Complete ScoundrelClasses |
Class | Description |
Avenging Executioner | Avenging executioners are victims pushed past the limits of endurance who hunt sentient creatures out of a need for justice. |
Battle Trickster | Battle tricksters employ unusual talents in combat. |
Cloaked Dancer | The cloaked dancer dances into the hearts and minds of her audience, beguiling those around her with boundless charm and careful dance moves, leaving her victims in a state of ecstasy even as she kills them. |
Combat Trapsmith | Combat trapsmiths can litter a battlefield or dungeon with devices of their own cunning design. They can put together a variety of traps, ranging from annoying to deadly, in mere seconds. |
Fortune's Friend | A fortune's friend lives by luck alone. Nothing ever seems to get him down because-for him at least-everything works out in the end. |
Gray Guard | Gray guards are less restrained by their knightly vows, doing what must be done, no matter how unpleasant. |
Magical Trickster | Magical tricksters combine magical talent with odd stunts relying on trained skill. |
Malconvoker | Malconvokers are conjurers who summon demons, devils, and other fiends and trick them into aiding the cause of good. |
Master of Masks | A master of masks relies on different personas to use a wide repertoire of abilities, including many potent magical effects. |
Mountebank | Mountebanks are frauds and con artists, capable of slipping into new identities as others change clothing. |
Psibond Agent | A psibond agent sees through the eyes of others, gently guiding (or in some cases forcefully commanding) her puppet to go places she could never enter herself. |
Spellwarp Sniper | The spellwarp sniper contorts spells, changing area effects into rays that deliver precise, devastating attacks. |
Uncanny Trickster | Uncanny tricksters know more skill tricks than anyone else. |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Ascetic Stalker1 | Ki power, ki strike (magic) | Monk and ninja levels stack for unarmed strike damage and ki pool |
Cool Head | Any two mental skill tricks | Learn two mental skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one |
Daredevil Athlete | � | Gain +5 competence bonus on physical skill check 3/day |
Daring Outlaw | Grace +1, sneak attack +2d6 | Rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and sneak attack |
Daring Warrior2 | Grace +1, Weapon Specialization | Fighter and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and feats |
Deadly Defense2 | � | +1d6 damage with light weapons when fighting defensively |
Expanded Ki Pool | Ki power | Gain three extra uses of your ki power |
Enduring Ki | Ki power | Spend extra use of ki to add 1 round to duration |
Freerunner | Any two movement skill tricks | Learn two movement skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one |
Improved Familiar | Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high arcane spellcaster level | Gain better familiar |
Improved Skirmish3 | Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC | Move 20 feet to gain +2d6 points of damage, +2 AC |
Martial Stalker2 | Proficiency with all martial weapons, ki power | Fighter and ninja levels stack for ki pool, AC bonus, and feats |
Master Spellthief | Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, steal spell | Spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels stack for steal spell and arcane caster level; cast arcane spells in light armor |
Poison Expert | Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks | Your poisons� save DC is 1 higher |
�Poison Master | Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks, Poison Expert | Your poisons deal +1 damage/die |
Psithief | Manifester level 1st, steal spell | Steal power points instead of spells; gain new class skills |
Savvy Rogue | Rogue level 10th | Your rogue special abilities improve |
Sure Hand | Any two manipulation skill tricks | Learn two manipulation skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one |
Sweet Talker | Any two interaction skill tricks | Learn two interaction skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one |
Swift Ambusher3 | Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6 | Rogue and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses |
Swift Hunter3 | Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC | Ranger and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses, favored enemies |
Ambush Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Concussion Attack | Sneak attack +3d6 | Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Int checks and Wis checks |
Deafening Strike | Sneak attack +4d6 | Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to deafen target for 3 rounds |
Disemboweling Strike | Sneak attack +5d6, Weapon Focus (any slashing) | Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to deal 1d4 Con damage |
Eldritch Erosion | Sneak attack +4d6, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank | Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to reduce SR/PR by 5 |
Head Shot | Sneak attack +6d6, Weapon Focus (any bludgeoning) | Trade 5d6 sneak attack damage to confuse target for 1 round |
Impeding Attack | Sneak attack +4d6 | Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Str checks and Dex checks |
Merciful Strike | Sneak attack +2d6 | Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to deal nonlethal damage |
Mind Drain | Power point reserve, sneak attack +2d6 | Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to drain power points |
Persistent Attacker | Sneak attack +5d6 | Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to allow sneak attack in next round |
Throat Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack +3d6 | Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to hinder target�s speech for 3 rounds |
Bardic Music Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Chant of the Long Road | Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks | Bardic music allows allies to move overland more quickly |
Chord of Distraction | Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks | Bardic music renders target fat-footed against one ally |
Epic of the Lost King | Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks | Bardic music removes fatigue and exhaustion |
