
Drow of the Underdark

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
At Home in the Deep Darkness spell-like ability, darkvision You can see through darkness spells
Blend into Shadows Darkness spell-like ability Spend darkness use to hide in plain sight
Cautious Attack Wis 13, Dodge Gain +1 AC while readying an attack
Chosen Foe Gain +1 attack and AC against single foe
Clever Opportunist Combat Reflexes Spend immediate action to exchange places with foe
Constant Guardian Take �2 penalty on attacks to grant +2 to AC for single ally within 10 feet
Dutiful Guardian Constant Guardian Exchange places with attacked ally
Dazzling Fire Faerie fire spell-like ability Faerie fire dazzles subject
Radiant Flicker Dazzling Fire, faerie fire spell-like ability Use faerie fire to grant target concealment
Deceptive Illumination Dancing lights spell-like ability Use silent image as a spell-like ability
Fade into Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness to gain +5 bonus on Hide checks
Fascinating Illumination Dancing lights spell-like ability Use hypnotic pattern as a spell-like ability
Gift of the Spider Queen Drow Invoke various effects by sacrificing two or three of your daily spell-like abilities
Hand Crossbow Focus Proficiency with hand crossbow, base attack bonus +1 +1 bonus on attack rolls with hand crossbow; reload as free action
Imperious Command Cha 15, Intimidate 8 ranks Demoralized opponent cowers for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round
Instinctive Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness as an immediate action; no attack of opportunity
Intensify Darkness Darkness spell-like ability Use darkness to cast deeper darkness
Master of Poisons Apply poison as a swift action and with no chance of poisoning yourself
Master of Shadow Drow Gain one extra use of dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Paralyzing Fists Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Multiple Stunning Fist attacks paralyze instead of stun
Poison Spell Add poison to a melee touch spell as though it were a weapon
Psychic Refusal Spell resistance, Iron Will SR increases by 4 against mind-affecting spells and effects
Reactive Resistance Spell resistance Lower SR as immediate action
Sadistic Reward Evil Deal damage to living creature to gain +1 on saves for 1 round
Shadowborn Warrior Blind-Fight, Dodge +2 initiative, +1 AC when in shadows or darkness
Spiderfriend Magic Your spells don�t affect vermin allies
Staggering Critical Improved Critical, base attack bonus +12 Critical hit slows target for 1 round
Surprising Riposte Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint Feinted target that takes damage becomes flat-footed
Vermin Trainer Drow, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks Train vermin creatures
Knight of Lolth Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Vermin Trainer Gain various advantages when mounted on monstrous vermin
Spider Companion Vermin Trainer, animal companion Gain monstrous spider as companion
Verminfriend Drow Cha check to prevent vermin from attacking you
Versatile Combatant Dex 15, proficiency with rapier Reduced penalties for fighting with rapier and and hand crossbow hand crossbow; hand crossbow attacks don�t provoke attacks of opportunity
Metamagic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Coercive Spell Creatures damaged by spell take �2 penalty on Will saves
Deafening Spell Creatures damaged by spell are deafened for 1 round
Umbral Spell Spell gains darkness descriptor
Ambush Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Gloom Strike Sneak attack +3d6, darkness spell-like ability Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to impede target�s vision for 3 rounds
Sickening Strike Sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to sicken living target for 1 round
Terrifying Strike Intimidate 4 ranks, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to render foe shaken for 1 round
Venomous Strike Poison use, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to increase poison DC by 2
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Divine Intercession Turn or rebuke undead, Travel or Trickery domain Spend three rebuke attempts to teleport 30 feet
Lolth�s Boon Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity Spend two rebuke attempts to grant vermin temporary hit points and +2 damage
Lolth�s Caress Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity Spend rebuke attempt to force saves against poison�s secondary effect
Profane Agony Rebuke undead, Death or Destruction domain Spend rebuke attempt to damage, sicken living foe within 30 feet
Vile Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Unspeakable Vow +2 profane bonus on Intimidate checks
Vow of Decadence Unspeakable Vow Control effects of drugs, +4 competence bonus on Fort saves against ingested poison
Vow of the Spider Queen Caster level 6th, rebuke undead, Unspeakable Vow, Verminfriend See feat description
Vow of Vengeance Unspeakable Vow +2 on damage, +4 on critical confirmation rolls against chosen creature.
Weapon Style Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Aleval School Spellcraft 2 ranks, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4, sneak attack +2d6 or sudden strike +2d6 Sacrifice 1d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty on one save
Despana School Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light mace, heavy mace, or warmace), base attack bonus +5, ability to cast any summon monster spell Gain advantages when fighting alongside a monster you summoned
Eilservs School Spellcraft 2 ranks, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +6 Deal extra damage with magic staff, and cast staff spell as swift action against foe you�ve hit
Inlindl School Int 13, Combat Expertise, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse Give up shield bonus to AC for bonus on attacks
Shi�Quos School Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6 When charging or spring attacking from higher elevation, you can knock foe prone
Steal and Strike Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Focus (kukri) Gain free attack when you successfully disarm opponent
Tormtor Style Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (javelin), base attack bonus +6 Make melee attack and ranged attack with javelin in the same round
Vae School Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain or whip), base attack bonus +7 Free trip attempt when you damage a flat-footed or flanked foe with spiked chain or whip
Xaniqos School Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6 �Charge� with crossbow to deal +1d6 points of damage; reloading doesn�t provoke attacks of opportunity



