Dragonkin are humanoid creatures believed to be distant
cousins of dragons. Found in wild tribes or serving human
masters, their brute strength and sharp claws make them a
deadly threat.
Dragonkin are humanoids of 8 to 9 feet in height with
draconic features. Their scaled hides range from dark yellow
ocher to reddish brown with darker spots or bands. Their
faces are decidedly dragonlike, with a long snout, a mane of
thick hair, and small horns swept back behind their heads.
They have green wings that lighten to gold or yellow, or
sometimes wings that match the color of their bodies.
Dragonkin prefer to fight in the air, swooping down to slash
earthbound opponents with their foreclaws. If forced to bring
combat to the ground, dragonkin move in and use their claws
or weapons (they favor longspears and other reach weapons).
Most dragonkin have a strong desire to acquire magic items
(perhaps inherited from their ancestors) and tend to attack
characters possessing such items in preference to others. If
possible, a dragonkin grabs a magic item from its opponent
and flees with it, taking the item back to its cave.
+8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Wisdom,
+2 Charisma. Dragonkin are powerful creatures that derive
great abilities from their ancestral tie with the dragons.
Large size: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack
rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, lifting and carrying
limits twice those of Medium characters.
A dragonkin's base land speed is 20 feet. It has a fly
speed of 40 feet (good).
Natural Attacks: A dragonkin is proficient
with its claw attacks, which deal 1d6
points of damage each. If it uses a claw as
a secondary weapon (along with a
weapon held in the other hand), it
takes the normal penalties for
two-weapon fighting.
When making a full attack
while airborne, a dragonkin
character may also make
two additional attacks
with its rear claws at its
full base attack bonus
(with a -5 penalty if
also attacking with a
Dragonkin can
use detect magic at
will as a supernatural
ability, as a sorcerer
whose level is
equal to the dragonkin's
Racial Hit Dice: A dragonkin
begins with seven levels of monstrous
humanoid, which provide 7d8
Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +7,
and base saving throw bonuses of Fort
+2, Ref +5, and Will +5.
Racial Skills: A dragonkin's monstrous
humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 10 × (2 +
Int modifier). Its class skills are Spot and Listen.
Racial Feats: A dragonkin's monstrous humanoid levels
give it three feats.
+7 natural armor bonus.
Automatic Languages: Draconic. Bonus Languages:
Common, Dwarf, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc.
Favored Class: Barbarian.
Level adjustment +2.