Complete MageClasses |
Class | Description |
Abjurant Champion | The abjurant champion focuses his arcane abilities both to augment his personal defense and to hinder enemy spellcasters. |
Eldritch Disciple | A combination divine spellcaster/warlock that has devoted herself to whatever force granted her power. |
Eldritch Theurge | A rare few warlocks study formal magic to better understand and control their powers. The result is the eldritch theurge, a master of both spells and invocations, a mage with the terrifying combination of potent spells and a reserve of abilities he can't possibly exhaust. |
Enlightened Spirit | A warlock who turns his back on the source of his powers to follow the path of good. |
Holy Scourge | The holy scourge is a multitalented soldier in the endless war against evil, an arcane caster who instills within his magic the power to cleanse the world of wickedness and depravity. |
Lyric Thaumaturge | A lyric thaumaturge knows how to combine music with magic to empower her arcane spells and make them difficult to resist. |
Master Specialist | Master specialists study the techniques of specialization, and through that gain abilities beyond the reach of mere specialists. |
Nightmare Spinner | A nightmare spinner is a specialist in illusion and fear magic. |
Ultimate Magus | Ultimate magi are individuals able to progress in both prepared and spontaneous varieties of arcane magic. |
Unseen Seer | Unseen seers blend stealth and arcane spells to become master information-gatherers. |
Wild Soul | Wild souls have some mystical connection to one of the two great fey courts, either the Seelie or the Unseelie, and their personalities match. They can cast spells they otherwise could not and gain several feylike abilities and resistances. |
General Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Alacritous Cogitation | Must prepare arcane spells | Spontaneously fill open slot with known spell |
Captivating Melody | Bardic music, ability to cast arcane spells | Expend bardic music to increase the save DC of an enchantment or illusion spell |
Cloudy Conjuration | Spell Focus (conjuration) or conjurer level 1st | Conjurations accompanied by a cloud of sickening smoke |
Dazzling Illusion | Spell Focus (illusion) or illusionist level 1st | Enemies within 30 feet dazzled when casting illusion spells |
Defending Spirit | Watchful spirit class feature | Gain an initiative reroll, +2 dodge bonus to AC after reroll |
Delay Potion | Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank | Delay the benefit of a potion to activate it later as a swift action |
Elemental Adept | Elemental mastery class feature | Cast a spell from your chosen element spontaneously |
Energy Abjuration | Spell Focus (abjuration) or abjurer level 1st | Gain energy resistance when casting abjuration spell |
Favored Magic Foe | Knowledge 6 ranks or favored enemy class feature | Magic is more effective against a particular creature type |
Fearsome Necromancy | Spell Focus (necromancy) or necromancer level 1st | Necromancy spells leave foes shaken |
Hasty Spirit | Watchful spirit class feature | Gain an initiative reroll, extra move action after using reroll |
Insightful Divination | Spell Focus (divination) or diviner level 1st | Gain bonus on initiative, save when casting divination spell |
Magic Device Attunement | Use Magic Device 1 rank | Attune to item to avoid making Use Magic Device checks |
Master of Undeath | Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks | Control one additional undead that you create |
Melodic Casting | Perform 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, bardic music class feature | Use Perform in place of Concentration, cast spells while using bardic music |
Metamagic School Focus | Spell Focus (chosen school) or specialist wizard | Reduce the cost of adding metamagic feats to spells of a chosen school of magic |
Metamagic Spell Trigger | Any metamagic feat, Use Magic Device or Spellcraft 15 ranks | Use metamagic feats with spell trigger items |
Piercing Evocation | Spell Focus (evocation) or evoker level 1st | 10 points of energy damage from evocation spells becomes untyped damage |
Ranged Recall | Spellcraft 4 ranks, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (ranged spell) | Reroll missed spell or spell-like ranged attack at �5 penalty |
Rapid Metamagic | Spellcraft 12 ranks, ability to spontaneously cast spells | Apply metamagic feats without increasing casting time |
