FrostburnFeats |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Altitude Adaptation | Base Fortitude save bonus +2 | +4 on Fortitude saves to avoid altitude sickness; you aren�t as susceptible to altitude sickness |
Arctic Priest | Cold or Winter domain | Can swap out prepared spells for a specialized list of spells |
Beckon the Frozen | Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration) | Summoned creatures gain cold subtype and +1d6 cold damage to attacks |
Chosen of Iborighu | Patron deity must be Iborighu | Cleric is favored class, cold damage gaze attack 1/day |
Cold Endurance* | Base Fortitude save bonus +2 | +2 to cold saves, can exist comfortably in cold environs |
�Improved Cold Endurance* | Base Fortitude save bonus +6, Cold Endurance | Resistance to Cold 5 |
Cold Focus | � | +1 bonus to save DCs against cold spells |
�Greater Cold Focus | Cold Focus | +1 bonus to save DCs against cold spells |
Faith in the Frost | Ability to turn or rebuke creatures, Cold or Winter domain | Successful turn or rebuke causes cold damage |
Frozen Berserker* | Barbarian rage ability | Gain cold subtype while raging |
Frozen Wild Shape | Base Fortitude save bonus +6, wild shape ability | Wild shape into cold magical beasts |
Ice Harmonics | Bardic music ability, Perform (sing) 6 ranks | Shatter ice with your voice |
Improved Frosty Touch* | Uldra | Frosty touch ability does 2 cold damage |
Mark of Hleid | Patron deity must be Hleid | Cleric is favored class, +2 sacred bonus to AC against evil cold creatures, immunity to rimefire |
Mountaineer | � | +2 bonus on Climb and Survival checks |
Primeval Wild Shape | Wild shape ability | Wild shape form gains +2 Strength, +2 bonus to natural armor, and resistance to cold 10 but lasts for only 1 round/level |
Primitive Caster | � | Add material components to spells to raise a spell�s effective level |
Sea Legs* | � | +2 bonus on Balance and Tumble checks and +1 bonus on Initiative checks while on a ship |
Smite Fiery Foe | Smite ability | Add Charisma modifier on attack roll and character level to damage against creatures with fire subtype |
Snowcasting | Con 13 | Add cold descriptor to spell |
�Frozen Magic | Con 13, Snowcasting | Cold spells have higher caster levels in cold weather |
�Icy Calling | Con 13, Snowcasting | Summoned frostfell creatures are stronger in cold weather |
�Cold Spell Specialization | Con 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic | Cold spells do +1 or +2 damage/die in cold weather |
�Frostfell Prodigy | Con 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic, Cold Focus | You gain additional bonus spells in cold weather |
Snowrunner | Woodland stride ability | Move through snow at full speed, +5 competence bonus on Balance checks on ice |
Snowflake Wardance | Bardic music ability, Perform (dance) 6 ranks | Add Charisma modifier to attack rolls with one-handed slashing melee weapons |
Storm Magic | � | All spells cast at caster level +1 during storms |
Sugliin Mastery* | Base attack bonus +5, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sugliin) | Attacks with a sugliin are a standard action |
Winter�s Champion | Paladin level 1st | Gain additional frostfell spells on your paladin spell list |
Winter�s Mount | Special mount ability | Special mount gains cold subtype and +2 Constitution |
Item Creation Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Craft Skull Talisman | Caster level 6th | Create magic skull talismans |
Metamagic Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Piercing Cold | � | Cold spells can damage creatures resistant or immune to cold |
* A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats.
