
Complete Scoundrel

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Ascetic Stalker1 Ki power, ki strike (magic) Monk and ninja levels stack for unarmed strike damage and ki pool
Cool Head Any two mental skill tricks Learn two mental skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one
Daredevil Athlete Gain +5 competence bonus on physical skill check 3/day
Daring Outlaw Grace +1, sneak attack +2d6 Rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and sneak attack
Daring Warrior2 Grace +1, Weapon Specialization Fighter and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and feats
Deadly Defense2 +1d6 damage with light weapons when fighting defensively
Expanded Ki Pool Ki power Gain three extra uses of your ki power
Enduring Ki Ki power Spend extra use of ki to add 1 round to duration
Freerunner Any two movement skill tricks Learn two movement skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one
Improved Familiar Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high arcane spellcaster level Gain better familiar
Improved Skirmish3 Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC Move 20 feet to gain +2d6 points of damage, +2 AC
Martial Stalker2 Proficiency with all martial weapons, ki power Fighter and ninja levels stack for ki pool, AC bonus, and feats
Master Spellthief Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, steal spell Spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels stack for steal spell and arcane caster level; cast arcane spells in light armor
Poison Expert Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks Your poisons� save DC is 1 higher
Poison Master Poison use, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks, Poison Expert Your poisons deal +1 damage/die
Psithief Manifester level 1st, steal spell Steal power points instead of spells; gain new class skills
Savvy Rogue Rogue level 10th Your rogue special abilities improve
Sure Hand Any two manipulation skill tricks Learn two manipulation skill tricks and increase skill trick limit by one
Sweet Talker Any two interaction skill tricks Learn two interaction skill tricks, increase skill trick limit by one
Swift Ambusher3 Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6 Rogue and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses
Swift Hunter3 Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC Ranger and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses, favored enemies
Ambush Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Concussion Attack Sneak attack +3d6 Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Int checks and Wis checks
Deafening Strike Sneak attack +4d6 Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to deafen target for 3 rounds
Disemboweling Strike Sneak attack +5d6, Weapon Focus (any slashing) Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to deal 1d4 Con damage
Eldritch Erosion Sneak attack +4d6, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to reduce SR/PR by 5
Head Shot Sneak attack +6d6, Weapon Focus (any bludgeoning) Trade 5d6 sneak attack damage to confuse target for 1 round
Impeding Attack Sneak attack +4d6 Trade 3d6 sneak attack damage to apply �2 penalty to opponent�s Str checks and Dex checks
Merciful Strike Sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to deal nonlethal damage
Mind Drain Power point reserve, sneak attack +2d6 Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to drain power points
Persistent Attacker Sneak attack +5d6 Trade 4d6 sneak attack damage to allow sneak attack in next round
Throat Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack +3d6 Trade 2d6 sneak attack damage to hinder target�s speech for 3 rounds
Bardic Music Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Chant of the Long Road Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks Bardic music allows allies to move overland more quickly
Chord of Distraction Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks Bardic music renders target fat-footed against one ally
Epic of the Lost King Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks Bardic music removes fatigue and exhaustion
Sound of Silence Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks Bardic music deafens a target
Warning Shout Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks, evasion Bardic music grants evasion, +5 morale bonus on next Reflex save
Luck Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Advantageous Avoidance Character level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll critical threat confirmation, or three luck rerolls to force foe to reroll attack
Better Lucky than Good Character level 6th, any two luck feats Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on attack as natural 20 instead
Dumb Luck Character level 6th, any two luck feats Expend luck reroll to treat natural 1 on save as natural 20 instead
Fortuitous Strike Character level 6th, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll attack, or two luck rerolls to reroll damage
Good Karma Character level 3rd Expend luck reroll to redirect attack against ally to you
Healer�s Luck Reroll amount cured by healing spell
Lucky Break Reroll Strength check to break item or burst door
Lucky Catch Reroll Balance, Climb, or Jump check
Lucky Fingers Reroll Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand check
Lucky Start Reroll initiative check
Magical Fortune Caster level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by spell, or two luck rerolls to reroll caster level check
Make Your Own Luck Character level 6th, any luck feat Reroll a skill check
Miser�s Fortune Your items get +5 bonus on saves; expend luck reroll to force foe to reroll a sunder attack or Str check to damage nearby object
Psychic Luck Manifester level 3rd, any luck feat Expend luck reroll to reroll damage dealt by power, or two luck rerolls to reroll manifester level check
Sly Fortune Reroll Hide, Move Silently, or Tumble check
Survivor�s Luck Character level 9th, any luck feat Reroll a saving throw
Tempting Fat e Character level 6th, any luck feat Reroll stabilization check, expend luck reroll to avoid being killed
Third Time�s the Charm Character level 3rd, any luck feat, Luck domain Reroll again with Luck domain granted power
Unbelievable Luck Any luck feat Gain two luck rerolls and +2 luck bonus on worst save
Victor�s Luck Reroll critical threat confirmation