Somatic Weaponry | Concentration 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks | Cast spells with somatic components while hands are full |
Toughening Transmutation | Spell Focus (transmutation) or transmuter level 1st | Grant temporary DR when casting a transmutation spell |
Unsettling Enchantment | Spell Focus (enchantment) or enchanter level 1st | Enchantment spells hinder foe's attacks and defense |
Vengeful Spirit | Watchful spirit class feature | Gain initiative reroll, foe takes half damage dealt you |
Heritage Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Fey Heritage | Nonlawful alignment | +3 bonus on Will saves against enchantments |
�Fey Legacy | Nonlawful alignment, Fey Heritage, character level | 9th Gain spell-like abilities |
�Fey Power | Nonlawful alignment, Fey Heritage | +1 to CL and save DC on enchantment spells, invocations |
�Fey Presence | Nonlawful alignment, Fey Heritage, character level 6th | Gain spell-like abilities |
�Fey Skin | Nonlawful alignment, Fey Heritage | Gain DR/cold iron |
Fiendish Heritage | Non-good alignment | Gain bonus to saves against poison, spells by good creatures |
�Fiendish Legacy | Non-good alignment, Fiendish Heritage, character level 9th | Gain spell-like abilities |
�Fiendish Power | Non-good alignment, Fiendish Heritage | +1 to CL and save DC on evil spells and invocations |
�Fiendish Presence | Non-good alignment, Fiendish Heritage, character level 6th | Gain spell-like abilities |
�Fiendish Resistance | Non-good alignment, Fiendish Heritage | Gain acid and fire resistance |
Metamagic Feat | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Retributive Spell | � | Affect an attacker with a spell when struck by a melee attack |
Reserve Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Acidic Splatter | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Create orb of acid 1d6 damage/spell level, +1 CL on acid spells |
Aquatic Breath | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Breathe normally in air or water, +1 CL on water spells |
Blade of Force | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Surround a weapon in force, +1 CL on force spells |
Borne Aloft | Ability to cast 5th-level spells | Fly 30 feet once per round, +1 CL on air spells |
Clap of Thunder | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Touch attack does 1d6 damage/spell level and bestows deafness, +1 CL on sonic spells |
Clutch of Earth | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Impede creature's movement, +1 CL on earth spells |
Dimensional Jaunt | Ability to cast 4th-level spells | Teleport 5 feet/spell level, +1 CL on teleportation spells |
Dimensional Reach | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Summon a small item, +1 CL on summoning spells |
Drowning Glance | Ability to cast 4th-level spells | Exhaust an air-breathing foe, +1 CL on water spells |
Face-Changer | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Alter your appearance, +1 CL on glamer spells |
Fiery Burst | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Create fire burst 1d6 damage/spell level, +1 CL on fire spells |
Hurricane Breath | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Bull rush foes from a distance, +1 CL on air spells |
Invisible Needle | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Create force dart 1d4 damage/spell level, +1 CL on force spells |
Magic Disruption | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Reduce effect of enemy spellcasting, +1 CL on abjuration spells |
Magic Sensitive | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Detect magic instinctively, +1 CL on divination spells |
Minor Shapeshift | Ability to cast 4th-level spells | Grant physical benefit, +1 CL on polymorph spells |
Mystic Backlash | Ability to cast 5th-level spells | Target's spells damage self, +1 CL on abjuration spells |
Shadow Veil | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Obscure a target's sight, +1 CL on darkness spells |
Sickening Grasp | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Sicken a target with a touch, +1 CL on necromancy spells |
Storm Bolt | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Create line of electricity 1d6 damage/spell level, +1 CL on electricity spells |
Summon Elemental | Ability to cast 4th-level spells | Summon elemental, +1 CL on summoning spells |
Sunlight Eyes | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | See in darkness 10 feet/spell level, +1 CL on light spells |