BARD SPELLS1ST LEVELIvory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 cir cumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice. 2ND LEVELIce Darts: Icicle missiles deal 2d4 damage, half of which is cold. 5TH LEVELBoreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back. 6TH LEVELSnowsong: Musical snowfall aids allies in within 30 ft. and hinders enemy spellcasters. CLERIC SPELLS1ST LEVELConjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Detect Fire: Detect fire within 60 ft. Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness. Fortify Cold Creatures: Cold subtype creatures gain +1 sacred bonus on attacks and saves against fire effects. Ice Slick: Creates a 20-ft. square of slippery ice. Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage. 2ND LEVELBlood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea. Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5. Conjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Conjure Ice Object: Conjures an object made of ice. Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage. Frostburn, Lesser: Touch deals 1d12 frostburn damage +1/level (max +5). Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster. Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness. 3RD LEVELAura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft. Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement. Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Control Snow and Ice: Raise or lower ice or snow. Defile Snow and Ice: Grants undead a +4 profane bonus against turning and cold creatures SR 15 against fire spells. Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape. Meld into Ice: You and your gear merge with ice. Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dex damage. 4TH LEVELConjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Freeze Armor: Locks up suits of metal armor and equipment, dealing damage and impeding movement. Frostburn: Touch deals 3d12 frostburn damage +1/level (max +20). Glacial Globe of Invulnerability: Stops 1st- through 3rdlevel fire spell effects and provides concealment. Winter’s Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue. 5TH LEVELBoreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back. Conjure Ice Beast V: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Dispel Cold: Cancels cold spells and effects. Dispel Fire: Cancels fire spells and effects. Frostbite: Chilled air causes 6d6 cold damage and 2d6 Dex damage. Hibernal Healing: You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150). Hibernate: Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level. Pass through Ice: Subject can pass through ice or snow like water. 6TH LEVELAlgid Enhancement: Grant bonuses to creatures of the cold subtype. Conjure Ice Beast VI: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Frostburn, Mass: Deals 3d12 +1/level (max +20) frostburn damage to many creatures. Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice. Mantle of the Icy Soul: Gives subject the cold subtype. 7TH LEVELAura of Cold, Greater: Intense cold deals 2d6 damage to creatures within 10 ft. Conjure Ice Beast VII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. 8TH LEVELConjure Ice Beast VIII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Summon Giants: Summons outsider giants to fight for you. 9TH LEVELConjure Ice Beast IX: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months. DOMAINSCOLD DOMAINGranted Powers: You can turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. You can also rebuke or command cold creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability Domain Spells
WINTER DOMAINGranted Powers: During the winter season, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on all Wisdom-based skill checks. Domain Spells
DRUID SPELLS1ST LEVELConjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Crunchy Snow: –20 penalty on Move Silently checks in area. Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness. Ice Skate: While on ice, your speed increases by 60 feet. Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice. Snowdrift: Forms existing snow into another shape. Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions. 2ND LEVELBlood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea. Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5. Conjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Conjure Ice Object: Conjures an object made of ice. Evergreen: Magical heat warms plant life, healing 1d8 damage +1/level (max. +10) and granting immunity to cold. Flash-Freeze: Earth, stone, and water become frozen. Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage. Numbing Sphere: Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1 round/level. Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster. Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent. Thaw: Transforms one 10-ft. cube/level of everfrost, slush, snow, and ice. Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness. Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area. 3RD LEVELArctic Haze: Fog obscures vision and deals 4 cold damage/round. Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft. Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement. Column of Ice: Column of ice erupts from ground, lifting anything in its area into the air. Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Control Temperature: Raise or lower temperature by one band/5 levels. Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape. Meld into Ice: You and your gear merge with ice. Winter’s Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue. 4TH LEVELBoreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back. Conjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Freeze Armor: Locks up suits of metal armor and equipment, dealing damage and impeding movement. Frostfell Slide: Move instantly from one area of frostfell to another. Hibernal Healing: You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150). 5TH LEVELBlizzard: Temperature drops and powerful blizzard reduces visibility to zero. Call Avalanche: Avalanche of ice and snow falls from the sky, burying subjects. Conjure Ice Beast V: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Hibernate: Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level. Ice Shield: Subject gains damage reduction 15/—. Mantle of the Icy Soul: Gives subject the cold subtype. Pass through Ice: Subject can pass through ice or snow like water. Wall of Coldfire: Deals 2d4 of cold damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 frostburn damage +1/level. 