Complete Scoundrel


Avenging Executioner Avenging executioners are victims pushed past the limits of endurance who hunt sentient creatures out of a need for justice.
Battle Trickster Battle tricksters employ unusual talents in combat.
Cloaked Dancer The cloaked dancer dances into the hearts and minds of her audience, beguiling those around her with boundless charm and careful dance moves, leaving her victims in a state of ecstasy even as she kills them.
Combat Trapsmith Combat trapsmiths can litter a battlefield or dungeon with devices of their own cunning design. They can put together a variety of traps, ranging from annoying to deadly, in mere seconds.
Fortune's Friend A fortune's friend lives by luck alone. Nothing ever seems to get him down because-for him at least-everything works out in the end.
Gray Guard Gray guards are less restrained by their knightly vows, doing what must be done, no matter how unpleasant.
Magical Trickster Magical tricksters combine magical talent with odd stunts relying on trained skill.
Malconvoker Malconvokers are conjurers who summon demons, devils, and other fiends and trick them into aiding the cause of good.
Master of Masks A master of masks relies on different personas to use a wide repertoire of abilities, including many potent magical effects.
Mountebank Mountebanks are frauds and con artists, capable of slipping into new identities as others change clothing.
Psibond Agent A psibond agent sees through the eyes of others, gently guiding (or in some cases forcefully commanding) her puppet to go places she could never enter herself.
Spellwarp Sniper The spellwarp sniper contorts spells, changing area effects into rays that deliver precise, devastating attacks.
Uncanny Trickster Uncanny tricksters know more skill tricks than anyone else.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Ascetic Stalker1 Ki power, ki strike (magic) Monk and ninja levels stack for unarmed strike damage and ki pool
Cool Head Any two mental skill tricks Learn two mental skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one
Daredevil Athlete Gain +5 competence bonus on physical skill check 3/day
Daring Outlaw Grace +1, sneak attack +2d6 Rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and sneak attack
Daring Warrior2 Grace +1, Weapon Specialization Fighter and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and feats
Deadly Defense2 +1d6 damage with light weapons when fighting defensively
Expanded Ki Pool Ki power Gain three extra uses of your ki power
Enduring Ki Ki power Spend extra use of ki to add 1 round to duration
Freerunner Any two movement skill tricks Learn two movement skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one
Improved Familiar Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high arcane spellcaster level Gain better familiar
Improved Skirmish3 Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC Move 20 feet to gain +2d6 points of damage, +2 AC
Martial Stalker2 Proficiency with all martial weapons, ki power Fighter and ninja levels stack for ki pool, AC bonus, and feats
Master Spellthief Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, steal spell Spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels stack for steal spell and arcane caster level; cast arcane spells in light armor
Poison Expert Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks Your poisons� save DC is 1 higher
Poison Master Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks, Poison Expert Your poisons deal +1 damage/die
Psithief Manifester level 1st, steal spell Steal power points instead of spells; gain new class skills
Savvy Rogue Rogue level 10th Your rogue special abilities improve
Sure Hand Any two manipulation skill tricks Learn two manipulation skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one
Sweet Talker Any two interaction skill tricks Learn two interaction skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one
Swift Ambusher3 Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6 Rogue and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses
Swift Hunter3 Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC Ranger and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses, favored enemies
Ambush Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Concussion Attack Sneak attack +3d6 Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Int checks and Wis checks
Deafening Strike Sneak attack +4d6 Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to deafen target for 3 rounds
Disemboweling Strike Sneak attack +5d6, Weapon Focus (any slashing) Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to deal 1d4 Con damage
Eldritch Erosion Sneak attack +4d6, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to reduce SR/PR by 5
Head Shot Sneak attack +6d6, Weapon Focus (any bludgeoning) Trade 5d6 sneak attack damage to confuse target for 1 round
Impeding Attack Sneak attack +4d6 Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Str checks and Dex checks
Merciful Strike Sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to deal nonlethal damage
Mind Drain Power point reserve, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to drain power points
Persistent Attacker Sneak attack +5d6 Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to allow sneak attack in next round
Throat Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack +3d6 Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to hinder target�s speech for 3 rounds
Bardic Music Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Chant of the Long Road Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks Bardic music allows allies to move overland more quickly
Chord of Distraction Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks Bardic music renders target fat-footed against one ally
Epic of the Lost King Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks Bardic music removes fatigue and exhaustion
Sound of Silence Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks Bardic music deafens a target
Warning Shout Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks, evasion Bardic music grants evasion, +5 morale bonus on next Reflex save
Luck Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Advantageous Avoidance Character level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll critical threat confirmation, or three luck rerolls to force foe to reroll attack
Better Lucky than Good Character level 6th, any two luck feats Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on attack as natural 20 instead
Dumb Luck Character level 6th, any two luck feats Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on save as natural 20 instead
Fortuitous Strike Character level 6th, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll attack, or two luck rerolls to reroll damage
Good Karma Character level 3rd Expend luck reroll to redirect attack against ally to you
Healer�s Luck Reroll amount cured by healing spell
Lucky Break Reroll Strength check to break item or burst door
Lucky Catch Reroll Balance, Climb, or Jump check
Lucky Fingers Reroll Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand check
Lucky Start Reroll initiative check
Magical Fortune Caster level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by spell, or two luck rerolls to reroll caster level check
Make Your Own Luck Character level 6th, any luck feat Reroll a skill check
Miser�s Fortune Your items get +5 bonus on saves; expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll a sunder attack or Str check to damage nearby object
Psychic Luck Manifester level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by power, or two luck rerolls to reroll manifester level check
Sly Fortune Reroll Hide, Move Silently, or Tumble check
Survivor�s Luck Character level 9th, any luck feat Reroll a saving throw
Tempting Fate Character level 6th, any luck feat Reroll stabilization check, expend luck reroll to avoid being killed
Third Time�s the Charm Character level 3rd, any luck feat, Luck domain Reroll again with Luck domain granted power
Unbelievable Luck Any luck feat Gain two luck rerolls and +2 luck bonus on worst save
Victor�s Luck Reroll critical threat confirmation