Sound of Silence | Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks | Bardic music deafens a target |
Warning Shout | Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks, evasion | Bardic music grants evasion, +5 morale bonus on next Reflex save |
Luck Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Advantageous Avoidance | Character level 3rd, any luck feat | Expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll critical threat confirmation, or three luck rerolls to force foe to reroll attack |
Better Lucky than Good | Character level 6th, any two luck feats | Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on attack as natural 20 instead |
Dumb Luck | Character level 6th, any two luck feats | Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on save as natural 20 instead |
Fortuitous Strike | Character level 6th, any luck feat | Expend luck reroll to reroll attack, or two luck rerolls to reroll damage |
Good Karma | Character level 3rd | Expend luck reroll to redirect attack against ally to you |
Healer�s Luck | � | Reroll amount cured by healing spell |
Lucky Break | � | Reroll Strength check to break item or burst door |
Lucky Catch | � | Reroll Balance, Climb, or Jump check |
Lucky Fingers | � | Reroll Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand check |
Lucky Start | � | Reroll initiative check |
Magical Fortune | Caster level 3rd, any luck feat | Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by spell, or two luck rerolls to reroll caster level check |
Make Your Own Luck | Character level 6th, any luck feat | Reroll a skill check |
Miser�s Fortune | � | Your items get +5 bonus on saves; expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll a sunder attack or Str check to damage nearby object |
Psychic Luck | Manifester level 3rd, any luck feat | Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by power, or two luck rerolls to reroll manifester level check |
Sly Fortune | � | Reroll Hide, Move Silently, or Tumble check |
Survivor�s Luck | Character level 9th, any luck feat | Reroll a saving throw |
Tempting Fate | Character level 6th, any luck feat | Reroll stabilization check, expend luck reroll to avoid being killed |
Third Time�s the Charm | Character level 3rd, any luck feat, Luck domain | Reroll again with Luck domain granted power |
Unbelievable Luck | Any luck feat | Gain two luck rerolls and +2 luck bonus on worst save |
Victor�s Luck | � | Reroll critical threat confirmation |
1 A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
2 A monk can select this feat as one of her monk bonus feats.
3 A scout can select this feat as one of her scout bonus feats.
NEW ASSASSIN SPELLS1st levelHealer’s Vision: Gain +5 bonus on Heal checks, and +2 attack and damage on sneak attacks Mimicry: Perfectly mimic familiar sounds, voices, or accents. 2nd levelSmoke Stairs: Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid 3rd levelCreate Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders 4th levelAssassin’s Darkness: Globe of pure darkness blocks all sight but your own NEW BARD SPELLS1st levelArmor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft Lucky Streak: Target gains +2 luck bonus on rerolls made with luck feats Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor Mimicry: Perfectly mimic familiar sounds, voices, or accents 2nd levelAnimate Instrument: Your instrument animates and plays by itself Catapult: Magically propel an object from your hand Opportune Dodge: Subject can avoid a single attack of opportunity Spymaster’s Coin: Hide a scrying sensor in a coin or other Tiny object for later activation 3rd levelDisobedience: Subject is shielded from mind control Create Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders 4th levelSpell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself 5th levelEvacuation Rune: Create invisible rune that you can teleport to as swift action Harmonic Void: Nearby casters must succeed on Concentration check to use verbal-component spells Scry Location: Spy on a distant location NEW CLERIC SPELLS1st levelHealer’s Vision: Gain +5 bonus on Heal checks, and +2 attack and damage on sneak attacks 2nd levelManifestation of the Deity: Create illusion of your deity, rendering enemies shaken for 1 round 5th levelScry Location: Spy on a distant location NEW DRUID SPELLS1st levelAquatic Escape: Take the form of a fish Blockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood Spore Field: Mushrooms grow from ground, slowing movement and sickening living creatures Winged Watcher: Take the form of a bird 2nd levelSmoke Stairs: Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid 3rd levelWall of Vermin: Wall of biting pests provides concealment, attacks anyone passing through 7th levelScry Location: Spy on a distant location. |
NEW HEXBLADE SPELLS1st levelArmor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor 4th levelSpell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself NEW RANGER SPELLS1st levelBlockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood 2nd levelSpore Field: Mushrooms grow from ground, slowing movement and sickening living creatures NEW SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1st levelConjBlockade: Fill 5-ft square with enormous block of wood TransArmor Lock: Target’s armor becomes restrictive, slowing movement to 10 ft Mage Burr: Double arcane spell failure chance for target’s armor 2nd levelDivSpymaster’s Coin: Hide a scrying sensor in a coin or other Tiny object for later activation EvocFatal Flame: Target’s body bursts into fame upon its death TransCatapult: Magically propel an object from your hand Enlarge Weapon: Your weapon grows one size category Lucky Streak: Subject gains +2 luck bonus on rerolls made with luck feats 3rd levelAbjurDisobedience: Subject is shielded from mind control ConjGrasping Wall: Wall sprouts hands that entangle enemies, help allies climb TransWand Modulation: Temporarily change wand to cast another, weaker spell Siphon: Drain 5 or more charges from wand or staff to replace one or more cast spells 4th levelConjCreate Fetch: Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders 5th levelConjEvacuation Rune: Create invisible rune that you can teleport to as swift action AbjurSpell Theft: Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself 6th levelDivScry Location: Spy on a distant location |