Libris MortisFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Corpsecrafter | � | Undead gain +4 Str and +2 hp per Hit Die |
�Bolster Resistance | Corpsecrafter | Undead gain +4 turn resistance |
�Deadly Chill | Corpsecrafter | Undead deal +1d6 cold damage on melee attacks |
�Destruction Retribution | Corpsecrafter | Undead deal negative energy damage when killed |
�Hardened Flesh | Corpsecrafter | Undead gain +2 natural armor |
�Nimble Bones | Corpsecrafter | Undead gain +4 to initiative and +10 ft./round. |
Daunting Presence | Cha 13, base attack bonus | +1 Overawe enemy to make it shaken |
Enduring Life | � | Ignore penalties from negative levels |
�Lasting Life | Endurance, Enduring Life | Purge negative levels with Will saves |
Empower Turning | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | Can turn more undead |
Ghost Scarred | Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks | +2 on attacks, damage, saves against incorporeal undead |
Graft Flesh | Heal 10 ranks | You can apply grafts of a certain type |
Heighten Turning | Cha 13, Extra Turning | Can turn more powerful undead |
Improved Toughness | Base Fortitude save bonus +2 | Gain hp equal to your current HD |
Mother Cyst | Caster level 1st, Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks | Internal undead cyst allows access to special spells |
Necromantic Presence | � | Undead in your presence gain +4 turn resistance |
�Necromantic Might | Necromantic Presence | Undead in your presence gain +2 on attack rolls and damage rolls |
Necropotent | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, fighter level 4th | +4 damage with selected weapon against undead |
Quicken Turning | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | Can turn undead as a free action |
Requiem | Bardic music, Perform (any) 8 ranks | Bardic music affects undead |
Stitched Flesh Familiar | Ability to acquire a new familiar, ability to cast three or more necromancy spells | Familiar gains undead qualities, and you can control 4 extra HD of undead |
Tomb-Tainted Soul | Nongood | Heal with negative energy as an undead creature |
�Tomb-Born Fortitude | Nongood, Tomb-Tainted Soul | 25% crit resistance, no massive damage risk |
�Tomb-Born Resilience | Nongood, Tomb-Tainted Soul | +2 on saves vs. mental influence, poison, disease |
�Tomb-Born Vitality | Nongood, Tomb-Tainted Soul | Forego sleep, immunity to magic sleep effects |
Undead Leadership | Character level 6th, nongood, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank | Attract undead followers and cohort |
Unquenchable Flame of Life | � | +2 bonus on saves against undead attacks |
Vampire Hunter | Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks | Detect vampires, immunity to dominating gaze |
Divine Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Divine Accuracy | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | Ignore miss chance for incorporealness |
Profane Lifeleech | Ability to rebuke undead | Steal 1d6 hp from nearby creatures |
Profane Vigor | Cha 11, ability to rebuke undead | Grant 1d8 hp to nearby undead allies |
Sacred Vengeance | Ability to turn or rebuke undead | +2d6 on melee attacks against undead |
Sacred Vitality | Ability to turn undead | Gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain |
Spurn Death�s Touch | Ability to turn undead | Heal ability damage, paralysis, negative level |
Metamagic Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Energize Spell | Nonevil, no ability to rebuke undead | Deal 50% extra damage to undead |
Enervate Spell | Nongood, no ability to turn undead | Deal 50% extra damage to living creatures |
Fell Animate | � | Creatures slain by the spell rise as zombies |
Fell Drain | � | Creatures hurt by the spell gain a negative level |
Fell Frighten | � | Creatures damaged by the spell are also shaken |
Fell Weaken | � | Creatures damaged by the spell also take �4 St |
Monstrous Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Baleful Moan | Undead type, incorporeal subtype, Daunting Presence | Emit a terrifying moan |
Contagious Paralysis | Paralysis extraordinary or supernatural ability | Paralysis spreads to those who touch target |
Corrupted Wild Shape | Undead type, wild shape class feature | Undead druids retain ability to wild shape |
Death Master | Cha 13, undead type, Daunting Presence, base attack bonus +1 | On your critical hit, target is also shaken |