1 A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.

2 A monk can select this feat as one of her monk bonus feats.

3 A scout can select this feat as one of her scout bonus feats.


You have a knack for ducking at just the right moment.

Prerequisite: Character level 3rd, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to force a foe to reroll a critical hit confirmation roll made when attacking you.

You can expend two luck rerolls as an immediate action to force a foe to reroll an attack roll made against you.

You gain one luck reroll per day.

Special: Unlike other luck feats, you can use this feat after seeing the success of the roll to be affected.


You have practiced a secret technique that combines your considerable talents in unarmed combat with a greater understanding of your inner ki.

Prerequisite: Ki power, ki strike (magic).

Benefit: Your monk and ninja levels stack for the purpose of determining the size of your ki pool.

For example, a 4th-level monk/2nd-level ninja with this feat could use her ki powers a number of times equal to 3 (half the sum of her monk and ninja levels) + her Wisdom bonus (if any).

Your monk and ninja levels also stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage, as well as your ki strike class feature.

For example, a 4th-level monk/6th-level ninja would deal 1d10 points of damage with her unarmed strike, and her unarmed strike would overcome damage reduction as a lawful magic weapon (as if she were a 10th-level monk). In addition, you can multiclass freely between the monk and ninja classes.

You must still remain lawful in order to continue advancing as a monk. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.

Special: A monk can select Ascetic Stalker as a bonus feat at 1st, 2nd, or 6th level instead of one of the other feats indicated for those levels (PH 41).


You can succeed where others would surely fail.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th, any two luck feats.

Benefit: If you roll a natural 1 when making an attack roll, you can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to instead treat the roll as a natural 20.

You can use this feat once per day.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


You can channel the power of your bardic music to encourage your allies to pick up the pace on a long walk.

Prerequisite: Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to allow yourself and all allies within 60 feet to avoid taking nonlethal damage for hustling (PH 164).

This requires 1 minute of performance, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.


You can channel the power of your bardic music to make a sudden sound or gesture that momentarily distracts an opponent.

Prerequisite: Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can expend three daily uses of your bardic music ability to distract an opponent. The target must be within 30 feet of you and able to hear or see you.

Make a Perform check, opposed by the target’s Sense Motive check (modified as if you were using Bluff to feint in combat). If you succeed, that opponent is rendered flat-footed against an ally of your choice.

The effect lasts until that opponent is attacked or until the start of your next turn, whichever comes first.


Your attacks can damage your opponent’s ability to think clearly.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +3d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack imposes a –2 penalty on the target’s Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as 102 well as on any Intelligence- and Wisdom-based skill checks, for 10 rounds.

If you use this feat a second time on a target before 10 rounds have elapsed, the effect of the first use expires. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 2d6.


Your mental acuity serves you better than most.

Prerequisite: Any two mental skill tricks.

Benefit: You immediately learn up to two mental skill tricks at no cost, and your limit on skill tricks known increases by one.

See page 82 for details on mental skill tricks.

Normal: You are limited to a maximum number of skill tricks equal to one-half your character level.


You are capable of pulling off amazing stunts.

Benefit: Three times per day, you can use an immediate action to gain a +5 competence bonus on a single Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Ride, Swim, or Tumble check.


You combine grace and stealth to deadly effect.

Prerequisite: Grace +1, sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: Your rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for the purpose of determining your competence bonus on Reflex saves from the grace class feature and the swashbuckler’s dodge bonus to AC.

For example, a 7th-level rogue/4th-level swashbuckler has grace +2 and gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, as if she were an 11th-level swashbuckler.

Your rogue and swashbuckler levels also stack for the purpose of determining your sneak attack bonus damage. For example, a 7th-level rogue/4th-level swashbuckler would deal an extra 6d6 points of damage with her sneak attack, as if she were an 11th-level rogue.


You combine agility and extraordinary combat prowess to great effect.