Touch of Distraction | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Impose �2 penalty on target's attack or Reflex save, +1 CL on enchantment spells |
Wind-Guided Arrows | Ability to cast 3rd-level spells | Apply modifier to ranged weapon attack, +1 CL on air spells |
Winter's Blast | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | Create cold cone 1d4 damage/spell level, +1 CL on cold spells |
Tactical Feats | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Battlecaster Defense | Combat Casting, base attack bonus +1, CL 1st | Gain benefits when casting spells defensively |
Battlecaster Offense | Combat Casting or warmage edge, base attack bonus +1, Spellcraft 4 ranks | Gain benefits when mixing melee combat and spellcasting |
Energy Gestalt | Spell Focus (evocation), CL 3rd | Gain benefits when casting energy-based spells in succession |
Metamagic Vigor | Two or more metamagic feats | Gain benefits when casting metamagic-enhanced spells in succession |
Residual Magic | Spellcraft 12 ranks, any metamagic feat | Apply magical effects in consecutive rounds |
NEW ASSASSIN SPELLS1st LevelBloodletting: Your light weapon creates bleeding wound that deals an extra 1d6 damage per round. Catsfeet: Reroll a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Move Silently check with +5 bonus. Critical Strike: Ignore miss chance from concealment; deliver sneak attack against foe with concealment. Reaving Aura: All creatures below 0 hit points within 10 feet of you take 1 point of damage. Vigilant Slumber: Set specific conditions under which you immediately wake up. 2nd LevelAnimate Weapon: A weapon animates and fights for you. Near Horizon: Remove increment-based penalties on ranged attacks. Summon Weapon: Create normal, nonmagical light weapon. 3rd LevelEnduring Scrutiny: Become aware when target performs designated action. Nightmare Terrain: Create patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and allows you to hide. Pall of Twilight: Veil of shadow impedes sight and sound. Rusted Blade: Touched weapon delivers filth fever. Toxic Tongue: Generate small amount of poison that you can spit or place on a weapon. Vital Strike: Your next attack deals sneak attack damage. 4th LevelDeathsight: Make death attack without spending rounds in observation. Mordenkainen's Trusted Bloodhound: Create a ferocious hound that tracks and attacks foes. Unseen Strike: Invisibility effect triggered to activate the instant you successfully attack someone. NEW BARD SPELLS1st LevelCatsfeet: Reroll a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Move Silently check with +5 bonus. Combined Talent: Allows one subject to use the skill ranks of a second subject in place of her own. Guided Path: Find nearest establishment of designated type. Immediate Assistance: Allow subject to reroll a skill check. Resinous Tar: Sticky substance slows movement or renders object difficult to drop. Summon Component: Create a noncostly spell component. Vigilant Slumber: Set specific conditions under which you immediately wake up. 2nd LevelBothersome Babble: Subject's speech becomes incoherent; second casting makes speech painful. Cacophonous Alarm: First creature to trigger alarm affected by sound burst spell. Caterwaul: Horrible wail renders creatures nauseated or sickened for 1 round. Deafening Blast: Permanently deafen all targets in 20-footradius spread. Deceptive Facade: Disguise appearance of another creature or object. Doublespeak: Subjects' speech is masked from listeners. False Lie: Subject seems to be lying, both to Sense Motive and divinations, even when she is not. Magic Savant: Gain +4 bonus on Use Magic Device; take 10 on check if you have 10 ranks. Mask of the Ideal: Gain +4 bonus on skill checks, checks to influence enchanted or conjured creatures. Painful Echoes: Deal 1d4 sonic damage per round and sicken targets. Summon Weapon: Create normal, nonmagical light weapon. Torrent of Tears: Subject is temporarily blinded and emotionally distraught. 3rd LevelEnduring Scrutiny: Become aware when target performs designated action. Nightmare Terrain: Create patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and allows you to hide. Otto's Imperative Ambulation: Subject must move at least 10 feet each round. 