Your innate power over the darkness extends to your senses.

Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability darkvision.

Benefit: You can see through the shadowy illumination created by a darkness spell as if the spell weren’t there. This ability doesn’t apply to other spells that have the darkness descriptor.


You can draw from nearby magical shadow to cloak yourself in darkness.

Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend a use of your darkness spell-like ability to make a Hide check, even while being observed and without cover or concealment. You must be within 10 feet of an area of magical darkness. You also gain one additional daily use of your darkness spell- like ability.


When you take your time in combat, you quickly assess the flow of battle to respond rapidly to threats.

Prerequisite:Wis 13, Dodge.

Benefit:Whenever you ready a standard action to attack, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until you take the readied action, or until the start of your next turn, whichever comes first.


At the expense of attention to other distractions, you focus on a single opponent to give you a decided advantage while fighting against him.

Benefit: Once during your turn as a free action, you can designate a single opponent. You gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made against that opponent and a +1 insight bonus to AC against attacks made by that opponent. In exchange, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls against other creatures and a –2 penalty to AC against attacks made by other creatures. The bonus and penalty last until the start of your next turn.

Special: A fighter can select Chosen Foe as a fighter bonus feat.


When an unwary opponent gives you an opportunity, you use it to change positions with your foe.

Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.

Benefit: If you hit a creature of your size or smaller with an attack of opportunity, you can spend an immediate action to exchange places with that creature. Both you and the target must be able to move into and legally occupy the new space in order for this feat to function. For example, an incorporeal character inside a solid object couldn’t exchange places with a corporeal character, nor could a nonflying creature exchange places with an airborne flying creature.

Special: A fighter can select Clever Opportunist as a fighter bonus feat.


Living foes damaged by your spell become more pliable and vulnerable to your commands.

Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature dealt damage by the spell takes a –2 penalty on Will saves for 3 rounds. Penalties from multiple coercive spells do not stack. A coercive spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.


By paying careful attention to nearby allies and reducing the accuracy of your attacks, you help protect your companions.

Benefit: Once during you turn as a free action, you can take a –2 penalty on your attack rolls to grant a single ally within 10 feet a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn or until you are more than 10 feet from the chosen ally, whichever comes first.

Special: A fighter can select Constant Guardian as a fighter bonus feat.


The illumination you can bestow on others impedes their ability to fight.

Prerequisite: Faerie fire as a spell-like ability.

Benefit:When you use faerie fire as a spell-like ability, you can choose also to render the target of the faerie fire effect dazzled for its duration. You also gain one extra daily use of your faerie fire spell-like ability.


You can modify a spell so it deafens targets.

Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature dealt damage by the spell is also deafened for 1 round. The effects from multiple deafening spells do not stack. A deafening spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.175


Your innate power to create mobile light is far more precise than others’.

Prerequisite: Dancing lights as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: You can spend a daily use of your dancing lights spell-like ability to cast silent image instead. The illusion lasts for 3 rounds after you cease concentration, but otherwise functions exactly as the spell. Your caster level equals your class level. You gain one extra daily use of your dancing lights spell-like ability.


You put yourself into harm’s way to protect your allies.

Prerequisite: Constant Guardian.

