 1,000). If this check succeeds, you learn of a merchant who can supply the item to you. You must still purchase it as normal.

Intuitive Communication: When you are faced with a creature whose language you do not understand, you can attempt to communicate with it by making a successful Sense Motive check. This check requires that you spend at least 1 minute listening to the creature and watching its gestures and demeanor. The check�s base DC is 20. If the creature is not the same type as you, the DC is 30. With a successful check, you learn the basic gist of the creatures speech. This ability gives you no special talent to speak the creature�s tongue.

Social Agility: You can temporarily alter a creature�s attitude toward you. You can use Bluff against an unfriendly or less hostile creature in the same way you use Diplomacy. Using Bluff in this manner is a standard action that takes no special penalties. The target�s attitude remains changed for 1 minute. After this time, it becomes one grade more hostile than where it started for 10 minutes.


You channel your ki energy to splinter the defenses of creatures whose tough hides or magical natures normally allow them to shrug off your blows.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on damage rolls when you make an unarmed strike against an opponent whose damage reduction is effective against your unarmed strikes. This feat�s benefit does not apply against a target if its damage reduction does not apply to your attacks. For example, a monk with ki strike (adamantine) does not gain 1 lie bonus on damage rolls against a foe with damage reduction that affects attacks with adamantine weapons.

Special: A fighter can select Water Splitting Stone as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk with the Stunning Fist feat can select Water Splitting Stone as long as she has a base attack bonus +9 (other prerequisites can be ignored).


You are a grandmaster in the use of your chosen weapon. When you hold it in your hands, no foe can stand against you.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon. Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Specialisation with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Mastery with damage type of selected weapon, fighter level 18th.

Benefit:When fighting with the weapon that you choose for this feat, you gain a number of additional advantages. You gain a +4 bonus on all checks made to resist being disarmed. You can wield your weapon against a foe who grapples you without penalty and without first making a grapple check. In this situation, you can take a standard action or a full attack action as normal. When you take a full attack action, you can apply a +5 bonus to any single attack after your first strike. Once per round before making an attack roll, you can instead choose to treat your d20 result as a 10. You gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Special: You can choose this feat only once, for a single specific kind of weapon. The dedication and focus it requires makes it impossible to gain this feat for more than one weapon.


You throw yourself into the fray, using your spiked armor and spiked shield to tear your opponents to pieces.

Prerequisites: Str 13, proficiency with spiked armor and spiked shields, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked armor, Weapon Focus (spiked shield), base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: The Blood-Spiked Charger feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Spiked Avalanche: When you are using the charge action while wearing spiked armor and carrying cither a spiked shield or nothing in your hands, you throw yourself into the air, transforming yourself into a deadly, spiked projectile. A successful attack with either your spiked shield or your spiked armor deals extra damage equal to twice your Strength bonus. You can attack with both your spiked armor and a spiked shield on this charge, each one benefiting from the Strength bonus, but you take the normal penalties for using two weapons.

Spiked Rebuke: When you are fighting defensively and carrying a spiked shield, you lash out at your foes with your shield in response to their attacks. Determine what your AC would be without your spiked shield and the AC bonus for fighting defensively. If an opponent�s attack hits against this lower AC but misses against your actual AC, the foe strikes your shield, allowing you to deflect his attack in such a way as to leave him vulnerable to your counter. On your next action, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against your chosen foe with your spiked shield.

Spiked Slam: As a full-round action when you are wielding a spiked shield, you can opt to make only a single attack at your best base attack bonus. You brace yourself behind your spiked shield, drive yourself forward, and slam into your foe. You enter your foe�s space, which provokes attacks of opportunity. In return, your attack deals extra damage equal to twice your Strength and an additional amount based on your size (see below). After making this attack, you stumble back into the square you occupied just before making this attack. Until the start of your next turn, you do not threaten any squares.

Special: A fighter can select Blood-Spiked Charger as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are adept at turning your cloak into a vital pan of your combat repertoire. By twirling it about you. sweeping it over enemies, and using it to conceal your weapon, you can catch an opponent by surprise.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: The Combat Cloak Expert feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers. You must wear a cloak in order to utilize them.

Cloak Defense: While you are lighting defensively, you can use your cloak to confuse your foes. You hold it before your chest like a curtain, making it difficult for enemies to read your defensive moves. Your cloak grants you a +1 shield bonus to AC. If you use the total defense action, your cloak�s shield bonus improves to +2. (Shield bonuses do not stack, making it likely that this maneuver is a poor option if you already carry a shield).

Cloaked Strike: You can use your cloak to hide a light weapon. To utilize this maneuver, on the first round you must move adjacent to an opponent while you do not have a weapon in either hand. On the second round, you make a Bluff check opposed by your foe�s Sense Motive check as you use a move action to draw your weapon. If this check succeeds, your opponent loses either his Dexterity bonus to AC or his shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your current turn.

Whirling Cloak: You can attempt to use your cloak to confuse your opponent. As a move action after successfully striking an opponent in melee, make a melee touch attack against that foe. If this attack hits, you whirl your cloak around him, temporarily ruining his defenses. Your opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity against a particular ally of your choice until the start of his next turn.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Cloak Expert as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your glowing personality and sharp performance abilities allow you to navigate the battlefield on sheer chutzpah alone. While others rely on swords and armor, you use your cutting wit and ability to manipulate others.

Prerequisites: Bluff 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks.

