Heroes of BattleFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Ballista Proficiency* | � | No �4 penalty on attack rolls with ballistae |
Block Arrow* | Dex 13, Shield Proficiency | Deflect one ranged attack per round with shield |
Coordinated Shot* | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot | Your ranged attacks ignore cover from allies |
Courageous Rally | Bardic music (inspire courage) class feature | Make free rally check when you inspire courage |
Expanded Aura of Courage | Aura of courage class feature | Your aura of courage expands to 60 feet |
Expert Siege Engineer* | Profession (siege engineer) 8 ranks | +2 bonus on attack and damage with siege engines |
Guerrilla Scout | � | +1 bonus on initiative checks; Listen and Spot ranks cost 1 skill point |
Guerrilla Warrior | � | Reduce light or medium armor check penalty by 1; Hide and Move Silently ranks cost 1 skill point |
Mounted Mobility* | Mounted Combat, Ride 4 ranks | +4 dodge bonus to AC against some attacks of opportunity while mounted |
Natural Leader | Cha 13 | +4 bonus on rally checks |
Plunging Shot | Dex 13, Point Blank Shot | +1d6 damage against targets below you |
Ready Shot | Point Blank Shot | Readied ranged attack deals +3d6 damage |
Shield Wall* | Shield Proficiency | Shield bonus increases by +2 when adjacent to shield wielder |
Veteran Knowledge* | Base attack bonus +2, Knowledge (history) 1 rank | +5 bonus on Knowledge checks made to gain strategic advantage |
Leader Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Extra Followers | Cha 13, Leadership | Lead twice as many followers |
Improved Cohort | Cha 15, Leadership | Your cohort�s maximum level increases by 1 |
Inspirational Leadership | Cha 17, Leadership | Your cohort and followers have exceptional morale |
Practiced Cohort | Cha 15, Leadership | Your cohort shares your teamwork benefits |
* A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
BARD SPELLS2nd LEVELResounding Voice: Your voice carries 100 ft./level. 3rd LEVELCrisis of Confidence: Target loses commander rating, aura; can’t add Cha to rally checks. 4th LEVELDrums of War: Enemies take –2 penalty on attacks and saves. 5th LEVELLeomund’s Billet: Creates sturdy barracks. CLERIC SPELLS2nd LEVELResounding Voice: Your voice carries 100 ft./level. 3rd LEVELBattlemagic Perception: Sense and counter spellcasting within 100 feet. Spiritual Charger: Horseman of force attacks enemy. 4th LEVELAnimate Legion: Creates skeletons or zombies. Battlefield Illumination: Improve light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder. Early Twilight: Reduce light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder. 5th LEVELSpiritual Cavalry: Horsemen of force attack enemies. Status, Greater: Monitors condition, position of many allies. 6th LEVELConsecrate Battlefield: Fills large area with positive energy, making undead weaker. Desecrate Battlefield: Fills large area with negative energy, making undead stronger. 7th LEVELAnimate Siege Weapon: Siege weapon attacks your foes. DRUID SPELLS2nd LEVELBlaze of Light: 60-ft. cone of light dazzles creatures. Trip Vine: Plants trip creatures entering area. 4th LEVELBattlefield Illumination: Improve light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder. Hurtling Stone: Stone deals 6d6 damage, knocks targets prone. HEALER SPELLS6th LEVELStatus, Greater: Monitors condition, position of many allies. |
HEXBLADE SPELLS2nd LEVELCrisis of Confidence: Target loses commander rating, aura; can’t add Cha to rally checks. 4th LEVELEarly Twilight: Reduce light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder PALADIN SPELLS1st LEVELBlaze of Light: 60-ft. cone of light dazzles creatures. 4th LEVELBattlefield Illumination: Improve light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder. RANGER SPELLS2nd LEVELAerial Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level Trip Vine: Plants trip creatures entering area. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS2nd LEVELAbjurAerial Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level EvocMolten Strike: 5-ft.-radius burst deals 2d6 fire damage, ignites nearby targets. 3rd LEVELDivBattlemagic Perception: Sense and counter spellcasting within 100 feet. 4th LEVELConjBoiling Oil: 10-ft. cylinder deals 4d6 damage, +2d6 damage per round for 1 round/3 levels. EvocEarly Twilight: Reduce light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder. TransBattlefield Fortification: Create trench or berm. 5th LEVELConjAcid Rain: 20-ft.-radius cylinder deals 7d6 acid damage Leomund’s Billet: Creates sturdy barracks. EvocShrieking Blast: 40-ft. radius burst deafens and deals 8d6 sonic damage. NecroAnimate Legion: Creates skeletons or zombies. |