Heroes of HorrorClasses |
Class | Description |
Archivist | Archivists are scholarly casters of divine magic, similar to a wizard. |
Dread Necromancer | Dread necromancers are masters of undeath and negative energy. |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Archivist of Nature | Dark knowledge class feature | Dark knowledge works on giants and fey |
Bane Magic | � | Spells deal 2d6 extra damage to specific creature type |
Blood Calls to Blood | Spontaneous arcane caster, fiend ancestor | +2 save bonus against attacks from fiends |
Corrupt Spell Focus | Nongood alignment | +1 to save DC for all corrupt spells you cast |
�Greater Corrupt Spell Focus | Corrupt Spell Focus, nongood alignment | +2 to save DC for all corrupt spells you cast |
Disease Immunity | Constitution 13 | Immune to one disease, +2 bonus on saves against contracting all other diseases |
Draconic Archivist | Dark knowledge class feature | Dark knowledge works on constructs and dragons |
Dreamtelling | � | Interpret the symbolism of a dream |
�Oneiromancy | Dreamtelling, spellcaster | Avoid casting mishaps in nightmare realms, gain Spell Focus (enchantment and illusion) in dreamscape, spells cast at dream selves deal nonlethal damage |
��Improved Oneiromancy | Oneiromancy, Dreamtelling, spellcaster | Gain access to new dream-related spells |
Font of Life | Living creature | Gain an extra save to avoid energy drain |
Haunting Melody | Bardic music class feature, Perform 9 ranks | Bardic music inspires fear |
Master of Knowledge | � | +1 bonus on Knowledge skill checks |
Pure Soul | Non-evil alignment, no taint | Gain immunity to taint |
Spirit Sense | Wis 12, near-death experience | See and speak with the recently dead |
Unnatural Will | Cha 12, Iron Will | Add Cha modifier to Will saves against fear effects |
Monstrous Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Touch of Taint | Natural attack dealing ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain | Deal taint to target |
Tainted Feats* | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Corrupt Arcana | Spontaneous caster, mild depravity | Prepare corrupt spell not among your spells known |
Eldritch Corruption | Metamagic feat, moderate depravity | Enlarge, extend, heighten, or widen a spell at the cost of your ally�s Con damage |
Forbidden Lore | Bardic knowledge or lore class feature, mild depravity | +2, +4, or +6 bonus on bardic knowledge or lore checks regarding sinister topics |
Lunatic Insight | Mild depravity | +2 initiative bonus, treat all Knowledge skills as if they were trained skills |
Mad Faith | Divine spellcaster, mild depravity | Your depravity grants you bonus spells |
Surge of Malevolence | Mild taint | +3, +6, or +9 bonus on a single attack, save, or check |
�Debilitating Spell | Surge of Malevolence, moderate taint | Spells become evil, deal Con or Wis damage |
�Debilitating Strike | Surge of Malevolence, moderate taint | Melee attacks become evil, deal Con or Wis damage |
Tainted Fury | Con 13, moderate corruption | Gain bonus hit points and a tainted smite attack while in a tainted fury |
Vile Feats* | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Willing Deformity | Evil alignment | +3 bonus on Intimidate checks |
�Deformity (Skin) | Evil alignment, Willing Deformity | +1 natural armor bonus |
�Deformity (Tall) | Evil alignment, Willing Deformity, Medium size | Gain reach as if Large, take �1 penalty to AC |
�Deformity (Teeth) | Evil alignment, Willing Deformity | Gain bite attack, +1 bonus on Intimidate checks |
�Deformity (Tongue) | Evil alignment, Willing Deformity | Gain blindsense 30 ft. |
*Only intelligent creatures of evil alignment can acquire vile or tainted feats
BARD SPELLS5th LevelCloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks. 6th LevelFamilial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies. BLACKGUARD SPELLS1st LevelSummon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2nd LevelSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3rd LevelSummon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4th LevelSummon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. CLERIC SPELLS1st LevelDetect Taint: Reveals creatures or objects with taint. Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2nd LevelSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3rd LevelResist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint. Rigor Mortis: Suspends all vital functions; target appears dead. Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4th LevelPronouncement of Fate: Imposes a –4 penalty on an offender’s attacks, damage, saves, and checks; target loses actions. Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. 5th LevelFire in the Blood: Your blood becomes a potent corrosive that burns attackers. Oath of Blood: Extends a geas beyond death that compels the target to animate and continue her quest as undead. Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you. 6th LevelCloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks. 7th LevelHarm, Greater: Deals 12 points/level to target within Close range. Pact of Return: If you die as you predict, you are resurrected instantly. 8th LevelFamilial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies. 9th LevelImprison Soul: Traps soul in a small object; target takes 1d4 Con damage/day. Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead. Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template. DOMAINSDREAM DOMAINGranted Powers: Because you have long delved into dreams and nightmares, you are immune to fear effects. Dream Domain Spells
SPITE DOMAINGranted Powers: Sympathetic strike. You can force opponents to take damage they have dealt you. Once per day, you can make a melee touch attack on the target, and deal damage equal to the damage the target dealt to you in the last round, to a maximum of 5 hp per divine caster level you possess. Domain Spells
DEATH DELVER SPELLS2nd LevelRigor Mortis: Suspends all vital functions; target appears dead. DREAD NECROMANCER SPELLS1st LevelBestow Wound: Transfer 1 hp/level of wounds to another. Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2nd LevelSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3rd LevelSummon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4th LevelSummon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. 5th LevelSummon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you. 7th LevelHarm, Greater: Deals 12 points/level to target within Close range. Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template. 9th LevelHarm, Mass: Deals 12 points/level to all targets within 20-ft. burst. Imprison Soul: Traps soul in a small object; target takes 1d4 Con damage/day. Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead. DRUID SPELLS3rd LevelResist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint. PALADIN SPELLS3rd LevelResist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint. RANGER SPELLS3rd LevelResist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1st LevelBestow Wound: Transfer 1 hp/level of wounds to another. Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you. 2nd LevelSummon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you. 3rd LevelResist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint. Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you. 4th LevelSummon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you. 5th LevelOath of Blood: Extends a geas beyond death that compels the target to animate and continue her quest as undead. Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you. 6th LevelCloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks. 8th LevelFamilial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies. 9th LevelPlague of Undead: Animates horde of undead. Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template. CORRUPT SPELLS5th LevelCall Forth the Beast: Target wakes up chaotic evil and goes on a rampage. 6th LevelMaster’s Lament: Target and familiar take each other’s damage as well as their own. 7th LevelChain of Sorrow: Target takes 2d10 Cha drain, deals same to next ally she touches. ONEIROMANCY SPELLS1st LevelRestful Slumber: Sleep soundly, without nightmares. 4th LevelDream Walk: As many as eight subjects enter a dreamscape. Manifest Desire: Target’s greatest desire appears before her. Manifest Nightmare: Target’s greatest fear appears before him, making him shaken or panicked. 5th LevelDreaming Puppet: Control the physical body of a sleeping creature. 7th LevelDream Sight: Your spirit can leave your body and explore for 1 min./level. |