Benefit:Whenever the beneficiary of your Constant Guardian feat is attacked, you can take an immediate action to instantly exchange places with that character. Both you and the ally must be able to move into and legally occupy the new space in order for this feat to function. For example, an incorporeal character inside a solid object couldn’t exchange places with a corporeal character, nor could a nonflying creature exchange places with an airborne flying creature.


By precisely controlling the shadows around you, you render yourself unseen.

Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: You can spend a daily use of your darkness spell- like ability as a standard action to gain a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks for 10 minutes per caster level. This ability does not function in areas of bright illumination. You also gain one extra daily use of your darkness spell-like ability.


The lights you create have the power to hypnotize others.

Prerequisite: Dancing lights as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: You can spend a daily use of your dancing lights spell-like ability to cast hypnotic pattern instead. Your caster level equals your class level. You also gain one extra daily use of your dancing lights spell- like ability.


You can combine your racial spell-like abilities in new and potent ways.

Prerequisite: Drow.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can activate any of the following spell-like abilities (using your class level as your caster level). You spend one daily use of each spell-like ability used in this combination.

Curtain of Darkness: You can expend one daily use of dancing lights and darkness to extinguish all nonmagical light sources within 100 feet. This is not a magical darkness effect; the fires (or other sources, such as sunrods) simply go out. This ability does not function on any flame larger than that of a torch or lantern, so it cannot be used to extinguish a burning building or as a defense against fire used as a weapon. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Mirror Image: You can expend one daily use of dancing lights and faerie fire to use mirror image (as the spell, except you gain only 1d4 images).

See Invisibility: You can expend one daily use of darkness and faerie fire to use see invisibility (as the spell, except the duration is only 1 round per caster level).

Blinding Vanish: You can expend one daily use of dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire to disappear in a blinding flash of light. All creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round; a successful Fortitude save (DC 14 + your Cha modifier) reduces the effect to dazzled for 1 round. In addition, you become invisible (as the invisibility spell, except the duration is 1 round per caster level).


Your hand crossbow attacks gain accuracy and speed.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with hand crossbow, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can reload a hand crossbow as a free action. You also gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a hand crossbow. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from Weapon Focus, but it is the equivalent of Weapon Focus for the purpose of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, and anything else that requires the feat.

Special: A fighter can select Hand Crossbow Focus as a fighter bonus feat.


You strike deep and abiding terror in your foes.

Prerequisite: Cha 15, Intimidate 8 ranks.

Benefit: If you successfully demoralize a foe in combat, the foe cowers in fear for 1 round and is shaken in the following round.


After extensive training, you can negate light instinctively.

Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: You can use your darkness spell-like ability as an immediate action. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You also gain one extra daily use of your darkness spell-like ability.

Normal: Using darkness requires 1 standard action and provokes attacks of opportunity.


By extending your effort, you can expand the area of your darkness spell-like ability.

Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability.176

Benefit: If you spend a full-round action to use your darkness spell-like ability, you create deeper darkness instead. You also gain one extra daily use of your darkness spell-like ability.


You have mastered techniques of waging war when mounted on a monstrous spider (or similar vermin).

Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank,Mounted Combat, Vermin Trainer.

Benefit:When riding monstrous vermin, you do not need to make any rolls or checks to remain mounted if your mount travels across walls or ceilings (though if you take damage when on a wall or ceiling, the DC of the check to remain mounted is 10 rather than 5). When your monstrous vermin mount makes a charge attack, you can spend a standard action to grant it a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to 1/2 your base attack bonus.

Normal: Riding a creature clinging to a wall or ceiling would require various checks depending on circumstances.


You are highly trained and adept in the use of toxic substances.

Benefit: You can apply poison or oil to a weapon as a swift action, without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, you never risk accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poison to a weapon.

Normal: Applying poison or oil to a weapon is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When applying poison to a weapon, you have a 5% chance of accidentally poisoning yourself.


You gain extra uses of your drow powers of light and darkness.

Prerequisite: Drow.

Benefit: You gain one extra daily use of each of your drow spell-like abilities (dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire).

In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to your caster level with these spell-like abilities.


You can make multiple unarmed attacks to paralyze an opponent in a single round.

Prerequisite:Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.

Benefit:When two or more of your Stunning Fist attacks succeed in stunning a single foe in the same round, that creature must make another Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier +1 for each successful Stunning Fist attack). On a failure, that creature is paralyzed for 1d2 rounds instead of being stunned for 1 round. Creatures that are not subject to extra damage from critical hits and creatures that are immune to stunning cannot be paralyzed in this manner.