6TH LEVELAnimate Snow: Turns snow into creatures to fight for you. Conjure Ice Beast VI: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Death Hail: Summons a storm of death hail. Entomb: Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them. Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice. Move Snow and Ice: Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow. Snow Wave: Knocks creatures prone and deals 4d6 crushing damage and 1d6 cold damage. 7TH LEVELAura of Cold, Greater: Intense cold deals 2d6 damage to creatures within 10 ft. Conjure Ice Beast VII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Raise Ice Forest: Conjures trees of ice. Whiteout: Snow and wind obscure sight; creatures affected may become lost. 8TH LEVELConjure Ice Beast VIII: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Fimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months. Frostfell: Intense cold turns all subjects in area into ice. Glacier: Conjures glaciers that attack your enemies. 9TH LEVELCometstrike: Three comets per round strike targets, each dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d4/level cold damage. Conjure Ice Beast IX: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. PALADIN SPELLS3RD LEVELBinding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement. 4TH LEVELAura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft. RANGER SPELLS1ST LEVELConjure Ice Beast I: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Crunchy Snow: –20 penalty on Move Silently checks in area. Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness. Ice Skate: While on ice, your speed increases by 60 feet. Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice. Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions. 2ND LEVELConjure Ice Beast II: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent. Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area. 3RD LEVELBinding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement. Conjure Ice Beast III: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. 4TH LEVELAura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft. Conjure Ice Beast IV: Conjures ice creature to fight for you. Frostfell Slide: Move instantly from one area of frostfell to another. SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1ST LEVELConjGlaze Lock: Jams locks with snow and ice, raising Open Lock DC by 10 and lock’s hardness by 5. NecroShivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage. TransFloat: Subject becomes buoyant. Snowdrift: Forms existing snow into another shape. 2ND LEVELAbjurIcicle: Magical trap hangs from ceiling, dealing 4d6 damage when triggered. ConjIce Darts: Icicle missiles deal 2d4 damage, half of which is cold. Obscuring Snow: Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster. Zone of Glacial Cold: Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area. EvocLeomund’s Tiny Igloo: Creates igloo that lasts for 2 hours/level. Numbing Sphere: Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1 round/level. NecroBone Chill: Corporeal undead are held by a thick layer of frost. Heat Leech: Subject takes 1d8 points of cold damage/round. TransBrumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon’s hardness reduced by 5. Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage. 3RD LEVELAbjurGlacial Globe of Invulnerability: Stops 1st- through 3rd-level concealment. ConjArctic Haze: Fog obscures vision and deals 4 cold damage/round. EvocCrack Ice: Shatters ice structures or ice creatures. NecroBlood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea. Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dex damage. Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness. TransControl Temperature: Raise or lower temperature by one band/5 levels. 4TH LEVELAbjurGlacial Ward: Subject gains SR 18 against fire spells and effects. Ice Shield: Subject gains damage reduction 15/—. ConjColumn of Ice: Column of ice erupts from ground, lifting anything in its area into the air. Ice Ship: Creates ice runner or ice galleon. Ice Web: Creates webs of coldfire that entangle and deal 1d6 frostburn damage/round. EvocWall of Coldfire: Deals 2d4 of cold damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 frostburn damage +1/level. NecroMindfrost: Deals 5d6 cold damage, 1d4 Int damage. 5TH LEVELAbjurAnticold Sphere: Mobile energy field provides immunity to cold. EvocBoreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back. NecroGelid Blood: Subject takes –4 penalty on attacks, AC, and Str- and Dex-related checks, 50% failure of spells with somatic components. TransFlesh to Ice: Turns subject into statue of ice. Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape. Ice to Flesh: Restores frozen creature. 6TH LEVELEnchFreezing Glance: Gaze freezes subjects in place. EvocEntomb: Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them. Ice Rift: Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice. NecroHeartfreeze: Subject exhausted, dies in 1d3+2 rounds. Waves of Cold: Fire creatures become shaken and cold creatures lose immunity to cold. TransMove Snow and Ice: Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow. Suppress Flame: Reduces damage and illumination from fire. 7TH LEVELAbjurGlacial Ward, Greater: Area around you provides SR 25 against fire spells and effects. ConjIce Castle: Creates castle of snow and ice with an array of magical effects. 8TH LEVELTransFimbulwinter: Creates winter weather for miles around you that lasts for months. 9TH LEVELEvocIceberg: Block of ice falls from sky, dealing 20d6 damage and burying subjects. IllusIce Assassin: Creates duplicate of creature with sole purpose to slay original. TransFrostfell: Intense cold turns all subjects in area into ice. |
PSION/WILDER POWERS1st levelSlow Breathing: Gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws against altitude sickness. 2nd levelEnergy Emanation: Deals 1d6 points of chosen energy damage to creatures surrounding you. 4th levelEnergy Flash: Touch deals 7d6 of chosen energy damage to foe. 6th levelMind over Energy: Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type. |
PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS1st levelSlow Breathing: Gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws against altitude sickness. 2nd levelEnergy Emanation: Deals 1d6 points of chosen energy damage to creatures surrounding you. 6th levelMind over Energy: Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type. |