4th LevelBattlecry: Gain bonus on attack, save; bardic music effects extended. Interminable Echo: Illusory sound applies –10 penalty on Listen checks, deals 2d6 damage each round. Lingering Chorus: Magic voices maintain your bardic music. Melf's Slumber Arrows: Your arrows cause the subject to fall asleep for 1 hour. Resounding Thunder: Lasting sound deals 4d6 sonic damage per round, deafens creatures within area. 5th LevelChanneled Sonic Blast: Deal sonic damage in cone; area and damage increase based on casting time. Dimension Jumper: Teleport yourself up to 30 feet once per round. Discordant Malediction: Subject takes sonic damage each time she casts a spell with a verbal component. Endless Slumber: Subject falls asleep and is not easily roused. Fever Dream: Illusory vision fatigues or exhausts target, makes spellcasting difficult. 6th LevelResonating Agony: Subject nauseated or sickened for 1 round/level. NEW CLERIC SPELLS1st LevelReaving Aura: All creatures below 0 hit points within 10 feet of you take 1 point of damage. 4th LevelSeed of Undeath: Subject that dies before spell expires rises as a zombie under your command. 7th LevelNecrotic Curse: Cure spells in area deal damage, living beings don't heal with rest. Seed of Undeath, Greater: As seed of undeath, but affects an area. NEW DRUID SPELLS1st LevelClimbing Tree: Temporarily grow a tall tree for use as a ladder. 2nd LevelBlackrot: Deal damage to plant creatures, or use wooden weapon to sicken foes. Heart of Air: Gain +10 on Jump checks, +10 ft. to fly speed, feather fall once. 3rd LevelHeart of Water: Gain swim speed, ability to breathe water, +5 on Escape Artist checks, freedom of movement once. Prickling Torment: Target is sickened, takes damage whenever it acts. Rusted Blade: Touched weapon delivers filth fever. Unicorn Horn: You grow a horn that functions as a natural weapon. 4th LevelHeart of Earth: Gain temporary hit points; +8 to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip; use stoneskin once. 5th LevelHeart of Fire: Gain +10 ft. to land speed, resistance to fire 10, use fire shield once. Unicorn Blood: Gain immunity to poison, compulsion, charm effects; bestow temporary hp once. 6th LevelStorm of Fire and Ice: Storm provides concealment, slows movement, deals cold and fire damage. 7th LevelGreat Worm of the Earth: Enormous wormlike maw attempts to swallow target. Unicorn Heart: Gain speed 60 ft., +4 on Str-, Dex-, and Conbased checks; use dimension door once. 8th LevelDeadly Lahar: Create a wave of molten volcanic rock that sticks to creatures. 9th LevelTowering Thunderhead: Clouds provide concealment, block ranged attacks, empower sonic or electricity spells. NEW HEXBLADE SPELLS1st LevelBloodletting: Your light weapon creates bleeding wound that deals an extra 1d6 damage per round. Catsfeet: Reroll a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Move Silently check with +5 bonus. Death's Call: Scream deals 1 point of damage/level (more to swarms), fatigues all within 10 feet. Karmic Aura: Any creature damaging you becomes fatigued for 3 rounds. Reaving Aura: All creatures below 0 hit points within 10 feet of you take 1 point of damage. 2nd LevelAnimate Weapon: Weapon animates and fight for you. Arcane Turmoil: Targeted dispel magic on one subject, and subject loses one spell. Bothersome Babble: Subject's speech becomes incoherent; second casting makes speech painful. Karmic Backlash: Any creature damaging you becomes exhausted for 2 rounds. 3rd LevelHood of the Cobra: You appear serpentine to target, and can deliver illusory poison bites. Nightmare Terrain: Create patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and allows you to hide. Phantasmal Strangler: Nightmare grapples and strangles one foe. 4th LevelFinger of Agony: Deals 3d6 damage per round and nauseates or sickens target. Horrid Sickness: Subjects are nauseated or sickened. Karmic Retribution: Any creature damaging you becomes stunned for 1 round. Unseen Strike: Invisibility effect triggered to activate the instant you successfully attack someone. NEW PALADIN SPELL3rd LevelEnduring Scrutiny: Become aware when target performs designated action. NEW RANGER SPELLS1st LevelClimbing Tree: Temporarily grow a tall tree for use as a ladder. 2nd LevelNear Horizon: Remove increment-based penalties on ranged attacks. |