Special: A fighter can select Paralyzing Fists as a fighter bonus feat.


You can mystically transfer a poison to the target of your Spells.

Benefit: You can add a contact or injury poison as a material component to a melee touch spell you are casting. Doing this entails the same risk of poisoning yourself as applying poison to a weapon (DMG 296). The target of the spell, in addition to being subject to the normal effects of the spell, is also exposed to the poison. (A melee touch spell must deal damage to deliver the effect of an injury poison). The dose of poison used as the component is expended when you cast the spell, whether or not the spell or poison successfully affects the target.


Spells that target your mind have difficulty penetrating your defenses.

Prerequisite: Spell resistance, Iron Will.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to spell resistance against mind-affecting spells and abilities.


You cloak yourself or another with a nimbus of flickering, bewildering light.

Prerequisite: Dazzling Fire, faerie fire as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: You can spend a daily use of your faerie fire spell- like ability as a standard action to grant the target concealment from all melee attacks instead. This effect lasts for 1 round per caster level. You also gain one extra daily use of your faerie fire spell-like ability.


Through extensive practice and meditation, you can lower your spell resistance quickly.

Prerequisite: Spell resistance.

Benefit: You can lower your spell resistance as an immediate action. It returns to normal at the start of your next turn.

Normal: Lowering spell resistance for 1 round is a standard action.


Your mind and body are fortified by harming others.

Prerequisite: Evil.

Benefit: If you deal damage to a living creature, you gain a +1 morale bonus on saves for 1 round.


You are adept at fighting in darkness.

Prerequisite: Blind-Fight, Dodge.177

Benefit:Whenever you begin combat within an area of darkness or shadowy illumination, you gain a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks. When in concealment granted by darkness or shadow, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC.

Special: A fighter can select Shadowborn Warrior as a fighter bonus feat.


Instead of an animal, you bond with a monstrous spider.

Prerequisite: Vermin Trainer, animal companion.

Benefit: You can select a monstrous spider as your animal companion. This spider gains all the benefits normally granted to animal companions. At 1st level, you can select a Tiny, Small, or Medium monstrous spider as your spider companion. A druid of sufficiently high level can select a more powerful creature as her spider companion, applying the indicated adjustment to the druid’s level (in parentheses) for the purpose of determining the spider companion’s characteristics and special abilities.

Spider Minimum Level (Adjustment)
Large 4th (–3)
Huge 10th (–9)

Normal: Spiders are not available as animal companions.


Your spells cannot harm your vermin allies.

Benefit: Your spells have no effect against vermin allies (but affect vermin enemies normally). As a swift action, you can suppress the effect of this feat for 1 round.


Your critical hits leave your opponents reeling.

Prerequisite: Improved Critical, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit:When you confirm a critical hit with a weapon for which you have the Improved Critical feat, the target is also slowed for 1 round.

Special: A fighter can select Staggering Critical as a fighter bonus feat.


Through deft maneuvering, you unravel your opponent’s defenses.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.

Benefit: If you deal damage to an opponent in the same round that you successfully feinted against it, it becomes flat-footed. This effect lasts 1 round or until, the opponent’s next turn, whichever comes first. Opponents that can’t be caught flat-footed, such as characters who have uncanny dodge, cannot be affected by Surprising Riposte.

Special: A fighter can select Surprising Riposte as a fighter bonus feat.


You add the darkness descriptor to a spell you cast.

Benefit: You can alter a burst-, emanation-, or spread- shaped spell so that it gains the darkness descriptor. The altered spell automatically dispels any spells with the light descriptor of the spell’s level or lower whose effects overlap or are within the altered spell’s area. For example, an umbral lightning bolt would dispel any ongoing light spell of 3rd level or lower in the area of the line. An umbral spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.


Your service to the Spider Queen gives you insight into training vermin.

Prerequisite: Drow, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: You can use the Handle Animal skill to handle and train vermin as if they were animals with Intelligence scores of 1.

Normal:Without this feat, only animals and magical beasts with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 can be handled and trained with the Handle Animal skill, and using Handle Animal on a magical beast is done with a –4 penalty on the check.

Special: The size of vermin directly affects the ability of the trainer to instruct them (see page 46).


Thanks to your racial connection to their kind, vermin regard you as one of their own.

Prerequisite: Drow.

