
Fiendish Codex II

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Brand of the Nine Hells Lawful evil, devil Gain benefit based on allegiance to a Lord of the Nine
Mark of Avernus Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Bel Once/encounter, make melee or ranged attack, or use aspell-like ability as an immediate action
Mark of Cania Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mephistopheles When you fail at an attack, gain cumulative bonus on attacks, saves, checks until you succeed
Mark of Dis Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Dispater Your starting square is not threatened, +4 to AC or on a saveas immediate action 1/round
Mark of Maladomini Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Baalzebul Issue pool of filth that forces Balance checks and causescreatures to become sickened
Mark of Malbolge Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Glasya Gain fleshy tumors that can give you a variety of benefits
Mark of Minauros Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mammon Gain +2 bonus on charge attacks, and your starting squareis not threatened
Mark of Nessus Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Asmodeus An enemy must make a Will save before it can attack you, or it must target another foe
Mark of Phlegethos Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Belial When you take damage, you can gain bonuses on attacks, or Fierna saves, or checks
Mark of Stygia Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Levistus Do not need to make Balance checks on slippery surfaces, deal +1d6 cold damage, other benefits
Dilate Aura Aura ability Once/encounter, double range of your aura
Rapid Regeneration Regeneration ability Regeneration increases by 1
Supernatural Instincts Combat Reflexes Creature using a supernatural ability provokes attack of opportunity from you
Undo Resistance Sneak attack, sudden strike, or skirmish ability Deal sneak attack with cold iron weapon and reduce a creature�s spell resistance
Vengeful Surge Iron Will When you save against a spell or a spell-like or supernatural ability, gain +2 on damage against creature that targeted you for 1 round
Devil-Touched Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Devil�s Favor Pact with devil +2 bonus on attack, save, or check 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
Devil�s Aura Cha 13, Intimidate 9 ranks, Devil�s Favor Create aura of fear for 1 round
Devil�s Flesh Con 15, Devil�s Favor Gain bonus to natural armor, Intimidate based on number of devil-touched feats you have
Devil�s Sight Wis 15, Devil�s Favor Gain darkvision 60 ft. and blindsight 30 ft. for 5 rounds 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
Devil�s Stamina Devil�s Favor, base Fort save +3 Gain 2 hp per devil-touched feat you have, and 1/day fast healing equal to number of devil-touched feats you have for 5 rounds
Devil�s Tongue Cha 15, Devil�s Favor Daze one creature as standard action 1/day per devil-touched feat you have
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Censure Ability to turn undead, good alignment Cause evil outsiders to become shaken
Divine Defiance Divine caster level 3rd, ability to turn or rebuke undead Counter enemy�s spell as an immediate action
Divine Justice Ability to turn or rebuke undead Deal +2d6 damage with melee attacks against evil outsiders for 1 round
Persistant Refusal Ability to turn or rebuke undead Make another save against ongoing effect
Pious Defiance Ability to turn or rebuke undead Gain bonus on Will saves equal to 1/2 character level as an immediate action
Metamagic Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Disrupting Spell Your spell interferes with the spellcasting of an enemy



You gain an infernal brand, a symbol proclaiming you as the property of an archdevil. This brand might be a physical symbol, or it could be a strange change in your body’s structure.

Prerequisites: Lawful evil, devil.

Benefit:When you select this feat, choose an archdevil to whom you have sworn fealty. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks made against denizens of that archdevil’s layer, but take a –2 penalty on the same checks made against denizens of other layers. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. The brand grants an additional benefit, depending upon the archdevil with which it is associated.

Bel: The brand of Belis a cold iron longsword or greatsword (your choice) that glistens with green hellfire. This weapon deals normal damage appropriate to your size, plus an extra 1d6 points of damage against good-aligned creatures, or an extra 2d6 points of damage against demons. You are proficient with this weapon, even if you normally lack weapon proficiency with the longsword or greatsword.

Dispater: In keeping with your lord’s fearful paranoia, you grow a pair of eyes in the back of your head. You cannot be flanked, nor can you be caught flat-footed.

Mammon: The brand of Mammon allows you to better play the careful game of balance necessary of all devils. When faced with mighty foes, you grovel and ask for mercy. Against weaker enemies, you show no quarter.

If you attack an opponent with more HD than you, you automatically begin to project an aura of pity in a 30-foot radius around you. All creatures in this area must make Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) or take a –2 penalty on attacks against you. They see you as weak, pathetic, and barely worth the effort of slaying.

Creatures with fewer HD than you, or any creature at half its maximum hit points or less (even one with moreHD than you), suffer a different effect from this aura. These creatures become shaken (Will negates, DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) as you take on a ghastly, enraged aspect in their eyes.