NEW SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS1st LevelAbjurKarmic Aura: Any creature damaging you becomes fatigued for 3 rounds. EvocDawnburst: Illuminate all creatures in 10-foot radius; deal damage to light-sensitive creatures. Jet of Steam: 30-foot line of steam deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max. 5d4). ConjResinous Tar: Sticky substance slows movement or renders object difficult to drop. Summon Component: Create a noncostly spell component. DivTrue Casting: +10 on your next spell penetration roll. Vigilant Slumber: Set specific conditions under which you immediately wake up. NecroDeath's Call: Scream deals 1 point of damage/level (more to swarms), fatigues all within 10 feet. Reaving Aura: All creatures below 0 hit points within 10 feet of you take 1 point of damage. 2nd LevelAbjurArcane Turmoil: Targeted dispel magic on one subject, and subject loses one spell. Attentive Alarm: As alarm, plus learn type and number of creatures that triggered alarm. ConjIncendiary Slime: Create slippery substance like grease, but highly flammable. DivAllied Footsteps: Subject knows direction and distance to your location. EnchTorrent of Tears: Subject is temporarily blinded and emotionally distraught. EvocLuminous Swarm: Target takes 1d6 damage/round, has 20% miss chance on attacks. NecroEscalating Enfeeblement: As ray of enfeeblement, but greater effect against already weakened target. TransBoiling Blood: Deal 2d6 fire damage per round; second casting sickens target. Crystalline Memories: Read subject's surface thoughts, deal hit point and Int damage. Heart of Air: Gain +10 on Jump checks, +10 ft. to fly speed, use feather fall once. 3rd LevelAbjurKarmic Backlash: Any creature damaging you becomes exhausted for 2 rounds. Repelling Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles, pushes away attackers. Tenacious Dispelling: As targeted dispel magic, but second consecutive casting is more potent. ConjCaustic Smoke: Cloud deals 1d6 acid damage/round, blinds creatures. DivEnduring Scrutiny: Become aware when target performs designated action. Spellcaster's Bane: Gain +2 on dispel, counterspell checks; recognize cast spell and caster level. EnchBothersome Babble: Subject's speech becomes incoherent; second casting makes speech painful. EvocGhost Lantern: Generate light that only you and companions can see. IllusDeceptive Facade: Disguise appearance of another creature or object. Hood of the Cobra: You appear serpentine to target, and can deliver illusory poison bites. Mask of the Ideal: Gain +4 bonus on skill checks, checks to influence enchanted or conjured creatures. Pall of Twilight: Veil of shadow impedes sight and sound. Phantasmal Strangler: Nightmare grapples and strangles one foe. NecroPrickling Torment: Target is sickened, takes damage whenever it acts. TransAnimate Weapon: A weapon animates and fights for you. Heart of Water: Gain swim speed, ability to breathe water, +5 on Escape Artist checks, freedom of movement once. Shape of the Hellspawned Stalker: You take the form of a hell hound. Unicorn Horn: You grow a horn that functions as a natural weapon. 4th LevelAbjurOtiluke's Suppressing Field: Spells of a designated school or subtype are suppressed. ConjCaustic Mire: Acidic sludge slows progress, deals damage. EnchMelf's Slumber Arrows: Your arrows cause the target to fall asleep for 1 hour. Vecna's Malevolent Whisper: Reduces living creature with 10 hp or lower to –9 hp. EvocIncendiary Surge: Cone of fire deals 1d6/level damage, 1d8/level damage on consecutive casting. IllusNightmare Terrain: Create patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and allows you to hide. NecroFinger of Agony: Deals 3d6 damage per round and nauseates or sickens target. Horrid Sickness: Subjects are nauseated or sickened. Seed of Undeath: Subject that dies before spell expires rises as a zombie under your command. Touch of Years: Target loses 3 points of Str, Dex, and Con; second casting blinds and deafens. TransAspect of the Icy Hunter: You take the form of a winter wolf. Heart of Earth: Gain temporary hit points; +8 to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip; use stoneskin once. Rebirth of Iron: Completely restores any metal item destroyed by rust, even if reduced to powder. Rusted Blade: Touched weapon delivers filth fever. 