

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Altitude Adaptation Base Fortitude save bonus +2 +4 on Fortitude saves to avoid altitude sickness; you aren�t as susceptible to altitude sickness
Arctic Priest Cold or Winter domain Can swap out prepared spells for a specialized list of spells
Beckon the Frozen Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration) Summoned creatures gain cold subtype and +1d6 cold damage to attacks
Chosen of Iborighu Patron deity must be Iborighu Cleric is favored class, cold damage gaze attack 1/day
Cold Endurance* Base Fortitude save bonus +2 +2 to cold saves, can exist comfortably in cold environs
Improved Cold Endurance* Base Fortitude save bonus +6, Cold Endurance Resistance to Cold 5
Cold Focus +1 bonus to save DCs against cold spells
Greater Cold Focus Cold Focus +1 bonus to save DCs against cold spells
Faith in the Frost Ability to turn or rebuke creatures, Cold or Winter domain Successful turn or rebuke causes cold damage
Frozen Berserker* Barbarian rage ability Gain cold subtype while raging
Frozen Wild Shape Base Fortitude save bonus +6, wild shape ability Wild shape into cold magical beasts
Ice Harmonics Bardic music ability, Perform (sing) 6 ranks Shatter ice with your voice
Improved Frosty Touch* Uldra Frosty touch ability does 2 cold damage
Mark of Hleid Patron deity must be Hleid Cleric is favored class, +2 sacred bonus to AC against evil cold creatures, immunity to rimefire
Mountaineer +2 bonus on Climb and Survival checks
Primeval Wild Shape Wild shape ability Wild shape form gains +2 Strength, +2 bonus to natural armor, and resistance to cold 10 but lasts for only 1 round/level
Primitive Caster Add material components to spells to raise a spell�s effective level
Sea Legs* +2 bonus on Balance and Tumble checks and +1 bonus on Initiative checks while on a ship
Smite Fiery Foe Smite ability Add Charisma modifier on attack roll and character level to damage against creatures with fire subtype
Snowcasting Con 13 Add cold descriptor to spell
Frozen Magic Con 13, Snowcasting Cold spells have higher caster levels in cold weather
Icy Calling Con 13, Snowcasting Summoned frostfell creatures are stronger in cold weather
Cold Spell Specialization Con 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic Cold spells do +1 or +2 damage/die in cold weather
Frostfell Prodigy Con 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic, Cold Focus You gain additional bonus spells in cold weather
Snowrunner Woodland stride ability Move through snow at full speed, +5 competence bonus on Balance checks on ice
Snowflake Wardance Bardic music ability, Perform (dance) 6 ranks Add Charisma modifier to attack rolls with one-handed slashing melee weapons
Storm Magic All spells cast at caster level +1 during storms
Sugliin Mastery* Base attack bonus +5, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sugliin) Attacks with a sugliin are a standard action
Winter�s Champion Paladin level 1st Gain additional frostfell spells on your paladin spell list
Winter�s Mount Special mount ability Special mount gains cold subtype and +2 Constitution
Item Creation Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Craft Skull Talisman Caster level 6th Create magic skull talismans
Metamagic Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Piercing Cold Cold spells can damage creatures resistant or immune to cold

* A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats.




Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 cir cumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice.


Ice Darts: Icicle missiles deal 2d4 damage, half of which is cold.


Boreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back.


Snowsong: Musical snowfall aids allies in within 30 ft. and hinders enemy spellcasters.



Conjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Detect Fire: Detect fire within 60 ft.

Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness.

Fortify Cold Creatures: Cold subtype creatures gain +1 sacred bonus on attacks and saves against fire effects.

Ice Slick: Creates a 20-ft. square of slippery ice.

Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage.


Blood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea.

Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5.

Conjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Conjure Ice Object: Conjures an object made of ice.

Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage.

Frostburn, Lesser: Touch deals 1d12 frostburn damage +1/level (max +5).

Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster.

Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.


Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.

Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement.

Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Control Snow and Ice: Raise or lower ice or snow.

Defile Snow and Ice: Grants undead a +4 profane bonus against turning and cold creatures SR 15 against fire spells.

Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape.