Prerequisite:Weapon Specialization, grace +1.

Benefit: Your fighter and swashbuckler levels stack for the purpose of determining your competence bonus on Reflex saves from the grace class feature and the swashbuckler’s dodge bonus to AC.

For example, a 6th-level fighter/5th-level swashbuckler has grace +2 and gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, as if she were an 11th-level swashbuckler.

Your fighter and swashbuckler levels also stack for the purpose of qualifying for feats that require a minimum fighter level, such as Greater Weapon Focus.

Special: A fighter can select Daring Warrior as one of his fighter bonus feats (PH 38).


You are at your most dangerous when forced to protect yourself.

Benefit:When fighting defensively, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with any light weapon or with any weapon to which the Weapon Finesse feat applies (such as a rapier, spiked chain, or whip).

This feat’s benefit applies only when you are unarmored or wearing light armor and not using a shield.

Special: If you have the Combat Expertise feat, you also gain the benefit of Deadly Defense when taking a penalty of at least –2 on your attack roll from that feat. A fighter can select Deadly Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats (PH38).


Your stealthy attack leaves your foe’s head ringing.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +4d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack causes the target to be deafened for 3 rounds. If you use this feat a second time on a target before 3 rounds have elapsed, the effect of the first use expires.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 3d6.


You can slash open your opponent to devastating effect.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +5d6, Weapon Focus (any slashing weapon).

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack with a slashing weapon for which you have selected Weapon Focus deals 1d4 points of Constitution damage in addition to its normal damage. You can’t use this feat against the same target more than once per day.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 4d6.


You can survive situations that should kill you.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th, any two luck feats.

Benefit: If you roll a natural 1 when making a saving throw, you can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to instead treat the roll as a natural 20.

You can use this feat once per day.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


Your attack can weaken your foe’s resistance to magic.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +4d6, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack reduces the target’s spell resistance and power resistance by 5 (minimum 0) for 10 rounds.

If you use this feat a second time on a target before 10 rounds have elapsed, the effect of the first use expires. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 4d6.


You know the secret mantras that grant you greater understanding of your ki.

Prerequisite: Ki power.

Benefit: You gain three extra daily uses of your ki power (ki power is a class feature of the ninja; see the sidebar for details).


You can channel inner energy to make your ki powers last longer.

Prerequisite: Ki power.

Benefit: By spending an extra daily use of your ki power when you activate it, the chosen effect lasts for an additional round (ki power is a class feature of the ninja).

You also gain one extra daily use of your ki power.


You can channel the power of your bardic music to reinvigorate your allies.

Prerequisite: Bardic music, Perform 6 ranks.

Benefit: As a move action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to remove fatigue from up to three allies (including yourself) within 30 feet.

If you spend three daily uses of bardic music, you can remove exhaustion from your allies instead.


You can hit a foe in just the right place.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll a weapon damage roll.

You can expend two luck rerolls as a swift action to reroll an attack roll.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


You can move in more baffling ways than others.

Prerequisite: Any two movement skill tricks.

Benefit: You immediately learn up to two movement skill tricks at no cost, and your limit on skill tricks known increases by one.

See page 82 for details on movement skill tricks.

Normal: You are limited to a maximum number of skill tricks equal to one-half your character level.


You can use your luck to aid an ally—at the risk of your own neck.

Prerequisite: Character level 3rd.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to redirect an attack made against an adjacent ally so that it is made against you instead. You must be within reach of the attacker (if a melee attack) or within range of the attack (if a ranged attack) in order to use this ability.

The attack roll result remains the same, but it is against your AC, rather than that of your ally. If the redirected attack hits you, you take an extra 50% damage from it.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


By striking at your opponent’s head, you can temporarily disrupt his thought processes.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +6d6, Weapon Focus (any bludgeoning weapon).

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack with a bludgeoning weapon for which you have selected Weapon Focus leaves your foe confused for 1 round.

A successful Will save (DC 10 + the number of extra damage dice normally dealt by your sneak attack + your Dex modifier) negates this effect.

If you use this feat a second time on a target before 1 round has elapsed, the effect of the first use expires.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 5d6.

Special: You must be able to reach your foe’s head to use this feat with a melee attack.


Your spells can heal more damage.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll the number of points of damage healed by a conjuration (healing) spell you have just cast on your current turn.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


Your strikes render your target temporarily clumsy and awkward.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +4d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack imposes a –2 penalty on the target’s Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as on any Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks, for 10 rounds.