Benefit:Whenever a vermin is about to attack you, you can attempt a Charisma check (DC 15 +1/4 the vermin’s HD) as an immediate action. If you succeed, the vermin cannot attack you for 24 hours. If you attack a vermin that has been affected by this feat, you lose the feat’s benefit for 24 hours.


You have learned to combine attacks with the favored weapons of the drow.

Prerequisite: Dex 15, proficiency with rapier and hand crossbow.

Benefit:Whenever you are armed with a rapier in your primary hand and a hand crossbow in your offhand, you are treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the purpose of calculating attack penalties. In addition, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from adjacent opponents when you make ranged attacks with a hand crossbow.

Special: A fighter can select Versatile Combat as a fighter bonus feat.178



Your sneak attacks leave a residue of darkness that clouds your enemy’s vision.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +3d6, darkness as a spell-like ability.

Benefit: Your sneak attack creates an aura of magical darkness that impedes your target’s vision for 3 rounds. The target takes a –4 penalty on Spot checks and treats all other creatures as having concealment. Neither darkvision nor low-light vision pierces this effect, though the ability to see through magical darkness does. Any spell with the light descriptor suppresses the effect. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 2d6.


Your sneak attacks leave enemies reeling in pain.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: The target of your sneak attack, if it is a living creature, is sickened for 1 round. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 1d6.


Your sneak attacks inspire fear.

Prerequisite: Intimidate 4 ranks, sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: The target of your sneak attack is shaken for 1 round. This effect doesn’t stack with any other fear effects, including itself. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 1d6.


You know where to place your sneak attacks to deliver a highly effective poisoned strike.

Prerequisite: Poison use, sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: If you are wielding a poisoned weapon as part of your sneak attack, the poison’s save DC increases by 2. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 1d6.



You can channel divine energy to remove yourself from a dangerous situation.

Prerequisite: Turn or rebuke undead, Travel or Trickery domain.

Benefit: You can spend three turn or rebuke undead attempts to teleport to any point up to 30 feet away within line of sight. This effect functions as dimension door, except that you can’t bring along other creatures.


You can channel negative energy to empower vermin.

Prerequisite: Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity.

Benefit: You can spend two rebuke undead attempts as a standard action to unleash a 60-foot-radius burst of divine energy. Each vermin in the area gains temporary hit points equal to its HD, as well as a +2 profane bonus on melee damage rolls. These effects last for 5 rounds.


You can channel negative energy to accelerate poisonous effects.

Prerequisite: Rebuke undead, drow or Lolth as patron deity.

Benefit: You can spend a rebuke undead attempt to speed up the effects of poison, affecting all creatures within 20 feet of you. Any poisoned creature in the area that has not yet attempted its saving throw against the poison’s secondary effect must do so immediately. (This takes the place of the saving throw at the end of the normal poison duration).


You can channel negative energy to deal terrible pain.

Prerequisite: Rebuke undead, Death or Destruction domain.

Benefit: You can spend a rebuke undead attempt as a full- round action to channel your deity’s displeasure at a single living creature within 30 feet. That creature takes 3d6 points of nonlethal damage and is sickened for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your level + your Cha modifier) negates the damage, but not the sickening effect.



You willingly give yourself to the service of an evil deity or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to serve your unspeakable ends.

Benefit: You gain a +2 profane bonus on Intimidate checks.


You have taken an unspeakable vow to indulge your every desire, even at the expense of others around you.

Prerequisite: Unspeakable Vow.

Benefit: You cannot overdose when using drugs. If the drug deals variable damage, you always take the minimum amount. If the drug has a penalty that lasts for a variable amount of time, it is always for the minimum time described.179 In addition, you gain a+4 competence bonus on saving throws against ingested poisons.

Special: To fulfill your vow, you must consume an intoxicating, stimulating, depressing, or hallucinogenic substance at least once per day. If you intentionally abstain, you immediately and irrevocably lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it. If you break your vow as a result of magical compulsion, or otherwise unintentionally, you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an atonement spell.


You have taken an unspeakable vow to further the interests of the Spider Queen at all costs.

Prerequisite: Caster level 6th, rebuke undead, Unspeakable Vow, Verminfriend.

Benefit: This unspeakable vow grants a variety of supernatural benefits, but at a terrible price.