Meld into Ice: You and your gear merge with ice.

Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dex damage.


Conjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Freeze Armor: Locks up suits of metal armor and equipment, dealing damage and impeding movement.

Frostburn: Touch deals 3d12 frostburn damage +1/level (max +20).

Glacial Globe of Invulnerability: Stops 1st- through 3rdlevel fire spell effects and provides concealment.

Winter’s Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue.


Boreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back.

Conjure Ice Beast V: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Dispel Cold: Cancels cold spells and effects.

Dispel Fire: Cancels fire spells and effects.

Frostbite: Chilled air causes 6d6 cold damage and 2d6 Dex damage.

Hibernal Healing: You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150).

Hibernate: Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level.

Pass through Ice: Subject can pass through ice or snow like water.


Algid Enhancement: Grant bonuses to creatures of the cold subtype.

Conjure Ice Beast VI: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Frostburn, Mass: Deals 3d12 +1/level (max +20) frostburn damage to many creatures.

Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice.

Mantle of the Icy Soul: Gives subject the cold subtype.


Aura of Cold, Greater: Intense cold deals 2d6 damage to creatures within 10 ft.

Conjure Ice Beast VII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.


Conjure Ice Beast VIII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Summon Giants: Summons outsider giants to fight for you.


Conjure Ice Beast IX: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months.



Granted Powers: You can turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. You can also rebuke or command cold creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability

Domain Spells
  1. Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
  2. Chill Metal: Cold metal damages those who touch it.
  3. Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement.
  4. Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
  5. Wall of Ice: Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside.
  6. Cone of Cold: 1d6/level cold damage.
  7. Control Weather: Changes weather in local area.
  8. Polar Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage.
  9. Obedient Avalanche: Snowy avalanche crushes and buries your foes.

Granted Powers: During the winter season, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on all Wisdom-based skill checks.

Domain Spells
  1. Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions.
  2. Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent.
  3. Winter’s Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue.
  4. Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
  5. Blizzard: Temperature drops and powerful blizzard reduces visibility to zero.
  6. Death Hail: Summons a storm of death hail.
  7. Control Weather: Changes weather in local area.
  8. Summon Giants (Frost Giants Only): Summons outsider giants to fight for you.
  9. Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months.



Conjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Crunchy Snow: –20 penalty on Move Silently checks in area.

Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness.

Ice Skate: While on ice, your speed increases by 60 feet.

Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice.

Snowdrift: Forms existing snow into another shape.

Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions.


Blood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea.

Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5.

Conjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Conjure Ice Object: Conjures an object made of ice.

Evergreen: Magical heat warms plant life, healing 1d8 damage +1/level (max. +10) and granting immunity to cold.

Flash-Freeze: Earth, stone, and water become frozen.

Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage.

Numbing Sphere: Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1 round/level.

Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster.

Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent.

Thaw: Transforms one 10-ft. cube/level of everfrost, slush, snow, and ice.

Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.

Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area.


Arctic Haze: Fog obscures vision and deals 4 cold damage/round.

Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.

Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement.

Column of Ice: Column of ice erupts from ground, lifting anything in its area into the air.

Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Control Temperature: Raise or lower temperature by one band/5 levels.

Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape.

Meld into Ice: You and your gear merge with ice.

Winter’s Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue.


Boreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back.

Conjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Freeze Armor: Locks up suits of metal armor and equipment, dealing damage and impeding movement.

Frostfell Slide: Move instantly from one area of frostfell to another.

Hibernal Healing: You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150).


Blizzard: Temperature drops and powerful blizzard reduces visibility to zero.

Call Avalanche: Avalanche of ice and snow falls from the sky, burying subjects.

Conjure Ice Beast V: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Hibernate: Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level.

Ice Shield: Subject gains damage reduction 15/—.

Mantle of the Icy Soul: Gives subject the cold subtype.

Pass through Ice: Subject can pass through ice or snow like water.

Wall of Coldfire: Deals 2d4 of cold damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 frostburn damage +1/level.


Animate Snow: Turns snow into creatures to fight for you.

Conjure Ice Beast VI: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Death Hail: Summons a storm of death hail.

Entomb: Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them.

Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice.