A creature with more HD than you that is subsequently reduced to half hit points must make a new save against this version of your aura. If it fails, the creature becomes shaken but it no longer takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls described above (if it failed its save against the first aura effect).

This aura is a mind-affecting ability. A creature needs to save against each version of the aura only once every 24 hours. The aura’s effect last as long as a creature is within its area.

Fierna and Belial: The brand of Fierna and Belial consumes you, infesting your thoughts with sinister urges. Once per round, you can use a melee touch attack to bestow these dark impulses on another creature. The target of this ability must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier). If it fails this save, the target is dazed for 1 round, lost in starry dreams of endless treasure, arcane might, and wishes fulfilled. You can use this mind-affecting ability once every 1d4 rounds.

Levistus: The brand of Levistus grants you a mystical link to that trapped archdevil’s prison. Once per day as a swift action, you become encased in armor of ice. You gain resistance to cold 20, and all of your natural attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes.

Glasya: The brand of Glasya fills you with power, drawn from the shuddering remains of the Hag Countess. Once per day, you can activate this ability as a swift action. You gain fast healing 3 for 1 minute. Pulpy, tumorous flesh erupts from your wounds to seal your injuries.

Baalzebul: This brand causes your body to sweat a glistening slime. You gain a +4 bonus on grapple and Escape Artist checks. Your natural attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of acid damage.

Mephistopheles: The brand of Mephistopheles burns with unholy energy. Three times per day, as a swift action, you can invoke those flames to wreathe your body. For 1 round, all of your natural attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of fire damage. If you are grappled or struck by an unarmed attack, your attacker takes 1d6 points of fire damage. At the start of each of your turns, any creatures in squares adjacent to you take 1d6 points of fire damage.

Asmodeus: The brand of Asmodeus fills you with power and authority. Three times per day as a swift action, you can use command, as the spell, as a spell-like ability.

Special: Once a character gains a brand of the Nine Hells, it can never gain the brand of another archdevil. Nondevils can gain this feat, and the feats that require it as a prerequisite, by performing a particularly useful act for an archduke of Hell. This option is unavailable to player characters (unless a DM rules otherwise).


Your close association with diabolic powers stains your soul. By focusing your power, you can cause other creatures to become unsettled and nervous in your presence.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 9 ranks, Devil’s Favor.

Benefit: You can generate an aura of fear for 1 round as a swift action.258 All living creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) or become shaken for 1d3 rounds. Multiple exposures to the same aura have no additional effect. The aura lasts for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to the total number of devil-touched feats you have selected, including this one.


You have entered into an infernal pact with a dark power. In return for an indelible stain on your soul, and possibly an eternity of torment in Hell, you gain the ability to call upon the powers of Hell to aid your efforts.

Prerequisite: Pact with devil.

Benefit:When you attempt an attack, save, or check of any sort, you can beseech the dark powers to aid you. You gain a +2 bonus on the attack, save, or check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to the total number of devil-touched feats you have selected, including this one.


Your skin thickens and assumes a scaled, leathery texture that turns aside blows but serves as a clear mark of your taint.

Prerequisites: Con 15, Devils Favor.

Benefit: You gain a bonus to your natural armor and on Intimidate checks equal to half the number of devil- touched feats you have selected, including this one. If you do not have a natural armor bonus, this feat provides you with one. if you already have one, this feat improves your existing bonus. In addition, you take a penalty on all Diplomacy checks against good creatures equal to the natural armor bonus provided by this feat.


Your eyes glow red with infernal energy, allowing you to pierce magical darkness.

Prerequisites:Wis 15, Devil’s Favor.

Benefit: You gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range improves by 60 feet. In addition, as a swift action, you can gain blindsight out to 30 feel for 5 rounds. You can use your blindsight ability a number of times per day equal to the total number of devil-touched feats you have selected, including this one.


Your body is infused with the toughness and fortitude of a devil. You can shrug off attacks that would slay a lesser creature.

Prerequisites: Devil’s Favor, base Fortitude save +3.

Benefit: You gain 2 extra hit points per devil-touched feat you have selected, including this one. These hit points add to your maximum hit points, just like hit points from any other source. In addition, once per day you gain fast healing equal to the number of devil-touched feats you possess for 5 rounds.


You gain a devil’s talent for trickery and deceit. Your words form a verbal maze that clouds your opponent’s mind. As a physical mark of this ability, your tongue becomes forked like a serpent’s.

