Races of the WildFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Able Sniper | Dex 13, Hide 5 ranks | +2 bonus on ranged attacks against distant flat-footed targets, +4 bonus on Hide checks after sniping attack |
Aerial Reflexes | � | Gain Reflex save bonus based on maneuverability |
Aerial Superiority | � | +1 dodge bonus against less maneuverable opponents |
Agile Athlete | Climb 1 rank, Jump 1 rank | Use Dex modifier for Climb and Jump checks |
Battle Casting | Dex 13, Concentration 5 ranks, Combat Casting | +2 dodge bonus while casting spells |
Born Flyer | Dex 13 | +4 bonus on saves and checks to maneuver when aloft |
Catfolk Pounce | Catfolk, Dex 13 | Gain full attack against a flat-footed target on a charge |
Centaur Trample | Centaur, Dex 15 | Gain a hoof attack against foes you overrun |
Coordinated Strike | Animal companion or special mount class feature, Handle Animal 5 ranks | +1 bonus on attacks when your animal companion or special mount attacks the same target |
Dallah Thaun�s Luck | Halfling, Cha 13 | Gain +5 bonus on one saving throw per day |
Defensive Archery | Point Blank Shot | +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity |
Diving Charge | � | Gain extra damage when diving to attack while flying |
Elf Dilettante | Elf, Int 13 | +1 bonus on all untrained skill checks |
Expeditious Dodge | Dex 13 | Gain +2 dodge bonus when you move 40 feet in a round |
Flick of the Wrist | Dex 17, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Quick Draw | Catch your opponent flat-footed by drawing your weapon and attacking in the same round |
Focused Mind | Elf, Concentration 2 ranks | +2 bonus when taking 10 or taking 20 on Intelligence checks |
Gnoll Ferocity | Gnoll, rage or frenzy ability | Gain bite attack for 1d6 points of damage |
Improved Flight | Natural fly speed | Maneuverability class improves by one category |
Killoren Ancient | Killoren | +4 insight bonus to Knowledge skill |
Killoren Destroyer | Killoren | Daze foes with your killoren smite attack |
Killoren Hunter | Killoren | Pinpoint the location of living creatures |
Lightfeet | Elf, Dex 13, Balance 2 ranks, Move Silently 2 ranks | Move quietly, leaving behind few traces |
Magic of the Land | Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks | Draw on nature�s power to infuse your spells with positive energy, curing 2 points of damage per spell level |
Plunging Shot | Dex 13, Point Blank Shot | Deal an additional 1d6 points of damage against targets at least 30 feet below you |
Shared Fury | Animal companion class feature, rage class feature, Handle Animal 4 ranks | Your animal companion rages with you |
Underfoot Combat | Small or smaller, Tumble 10 ranks | Occupy same square as a Large or larger creature, gaining +4 bonus to AC |
Yondalla�s Sense | Halfling | Add Wisdom bonus on initiative checks. |
Tactical Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Confound the Big Folk | Small or smaller, Tumble 10 ranks, Underfoot Combat | See feat description |
Winged Warrior | Hover, must have wings, base attack bonus +4 | See feat description |
Wolfpack | Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6 | See feat description |
Woodland Archer | Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6 | See feat description |
ASSASSIN SPELLS2nd LEVELReturning Weapon: Thrown weapon returns to thrower. CLERIC SPELLS4th LEVELDust to Dust: Disintegrate undead with your ray attack. DOMAINSSKY DOMAINGranted Powers: Your fly speed (or glide speed) improves by 5 feet. Add Spot to your list of cleric class skills. Domain Spells
DRUID SPELLS1st LEVELRaptor’s Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved. 2nd LEVELSummon Dire Hawk: Summons dire hawk to serve you. Woodland Veil: Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends. RANGER SPELLS1st LEVELRaptor’s Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved. 2nd LEVELWoodland Veil: Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS2nd LEVELReturning Weapon: Thrown weapon returns to thrower. 4th LEVELAerial Alacrity: +30 ft. fly speed, +1 AC and Reflex saves while flying, maneuverability improves by one category. Enduring Flight: Carry medium loads at full fly speed; flight duration doubles. |
PSION/WILDER POWERS3rd levelContrarian Urge: Creature does the opposite of what it intends. |
PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS3rd levelTelekinetic Boomerang: Object returns to your hand immediately. 5th levelLiving Arrow: Semisentient arrows can follow foes around corners. |