You gain immunity to poison. When using the Verminfriend feat, you gain a +5 insight bonus on the Charisma check, and you can prevent any single vermin within 30 feet from attacking you. If you succeed, the affected vermin cannot attack you for 24 hours. Also, you can expend a rebuke undead attempt to rebuke or command vermin. This ability functions like rebuke undead, except that it affects vermin. Finally, you develop horrid glands in your mouth that allow you to spit a wad of toxic fluid. Your glands produce enough poison to spit a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Con bonus (if any). Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of acid damage and forces the target to succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Con modifier) or take 1d4 points of Strength damage. Ten rounds later, the target must succeed on a second save against the same DC or take an additional 1d4 points of Strength damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the target takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.

Special: To fulfill your vow, you must not cause harm to any vermin. You may not deal lethal damage or ability damage to such creatures through spells or weapons, though you can deal nonlethal damage. You may not target them with death effects, disintegrate, or other spells that have the immediate potential to cause death or great harm. You also may not use nondamaging spells to incapacitate or weaken vermin so your allies can kill them. In addition, once per week, you must perform a horrid ritual that involves opening yourself to the maddening presence of the Spider Queen. The ritual takes 8 hours, and at the end of this time you take 1d8 points of Wisdom damage. Wisdom damage can be healed normally. If you intentionally break this vow or fail to perform the profane ritual, Lolth finds you wanting. If you have 11 or fewer HD, you immediately transform into a chwidencha (see page 108), becoming a scuttling thing with no memory of your former self. If you have 12 or more HD, you immediately become a drider. In both cases, you automatically lose the benefit of this feat and may not select a new one to replace it. If you break your vow because of magical compulsion, or otherwise unintentionally, you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an atonement spell.


Filled with hate, you have made an unspeakable vow to visit vengeance on those whom you believe wronged you and your people. Whether the affront is real or imagined, you settle for nothing less than the extermination of your enemy.

Prerequisite: Unspeakable Vow.

Benefit: Choose one creature type or subtype from those given on Table 3–14: Ranger Favored Enemies, PH 47. You gain a +2 profane bonus on damage rolls against these creatures, as well as a +4 profane bonus on rolls to confirm critical threats against them.

Special: To fulfill your vow, you must kill at least one creature of the selected type each month. When facing these creatures, you cannot retreat and you must fight until you or all the creatures of your chosen foe are killed. You can take prisoners, but they must die within 1 week of capture. If you intentionally break any portion of this vow, you immediately and irrevocably lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it. If you break your vow as a result of magical compulsion, or otherwise unintentionally, you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an atonement spell.



Your shriek dazes enemies in addition to dealing damage.

Prerequisite: Vril, base attack bonus +3.

Benefit: Creatures that take damage from your shriek must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your character level + your Con modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.


You can daze and deafen opponents with your piercing shriek.

Prerequisite: Vril, Dazing Shriek, base attack Bonus +9.

Benefit: Creatures that take damage from your shriek must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10+ 1/2 your character level + your Con modifier) or be dazed for 1d4 rounds and deafened for 1 minute.180


Your can better protect yourself against certain types of weapons.

Prerequisite: Vril, character level 5th.

Benefit: The damage reduction you gain from your skinshift ability increases to 10.


You can use your shriek ability quickly when performing other actions.

Prerequisite: Vril, base attack bonus +2.

Benefit: You can use your shriek ability as a swift action.

Normal: Using your shriek ability usually requires a standard action.


You despise drow and have learned how to fight them and their ilk more effectively.

Prerequisite: Vril, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: You are no longer take a –4 penalty on Fortitude saves against drow and spiderkind poison. In addition, you gain a+1 morale bonus on attack rolls against drow and creatures related to drow (including driders, szarkai, and scorrow [Secrets of Xen’drik]) and spiderkind, and a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against these creatures.



You have learned House Aleval’s fighting techniques, allowing you to deal damage that weakens your enemy’s physical or mental state.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4, sneak attack +2d6 or sudden strike +2d6.

Benefit:When you deal sneak attack or sudden strike damage, you can sacrifice 1d6 points of this extra damage to bestow a –2 penalty on one of the target’s three saving throws (your choice) for 1 round.

You can use this feat once per round.


You have learned House Despana’s fighting techniques, which involve teaming up against an enemy with summoned creatures.

Prerequisite: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light mace, heavy mace, or warmace), base attack bonus +5, ability to cast any summon monster spell.

