Fiendish Codex II


Hellbreaker Hellbreakers are thieves who specialize in robbing devils.
Hellfire Warlock Hellfire warlocks use the flames of Hell to power their abilities.
Hellreaver Hellreavers derive their power from their outrage over infernal plots and the devils' manipulations of mortals.
Soulguard Soulguards are heroic individuals who fight on behalf of those wronged by evil.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Brand of the Nine Hells Lawful evil, devil Gain benefit based on allegiance to a Lord of the Nine
�Mark of Avernus Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Bel Once/encounter, make melee or ranged attack, or use aspell-like ability as an immediate action
�Mark of Cania Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mephistopheles When you fail at an attack, gain cumulative bonus on attacks, saves, checks until you succeed
�Mark of Dis Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Dispater Your starting square is not threatened, +4 to AC or on a saveas immediate action 1/round
�Mark of Maladomini Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Baalzebul Issue pool of filth that forces Balance checks and causescreatures to become sickened
�Mark of Malbolge Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Glasya Gain fleshy tumors that can give you a variety of benefits
�Mark of Minauros Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mammon Gain +2 bonus on charge attacks, and your starting squareis not threatened
�Mark of Nessus Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Asmodeus An enemy must make a Will save before it can attack you, or it must target another foe
�Mark of Phlegethos Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Belial When you take damage, you can gain bonuses on attacks, or Fierna saves, or checks
�Mark of Stygia Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Levistus Do not need to make Balance checks on slippery surfaces, deal +1d6 cold damage, other benefits
Dilate Aura Aura ability Once/encounter, double range of your aura
Rapid Regeneration Regeneration ability Regeneration increases by 1
Supernatural Instincts Combat Reflexes Creature using a supernatural ability provokes attack of opportunity from you
Undo Resistance Sneak attack, sudden strike, or skirmish ability Deal sneak attack with cold iron weapon and reduce a creature�s spell resistance
Vengeful Surge Iron Will When you save against a spell or a spell-like or supernatural ability, gain +2 on damage against creature that targeted you for 1 round
Devil-Touched Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Devil�s Favor Pact with devil +2 bonus on attack, save, or check 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
�Devil�s Aura Cha 13, Intimidate 9 ranks, Devil�s Favor Create aura of fear for 1 round
�Devil�s Flesh Con 15, Devil�s Favor Gain bonus to natural armor, Intimidate based on number of devil-touched feats you have
�Devil�s Sight Wis 15, Devil�s Favor Gain darkvision 60 ft. and blindsight 30 ft. for 5 rounds 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
�Devil�s Stamina Devil�s Favor, base Fort save +3 Gain 2 hp per devil-touched feat you have, and 1/day fast healing equal to number of devil-touched feats you have for 5 rounds
�Devil�s Tongue Cha 15, Devil�s Favor Daze one creature as standard action 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Censure Ability to turn undead, good alignment Cause evil outsiders to become shaken
Divine Defiance Divine caster level 3rd, ability to turn or rebuke undead Counter enemy�s spell as an immediate action
Divine Justice Ability to turn or rebuke undead Deal +2d6 damage with melee attacks against evil outsiders for 1 round
Persistant Refusal Ability to turn or rebuke undead Make another save against ongoing effect
Pious Defiance Ability to turn or rebuke undead Gain bonus on Will saves equal to 1/2 character level as an immediate action
Metamagic Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Disrupting Spell � Your spell interferes with the spellcasting of an enemy




Investiture of the Spined Devil: Target can launch up to three spikes at once.


Devil�s Eye: See through magical darkness up to 30 ft.

Investiture of the Bearded Devil: Target deals extra melee damage each round that it hits a foe.

Investiture of the Chain Devil: Target gains +5-ft. reach and extra attack of opportunity.


Investiture of the Amnizu: Target can deal 1d4 Int damage with a touch.

Investiture of the Erinyes: Target can force foes to move closer and take no action.

Investiture of the Harvester Devil: Target can deal lingering wounds with melee attacks.

Investiture of the Steel Devil: Target gains profane bonus on attacks and to AC.


