Drow of the Underdark


Arachnomancer Arachnomancers are specialized spellcasters, typically wizards, who invest their magical energy to better understand the characteristics of spiders.
Cavestalker Cavestalkers move with ease through tunnels and terrain that others find dangerous or impassable.
Demonbinder The demonbinder draws the essence of demons into herself to acquire their power.
Dread Fang of Lolth The dread fangs of Lolth are elite soldiers who fight for the drow matriarchs.
Eye of Lolth Eyes of Lolth are the the drow secret police.
Insidious Corrupter The insidious corruptor is a manipulator, a devious and sinister villain who lures individuals to their dooms.
Kinslayer Kinslayers are drow who are devoted to the genocide of elves.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
At Home in the Deep Darkness spell-like ability, darkvision You can see through darkness spells
Blend into Shadows Darkness spell-like ability Spend darkness use to hide in plain sight
Cautious Attack Wis 13, Dodge Gain +1 AC while readying an attack
Chosen Foe Gain +1 attack and AC against single foe
Clever Opportunist Combat Reflexes Spend immediate action to exchange places with foe
Constant Guardian Take �2 penalty on attacks to grant +2 to AC for single ally within 10 feet
Dutiful Guardian Constant Guardian Exchange places with attacked ally
Dazzling Fire Faerie fire spell-like ability Faerie fire dazzles subject
Radiant Flicker Dazzling Fire, faerie fire spell-like ability Use faerie fire to grant target concealment
Deceptive Illumination Dancing lights spell-like ability Use silent image as a spell-like ability
Fade into Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness to gain +5 bonus on Hide checks
Fascinating Illumination Dancing lights spell-like ability Use hypnotic pattern as a spell-like ability
Gift of the Spider Queen Drow Invoke various effects by sacrificing two or three of your daily spell-like abilities
Hand Crossbow Focus Proficiency with hand crossbow, base attack bonus +1 +1 bonus on attack rolls with hand crossbow; reload as free action
Imperious Command Cha 15, Intimidate 8 ranks Demoralized opponent cowers for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round
Instinctive Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness as an immediate action; no attack of opportunity
Intensify Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness to cast deeper darkness
Master of Poisons Apply poison as a swift action and with no chance of poisoning yourself
Master of Shadow Drow Gain one extra use of dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Paralyzing Fists Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Multiple Stunning Fist attacks paralyze instead of stun
Poison Spell Add poison to a melee touch spell as though it were a weapon
Psychic Refusal Spell resistance, Iron Will SR increases by 4 against mind-affecting spells and effects
Reactive Resistance Spell resistance Lower SR as immediate action
Sadistic Reward Evil Deal damage to living creature to gain +1 on saves for 1 round
Shadowborn Warrior Blind-Fight, Dodge +2 initiative, +1 AC when in shadows or darkness
Spiderfriend Magic Your spells don�t affect vermin allies
Staggering Critical Improved Critical, base attack bonus +12 Critical hit slows target for 1 round
Surprising Riposte Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint Feinted target that takes damage becomes flat-footed
Vermin Trainer Drow, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks Train vermin creatures
Knight of Lolth Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Vermin Trainer Gain various advantages when mounted on monstrous vermin
Spider Companion Vermin Trainer, animal companion Gain monstrous spider as companion
Verminfriend Drow Cha check to prevent vermin from attacking you
Versatile Combatant Dex 15, proficiency with rapier Reduced penalties for fighting with rapier and and hand crossbow hand crossbow; hand crossbow attacks don�t provoke attacks of opportunity
Metamagic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Coercive Spell Creatures damaged by spell take �2 penalty on Will saves
Deafening Spell Creatures damaged by spell are deafened for 1 round
Umbral Spell Spell gains darkness descriptor
Ambush Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Gloom Strike Sneak attack +3d6, darkness spell-like ability Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to impede target�s vision for 3 rounds
Sickening Strike Sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to sicken living target for 1 round
Terrifying Strike Intimidate 4 ranks, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to render foe shaken for 1 round
Venomous Strike Poison use, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to increase poison DC by 2
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Intercession Turn or rebuke undead, Travel or Trickery domain Spend three rebuke attempts to teleport 30 feet
Lolth�s Boon Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity Spend two rebuke attempts to grant vermin temporary hit points and +2 damage
Lolth�s Caress Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity Spend rebuke attempt to force saves against poison�s secondary effect
Profane Agony Rebuke undead, Death or Destruction domain Spend rebuke attempt to damage, sicken living foe within 30 feet
Vile Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Unspeakable Vow +2 profane bonus on Intimidate checks
Vow of Decadence Unspeakable Vow Control effects of drugs, +4 competence bonus on Fort saves against ingested poison
Vow of the Spider Queen Caster level 6th, rebuke undead, Unspeakable Vow, Verminfriend See feat description
Vow of Vengeance Unspeakable Vow +2 on damage, +4 on critical confirmation rolls against chosen creature.
Weapon Style Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Aleval School Spellcraft 2 ranks, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4, sneak attack +2d6 or sudden strike +2d6 Sacrifice 1d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty on one save
Despana School Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light mace, heavy mace, or warmace), base attack bonus +5, ability to cast any summon monster spell Gain advantages when fighting alongside a monster you summoned
Eilservs School Spellcraft 2 ranks, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +6 Deal extra damage with magic staff, and cast staff spell as swift action against foe you�ve hit
Inlindl School Int 13, Combat Expertise, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse Give up shield bonus to AC for bonus on attacks
Shi�Quos School Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6 When charging or spring attacking from higher elevation, you can knock foe prone
Steal and Strike Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Focus (kukri) Gain free attack when you successfully disarm opponent
Tormtor Style Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (javelin), base attack bonus +6 Make melee attack and ranged attack with javelin in the same round
Vae School Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain or whip), base attack bonus +7 Free trip attempt when you damage a flat-footed or flanked foe with spiked chain or whip
Xaniqos School Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6 �Charge� with crossbow to deal +1d6 points of damage; reloading doesn�t provoke attacks of opportunity


