Monster Manual V


ABILITY FOCUS Special attack. DC for special attack increases by 2
AWESOME BLOW Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger Take a penalty to your attack roll to send target flying
CRAFT CONSTRUCT Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item Crate ay construct whose prequisites you meet
EMPOWER SPELL-LIKE ABILITY Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher. Empower spell-like ability 3/day
FLYBY ATTACK Fly speed. Take any standard action while flying
HOVER Fly speed. Remain in place while flying
IMPROVED NATURAL ARMOR Natural armor, Con 13 Natural armor increases by one
IMPROVED NATURAL ATTACK Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4 Natural weapon increases by one step
IMPROVED TOUGHNESS Base Fortitude save bonus +2. Gain a number of bonus hit points equal to your hit dice
MULTIATTACK Three or more natural attacks. Secondary attacks with natural weapons take only a �2 penalty
POWERFUL CHARGE Medium or larger, base attack bonus +1 Successful attacks during a charge do extra damage based on size
QUICKEN SPELL-LIKE ABILITY Spell-like ability at caster level 10th or higher. Quicken spell-like ability 3/day
SNATCH Size Huge or larger. Start a grapple with a claw or bite attack as though you had improved grapple to grab and hold enemy
WINGOVER Fly speed. Change direction freely 1/round
BATTLE MAGIC TACTICS Spellcraft 6 ranks, arcane caster level 3rd. Spells give a penalty to saving throws against other spells
BRUTAL THROW Add Str to thrown weapons
DAUNTING PRESENCE Cha 13, base attack bonus +1. Take a standard action to awe an opponent
KUO-TOAN MONASTICISM Kuo-toa, flurry of blows. Automatically hit with extra attack if the first succeeds
MAGE SLAYER Spellcraft 2 ranks, base attack bonus +3. +1 on will saves, spellcasts you threaten cannot cast defensively
MIND-SHATTERING STRIKE Kuo-toa, Kuo-Toa Monasticism, Stunning Fist, flurry of blows. Expend stunning strike to make enemy attack a nonkuo-toa
SENSE QUINTESSENCE Detect magic (as a spell or spell-like ability), affiliation with Thoon. When you detect magic, you also detect quintessence


Druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
