Heroes of Horror


Archivist Archivists are scholarly casters of divine magic, similar to a wizard.
Dread Necromancer Dread necromancers are masters of undeath and negative energy.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Archivist of Nature Dark knowledge class feature Dark knowledge works on giants and fey
Bane Magic Spells deal 2d6 extra damage to specific creature type
Blood Calls to Blood Spontaneous arcane caster, fiend ancestor +2 save bonus against attacks from fiends
Corrupt Spell Focus Nongood alignment +1 to save DC for all corrupt spells you cast
Greater Corrupt Spell Focus Corrupt Spell Focus, nongood alignment +2 to save DC for all corrupt spells you cast
Disease Immunity Constitution 13 Immune to one disease, +2 bonus on saves against contracting all other diseases
Draconic Archivist Dark knowledge class feature Dark knowledge works on constructs and dragons
Dreamtelling Interpret the symbolism of a dream
Oneiromancy Dreamtelling, spellcaster Avoid casting mishaps in nightmare realms, gain Spell Focus (enchantment and illusion) in dreamscape, spells cast at dream selves deal nonlethal damage
�Improved Oneiromancy Oneiromancy, Dreamtelling, spellcaster Gain access to new dream-related spells
Font of Life Living creature Gain an extra save to avoid energy drain
Haunting Melody Bardic music class feature, Perform 9 ranks Bardic music inspires fear
Master of Knowledge +1 bonus on Knowledge skill checks
Pure Soul Non-evil alignment, no taint Gain immunity to taint
Spirit Sense Wis 12, near-death experience See and speak with the recently dead
Unnatural Will Cha 12, Iron Will Add Cha modifier to Will saves against fear effects
Monstrous Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Touch of Taint Natural attack dealing ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain Deal taint to target
Tainted Feats* Prerequisite Benefit
Corrupt Arcana Spontaneous caster, mild depravity Prepare corrupt spell not among your spells known
Eldritch Corruption Metamagic feat, moderate depravity Enlarge, extend, heighten, or widen a spell at the cost of your ally�s Con damage
Forbidden Lore Bardic knowledge or lore class feature, mild depravity +2, +4, or +6 bonus on bardic knowledge or lore checks regarding sinister topics
Lunatic Insight Mild depravity +2 initiative bonus, treat all Knowledge skills as if they were trained skills
Mad Faith Divine spellcaster, mild depravity Your depravity grants you bonus spells
Surge of Malevolence Mild taint +3, +6, or +9 bonus on a single attack, save, or check
Debilitating Spell Surge of Malevolence, moderate taint Spells become evil, deal Con or Wis damage
Debilitating Strike Surge of Malevolence, moderate taint Melee attacks become evil, deal Con or Wis damage
Tainted Fury Con 13, moderate corruption Gain bonus hit points and a tainted smite attack while in a tainted fury
Vile Feats* Prerequisite Benefit
Willing Deformity Evil alignment +3 bonus on Intimidate checks
Deformity (Skin) Evil alignment, Willing Deformity +1 natural armor bonus
Deformity (Tall) Evil alignment, Willing Deformity, Medium size Gain reach as if Large, take �1 penalty to AC
Deformity (Teeth) Evil alignment, Willing Deformity Gain bite attack, +1 bonus on Intimidate checks
Deformity (Tongue) Evil alignment, Willing Deformity Gain blindsense 30 ft.

*Only intelligent creatures of evil alignment can acquire vile or tainted feats



5th Level

Cloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks.

6th Level

Familial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies.


1st Level

Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you.

2nd Level

Summon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you.

3rd Level

Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you.

4th Level

Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you.


1st Level

Detect Taint: Reveals creatures or objects with taint.

Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you.

2nd Level

Summon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you.

3rd Level

Resist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint.

Rigor Mortis: Suspends all vital functions; target appears dead.

Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you.

4th Level

Pronouncement of Fate: Imposes a –4 penalty on an offender’s attacks, damage, saves, and checks; target loses actions.

Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you.

5th Level

Fire in the Blood: Your blood becomes a potent corrosive that burns attackers.

