Races of the Wild


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Able Sniper Dex 13, Hide 5 ranks +2 bonus on ranged attacks against distant flat-footed targets, +4 bonus on Hide checks after sniping attack
Aerial Reflexes Gain Reflex save bonus based on maneuverability
Aerial Superiority +1 dodge bonus against less maneuverable opponents
Agile Athlete Climb 1 rank, Jump 1 rank Use Dex modifier for Climb and Jump checks
Battle Casting Dex 13, Concentration 5 ranks, Combat Casting +2 dodge bonus while casting spells
Born Flyer Dex 13 +4 bonus on saves and checks to maneuver when aloft
Catfolk Pounce Catfolk, Dex 13 Gain full attack against a flat-footed target on a charge
Centaur Trample Centaur, Dex 15 Gain a hoof attack against foes you overrun
Coordinated Strike Animal companion or special mount class feature, Handle Animal 5 ranks +1 bonus on attacks when your animal companion or special mount attacks the same target
Dallah Thaun�s Luck Halfling, Cha 13 Gain +5 bonus on one saving throw per day
Defensive Archery Point Blank Shot +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity
Diving Charge Gain extra damage when diving to attack while flying
Elf Dilettante Elf, Int 13 +1 bonus on all untrained skill checks
Expeditious Dodge Dex 13 Gain +2 dodge bonus when you move 40 feet in a round
Flick of the Wrist Dex 17, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Quick Draw Catch your opponent flat-footed by drawing your weapon and attacking in the same round
Focused Mind Elf, Concentration 2 ranks +2 bonus when taking 10 or taking 20 on Intelligence checks
Gnoll Ferocity Gnoll, rage or frenzy ability Gain bite attack for 1d6 points of damage
Improved Flight Natural fly speed Maneuverability class improves by one category
Killoren Ancient Killoren +4 insight bonus to Knowledge skill
Killoren Destroyer Killoren Daze foes with your killoren smite attack
Killoren Hunter Killoren Pinpoint the location of living creatures
Lightfeet Elf, Dex 13, Balance 2 ranks, Move Silently 2 ranks Move quietly, leaving behind few traces
Magic of the Land Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks Draw on nature�s power to infuse your spells with positive energy, curing 2 points of damage per spell level
Plunging Shot Dex 13, Point Blank Shot Deal an additional 1d6 points of damage against targets at least 30 feet below you
Shared Fury Animal companion class feature, rage class feature, Handle Animal 4 ranks Your animal companion rages with you
Underfoot Combat Small or smaller, Tumble 10 ranks Occupy same square as a Large or larger creature, gaining +4 bonus to AC
Yondalla�s Sense Halfling Add Wisdom bonus on initiative checks.
Tactical Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Confound the Big Folk Small or smaller, Tumble 10 ranks, Underfoot Combat See feat description
Winged Warrior Hover, must have wings, base attack bonus +4 See feat description
Wolfpack Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6 See feat description
Woodland Archer Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6 See feat description




Returning Weapon: Thrown weapon returns to thrower.



Dust to Dust: Disintegrate undead with your ray attack.



Granted Powers: Your fly speed (or glide speed) improves by 5 feet. Add Spot to your list of cleric class skills.

Domain Spells
  1. Raptor’s Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved.
  2. Summon Dire Hawk: Summons dire hawk to serve you.
  3. Enduring Flight: Carry medium loads at full fly speed; flight duration is doubled.
  4. Aerial Alacrity: +30 ft. fly speed, +1 AC and Reflex saves while flying, maneuverability improves by one category.
  5. Control Winds: Change wind direction and speed.
  6. Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
  7. Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward.
  8. Mastery of the Sky: Gain +2 on attack rolls and damage rolls while airborne; maneuverability becomes perfect; foes incur penalties against you.
  9. Summon Devoted Roc: Summons powerful roc to serve you.



Raptor’s Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved.


Summon Dire Hawk: Summons dire hawk to serve you.

Woodland Veil: Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends.



Raptor’s Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved.


Woodland Veil: Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends.



Returning Weapon: Thrown weapon returns to thrower.


Aerial Alacrity: +30 ft. fly speed, +1 AC and Reflex saves while flying, maneuverability improves by one category.

Enduring Flight: Carry medium loads at full fly speed; flight duration doubles.



3rd level

Contrarian Urge: Creature does the opposite of what it intends.


3rd level

Telekinetic Boomerang: Object returns to your hand immediately.

5th level

Living Arrow: Semisentient arrows can follow foes around corners.