Prerequisites: Cha 15, Devil’s Favor.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can speak soothing words of friendship and amity to any opponent within 60 feet. The target must be able to hear and understand you. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. In addition, he is rendered flat-footed. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to the number of devil-touched feats you possess. You can choose to spend two uses of this ability to use it as a swift action rather than as a standard action. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent, supernatural ability.


You can extend the range of your aura.

Prerequisite: Aura ability.

Benefit: Once per encounter, you can double the range of your aura. The expanded aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).


You can cast spells that disrupt other caster’s magical capabilities.

Benefit: You can alter a spell so it interferes with one or more targets’ supernatural and spell-like abilities, as well as any spells they cast. A disrupting spell temporarily reduces the save DC of any spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability the affected creature or creatures can cast or use by 2. The effect of a disrupting spell lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s unmodified level. Multiple disrupting spells do not stack. A disrupting spell has no effect on magic items. A disrupting spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.


You can channel divine energy to instill fear in evil outsiders.

Prerequisites: Ability to turn undead, good alignment.259

Benefit: You can spend one of your turn undead attempts as a standard action to channel your god’s outrage, condemning all evil outsiders within 30 feet. Such creatures must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or become shaken for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).


You can channel divine energy to counter spells without readying an action in advance.

Prerequisites: Divine caster level 3rd, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: You can spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts as an immediate action to counter a spell or spell-like effect. For example, if an evil cleric targets Jozan with a hold person spell, as an immediate action, Jozan can spend a turn undead attempt to counter the spell if he had prepared a hold person or dispel magic spell. You must have the relevant spell prepared as normal (or dispel magic), and you must make a Spellcraft check to identify the target’s spell if applicable. (See PH 170 for details on counterspells).

Normal: You must typically use a readied action to counter an enemy’s spell.


You can channel divine energy to deal extra melee damage to evil outsiders.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to deal an extra 2d6 points of damage with all your successful melee attacks against evil outsiders until the end of the round. In addition, evil outsiders struck by one of your attacks while you are using this feat must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1 minute.


Your unfailing allegiance to Bel gives you special strategic insights into the best ways to overcome your enemies. By examining your opponents, you can land telling blows.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Bel.

Benefit: You are a master strategist. Once per encounter, you can make a single ranged attack, melee attack, or use one of your spell-like abilities as an immediate action. In addition, whenever you successfully hit an opponent with an attack made as part of a readied action, you gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll and damage roll, and you automatically confirm a critical threat on such an attack.


Behind Mephistopheles’s mask of civility and quick wit burns the fire of frustration and hatred. You acquire this archdevil’s temperament, and you can channel it to destroy your foes.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mephistopheles.

Benefit: The passionate anger for which Mephistopheles is famed burns brightly in you. Each round when you miss on an attack roll or a target successfully saves against a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability you have cast or used, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. This bonus lasts until you successfully hit a target or until a target fails a saving throw against one of your spells, spell- like abilities, or supernatural effects. For every +1 bonus you gain, you also take a –1 penalty to Armor Class. This penalty disappears when the bonus no longer applies.


The infernal attention of Dispater has made you paranoid and cautious, giving you decided advantages in combat. Your attention to detail in battle leaves few openings for your opponents to attack.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Dispater.

Benefit: The only devils that survive for long in the labyrinthine streets of Dis are those with Dispater’s preparedness and unflagging paranoia. When you move (and only when you move), the square in which you start your movement is not considered threatened. In addition, once per round, as an immediate action, you can choose to gain a +4 bonus to AC or on a single save. This bonus applies to one or the other, but not both.


Maladomini is a sinking mire of corruption and filth Those who serve the Lord of Flies acquire some of his unsavory characteristics. You exude stinking ichor like your master.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Baalzebul.

Benefit: You share the curse of your foul master, Baalzebul. Your body issues forth a steady stream of filth that collects about you. Any creature that enters or leaves a square adjacent to you must succeed on a Balance check (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier) or immediately stop moving. A creature that fails this check and attempts to keep moving immediately falls prone in its current space. In addition, this slime reeks of decay, excrement, and worse. forcing any living creature within 10 feet of you to succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier) or become sickened for 10 rounds. Regardless of the outcome of the save, a creature cannot again be affected by your stench for 24 hours.260


Malbolge has transformed into a place of disturbing growth and decay. Glasya, the new mistress, has blessed you with the same essence that infects everything in her domain, enabling you to draw power from the remains of the Hag Countess.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Glasya.

Benefit: Your body throbs with a number of fleshy tumors equal to your Constitution modifier +3 (minimum three tumors). Each round, as a swift action, you can draw strength from one of these cancerous growths to gain one of the following benefits:

  • +10-foot enhancement bonus to your base speed for 1 round.