�Eviscerator | Cha 13, undead type, Daunting Presence, Death Master, Improved Critical, base attack bonus +1 | On your critical hit, foe and its allies are shaken |
Empowered Ability Damage | Cha 11, undead type, incorporeal subtype, supernatural ability to drain or ability drain or damage an ability score | Increase variable effects of ability damage |
Endure Sunlight | Sunlight powerlessness or sunlight-related weakness | Resist dangerous effects of sunlight |
Ghostly Grasp | Cha 15, incorporeal subtype | Use corporeal items |
Improved Energy Drain | Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability | Draw extra power from energy-drained victims |
�Spell Drain | Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability, Improved Energy Drain, caster level 5th | Gain spells lost by the negative levels you bestow |
Improved Paralysis | Undead type, paralysis extraordinary ability | +4 DC to paralysis ability |
Improved Turn Resistance | Undead type | Increase turn resistance by +4 |
Life Drain | Cha 13, energy drain supernatural ability | Negative levels you bestow deal, gain more hp |
Lifebond | Cha 11, undead type | Bond with chosen living creature to gain benefits |
Lifesense | Cha 13, Con - (no Constitution score) | Living creatures provide illumination |
Necrotic Reserve | Cha 13, supernatural ability to drain or damage an ability score or drain energy points | Drain abilities or levels to survive below 0 hit |
Positive Energy Resistance | Undead type | Resistance 10 to positive energy effects |
Quicken Manifestation | Ability to manifest from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane | Manifest from Ethereal Plane as free action |
ASSASSIN SPELLS2ND LEVELBlade of Pain and Fear: Creates blade of gnashing teeth. 3RD LEVELFangs of the Vampire King: Grow vampire fangs. BLACKGUARD SPELLS1ST LEVELBlade of Pain and Fear: Creates blade of gnashing teeth. Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2ND LEVELSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3RD LEVELFangs of the Vampire King: Grow vampire fangs. Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4TH LEVELSummon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. CLERIC SPELLS1ST LEVELNecrotic Awareness: Sense encysted subjects. Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2ND LEVELBlade of Pain and Fear: Creates blade of gnashing teeth. Ghost Touch Armor: Armor works normally against incorporeal attacks. Necrotic Cyst: Encyst undead sac of tissue in subject. Necrotic Scrying: Hear or see encysted subject at a distance. Spawn Screen: You resist being transformed into an undead spawn if slain. Summon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3RD LEVELClutch of Orcus: Deals 1d3 damage/round and paralyzes foe with concentration. Necrotic Bloat: Encysted subject takes 1d6 damage/level. Protection from Negative Energy: Ignore 10 points of negative energy damage per attack. Protection from Positive Energy: Ignore 10 points of positive energy damage per attack. Sheltered Vitality: Subject gains immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, ability damage, and ability drain. Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4TH LEVELConsumptive field: Draw life from all creatures in 10-ft. radius/level with �1 or fewer hit points that fail save. Ghost Touch Weapon: Weapon works normally against incorporeal creatures. Necrotic Domination: Completely control encysted subject. Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. Undead Bane Weapon: Weapon gains undead bane property and is considered good-aligned. 5TH LEVELHaunt Shift: Turn corporeal and incorporeal undead into haunting presences. Incorporeal Nova: Destroy incorporeal undead. Necrotic Burst: Encysted subject killed, cyst begins to roam. Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you. 6TH LEVELGhost Trap: Incorporeal creatures turn corporeal. Necrotic Eruption: Encysted subject killed, those nearby damaged and possibly encysted. 7TH LEVELConsumptive field, Greater: Draw life from all creatures in 10-ft. radius/level with 9 or fewer hit points that fail save. Energy Ebb: Give subject one negative level/round for 1 round/level. Necrotic Tumor: Permanently control encysted subject. Spark of Life: Undead creature loses most immunities. 8TH LEVELDeath Ward, Mass: As death ward but more targets. Necrotic Empowerment: Draw vigor from mother cyst. Restoration, Mass: As restoration, but multiple targets. Veil of Undeath: You gain undead traits. 9TH LEVELNecrotic Termination: Permanently eliminates encysted subject. Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead. DOMAINSDEATHBOUND DOMAINGranted Powers: Your limit for controlling undead animated with spells increases to three times your caster level instead of the normal two times caster level. Domain Spells
