FeatsLibris Mortis Feats
BALEFUL MOAN [MONSTROUS]Your hollow cry strikes fear into the hearts of the living. Prerequisites: Undead type, incorporeal subtype, Daunting Presence. Benefit: You can emit a moan as a standard action. All living creatures within a 30-foot spread must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) or become shaken for 1 minute. This is a supernatural, sonic, necromantic, mindaffecting, fear effect. A creature that successfully saves against the moan cannot be affected by your moan for 24 hours. Special: If you already have the frightful moan ability (see the ghost�s special attacks, page 117 of the Monster Manual), instead of the normal Benefits of this feat, the DC to resist your frightful moan ability increases by 2. BOLSTER RESISTANCE [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create are more resistant to turning than normal. Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains +4 turn resistance. CONTAGIOUS PARALYSIS [MONSTROUS]Your paralyzing attack is contagious. Prerequisite: Paralysis as an extraordinary or supernatural ability. Benefit: Any creature paralyzed by your special attack can confer paralysis to other creatures that touch it. Any creature touching a creature that you have paralyzed is immediately affected as if you had delivered a paralyzing attack upon it (using the same save DC to resist, if allowed). If a creature successfully saves against your contagious paralysis attack, it can�t be affected by your attack for 24 hours. CORPSECRAFTER [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create are tougher than normal. Benefit: Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and +2 hit points per Hit Die. CORRUPTED WILD SHAPE [MONSTROUS]You have learned to use the necromantic energy that powers your undead form to overcome the inability of undead creatures to wild shape. You can assume the form of an undead, rotten creature with the use of your wild shape ability. Prerequisites: Undead type, wild shape class feature. Benefit: You can use your wild shape ability even though you are undead. The ability functions just as if you were a living creature using the ability, with the following exceptions. You do not gain a Constitution score in the new form, and you retain all the immunities of the undead type while in your new form. The form you assume looks half-decayed, with missing patches of fur and rotted, worm-eaten flesh. While you are in this form, the rank odor of death hangs around you. Normal: Since it is based on the polymorph spell, wild shape works only on living creatures. DAUNTING PRESENCE [GENERAL]You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents. Prerequisites: Cha 13, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You may take a standard action to awe an opponent. The opponent must be within 30 feet, have line of sight to you, and have an Intelligence score. If the opponent fails a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier), it is shaken for 10 minutes. This feat has no effect on a creature that is already shaken. Special: A fightermay select Daunting Presence as one of his fighter bonus feats. DEADLY CHILL [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create deal more damage than normal. Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Each corporeal undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with its natural weapons. DEATH MASTER [MONSTROUS]Foes are especially afraid of your critical hits. Prerequisites: Cha 13, undead type, Daunting Presence, base attack bonus +1. Benefit:Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee attack against a living foe, the foe is also shaken for 1 minute. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect. DESTRUCTION RETRIBUTION [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create harbor a retributive curse that is unleashed if they are destroyed. Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell releases a burst of negative energy upon its destruction, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points per 2 Hit Dice to every creature within a 10-foot spread (Reflex DC 15 half). This damage comes from negative energy, and it therefore heals undead creatures. DIVINE ACCURACY [DIVINE]You can channel positive energy to give your allies� melee attacks another chance to strike true against incorporeal creatures. Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead. Benefit: Spend one of your turn or rebuke attempts to grant all your allies (including yourself) within a 60-foot burst the ability to reroll their miss chance with melee attacks whenever they miss a foe because of a miss chance caused by incorporealness. This effect lasts for 1 minute and can be used once per missed attack. EMPOWERED ABILITY DAMAGE [MONSTROUS]Your ability damage (or ability drain) special attack is more potent than normal. Prerequisites: Cha 11, undead type, incorporeal subtype, supernatural ability to drain or damage an ability score. Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered ability damage or ability drain special attack are increased by 50%. For example, an allip with this feat drains 1-1/2 times the normal amount of Wisdom (roll 1d4 and multiply the result by 1-1/2). EMPOWER TURNING [GENERAL]You can turn or rebuke greater numbers of undead with a single turning attempt. Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead. Benefit: You can turn or rebuke more undead than usual. After adding your cleric level and Charisma modifier to your turning damage roll, multiply the result by 1-1/2. ENDURE SUNLIGHT [MONSTROUS]Your vulnerability to sunlight is reduced. Prerequisites: Sunlight powerlessness or sunlight- related weakness. Benefit: You can resist all dangerous effects of sunlight for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). After this time, if you are still exposed to sunlight, you take the normal effects as appropriate for your kind. ENDURING LIFE [GENERAL]You can ignore the effect of negative levels for a short time. Benefit:Whenever you would gain a negative level, you can ignore the penalties and other ill effects associated with that negative level for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution bonus (if any). For example, if Tordek (Con 15) is struck by a wight, he gains one negative level. However, he can ignore the �1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks associated with that negative level for 2 minutes, since his Constitution bonus is +2. (If Tordek were a spellcaster, he would also avoid losing a spell slot for 2 minutes). You also gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to remove negative levels. ENERGIZE SPELL [METAMAGIC]Your spells channel positive energy to deal extra damage to undead creatures, but are less effective against other opponents. Prerequisites: Nonevil alignment, must not have the ability to rebuke undead. Benefit: Your spells are infused with positive energy. An energized spell deals an extra 50% damage to undead creatures, but deals 50% less damage to nonundead creatures and to objects. An energized spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level. Special: A character who has the ability to channel negative energy to rebuke or command undead cannot select this feat. ENERVATE SPELL [METAMAGIC]Your spells channel negative energy to deal extra damage to living creatures, but are less effective against unliving opponents. Prerequisites: Nongood alignment, must not have the ability to turn undead. Benefit: Your spells are infused with negative energy. An enervated spell deals an extra 50% damage to living creatures, but deals 50% less damage to constructs, undead, and objects. An enervated spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell�s actual level. Special: A character who has the ability to channel positive energy to turn undead cannot select this feat. EVISCERATOR [MONSTROUS]The allies of your foes are especially afraid of your critical hits. Prerequisites: Cha 13, undead type, Death Master, Daunting Presence, Improved Critical, base attack bonus +1. Benefit:Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee attack against a living foe, creatures within 30 feet that are allied to that foe are shaken for 1 minute. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect. FELL ANIMATE [METAMAGIC]Living foes slain by your spell may rise as zombies. Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes. Any living creature that could normally be raised as a zombie and that does not possess more than double your Hit Dice, when slain outright by a fell animated spell, rises as a zombie under your control at the beginning of your next action. Even if you kill several creatures with a single fell animated spell, you can�t create more Hit Dice of undead than twice your caster level. The standard rules for controlling undead (see animate dead, page 198 of the Player�s Handbook) apply to newly created undead gained through this metamagic feat. A fell animated spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell�s actual level. FELL DRAIN [METAMAGIC]Living foes damaged by your spell also gain a negative level. Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level. If the subject has at least as many negative levels as Hit Dice, it dies. Assuming the subject survives, the negative level disappears (without requiring a Fortitude save) after a number of hours equal to your caster level (maximum 15). A fell draining spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell�s actual level. FELL FRIGHTEN [METAMAGIC]Living foes damaged by your spell are also shaken. Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any creature subject to fear effects and mind-affecting spells and abilities that is dealt damage also becomes shaken for 1 minute. A fell frightening spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell�s actual level. FELL WEAKEN [METAMAGIC]Living foes damaged by your spell are also weakened. Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also takes a �4 penalty to Strength for 1 minute. Strength penalties from multiple spells enhanced by the Fell Weakening feat do not stack. A fell weakening spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell�s actual level. GHOST SCARRED [GENERAL]You are adept at fighting incorporeal undead. Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks. Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against incorporeal undead. You also gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the spells or abilities of incorporeal undead. GHOSTLY GRASP [MONSTROUS]You can handle corporeal objects even while incorporeal. Prerequisites: Cha 15, incorporeal subtype. Benefit: You can wear, wield, and otherwise use corporeal items as though you were not incorporeal. Special:Without this feat, an incorporeal creature can only wear or wield items that have the ghost touch special ability. GRAFT FLESH [GENERAL]You can apply a certain type of grafts to other living creatures or to yourself. Prerequisite:Heal 10 ranks. Benefit: Choose a type of graft: aboleth, beholder, fiendish, illithid, undead, or yuan-ti. You must be an aboleth to choose aboleth grafts. You must be a fiend to choose fiendish grafts. You must be an illithid to choose illithid grafts. You must be a yuan-ti to choose yuan-ti grafts. There are no additional requirements for choosing beholder or undead grafts. You can create grafts of your chosen type and apply them to other living creatures or to yourself. Creating a graft takes 24 hours for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a graft, you must spend 1/25 of the graft�s price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price. (See Chapter 5 of this book for prerequisites and other information on grafts). HARDENED FLESH [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create can better handle themselves in a fight. Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Every undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class. HEIGHTEN TURNING [GENERAL]You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Extra Turning. Benefit:When you turn or rebuke undead, you may choose a number no higher than your cleric level. Add that number to your turning check, while subtracting it from your turning damage roll. If you�re not a cleric, you may choose a number no higher than your effective cleric level (for instance, a paladin could choose a number up to two less than his paladin level). If a prestige class increases your effective turning level, use your effective turning level. IMPROVED ENERGY DRAIN [MONSTROUS]You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims. Prerequisites: Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability. Benefit:Whenever you bestow a negative level upon a creature, you gain a +1 bonus on skill checks, ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour. IMPROVED PARALYSIS [MONSTROUS]You are better at paralyzing your victims. Prerequisites: Undead type, paralysis special ability, Ability Focus (paralysis). Benefit:When your natural attacks threaten to paralyze your foe, add a +4 bonus to the save DC.298 IMPROVED TOUGHNESS [GENERAL]You are significantly tougher than normal. Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save bonus +2. Benefit: You gain a number of hit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a Hit Die (such as by gaining a level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a Hit Die (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point permanently. IMPROVED TURN RESISTANCE [MONSTROUS]You have a better than normal chance to resist turning. Prerequisite: Undead type. Benefit: You are less easily affected by clerics or paladins than you normally would be (see Turn or Rebuke Undead, page 159 of the Player�s Handbook). When resolving a turn, rebuke, command, or bolster attempt, add +4 to your character level (monster Hit Dice plus class levels) to determine your Hit Dice for turn, rebuke, command, and bolster attempts. For example, a 4 HD wight with this feat is treated as an 8 HD undead for the purpose of turn, rebuke, command, and bolster attempts, even though it is a 4 HD creature for any other purpose. A vampire that already has +4 turn resistance adds an additional +4 with this feat, for a total of +8. LASTING LIFE [GENERAL]You can shed negative levels with an act of will. Prerequisites: Endurance, Enduring Life. Benefit: Once per round as a standard action, you can attempt to remove a negative level from yourself by attempting a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 attacker�s HD + attacker�s Cha modifier). If the saving throw succeeds, the negative level goes away. You make a separate saving throw for each negative level you have gained. If the save fails, you retain the negative level, but you can try again next round to remove it. LIFE DRAIN [MONSTROUS]You drain additional life energy from your foes. Prerequisites: Cha 13, energy drain supernatural ability. Benefit:Whenever you bestow a negative level upon a creature, add your Charisma modifier to the hit points lost by the creature due to that negative level. You then gain temporary hit points equal to the amount lost by the creature due to the negative level. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour. For example, a creature touched by a spectre (Cha 15) with this feat loses an additional 2 hit points due to each negative level, and the spectre gains an additional 2 temporary hit points from each negative level it bestows. Special:Without this feat, a target loses 5 hit points each time it gains a negative level, and the creature delivering the negative level gains 5 temporary hit points that last for up to 1 hour. LIFEBOND [MONSTROUS]Select a specific living creature that is friendly to you. You create a special bond with that creature. Prerequisites: Cha 11, undead type. Benefit:Whenever the chosen creature is within 60 feet, you gain a +4 bonus to your turn resistance and a +2 bonus on all saving throws. If the chosen creature dies, you lose these bonuses and take a �2 penalty on all saves for 24 hours. If you replace the chosen creature with another living creature, the bond can be transferred at your option. Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you apply its effects to a different living ally of yours. The effects of multiple lifebonded allies stack. LIFESENSE [MONSTROUS]You see the light that all living creatures emit. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Con �(no Constitution score). Benefit: In addition to any normal light that might be present, your surroundings are illuminated by roving points of brightness created by living creatures. To your eyes, a Medium or smaller creature gives off life force sufficient to provide bright illumination in a 60-foot radius, revealing itself and all features and objects in range to your life-adapted sight. This life-light behaves like regular light�you can�t see into solid objects, or past solid walls. A Large creature gives off life-light in a 120-foot radius, and the radius doubles again for each additional size category larger than Medium, up to a maximum radius of 960 feet for a Colossal creature. MOTHER CYST [GENERAL]You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by growing a cyst of your own. Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks. Benefit: You grow an internal cyst of undead flesh called a mother cyst. The cyst may be noticeable as a discolored swelling on your skin, if desired. The mother cyst is slightly painful, but otherwise isn�t harmful. The mother cyst grants you access to a selection of cyst- related spells listed below (and described in Chapter 4 of this book). You cast these spells like any other spell you can cast, once you host a mother cyst (if you are a caster who prepares spells, you can prepare all necrotic cyst spells without referring to a spellbook, as if you had the Spell Mastery feat for each such spell). Necrotic Cyst Spells: 1st�necrotic awareness; 2nd�necrotic cyst, necrotic scrying; 3rd�necrotic bloat; 4th�necrotic domination; 5th�necrotic burst; 6th�necrotic eruption; 7th�necrotic tumor; 8th�necrotic empowerment; 9th�necrotic termination. Normal: A creature without this feat cannot cast necrotic cyst spells. NECROMANTIC MIGHT [GENERAL]Undead you control gain Benefits when they are near you. Prerequisite: Necromantic Presence. Benefit:Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet of you, they are physically inspired by your necromantic aura, and gain a +2 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and saving throws. NECROMANTIC PRESENCE [GENERAL]Undead you control are harder to turn when they are near you. Benefit:Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet of you, they gain a +4 bonus to their turn resistance. NECROTIC RESERVE [MONSTROUS]You are not immediately destroyed when your hit points fall to 0 or lower. Prerequisites: Cha 13, supernatural ability to drain or damage an ability score or drain energy. Benefit: Each day that you slake your hunger by draining or damaging a living creature�s ability score, or draining a living creature�s life force, you gain a necrotic reserve. On days when you have created a reserve, you are weakened but not destroyed when you are dealt enough damage to reduce your hit points to 0 or lower. A weakened undead acting on the strength of its necrotic reserve may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can it take full-round actions). It moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesn�t risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the DM deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a quickened spell) immediately expends the necrotic reserve. Unless the action increased the weakened undead�s hit points, it is destroyed. A weakened undead acting on the strength of its necrotic reserve is also destroyed if it is dealt additional damage after the attack that first weakened it. An undead may only rely on a necrotic reserve up to once per day, even if it engages in additional feeding following its successful return to positive hit points. Normal: Undead reduced to 0 hit points or lower are immediately destroyed. NECROPOTENT [GENERAL]Your special melee or ranged attack with one type of weapon is especially effective against undead. Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, fighter level 4th. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon type against undead. Special: A fightermay select Necropotent as one of his fighter bonus feats. NIMBLE BONES [GENERAL]Undead you raise or create are faster and more nimble than normal. Prerequisite: Corpsecrafter. Benefit: Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks and a 10-foot increase to its base land speed. POSITIVE ENERGY RESISTANCE [MONSTROUS]You are resistant to the damage dealt by positive energy effects. Prerequisite: Undead type. Benefit: You gain resistance 10 against positive energy effects, such as cure spells. PROFANE LIFELEECH [DIVINE]You can channel negative energy to draw the life force from nearby living creatures. Prerequisite: Ability to rebuke undead. Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend two of your rebuke attempts to deal 1d6 points of damage to all living creatures within a 30-foot burst. This effect can�t reduce any creature�s current hit points to less than 0. You are healed of an amount of damage equal to the total amount of hit points that you drain from affected creatures, but this healing does not allow you to exceed your full normal hit point total. Special: This feat deals no damage to constructs or undead. PROFANE VIGOR [DIVINE]You can channel negative energy to heal nearby undead allies of physical damage. Prerequisite: Cha 11, ability to rebuke undead. Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend one of your rebuke attempts to heal one undead ally within 60 feet 2 hit points of damage per cleric level. This healing does not allow the affected undead to exceed their full normal hit point totals. QUICKEN MANIFESTATION [MONSTROUS]You can manifest from the Ethereal Plane with a moment�s thought. Prerequisite: Ability to manifest from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane. Benefit: Once per round, you can manifest from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as a free action. Turning ethereal still requires a standard action. Normal:Without this feat, manifesting from the Ethereal Plane requires a standard action. QUICKEN TURNING [GENERAL]You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment�s thought.300 Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead. Benefit: You can turn or rebuke undead as a free action. You may still make only one turning attempt per round. REQUIEM [GENERAL]Your bardic music affects undead creatures. Prerequisite: Bardic music class feature, Perform (any) 8 ranks. Benefit: You can extend the effects of your mind- affecting bardic music and virtuoso�s performance abilities so that they influence even the undead. All bardic music effects on undead creatures have only half the duration they normally would against the living. Normal: Undead are usually immune to mind- influencing effects. SACRED VENGEANCE [DIVINE]You can channel energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee. Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead. Benefit: As a free action, spend one of your turn undead attempts to add 2d6 points of damage to all your successful melee attacks against undead until the end of the current round. SACRED VITALITY [DIVINE]You can channel positive energy to gain protection from damage to your abilities or your life force. Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead. Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend one of your turning attempts to gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain for 1 minute. SPELL DRAIN [MONSTROUS]You can cast any spell that you drain from a creature�s mind. Prerequisites: Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability, Improved Energy Drain, caster level 5th. Benefit: If you bestow a negative level upon a spellcasting creature, and that creature loses a prepared spell, you gain the ability to cast that spell once (as if you had prepared it). Treat the spell�s effect as if it had been cast by the character who prepared it (including caster level, save DC, and so forth). You need not have the requisite ability score to cast the spell (for instance, you need not have an Intelligence of 13 or higher to cast a fireball drained from the mind of a wizard). The spell remains in your mind for up to 1 hour. You can have a maximum number of stolen spells equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1); any spells that you would gain above this number are simply lost. This feat has no effect on spellcasters who don�t prepare spells (such as a sorcerer, who simply loses one spell slot for each negative level bestowed as normal) or who have no spells prepared (such as a fighter, or a wizard who has cast all her spells). SPURN DEATH�S TOUCH [DIVINE]You can channel divine energy to remove some of the harmful effects of attacks made by undead creatures. Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead. Benefit: As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can spend one of your turning attempts for the day to touch an ally to heal 1d4 points of ability damage, remove a paralysis effect, or remove a negative level. You can only use this effect to heal ability damage dealt by an undead creature or remove effects caused by an undead creature. STITCHED FLESH FAMILIAR [GENERAL]When you are ready and able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose to gain a stitched flesh familiar. Prerequisites: Ability to acquire a new familiar, ability to cast three or more necromancy spells. Benefit:When choosing a familiar, you may choose a stitched flesh familiar. A stitched flesh familiar appears similar to any of the standard familiars available in the Player�s Handbook, except that the stitched