If you use this feat a second time on a target before 10 rounds have elapsed, the effect of the first use expires. Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 3d6.


You can acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list of creatures.

Prerequisite: Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high arcane spellcaster level.

Benefit:When you choose a familiar, the creatures on the table below are also available.

Familiar Alignment Arcane Caster Level
Monstrous centipede, Small N 2nd
Badger N 3rd
Monstrous scorpion, Small N 3rd
Viper, Medium N 3rd
Monstrous spider, Small N 4th
Vargouille* NE 6th
Mephit, any N 7th

* Vargouilles summoned as familiars do not possess the kiss supernatural ability.

You can choose a familiar with an alignment up to one step away on each of the alignment axes (lawful through chaotic, good through evil).

For example, a chaotic good spellcaster could acquire a neutral familiar.

A lawful neutral spellcaster could acquire a neutral good familiar.

Except as noted here, improved familiars otherwise use the normal rules for familiars (PH 52).

Special: This feat was originally presented on page 200 of the DMG; the description here provides new alternatives for arcane spellcasters who want familiars stealthy and versatile enough to follow them anywhere.


With a few extra steps, you gain even greater benefits from your skirmishing combat style.

Prerequisite: Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC.

Benefit: If you move at least 20 feet away from where you were at the start of your turn, your skirmish damage increases by 2d6 and your competence bonus to AC from skirmish improves by 2.

Normal: A scout’s bonus damage and AC bonus apply if she moves at least 10 feet away from where she was at the start of her turn (see the skirmish class feature in the sidebar on page 25).

Special: A scout can select Improved Skirmish as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).


You can hit an object in just the right place.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll a Strength check made to break an item or burst open a door. You gain one luck reroll per day.


Your good fortune can help prevent you from falling to your doom.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a Balance, Climb, or Jump check. You gain one luck reroll per day.


The winds of fortune guide your hands when youmost need luck.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand check. You gain one luck reroll per day.


Sometimes your luck overcomes a slow natural reaction.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll to reroll an initiative check. You gain one luck reroll per day.

Special: Unlike most other luck feats, using Lucky Start requires no action.


Even you are sometimes surprised by how well your spells work.

Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll the damage dealt by a spell you have just cast. You can expend two luck rerolls as a swift action to reroll a caster level check.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


Your hard work lets you exploit minor loopholes.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a skill check, as long as you have at least 1 rank in that skill.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


You practice a powerful fighting style that focuses equally on martial skill and mystical dedication.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with all martial weapons, ki power.

Benefit: Your fighter and ninja levels stack for the purpose of determining the size of your ki pool, as well as your AC bonus.

For example, a 5th-level fighter/1st-level ninja with this feat could use his ki powers a number of times equal to 3 (one-half his ninja and fighter levels) + his Wisdom bonus (if any), and would have a +1 bonus to AC (as if he were a 6th-level ninja).

Your fighter and ninja levels also stack for the purpose of qualifying for feats that require a minimum fighter level, such as Greater Weapon Focus.

Special: A fighter can select Martial Stalker as one of his fighter bonus feats (PH 38).


Your arcane studies allow you to mingle arcane magic of different flavors for great effect.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, steal spell.

Benefit: Your spellthief levels stack with levels of other arcane spellcaster classes (that is, levels of any class that grants arcane spellcasting other than the spellthief) for the purpose of determining what level of spell you can steal. For example, a 4th-level spellthief/4th-level wizard could steal spells of up to 4th level, as if he were an 8th-level spellthief.

Your spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels also stack when determining your caster level for all arcane spells. The character described above would have a caster level of 8th for both his spellthief spells and his wizard spells.

In addition, you do not incur a chance of arcane spell failure for arcane spells cast or stolen from other classes, but only if you are wearing light armor. You incur the normal arcane spell failure chance when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a shield.

Normal: A spellthief does not incur a chance of arcane spell failure when casting spellthief spells in light armor. He incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for other arcane spells he casts, including those stolen from arcane casters (Complete Adventurer 15).


You can strike a creature’s vital areas without killing it.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack deals nonlethal damage. When using this feat, you can ignore the usual –4 penalty on attack rolls for attempting to deal nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 1d6.


Your attack can weaken your opponent’s mental powers.