Oath of Blood: Extends a geas beyond death that compels the target to animate and continue her quest as undead.

Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you.

6th Level

Cloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks.

7th Level

Harm, Greater: Deals 12 points/level to target within Close range.

Pact of Return: If you die as you predict, you are resurrected instantly.

8th Level

Familial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies.

9th Level

Imprison Soul: Traps soul in a small object; target takes 1d4 Con damage/day.

Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead.

Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template.



Granted Powers: Because you have long delved into dreams and nightmares, you are immune to fear effects.

Dream Domain Spells
  1. Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
  2. Augury: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
  3. Deep Slumber: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
  4. Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
  5. Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
  6. Dream Sight: Your spirit can hear and see at a distance for 1 min./level.
  7. Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer.
  8. Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
  9. Weird: As phantasmal killer , but affects all within 30 ft.

Granted Powers: Sympathetic strike. You can force opponents to take damage they have dealt you. Once per day, you can make a melee touch attack on the target, and deal damage equal to the damage the target dealt to you in the last round, to a maximum of 5 hp per divine caster level you possess.

Domain Spells
  1. Bestow Wound: Transfer 1 hp/level of wounds to another.
  2. Rage: Gain +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
  3. Vampiric Touch: Touch deals 1d6/two levels in damage; you gain damage as hp.
  4. Pronouncement of Fate: Impose a –4 penalty on an offender’s attacks, damage, saves, and checks; target loses actions.
  5. Fire in the Blood: Your blood becomes a potent corrosive that burns attackers.
  6. Cloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty to Diplomacy checks.
  7. Pact of Return: If you die as you predict, you are resurrected instantly.
  8. Mantle of Pure Spite: Gain a cumulative DR 1/– and a cumulative +1 bonus on attacks, damage, and AC each time a foe strikes you.
  9. Imprison Soul: Traps soul in a small object; target takes 1d4 Con damage/day.


2nd Level

Rigor Mortis: Suspends all vital functions; target appears dead.


1st Level

Bestow Wound: Transfer 1 hp/level of wounds to another.

Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you.

2nd Level

Summon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you.

3rd Level

Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you.

4th Level

Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you.

5th Level

Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you.

7th Level

Harm, Greater: Deals 12 points/level to target within Close range.

Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template.

9th Level

Harm, Mass: Deals 12 points/level to all targets within 20-ft. burst.

Imprison Soul: Traps soul in a small object; target takes 1d4 Con damage/day.

Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead.


3rd Level

Resist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint.


3rd Level

Resist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint.


3rd Level

Resist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint.


1st Level

Bestow Wound: Transfer 1 hp/level of wounds to another.

Summon Undead I: Summons undead to fight for you.

2nd Level

Summon Undead II: Summons undead to fight for you.

3rd Level

Resist Taint: Bestows +4 bonus on saves against taint.

Summon Undead III: Summons undead to fight for you.

4th Level

Summon Undead IV: Summons undead to fight for you.

5th Level

Oath of Blood: Extends a geas beyond death that compels the target to animate and continue her quest as undead.

Summon Undead V: Summons undead to fight for you.

6th Level

Cloak of Hate: Target provokes hostile reactions, takes –10 penalty on Diplomacy checks.

8th Level

Familial Geas: Commands subject to undertake a task, which passes to his nearest kin if he dies.

9th Level

Plague of Undead: Animates horde of undead.

Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template.


5th Level

Call Forth the Beast: Target wakes up chaotic evil and goes on a rampage.

6th Level

Master’s Lament: Target and familiar take each other’s damage as well as their own.

7th Level

Chain of Sorrow: Target takes 2d10 Cha drain, deals same to next ally she touches.


1st Level

Restful Slumber: Sleep soundly, without nightmares.

4th Level

Dream Walk: As many as eight subjects enter a dreamscape.

Manifest Desire: Target’s greatest desire appears before her.

Manifest Nightmare: Target’s greatest fear appears before him, making him shaken or panicked.

5th Level

Dreaming Puppet: Control the physical body of a sleeping creature.

7th Level

Dream Sight: Your spirit can leave your body and explore for 1 min./level.