Benefit: The Combat Panache feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Fortuitous Tumble: For a brief moment, you appear to let your guard down. As your foe swings at you, you slip out of the way, causing his attack to slam into one of his allies. By positioning yourself correctly and making yourself an appealing target, you dupe your foe into making a critical blunder. To use this maneuver, you must be successfully attacked by a foe. On your next turn, you can take a move action to make a Bluff check opposed by his Sense Motive check. If you succeed on the check, you can take an immediate action at the start of your foe�s next turn and designate a different larger for your opponent�s next melee attack (which must be a creature it threatens).

Play Dead: You crumple to the ground as if slain, luring your opponent into a false sense of security. As an immediate action after you are hit for at least 10 points of damage by a single attack, you can attempt to play dead. You drop prone and make a Bluff check opposed by your attacker�s (or any other relevant observer�s) Sense Motive check. If you succeed on this check, the observer assumes you are dead. If you subsequently rise and attack him in the same round, he loses any attack of opportunity he might have been entitled to against you, and he loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against the first attack that you make. You can use this ability once per encounter. Standing up after playing dead does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Sneering Glower: With just the right mix of your intimidating presence and your martial talents, you strike such fear into your target that he has difficulty fighting you effectively. On your next turn after you deal at least 1 point of damage to your opponent, you can make an Intimidate check against him as a move action. If you succeed on this check, your foe takes a penalty on his attack rolls against you equal to your Charisma bonus. You can gain this benefit against only one foe at a time; it lasts for the duration of the encounter or until you switch targets. If you designate a new target for this ability (by attempting a new Intimidate check against a different creature), the previous target no longer takes the penalty on his attack rolls against you.

Opponents that are immune to the effects of the Intimidate skill, such as mindless creatures and those with immunity to fear, are immune to this maneuver.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Panache as one of his fighter bonus feats.

EINHANDER [Tactical]

You excel at wielding a one-handed weapon while carrying nothing in your offhand.

Prerequisites: Tumble 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: If you are fighting with a one-handed weapon or a light weapon and carrying nothing in your off hand, the Einhander feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Narrow Profile: You can tuck your arm behind your back and offer a narrow profile when you concentrate on defense rather than offense. You gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively or using the total defense action.

Off-Hand Balance: You use your off hand to balance yourself while performing acrobatic maneuvers. After you successfully strike an opponent, you gain a +2 bonus on Tumble checks to avoid his attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn. When you flip and roll out of harm�s way, you use one hand to keep your balance and your other hand to keep your weapon trained on your foe.

Off-Hand Swap: With a flourish, you flip your weapon into the air, catch it in your offhand, and continue to press the attack. When you use this maneuver, you must first take a full attack action to strike an opponent at least twice. On your next turn, you cm make a special feint as a free action, using Sleight of Hand rather than Bluff. Your opponent uses; the standard rules for resisting a feint. Once you use this maneuver against a particular opponent, whether it succeeds or fails, you cannot use it against him again.

Special: A fighter can select Einhander as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are an expert at using alchemical items. Through expert meditation, research, and your careful study of the art of alchemy, you have learned to make the most of items such as alchemist�s fire.

Prerequisites: Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks, Grenadier.

Benefit: The Mad Alchemist feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Distracting Blast: If you ready an action to throw a thunderstone at the square an opponent occupies, you can disrupt his actions. The sudden bang from the stone�s detonation ruins your foe�s concentration, possibly spoiling his attack or his attempt to cast a spell. If the target of this blast was casting a spell when you threw the thunderstone, he must make a Concentration check opposed by your Craft (alchemy) check. If you succeed on this check, his spell is ruined. If the target was not casting a spell, he must make a Will save opposed by your Craft (alchemy) check or take a �2 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saves until the beginning of your next turn.

Fiery Blaze: To use this maneuver, you must first strike a creature with a container of lantern oil or alchemist�s fire. On your next turn, you must strike the creature with a spell or weapon attack that deals fire damage. If you do so, the creature takes an extra 1d6 points of fire damage and catches on fire if it is nor already in flames.

Tanglefoot Defense: By tearing open a tanglefoot bag and spreading its contents across an area, you can create a vexing barrier that hinders an opponent�s approach. As a standard action, you can Transform a single square of clear term in into difficult terrain through the use of a tanglefoot bag. This effect persists for 10 minutes before the tanglefoot bag loses its potency.


You melt into the shadows, hiding from your enemies until the rime is right. Your cunning, guile, and stealth allow you to pick the most opportune moment to strike.

Prerequisites:Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks.

Benefit: The Shadow Striker feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Evade Notice: If both you and an ally threaten an opponent, you can attempt to slip beneath your opponent�s notice. On your turn, if you take no hostile actions, such as attacking, casting an offensive spell, and so forth, you can make a Hide check opposed by the threatened foe�s Spot check, if you succeed on this check, your foe cannot attack you on his next turn as long as he threatens another active opponent. If you attack your foe for any reason before or during his next turn, you lose this maneuver�s benefit.

Fade Away: To use this maneuver, you must first attack an opponent as a standard action, then move away and attempt a Hide check as part of your move action for the turn. If your attack hits, it creates a momentary diversion, granting you a +5 bonus on this Hide check.

Ghost Strike: You use an ally�s distract ion and your talent to move noiselessly and slip out of your opponent�s field of vision for a single, crucial moment. To use this maneuver, both you and an ally must threaten a single foe. As a Standard action, you make a Move Silently check opposed by your foe�s Listen check. If you succeed on this check, you gain this maneuver�s benefit. On the next round, your target loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against your first attack of the round so long as your ally still threatens him.

Special: A fighter can select Shadow Striker as one of his fighter bonus feats.