Miniatures Handbook


Base ClassDescription
Favored Soul Spontaneous divine spellcaster who gets bonuses with her deity's favored weapon.
Healer The healer provides aid to members of her adventuring company, the soldiers of her religion, or the alliance to which she is pledged.
Marshal A marshal has a tactician's mind, a cartographer's overview of the disputed landscape, and a way with words that can inspire battle-hardened fighters.
Warmage A militant spellcaster whose training focuses on battlefield magic.
Prestige ClassDescription
Bonded Summoner A bonded summoner instinctively knows an elemental's strengths and develops an unbreakable bond with a powerful elemental companion.
Dragon Samurai Dragon samurai are dedicated warriors, members of a special, self-selected class who revere dragonkind and emulate dragons' ferocious martial abilities.
Havoc Mage A front-rank spellcaster who shares as much in common with a fighter as with a wizard.
Skullclan Hunter The skullclan hunter is the acclaimed foe of unlife.
Tactical Soldier The tactical soldier is the master of teamwork in melee.
War Hulk A creature of great size and talent who is specifically trained to shock and awe opposing massed troops.
Warchief A warchief leads a primitive, aggressive tribe of humanoids, especially when they turn to marauding.


General FeatsPrerequisiteBenefit
Battlefield InspirationCha 13Allies get +2 bonus on saves against fear effects
Danger SenseImproved InitiativeReroll initiative once per day
DashSpeed increases by 5 feet
Daunting PresenceCha 13, base attack bonus +1Overawe enemy to make it shaken
Deft OpportunistDex 15, Combat Reflexes+4 on attack roll when making attack of opportunity
Distracting AttackBase attack bonus +1Your attack gives +1 bonus on other creatures� attacks against same target
Double HitCombat Reflexes, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon FightingGain off-hand attack when making attack of opportunity
Extra Domain SpellWis 15, access to one domain spellCast one of your domain spells an extra time
Foe SpecialistBase attack bonus +4, sneak attack +1d6+1d6 sneak attack damage against one creature type
GoadCha 13, base attack bonus +1Goad enemy to make melee attacks only against you
Hurling ChargeQuick Draw, base attack bonus +6Throw a weapon as part of a charge
Mage SlayerSpellcraft 2 ranks, base attack bonus +3+1 bonus on Will saves; spellcasters you threaten cannot cast defensively
Martial ThrowDex 17, Improved Unarmed StrikeSpecial grapple to switch places with enemy
Mounted CastingRide 1 rank, Mounted Combat+10 on Concentration checks to cast while mounted
Powerful ChargeMedium or larger, base attack bonus +1 Extra damage when you charge
Greater Powerful ChargeMedium or larger, Powerful Charge, base attack bonus +4Additional extra damage when you charge
PushbackStr 17, Improved Bull Rush, Power AttackPush enemy back after melee attack
Reckless ChargeBase attack bonus +1Charges get +4 on attack rolls, but �4 penalty to AC
Second WindHeal hit points equal to Con modifier 1/day
ShieldmateBase attack bonus +1Your shield grants shield bonus to adjacent allies
Improved ShieldmateShieldmate, base attack bonus +4Bonus from Shieldmate increases by +1
SidestepDex 15, Tumble 8 ranks, Dodge, MobilityGain 5-foot step after making attack of opportunity
Metamagic FeatsPrerequisiteBenefit
Energy AffinityKnowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, ability to cast at least one spell each of acid, cold, electricity, and fire energy typesChange the energy type of a spell
Sudden EmpowerAny metamagic featEmpower spell without special preparation1/day
Sudden Energy AffinityEnergy AffinitySubstitute spell energy without special preparation 1/day
Sudden EnlargeEnlarge spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden ExtendExtend spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden MaximizeAny metamagic featMaximize spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden QuickenQuicken Spell, Sudden Empower, Sudden Extend, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Silent, Sudden Still Quicken spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden SilentSilence spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden StillStill spell without special preparation 1/day
Sudden WidenWiden spell without special preparation 1/day



1st Level

Lightfoot: Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round (swift).

2nd Level

Invisibility, Swift: Invisibility lasts 1 round (swift).

Veil of Shadow: Darkness grants you concealment.


2nd Level

Veil of Shadow: Darkness grants you concealment.

3rd Level

Demonhide: Evil creature gains DR 10/cold iron and good.


1st Level

Expeditious Retreat, Swift: Your speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round (swift).

Incite: Subject can’t ready actions or delay.

Inhibit: Subject delays until next round.

2nd Level

Curse of Impending Blades: Subject takes –2 penalty to AC.

Fly, Swift: You fly for 1 round (swift).

Invisibility, Swift: Invisibility lasts 1 round (swift).

Undeniable Gravity: Flying creature loses flying ability.

3rd Level

Curse of Impending Blades, Legion’s: Subjects take –2 penalty to AC.

4th Level

Undeniable Gravity, Legion’s: Flying creatures lose flying ability.


1st Level

Conviction: Subject gains +2 or higher save bonus.

Favorable Sacrifice: Subject gains better protection the more gems you sacrifice.

Guiding Light: +1 on ranged attacks against creatures in illuminated area.

Incite: Subject can’t ready actions or delay.

Inhibit: Subject delays until next round.

Sign: Your initiative check result improves, and you know enemies’ initiative check results.

2nd Level

Divine Protection: Allies gain +1 to AC, saves.

Living Undeath: Subject becomes immune to critical hits and sneak attacks.

Quick March: Allies’ speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.

Veil of Shadow: Darkness grants you concealment.

3rd Level

Close Wounds: Cure 2d4 damage, even on another’s turn (swift).

Conviction, Legion’s: Allies gain +2 or higher save bonus.