flesh familiar is obviously sewn together from many different creatures of that kind and, to a practiced eye, is clearly an undead creature. A stitched flesh familiar is magically linked to its master in the same way as a normal familiar. A stitched flesh familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of its kind, as given in the Monster Manual, except as noted below. Hit Dice: A stitched flesh familiar has a d12 Hit Die and gains no bonus hit points from Constitution (since it is an undead creature). For effects that depend upon Hit Dice, use the master�s character level or the familiar�s normal Hit Dice total, whichever is higher. Hit Points: Use 1/2 the master�s total or the familiar�s normal total, whichever is higher. Attacks: Use the master�s base attack bonus or the familiar�s, whichever is higher. Saving Throws: For each saving throw, use either the familiar�s base save bonus or the master�s (as calculated from his character level), whichever is higher. Familiar Special Abilities: Use the second table in the Familiars sidebar on page 52 of the Player�s Handbook to determine additional abilities, just as you would for a normal familiar. Stitched flesh familiars do not grant their masters any of the Benefits that appear on the first table in that sidebar. Instead of the noted special ability, a stitched flesh familiar grants its master the ability to control 4 more Hit Dice of undead than he is normally capable of controlling (both through the rebuke undead ability and through spells such as animate dead). TOMB-BORN FORTITUDE [GENERAL]The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has hardened your flesh and given it the foul look of the grave. Prerequisite: Nongood alignment, Tomb-Tainted Soul. Benefit: You have a 25% chance to resist critical hits. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored against you, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. In addition, you do not risk death from massive damage. Your skin takes on the pallor and texture of a dead creature of your race. TOMB-BORN RESILIENCE [GENERAL]The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and body to the effects of mind-controlling magic, poison, and disease. Prerequisite: Nongood alignment, Tomb-Tainted Soul. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, and disease. Your nails or claws grow yellow and rotten. Although this change has no effect on the damage of your unarmed or natural attacks, most individuals find such creatures horrid-looking. TOMB-BORN VITALITY [GENERAL]The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has removed your need to sleep and eat. Prerequisite: Nongood alignment, Tomb-Tainted Soul. Benefit: You do not need to sleep, and you are immune to magic sleep effects. If you are a spellcaster, you still require 8 hours of uninterrupted rest (but not sleep) to prepare your spells. In addition, you no longer need to eat. Your body grows unnaturally thin, your flesh stretching tightly over your bones to give you a freakish, skeletal appearance. TOMB-TAINTED SOUL [GENERAL]Your soul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath. Prerequisite: Nongood alignment. Benefit: You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy as if you were an undead creature. This feat gives no other penalties or benefits of the undead type. UNDEAD LEADERSHIP [GENERAL]You gain the service of loyal undead followers. Prerequisites: Character level 6th, nongood alignment, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank. Benefit: You attract followers and a cohort as if you had taken the Leadership feat. Your leadership score is treated as 2 higher than it otherwise would be for the purposes of attracting undead followers and treated as 4 lower than it otherwise would be for the purposes of attracting living followers. If you choose to attract an undead cohort rather than a living cohort, you can attract an undead cohort with a maximum effective character level equal to two less than your ECL. See page 106 of the Dungeon Master�s Guide for more information on the Leadership feat. Special: Like the standard Leadership feat, you must check with your DM before selecting this feat, and work with your DM to determine an appropriate cohort and followers for your character. See the Undead Cohorts and Followers section, below, for more information on choosing an undead creature as a cohort or follower. UNQUENCHABLE FLAME OF LIFE [GENERAL]You are hardened to the attacks of the undead. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all saves against the extraordinary or supernatural abilities of undead creatures. Special: If you have selected undead as your favored enemy, your bonus on saving throws is instead equal to your favored enemy bonus against undead. VAMPIRE HUNTER [GENERAL]Your knowledge of vampires has given you the extraordinary ability to detect subtle signs of their presence and to resist their dominating gaze ability. Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. Benefit: You can take a move action to unfailingly determine whether a vampire or vampire spawn is within 30 feet of you. In addition, you are immune to the dominating gaze ability of vampires and vampire spawn. |