HUNGER DOMAINGranted Powers: You gain a bite attack. If you are Small, your bite attack deals 1d4 points of damage; Medium, 1d6; or Large, 1d8. You are proficient with your bite, and considered armed. If you already have a natural bite attack, use the higher of the two damage values. This is considered a secondary natural attack. Domain Spells
UNDEATH DOMAINGranted Powers: You gain Extra Turning as a bonus feat. Domain Spells
DRUID SPELLS4TH LEVELSheltered Vitality: Subject gains immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, ability damage, and ability drain. 8TH LEVELSpark of Life: Undead creature loses most immunities. 9TH LEVELDeath Ward, Mass: As death ward, but more targets. PALADIN SPELLS3RD LEVELUndead Bane Weapon: Weapon gains undead bane property and is considered good-aligned. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1ST LEVELAbjurEctoplasmic Armor: Gain +6 armor bonus against incorporeal touch attacks. ConjSummon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. NecroNecrotic Awareness: Sense encysted subjects. 2ND LEVELConjSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. EvocBlade of Pain and Fear: Creates blade of gnashing teeth. TransGhost Touch Armor: Armor works normally against incorporeal attacks. NecroGhoul Glyph: Glyph wards area, paralyzes victims. Necrotic Cyst: Encyst undead sac of tissue in subject. Necrotic Scrying: Hear or see encysted subject at a distance. Spawn Screen: You resist being transformed into an undead spawn if slain. 3RD LEVELAbjurEctoplasmic Feedback: Incorporeal attackers take 1d6 damage. ConjSummon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. NecroIncorporeal Enhancement: Grant bonuses to incorporeal undead. Necrotic Bloat: Encysted subject takes 1d6 damage/level. 4TH LEVELConjBloodstar: Hovering construct wounds foe each time foe is damaged. Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. NecroNecrotic Domination: Completely control encysted subject. 5TH LEVELConjSummon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you. NecroHaunt Shift: Turn corporeal and incorporeal undead into haunting presences. Kiss of the Vampire: You gain vampirelike supernatural abilities, but are vulnerable to attacks that harm undead. Necrotic Burst: Encysted subject killed, cyst begins to roam. Night�s Caress: Touched foe take 1d6 points of damage per level plus 1d6+2 Con damage. 6TH LEVELNecroGhoul Gauntlet: Convert victim to a ghoul under your control. Incorporeal Nova: Destroy incorporeal undead. Necrotic Eruption: Encysted subject killed, those nearby damaged and possibly encysted. Revive Undead: Restores undeath to undead that was destroyed up to 1 day/level ago. Spectral Touch: Your touch bestows one negative level per round. 7TH LEVELAbjurGhost Trap: Incorporeal creatures turn corporeal. NecroAvasculate: Reduce foe to 0 hp and stun foe for 1 round by purging blood vessels. Awaken Undead: Grant sentience to otherwise mindless undead. Energy Ebb: Give subject one negative level/round for 1 round/level. Necrotic Tumor: Permanently control encysted subject. 8TH LEVELNecroAvascular Mass: Reduce foe to 0 hp and stun foe for 1 round by purging blood vessels, which can trap creatures in 20-ft. radius from victim. Necrotic Empowerment: Draw personal vigor from mother cyst. Veil of Undeath: You gain undead traits. TransGhostform: You assume incorporeal form and gain some incorporeal traits and bonuses. 9TH LEVELNecroNecrotic Termination: Permanently eliminates encysted subject. Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead. |
Afflux: Bloodfather, the Unsatisfied Questioner, the Bloodspiller
Doresain: King of the Ghouls
Evening Glory: The Deathless Beauty, the Eternal Lover
Nerull: The Reaper, The Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, King of All Gloom, Reaper of Flesh
Orcus: Demon Prince of the Undead, Tenebrous