Prerequisite: Power point reserve, sneak attack +2d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack drains power points from your target equal to its manifester level (minimum 1). If this attack reduces your target to 0 power points, the opponent also loses any psionic focus. A target that has no power points when you make the sneak attack is not affected by this feat.

You can’t use this feat on the same target more than once per round.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 1d6.


Items belonging to you and your allies are abnormally resistant to damage.

Benefit:Whenever an opponent makes a sunder attack or Strength check to damage an object within 30 feet of you, you can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to force that opponent to reroll.

In addition, as long as you still have one luck reroll remaining for the day, items in your possession receive a +5 luck bonus on saving throws.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


Once you find a target’s weak point, you can easily strike it again.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +5d6.

Benefit: If your sneak attack hits, your first attack against that creature on your next turn is also considered a sneak attack even if it wouldn’t normally qualify. Using this feat reduces your first sneak attack’s damage by 4d6.

The resulting second sneak attack deals its full extra damage.


Your skill at crafting and delivering toxins has made you a more deadly poisoner.

Prerequisite: Craft (poisonmaking) 4 ranks, poison use.

Benefit: Choose a type of poison (contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury).

The DC to resist both the initial and secondary damage of poisons of this type that you create and use increases by 1. This feat has no effect on poisons used by other creatures, even if you craft those poisons. It also has no effect on natural poisons (those exuded from a creature’s body).

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effect does not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of poison.


The toxins you create and use are particularly virulent.

Prerequisite: Poison Expert, Craft (poisonmaking) 8 ranks, poison use.

Benefit: Choose a type of poison (contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury) for which you have selected the Poison Expert feat.

The initial and secondary damage dealt by poisons of this type that you create and use increases by 1 point per die of damage (or by 1 point, if it deals a fixed amount of damage). For example, lich dust used by a character with Poison Master (ingested) would deal initial damage of 2d6+2 Str and secondary damage of 1d6+1 Con plus 1d6+1 Str.

If a poison doesn’t deal damage, this feat has no effect. This feat has no effect on poisons used by other creatures, even if you craft those poisons.

It also has no effect on natural poisons (those exuded from a creature’s body).

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effect does not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of poison for which you have selected Poison Expert.


You can drain psychic energy and use it against others.

Prerequisite:Manifester level 1st, steal spell.

Benefit: You can use your steal spell ability to siphon psionic energy instead of spell energy.

Instead of stealing a spell, you can choose to steal a number of power points equal twice to the maximum level of spell you can steal minus 1 (up to a maximum value equal to the manifester level of the creature struck).

For example, a 4th-level spellthief/1st-level psychic warrior could steal up to 3 power points; if he used this ability against a 2nd-level psion he could steal only 2 power points, since that is the target’s manifester level.

You can use the stolen power points only to manifest a psionic power you already know. You must use these power points within 1 hour of stealing them; otherwise, the extra psionic energy fades harmlessly away.

This feat otherwise follows the rules for the steal spell class feature (Complete Adventurer 16). In addition, Knowledge (psionics) and Psicraft are spellthief class skills for you.

These skills appear on page 38 of Expanded Psionics Handbook.


Some psions claim that luck doesn’t exist. You know better.

Prerequisite:Manifester level 3rd, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll the damage dealt by a psionic power you have just manifested.

You can expend two luck rerolls as a swift action to reroll a manifester level check.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


You have mastered one or more of your rogue special abilities.

Prerequisite: Rogue level 10th.

Benefit: Based on the rogue special abilities you have (PH 50), you gain one or more additional special benefits as described below. You gain the benefits for all the special abilities you have, even those you gain after selecting this feat.

Crippling Strike: You can deal Strength damage even to a target that is immune to extra damage from sneak attacks. Defensive Roll: You can use this ability three times per day, rather than once per day.

Improved Evasion: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Reflex saves.

Opportunist: You can use the opportunist ability as many times per round as you can make attacks of opportunity, but no more than once per creature per round. Each use of the opportunist ability counts as an attack of opportunity.

Skill Mastery:When taking 10 with a skill to which you have assigned skill mastery, you can treat the die roll as a 12 instead of as a 10.

(In effect, you’re “taking 12”). Slippery Mind: You gain a +2 competence bonus on the extra save granted by slippery mind.


Your luck helps you find the right place to move to.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a Hide, Move Silently, or Tumble check. You gain one luck reroll per day.


You can channel the power of your bardic music to deafen your foes.