Benefit: As long as you and a monster you summoned threaten the same foe, you are considered to be flanking that foe even if you don’t have an ally on the foe’s opposite side. In addition, once per round you can declare that a melee attack you make with a mace, heavy mace, or warmace against a flanked enemy is intended to open the enemy’s defenses. You must declare this attempt before you roll your attack, and the attempt is wasted for the round if the attack misses. If the attack hits, your summoned creatures gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn.


You have learned the fighting techniques of House Eilservs, which utilize magic staffs in combat.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +6.

Benefit:When you strike a creature with a magic staff, you gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to +1 per 10 charges remaining in the staff (rounded up). if you strike a foe with both ends of a magic staff in the same round, you can immediately activate one of the spells from the staff as a swift action. The spell must target or be centered either on you or the target struck (or on any corner of your or your target’s space, in the case of an area spell). This feat doesn’t let you activate a magic staff that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to activate. Staffs without charges (such as a simple +1 quarterstaff) gain no benefit from this feat.

Normal: Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action.


You have learned House Inlindl’s fighting techniques, which focus on using light weapons and shields.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Benefit: At the start of your turn, you can choose to sacrifice your shield bonus to AC in exchange for a bonus on melee attack rolls equal to one-half that bonus. This bonus applies only on attacks made with light weapons (or other weapons to which Weapon Finesse applies). This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.


You have learned the mobile fighting style of House Shi’Quos.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6. Benefits: If you deal damage with a charge attack or Spring Attack against an opponent at a lower elevation than you, the target also falls prone unless it succeeds on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Dex modifier).


You are a master of the style of fighting that involves using a rapier and a kukri at the same time. With it, you can rob an opponent of its weapon and strike swiftly when it is vulnerable.

Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (kukri), Weapon Focus (rapier).181

Benefit: If you successfully disarm an opponent with your rapier, you can make a free attack with your kukri at your highest base attack bonus. You can use this feat once per round.


You have learned House Tormtor’s fighting technique from its weapon masters.

Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (javelin), base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: If you deal damage on a melee attack with a javelin, you can then throw that javelin at any other target within 30 feet as a swift action (using your highest base ranged attack bonus). You take no penalty when making a melee attack with a javelin.

You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with javelins.


You have learned House Vae’s fighting style.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain or whip), base attack bonus +7.

Benefit: Once per round, when you deal damage to a flat- footed foe (or a foe you flank) with a whip or a spiked chain, you can also initiate a trip attack (as if you had hit with a touch attack). If you fail to trip when using this special attack, your opponent cannot attempt to trip you in turn. You must declare this attempt before you roll your attack, and the attempt is wasted for the round if the attack misses. You must have Weapon Focus with the weapon you are using for this feat. In other words, having Weapon Focus (whip) does not allow you to use the Vae School feat with a spiked chain, or vice versa.

Normal: You must make a trip attack separately from a normal attack. If you fail to trip the foe, he can attempt to trip you in turn.


You have learned the fighting style of House Xaniqos, which favors aggressive crossbow maneuvers.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: If you have moved at least 10 feet toward your target since the start of your turn, your crossbow attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of damage against that target in this round. This feats benefit doesn’t apply when you are mounted. In addition, reloading your crossbow does not provoke attacks of opportunity.



The drow blood in your veins runs true and grants you some abilities from that heritage.

Prerequisite:Half-elf with drow ancestry.

Benefit: You have a +2 racial bonus onWill saves against spells and spell-like abilities. You have darkvision out to 60 feet. You receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency (hand crossbow), as well as, Undercommon and the drow dialect of Elven as automatic languages. If you have an Intelligence score of 13 or higher, you also gain the following spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire. Your caster level equals your class level.

Normal: A half-elf with drow ancestry normally just receives the half-elf racial traits as described in the Player’s Handbook.

Special: Taking this feat also causes you to have light sensitivity: You are dazzled (–1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks) in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.


A creature with this feat can charge with extra force.

Prerequisite:Medium or larger, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit:When the creature charges, if its melee attack hits, it deals an extra 1d8 points of damage (if it is Medium size). For Large creatures, the extra damage is 2d6 points; for Huge, 3d6; for Gargantuan, 4d6; and for Colossal, 6d6. This feat works only when the creature makes a charge. It does not work when the creature is mounted. If the creature has the ability to make multiple attacks after a charge, it can apply this extra damage to only one of those attacks.

Special: A fighter can select Powerful Charge as one of his fighter bonus feats