Investiture of the Barbed Devil: Target can deal extra damage when grappling.

Investiture of the Malebranche: Target gains powerful charge ability.

Investiture of the Narzugon: Target gains a paralyzing gaze attack.

Investiture of the Orthon: Target disrupts extradimensional movement within 20 feet and automatically deals sonic damage to attackers.



Denounce: Target outsider takes �4 on attacks, saves, and checks.

Investiture of the Spined Devil: Target can launch up to three spikes at once.


Devil�s Eye: See through magical darkness up to 30 ft.

Investiture of the Bearded Devil: Target deals extra melee damage each round that it hits a foe.

Investiture of the Chain Devil: Target gains +5-ft. reach and extra attack of opportunity.


Investiture of the Amnizu: Target can deal 1d4 Int damage with a touch.

Investiture of the Erinyes: Target can force foes to move closer and take no action.

Investiture of the Harvester Devil: Target can deal lingering wounds with melee attacks.

Investiture of the Steel Devil: Target gains profane bonus on attacks and to AC.


Investiture of the Narzugon: Target gains a paralyzing gaze attack.

Investiture of the Orthon: Target disrupts extradimensional movement within 20 feet and automatically deals sonic damage to attackers.


Investiture of the Barbed Devil: Target can deal extra damage when grappling.

Investiture of the Malebranche: Target gains powerful charge ability.


Investiture of the Ice Devil: Target deals +1d6 cold damage and slows foes with successful melee attacks.


Investiture of the Horned Devil: Target stuns foes with successful melee attack.


Investiture of the Hellfire Engine: Target gains iron body and 8d10 breath weapon of hellfire.

Investiture of the Pit fiend: Target gains powerful claw attacks, ability to inflict disease, or ability to inflict terror.

Righteous Exile: Deal damage to evil creatures and banish evil outsiders.



Granted Powers: Once per day, as an immediate action, add your class level as a bonus on a single Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check.

Domain Spells
  1. Protection from Good: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out good elementals and outsiders.
  2. Devil’s Eye: See through magical darkness up to 30 ft.
  3. Devil’s Ego: Gain +4 to Cha and change type to outsider for 1 min./level
  4. Hellfire: Explosion of infernal fire deals 1d8 damage/2 levels in 10-ft. radius.
  5. Planar Binding, Lesser: Traps extraplanar creature of 6HD or less until it performs a task.
  6. Planar Binding: As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
  7. Hellfire Storm: Explosion of infernal fire deals 1d8 damage/level in 20-ft. radius
  8. Demand: As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
  9. Investiture of the Pit Fiend: Target gains powerful claw attacks, ability to inflict disease, or ability to inflict terror.



Denounce: Target outsider takes �4 on attacks, saves, and checks.



Investiture of the Spined Devil: Target can launch up to 3 spikes at once.


Devil�s Eye: See through magical darkness up to 30 ft.

Investiture of the Bearded Devil: Target deals extra melee damage each round that it hits a foe.

Investiture of the Chain Devil: Target gains +5-ft. reach and extra attack of opportunity.


Investiture of the Amnizu: Target can deal 1d4 Int damage with a touch.

Investiture of the Erinyes: Target can force foes to move closer and take no action.

Investiture of the Harvester Devil: Target can deal lingering wounds with melee attacks.

Investiture of the Steel Devil: Target gains profane bonus on attacks and to AC.


Investiture of the Narzugon: Target gains a paralyzing gaze attack.

Investiture of the Orthon: Target disrupts extradimensional movement within 20 feet and automatically deals sonic damage to attackers.


Investiture of the Barbed Devil: Target can deal extra damage when grappling.

Investiture of the Malebranche: Target gains powerful charge ability.


Investiture of the Ice Devil: Target deals +1d6 cold damage and slows foes with successful melee attacks.


Investiture of the Horned Devil: Target stuns foes with successful melee attack.


Investiture of the Hellfire Engine: Target gains iron body and 8d10 breath weapon of hellfire.

Investiture of the Pit fiend: Target gains powerful claw attacks, ability to inflict disease, or ability to inflict terror.