1 A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.

2 A monk can select this feat as one of her monk bonus feats.

3 A scout can select this feat as one of her scout bonus feats.



1st level

Healer’s Vision: Gain +5 bonus on Heal checks, and +2 attack and damage on sneak attacks

Mimicry: Perfectly mimic familiar sounds, voices, or accents.

2nd level

Smoke Stairs: Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid

3rd level

Create Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders

4th level

Assassin’s Darkness: Globe of pure darkness blocks all sight but your own


1st level

Armor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft

Lucky Streak: Target gains +2 luck bonus on rerolls made with luck feats

Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor

Mimicry: Perfectly mimic familiar sounds, voices, or accents

2nd level

Animate Instrument: Your instrument animates and plays by itself

Catapult: Magically propel an object from your hand

Opportune Dodge: Subject can avoid a single attack of opportunity

Spymaster’s Coin: Hide a scrying sensor in a coin or other Tiny object for later activation

3rd level

Disobedience: Subject is shielded from mind control

Create Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders

4th level

Spell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself

5th level

Evacuation Rune: Create invisible rune that you can teleport to as swift action

Harmonic Void: Nearby casters must succeed on Concentration check to use verbal-component spells

Scry Location: Spy on a distant location


1st level

Healer’s Vision: Gain +5 bonus on Heal checks, and +2 attack and damage on sneak attacks

2nd level

Manifestation of the Deity: Create illusion of your deity, rendering enemies shaken for 1 round

5th level

Scry Location: Spy on a distant location


1st level

Aquatic Escape: Take the form of a fish

Blockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood

Spore Field: Mushrooms grow from ground, slowing movement and sickening living creatures

Winged Watcher: Take the form of a bird

2nd level

Smoke Stairs: Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid

3rd level

Wall of Vermin: Wall of biting pests provides concealment, attacks anyone passing through

7th level

Scry Location: Spy on a distant location.


1st level

Armor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft

Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor

4th level

Spell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself


1st level

Blockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood

2nd level

Spore Field: Mushrooms grow from ground, slowing movement and sickening living creatures


1st level

Blockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood


Armor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft

Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor

2nd level

Spymaster’s Coin: Hide a scrying sensor in a coin or other Tiny object for later activation


Fatal Flame: Target’s body bursts into fame upon its death


Catapult: Magically propel an object from your hand

Enlarge Weapon: Your weapon grows one size category

Lucky Streak: Subject gains +2 luck bonus on rerolls made with luck feats

3rd level

Disobedience: Subject is shielded from mind control


Grasping Wall: Wall sprouts hands that entangle enemies, help allies climb


Wand Modulation: Temporarily change wand to cast another, weaker spell

Siphon: Drain 5 or more charges from wand or staff to replace one or more cast spells

4th level

Create Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders

5th level

Evacuation Rune: Create invisible rune that you can teleport to as swift action


Spell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself

6th level

Scry Location: Spy on a distant location

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Skill Tricks