Races of the Dragon


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Accelerate Metamagic Dragonblood subtype, Spellcraft 4 ranks, any metamagic feat, ability to spontaneously cast 1st-level spells Apply selected metamagic feat to spells more quickly than normal
Dragon Breath Half-dragon, 6 HD, breath weapon Use breath weapon every 1d4 rounds
Dragon Tail Dragonblood subtype, 1st level only Gain a tail and tail attack
Dragon Trainer Dragonblood subtype, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Speak Language (Draconic) Train dragons and draconic creatures
Dragon Wings Dragonblood subtype, 1st level only +10 bonus on Jump checks; glide speed 30 ft.
Dragonwrought Kobold, 1st level only You are a dragonwrought kobold
Extraordinary Trapsmith Craft (trapmaking) 9 ranks Reduce cost of making a trap by 25%; 50% if kobold
Heavyweight Wings Str 15, Reinforced Wings, wings and a glide or fly speed Fly with heavy armor or a heavy load
Improved Dragon Wings Dragonblood subtype, Dragon Wings, 6 HD Gain fly speed
Kobold Endurance Kobold +4 bonus on Str checks, Con checks, and related checks
Kobold Foe Strike Kobold +1d6 damage against flanked or flat-footed dwarves, fey, and gnomes
Practical Metamagic Dragonblood subtype, Spellcraft 8 ranks, any metamagic feat, ability to spontaneously cast 3rd-level spells Reduce metamagic feat�s spell level increase by one
Reinforced Wings Str 13, wings and a glide or fly speed Fly with medium armor or a medium load
Versatile Spellcaster Ability to spontaneously cast spells Use two lower-level slots to cast a higher-level spell
Wyrmgrafter Heal 10 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Create and apply draconic grafts
Breath Channeling Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Entangling Exhalation Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon Channel breath weapon to entangle enemies
Exhaled Barrier Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon Channel breath weapon to create wall of energy
Exhaled Immunity Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon Channel breath weapon to grant immunity to energy type
Extra Exhalation Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon with limited uses per day Gain an additional use of your breath weapon
Furious Inhalation Dragonblood subtype, Con 13, ability to rage or frenzy, bite attack, breath weapon Channel breath weapon to add energy damage to bite while raging
Draconic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Draconic Heritage Sorcerer level 1st Gain class skill, dragonblood subtype, and bonus on saves against magic sleep and paralysis
Draconic Arcane Grace Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Give up a spell slot for a bonus on a saving throw
Draconic Breath Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Convert spell energy into a breath weapon
Draconic Claw Draconic Heritage; sorcerer level 1st Gain claws and make a swift claw attack when you cast a spell
Draconic Flight Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st After casting a spell, fly for the rest of your turn
Draconic Legacy Any four draconic feats Gain spells known based on your draconic heritage
Draconic Persuasion Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Spellcasting grants a bonus on select Charisma-based skills
Draconic Power Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st +1 caster level and save DC for spells of the energy type associated with your draconic heritage
Draconic Presence Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Render lower-HD opponents shaken when you cast a spell
Draconic Resistance Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Gain energy resistance based on number of draconic feats you have
Draconic Skin Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Your natural armor bonus increases by 1
Draconic Toughness Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st Gain 2 hit points for each draconic feat you have
Tactical Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Spell Rehearsal Caster level 1st Gain benefits from repetitious spellcasting
Wing Expert Flyby Attack, wings and a glide or fly speed Use your wings for tactical advantages



1st Level

Instant Diversion: Creates illusory doubles of you.

2nd Level

Peaceful Serenity of Io: Grant subject +4 bonus on Concentration checks and against compulsions and fear effects.


2nd Level

Local Tremor: Light tremor shakes in a 30-ft. line.

Peaceful Serenity of Io: Grant subject +4 bonus on Concentration checks and against compulsions and fear effects.

7th Level

Summon Aspect of Bahamut: Summon an aspect of Bahamut.


2nd Level

Local Tremor: Light tremor shakes in a 30-ft. line.

Peaceful Serenity of Io: Grant subject +4 bonus on Concentration checks and against compulsions and fear effects.


1st Level

Ghostly Tail: Your tail of force can be used to take advantage of an attack of opportunity.

Wings of Bounding: Get a +20 circumstance bonus on a Jump check.

Wings of Swift Flying: Increase your temporary fly speed by 30 ft.

2nd Level

Essence of the Dragon: Confer the dragon type on touched creature.

Tail Slap: Attack a foe for 1 round/level and knock him back on the first round.

Wings of Cover: Grant cover against a specific attack.

4th Level

Hoard Life: Store some of your life force for later healing.

Tail Sweep: Your tail of force can attack a group of foes within 10 ft.

Wall of Scales: Create a barrier of dragonhide.

Wings of Flurry: Your wings of force can attack all foes within 30 ft.

5th Level

Manifest Dragon Heritage: Conjures a wyvern.

8th Level

Manifest Dragon Heritage, Greater: Conjures a dragon turtle.


1st Level

Create Trap: Creates a CR 1 trap.

Sticky Floor: Entangles and immobilizes creatures in affected area.


Power Word Fatigue: Makes one creature with 100 hp or less fatigued.

Power Word Pain: Deal 1d6 points of damage per round to one creature with 100 hp or less.


Instant Diversion: Creates illusory doubles of you.


Ghostly Reload: Automatically pulls crossbow string into catch.

Mighty Wallop: +1 size category of bludgeoning weapon.

2nd Level

Gnome Blight: Cloud of itchy debilitating pollen sickens living creatures.


Power Word Sicken: Sickens one creature with 100 hp or less.

Unfettered Grasp: Grappling creature immediately gains free attempt to escape.


Local Tremor: Light tremor shakes in a 30-ft. line.


Steal Size: Humanoid creature doubles in size as targeted humanoid halves in size.

3rd Level

Power Word Deafen: Deafens one creature with 100 hp or less.

Power Word Maladroit: Deals 2 points Dex damage to one creature with 75 hp or less.

Power Word Weaken: Deals 2 points Str damage to one creature with 75 hp or less.


Mighty Wallop, Greater: +1 size category of bludgeoning weapon/four levels (maximum 5).

Sense of the Dragon: Nonvisual senses out to 30 ft. that pinpoints creatures.

4th Level

Power Word Distract: Makes one creature with 150 hp or less flat-footed.

5th Level

Power Word Disable: Reduces living creature with 50 hp or less to 0 hp.

6th Level

Power Word Nauseate: Makes one creature with 150 hp or less nauseated.

7th Level

Summon Aspect of Bahamut: Summons an aspect of Bahamut.

8th Level

Power Word Petrify: Petrifies one creature with 100 hp or less.



3rd Level

Breath Barrier: You create a quasireal barrier that moves with you.

4th Level

Dragon Hearted: You gain an energy immunity and vulnerability depending on your preference for red or white dragons.

Evade Breath: You slide out of range of a breath weapon.

5th Level

Sense of the Dragon, Psionic: You gain dragonlike senses.


2nd Level

Evade Breath: You slide out of range of a breath weapon.

3rd Level

Breath Barrier: You create a quasireal barrier that moves with you.

4th Level

Dragon Hearted: You gain an energy immunity and vulnerability, depending on your preference for red or white dragons.

5th Level

Sense of the Dragon, Psionic: You gain dragonlike senses.