Curse of Petty Failing: Subject takes –2 penalty on attack rolls and saves.

Delay Death: Losing hit points doesn’t kill subject.

Ring of Blades: Blades surround you, damaging other creatures (1d6+1/level damage).

Slashing Darkness: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage and heals undead the same amount.

4th Level

Aid, Legion’s: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls, +1 against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +20).

Align Weapon, Legion’s: Allies’ weapons become good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Panacea: Removes most afflictions.

Shield of Faith, Legion’s: Allies gain +3 or higher AC bonus.

5th Level

Curse of Petty Failing, Legion’s: Enemies take –2 penalty on attack rolls and saves.

Revivify: Restore recently dead to life with no level loss.


1st Level

Snake’s Swiftness: Subject immediately makes one attack.

2nd Level

Snake’s Swiftness, Legion’s: Allies each immediately make one attack.

Tiger’s Tooth: One natural weapon of subject gets +1/four levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5) for 1 round (swift).

3rd Level

Align Fang: Natural weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Fly, Swift: You fly for 1 round (swift).

Lion’s Charge: You can make a full attack on a charge for 1 round (swift).

4th Level

Arc of Lightning: Line of electricity between two creatures (1d6/level damage).

5th Level

Align Fang, Legion’s: Allies’ natural weapons become good, evil, lawful, or chaotic

Panacea: Removes most afflictions.


3rd Level

Close Wounds: Cure 2d4 damage, even on another’s turn (swift).

4th Level

Panacea: Removes most afflictions.

5th Level

Revivify: Restore recently dead to life with no level loss.


1st Level

Bless Weapon, Swift:Weapon strikes true against evil foes for 1 round (swift).

Lionheart: Subject gains immunity to fear.

2nd Level

Holy Spurs: Special mount’s speed increases by 40 ft. for 1 round (swift).

Divine Protection: Allies gain +1 to AC, saves.

Quick March: Allies’ speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.

Righteous Fury: Subject deals double damage on charges.

3rd Level

Angelskin: Lawful good creature gains DR 10/silver and evil.

4th Level

Righteous Aura: You detonate on death, healing good creatures and damaging others (2d6/level damage).


1st Level

Guided Arrow: Ranged attack targets don’t get cover for 1 round (swift).

Lightfoot: Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round (swift).

2nd Level

Blades of fire: Your melee weapons deal +1d6 fire damage for 1 round (swift).

Curse of Impending Blades: Subject takes –2 penalty to AC.

Haste, Swift: You are hasted for 1 round (swift).

3rd Level

Curse of Impending Blades, Legion’s: Enemies take –2 penalty to AC.

4th Level

Lion’s Charge: You can make a full attack on a charge for 1 round (swift).


0 Level

Repair Minor Damage: “Cures” 1 point of damage to a construct.

1st Level

Acid Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more acid damage.

Benign Transposition:Two willing subjects switch places.

Cold Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more cold damage.

Electric Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more electricity damage.

Fire Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more fire damage.

Sonic Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d6 or more sonic damage.


Incite: Subject can’t ready actions or delay.

Inhibit: Subject delays until next round.


Guiding Light: +1 on ranged attacks against creatures in illuminated area.

Mordenkainen’s Buzzing Bee: Bee gives subject –10 penalty on Move Silently and Concentration checks.


Repair Light Damage: “Cures” 1d8+1/level (max +5) points of damage to a construct.

Slide:Move subject 5 feet.

2nd Level

Baleful Transposition: Two subjects switch places.

Blades of fire: Your melee weapons deal +1d6 fire damage for 1 round (swift).


Bigby’s Slapping Hand: Hand makes creature provoke attacks of opportunity.

Fireburst: Adjacent subjects take 1d8/level fire damage.

Veil of Shadow: Darkness grants you concealment.


Curse of Impending Blades: Subject takes –2 penalty to AC.


Repair Moderate Damage: “Cures” 2d8+1/level (max +10) points of damage to a construct.

Slide, Greater:Move subject 20 feet.

Snake’s Swiftness: Subject immediately makes one attack.

Undeniable Gravity: Flying creature loses flying ability.

3rd Level

Curse of Impending Blades, Legion’s: Enemies take –2 penalty to AC.


Repair Serious Damage: “Cures” 3d8+1/level (max +15) points of damage to a construct.

Snake’s Swiftness, Legion’s: Allies each immediately make one attack.

4th Level

Blast of Flame: 60-ft. cone of fire (1d6/level damage).


Repair Critical Damage: “Cures” 4d8+1/level (max +20) points of damage to a construct.

Undeniable Gravity, Legion’s: Flying creatures lose flying ability.

5th Level

Arc of Lightning: Line of electricity between two creatures (1d6/level damage).


Fire Shield, Legion’s: Creatures attacking allies take damage; allies are protected from fire or cold.

Fireburst, Greater: Subjects within 10 ft. take 1d8/level fire damage.


1st Level

Acid Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more acid damage.

Cold Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more cold damage.

Electric Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more electricity damage.

Fire Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d8 or more fire damage.

Sonic Orb, Lesser: Ranged touch, 1d6 or more sonic damage.

2nd Level

Blades of fire: Your melee weapons deal +1d6 fire damage for 1 round (swift).

Fireburst: Adjacent subjects take 1d8/level fire damage.

3rd Level

Ring of Blades: Blades surround you, damaging other creatures (1d6+1/level damage).

4th Level

Blast of Flame: 60-ft. cone of fire (1d6/level damage).

5th Level

Arc of Lightning: Line of electricity between two creatures (1d6/level damage).

Fire Shield, Legion’s: Creatures attacking allies take damage; allies are protected from fire or cold.

Fireburst, Greater: Subjects within 10 ft. take 1d8/level fire damage.