Move Snow and Ice: Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow.

Snow Wave: Knocks creatures prone and deals 4d6 crushing damage and 1d6 cold damage.


Aura of Cold, Greater: Intense cold deals 2d6 damage to creatures within 10 ft.

Conjure Ice Beast VII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Raise Ice Forest: Conjures trees of ice.

Whiteout: Snow and wind obscure sight; creatures affected may become lost.


Conjure Ice Beast VIII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months.

Frostfell: Intense cold turns all subjects in area into ice.

Glacier: Conjures glaciers that attack your enemies.


Cometstrike: Three comets per round strike targets, each dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d4/level cold damage.

Conjure Ice Beast IX: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.



Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement.


Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.



Conjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Crunchy Snow: –20 penalty on Move Silently checks in area.

Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness.

Ice Skate: While on ice, your speed increases by 60 feet.

Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice.

Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions.


Conjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent.

Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area.


Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement.

Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.


Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.

Conjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Frostfell Slide: Move instantly from one area of frostfell to another.



Glaze Lock: Jams locks with snow and ice, raising Open Lock DC by 10 and lock’s hardness by 5.


Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage.


Float: Subject becomes buoyant.

Snowdrift: Forms existing snow into another shape.


Icicle: Magical trap hangs from ceiling, dealing 4d6 damage when triggered.


Ice Darts: Icicle missiles deal 2d4 damage, half of which is cold.

Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster.

Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area.


Leomund’s Tiny Igloo: Creates igloo that lasts for 2 hours/level.

Numbing Sphere: Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1 round/level.


Bone Chill: Corporeal undead are held by a thick layer of frost.

Heat Leech: Subject takes 1d8 points of cold damage/round.


Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5.

Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage.


Glacial Globe of Invulnerability: Stops 1st- through 3rd-level concealment.


Arctic Haze: Fog obscures vision and deals 4 cold damage/round.


Crack Ice: Shatters ice structures or ice creatures.


Blood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea.

Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dex damage.

Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.


Control Temperature: Raise or lower temperature by one band/5 levels.


Glacial Ward: Subject gains SR 18 against fire spells and effects.

Ice Shield: Subject gains damage reduction 15/—.


Column of Ice: Column of ice erupts from ground, lifting anything in its area into the air.

Ice Ship: Creates ice runner or ice galleon.

Ice Web: Creates webs of coldfire that entangle and deal 1d6 frostburn damage/round.


Wall of Coldfire: Deals 2d4 of cold damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 frostburn damage +1/level.


Mindfrost: Deals 5d6 cold damage, 1d4 Int damage.


Anticold Sphere: Mobile energy field provides immunity to cold.


Boreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back.


Gelid Blood: Subject takes –4 penalty on attacks, AC, and Str- and Dex-related checks, 50% failure of spells with somatic components.


Flesh to Ice: Turns subject into statue of ice.

Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape.

Ice to Flesh: Restores frozen creature.


Freezing Glance: Gaze freezes subjects in place.


Entomb: Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them.

Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice.


Heartfreeze: Subject exhausted, dies in 1d3+2 rounds.

Waves of Cold: Fire creatures become shaken and cold creatures lose immunity to cold.


Move Snow and Ice: Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow.

Suppress Flame: Reduces damage and illumination from fire.


Glacial Ward, Greater: Area around you provides SR 25 against fire spells and effects.


Ice Castle: Creates castle of snow and ice with an array of magical effects.


Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months.


Iceberg: Block of ice falls from sky, dealing 20d6 damage and burying subjects.


Ice Assassin: Creates duplicate of creature with sole purpose to slay original.


Frostfell: Intense cold turns all subjects in area into ice.



1st level

Slow Breathing: Gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws against altitude sickness.

2nd level

Energy Emanation: Deals 1d6 points of chosen energy damage to creatures surrounding you.

4th level

Energy Flash: Touch deals 7d6 of chosen energy damage to foe.

6th level

Mind over Energy: Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type.


1st level

Slow Breathing: Gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws against altitude sickness.

2nd level

Energy Emanation: Deals 1d6 points of chosen energy damage to creatures surrounding you.

6th level

Mind over Energy: Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type.