Prerequisite: Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend two daily uses of your bardic music ability to deafen a single target for 3 rounds. A successful Will save (using your Perform check result as the DC) negates the effect.

The target must be within 30 feet of you and be able to hear you.


You can perform more amazing displays of legerdemain than normal.

Prerequisite: Any two manipulation skill tricks.

Benefit: You immediately learn up to two manipulation skill tricks at no cost, and your limit on skill tricks known increases by one.

See page 82 for details on manipulation skill tricks.

Normal: You are limited to a maximum number of skill tricks equal to one-half your character level.


You can avoid situations that would surely affect others.

Prerequisite: Character level 9th, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a saving throw you just failed.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


Your social expertise is more pronounced than that of most others.

Prerequisite: Any two interaction skill tricks.

Benefit: You immediately learn up to two interaction skill tricks at no cost, and your limit on skill tricks known increases by one.

See page 82 for details on interaction skill tricks.

Normal: You are limited to a maximum number of skill tricks equal to one-half your character level.


You combine your scout training with the stealth of a rogue to open up new methods of ambushing enemies.

Prerequisite: Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6.

Benefit: Your rogue and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing.

For example, a 4th-level scout/7th-level rogue would deal an extra 3d6 points of damage and gain a +3 competence bonus to AC when skirmishing, as if she were an 11th-level scout.

In addition, you can qualify for ambush feats (see page 71) as if your sneak attack bonus damage were the sum of your skirmish damage and sneak attack bonus damage. You cannot sacrifice skirmish extra damage to use those feats, however.

Special: A scout can select Swift Ambusher as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).


You have applied the hit-and-run tactics learned from scouting to your strong hunting abilities.

Prerequisite: Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC.

Benefit: Your ranger and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing.

For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would deal an extra 2d6 points of damage and gain a +1 competence 107 bonus to AC when skirmishing, as if she were a 5th-level scout.

Your ranger and scout levels also stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies.

For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if she were a 5th- level ranger.

In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or skirmish attacks.

Special: A scout can select Swift Hunter as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).


You are very hard to kill.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th, any luck feat.

Benefit: You can expend a luck reroll to reroll a stabilization check.

In addition, once per day, whenever you have at least 1 hit point remaining and would be dealt enough damage to kill you, you can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to take only enough damage to reduce you to –9 hit points. You automatically stabilize.

You gain one luck reroll per day.

Special: Unlike most other luck feats, using Tempting Fate requires no action.


Your deity smiles upon you.

Prerequisite: Character level 3rd, any luck feat, access to the Luck domain.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to use the granted power of the Luck domain an additional time per day.

You can only use this benefit immediately after using the Luck domain’s granted power (in effect, this feat gives you a third chance to succeed on the roll).

You gain one luck reroll per day.


By making a precise punch to the throat, you can render a target unable to speak effectively.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack +3d6.

Benefit: Your successful sneak attack delivered with an unarmed strike temporarily hinders the target’s ability to speak.

For the next 3 rounds, the target takes a –5 penalty on any skill check requiring speech and has a 50% chance of failure when casting a spell with a verbal component or activating a magic item with a command word. Multiple uses of this feat don’t increase the duration beyond 3 rounds.

Using this feat reduces your sneak attack damage by 2d6.

Special: You must be able to reach your foe’s neck to use this feat.


The powers of fortune truly smile on you more thanmost mortals.

Prerequisite: Any luck feat.

Benefit: As long as you have at least one luck reroll remaining for the day, you gain a +2 luck bonus on whichever of your saves has the lowest base bonus.

If two or more of your saves tie for the lowest base bonus, choose when you select this feat which save it applies to. If your base save bonuses later change so that the chosen save no longer has the lowest base bonus, the luck bonus from this feat immediately applies to the save that now has the lowest base bonus.

You gain two luck rerolls per day.


You strike with devastating accuracy more often.

Benefit: You can expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll a critical threat confirmation roll.

You gain one luck reroll per day.


The force of your performance is so potent that it can guide an ally to safety.

Prerequisite: Bardic music, Perform 9 ranks, evasion.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can expend two daily uses of your bardic music ability to grant a single ally (other than yourself) a +5 morale bonus on her next Reflex save and evasion (see the monk class feature, PH 41). The ally must be within 30 feet of you and able to see or hear you.

The effect lasts until the target rolls a Reflex save or until the start of your turn, whichever comes first.