Some spells in this page have �Drow� on the component line. To learn, prepare, or cast one of these spells, you must either be a drow or have selected Lolth as your patron deity.


1st Level

Combat Readiness: Target gains +1 per three levels on initiative checks; no bonus from being flanked.

Shadow Double: Shadowy figure attacks enemies.

Snuff the Light: Extinguish one nonmagical light source.


1st Level

Combat Readiness: Target gains +1 per three levels on initiative checks; no bonus from being flanked.

Snuff the Light: Extinguish one nonmagical light source.

2nd Level

Magical Backlash: Target takes 2 points of damage per spell level affecting it.


2nd Level

Shadow Shroud: Negate light blindness/vulnerability; +5 bonus on Hide checks.

3rd Level

Dominate Vermin: Subject vermin obeys psychic commands.

4th Level

Armored Vermin: +2 to natural armor of vermin.

Yochlol Blessing: Target gains eight tentacle attacks, resistance to acid and electricity, AC bonus.

5th Level

Bebilith Blessing: Target gains poisonous bite and sundering claw attacks.


3rd Level

Dominate Vermin: Subject vermin obeys psychic commands.

Engulfing Terror: Create a single gelatinous cube.

4th Level

Armored Vermin: +2 to natural armor of vermin.


2nd Level

Magical Backlash: Target takes 2 points of damage per spell level affecting it.

Shadow Double: Shadowy figure attacks enemies.


1st Level

Combat Readiness: Target gains +1 per three levels on initiative checks; no bonus from being flanked.

Snuff the Light: Extinguish one nonmagical light source.

Spider Form, Lesser: You take on the form and abilities of a Medium fiendish monstrous spider.

2nd Level

Magical Backlash: Target takes 2 points of damage per spell level affecting it.

Shadow Double: Shadowy figure attacks enemies.

Shadow Shroud: Negate light blindness/vulnerability; +5 bonus on Hide checks.

3rd Level

Engulfing Terror: Create a single gelatinous cube.

Spider Form: You take on the form and abilities of a Large fiendish monstrous spider.

5th Level

Dridershape: You take on the form and abilities of a drider.

Spider Form, Greater: You take on the form and abilities of a Huge fiendish monstrous spider.