  • Heal 2d6 points of damage +1 point per Hit Die.

  • Increase your natural reach with your melee attacks by 5 feet for 1 round.

  • Spray a stream of noxious filth at an adjacent target, forcing that creature to succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier) or become sickened for 1 round.

Spent tumors regrow in 10 rounds.


Mammon is an expert at managing the various powers of Hell. From service to this archdevil, you know when to use explosive violence and when to beat a hasty retreat.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Mammon.

Benefit: Like your master, you know when to fight and when to flee. When making a charge attack, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll at the end of the charge for every 10 feet you move as part of the charge (in addition to the normal attack bonus from charging). In addition, when you move (and only when you move), the square in which you start your movement is not considered threatened.

Normal: You gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll at the end of a charge. Withdrawing is a full-round action.


All bow before Asmodeus. The Lord of Nessus grants you a hint of his commanding nature.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Asmodeus. Asmodeus himself, and you have learned to tap into this commanding authority. Whenever a creature would attack you, target you with a spell, or use spell-like or supernatural ability against you, it must first succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier). If it fails, it must select another target or take some other action. Once an opponent succeeds on the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by your Mark of Nessus for 24 hours. In addition, once per round as a swift action, you can infuse a single natural attack with hellfire, dealing an extra 1d6 points of damage.


The disturbing infatuation of physical pleasure and pain has indelibly touched your mind, enabling to draw strength from your own suffering, as well as that of others.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Belial or Fierna.

Benefit: You gain your master’s or mistress’s penchant for perverse sensuality. Whenever you take or deal damage, you gain 1 pleasure point. You can spend a single pleasure point as a swift action to gain a +4 bonus on your next attack roll, save, or ability or skill check. Accumulated pleasure points disappear at the end of the encounter.


Levistus demands that his servants work endlessly to extract him from his icy tomb. From your time on the glacier, you have learned to use your environment to best advantage.

Prerequisites: Brand of the Nine Hells, allegiance to Levistus.

Benefit: Those who serve Levistus are accustomed to the inhospitable cold and ice of Stygia. You never need to make Balance checks when on slippery or severely slippery surfaces, and you can move at full speed over any terrain that would ordinarily require a Balance check. Whenever both you and an opponent stand on icy or frozen surfaces, you gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls. Finally, each round as a swift action, you can limn a weapon you wield with Stygian cold for 1 round. On a successful hit, this weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage. If the weapon is made of Baatorian green steel (see page 99), it deals an extra 2d6 points of cold damage instead.


You can channel divine energy to make a second save against an effect that specifically targets you.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a swift action, spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to make another save against any effect that targets you and has a continuing duration. For example, on his turn, a cleric with this feat who fails a saving throw to resist the effect of a hold monster spell can spend a turn undead attempt as a swift action to attempt another save.


You can channel positive or negative energy to firm your resolve.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.261

Benefit: You can spend a turn or rebuke attempt as an immediate action to gain a bonus on Will saves equal to 1/2 your character level for 1 round.


You regenerate more rapidly.

Prerequisite: Regeneration ability.

Benefit: The amount of nonlethal damage removed by your regeneration ability increases by 1.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.


Your uncanny insight enables you to take advantage of the Subtle opportunities created when an opponent uses supernatural abilities against you.

Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.

Benefit:When a creature you threaten uses a supernatural ability, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you. Unlike a spell or spell-like ability, though, a successful hit does not require the target to succeed on a Concentration check to continue to make use of the supernatural ability.

Normal: Supernatural abilities do not provoke attacks of opportunity.


You learn to use cold iron weapons to unravel your opponent’s magical defenses with a well-placed sneak attack.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack, sudden strike, or skirmish ability.

Benefit: If you successfully deal sneak attack damage with a cold iron weapon, you reduce the target’s spell resistance by 1 point per die of sneak attack damage. Multiple uses of this feat stack. Undo Resistance can reduce a target’s spell resistance to 0, but not below 0. Spell resistance reduced in this manner returns to normal 1 hour after the last sneak attack.

Special: You also gain this benefit with skirmish and sudden strike damage. Your DM might also allow you to use this feat with similar special abilities that grant you extra dice of damage against fiat-footed or flanked opponents.


Opponents who target you with magical effects risk sparking your ire.

Prerequisite: Iron Will.

Benefit:Whenever you make a successful saving throw against a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural effect, for 1 round you gain a ×2 bonus on damage rolls against the creature that targeted you