5th LevelConjDimension Jumper: Teleport up to 30 feet 1/round. Fire and Brimstone: Subject takes fire damage, might be sickened. EvocChanneled Sonic Blast: Deal sonic damage in cone; area and damage increase based on casting time. Coat of Arms: Surround yourself with blades of force. Resounding Thunder: Lasting sound deals 4d6 sonic damage per round, deafens creatures within area. IllusFever Dream: Illusory vision fatigues or exhausts target, makes spellcasting difficult. Retributive Image: Created illusion deals damage to those who disbelieve it. NecroChanneled Lifetheft: Fatigue, exhaust, and deal damage to target, depending on casting time. Cryptwarden's Grasp: Bestow mummy rot with your touch. Touch of Vecna: Deal negative energy damage and paralysis with your touch. TransFlaying Tendrils: You grow mind flayer tentacles, which you can use to attack your foes. Form of the Threefold Beast: You take the form of a chimera. Heart of Fire: Gain +10 ft. to land speed, resistance to fire 10, use fire shield once. Lightning Leap: Transform into bolt of lightning, damaging foes and transporting yourself. Unicorn Blood: Gain immunity to poison, compulsion, charm effects; bestow temporary hp once. UnivArcane Fusion: Cast two spells you know without expending additional slots. (Sorcerer only.) 6th LevelAbjurKarmic Retribution: Any creature damaging you becomes stunned for 1 round. Prismatic Aura: Shield of colors offers concealment and damages your attackers. ConjFamiliar Refuge: Safely teleport self to familiar or familiar to self as a swift action. Mordenkainen's Trusted Bloodhound: Create a ferocious hound that tracks and attacks foes. Steal Summoning: Take control of another caster's summoned monster. Tactical Teleportation: Teleport one creature/3 levels a short distance. EnchEndless Slumber: Subject falls asleep and is not easily roused. EvocLingering Flames: Eruption of fire deals 1d6 damage per caster level each round for 3 rounds. Storm of Fire and Ice: Storm provides concealment, slows movement, deals cold and fire damage. TransSmoky Confinement: Subject is imprisoned within a Tiny receptacle. UnivRary's Arcane Conversion: Instantly lose a prepared wizard spell and replace it with another spell from your spellbook. (Wizard only.) 7th LevelAbjurEnergy Absorption: Target gains resistance 10 to energy; can turn one energy attack into healing. ConjChoking Cobwebs: Cobwebs provide concealment, slow movement, sicken creatures. NecroNecrotic Curse: Cure spells in area deal damage, living beings don't heal with rest. Retributive Enervation: Any living creature that strikes you in melee gains a negative level. Seed of Undeath, Greater: As seed of undeath, but affects an area. TransAdamantine Wings: Wings grant fly 60 ft., provide natural attacks. Unicorn Heart: Gain speed 60, +4 on Str-, Dex-, and Con-based checks; use dimension door once. 8th LevelAbjurMysterious Redirection: Attacks against you have 50% chance to strike adjacent target instead. ConjDeadly Lahar: Create a wave of molten volcanic rock that sticks to creatures. EvocPrismatic Bow: Creates bow that allows seven attacks, each with a different prismatic effect. NecroTouch of the Graveborn: Melee touch attack deals 10d6 damage or controls undead creature. TransDreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant: You take the form of a beholder. Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death: You take the form of a marut. UnivArcane Fusion, Greater: Cast two spells without expending additional slots. (Sorcerer only.) 9th LevelConjDimension Jumper, Greater: Teleport yourself up to 60 feet once per round. Genius Loci: Create a guardian spirit for a specific location. Towering Thunderhead: Clouds provide concealment, block ranged attacks, empower sonic or electricity spells. EvocDeadly Sunstroke: Creatures take 1d6 fire damage/ level and become fatigued. Lash of Force: Whip of force strikes for 5d6 damage; can become a 15d6 line attack. Prismatic Deluge: Call down a prismatic effect over a wide area. WU JEN SPELLS1st LevelWaterJet of Steam: 30-foot line of steam deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max. 5d4). WoodClimbing Tree: Temporarily grow a tall tree for use as a ladder. 2nd LevelAir Heart of Air: Gain +10 on Jump checks, +10 ft. to fly speed, use feather fall once. WaterTorrent of Tears: Subject is temporarily blinded and emotionally distraught. WoodBlackrot: Deal damage to plant creatures, or use wooden weapon to sicken foes. 3rd LevelAllElemental Eye: See through a designated object. MetalRebirth of Iron: Completely restores any metal item destroyed by rust, even if reduced to powder. WaterHeart of Water: Gain swim speed, ability to breathe water, +5 on Escape Artist checks, freedom of movement once. 4th LevelEarthHeart of Earth: Gain temporary hit points; +8 to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip; use stoneskin once. MetalRain of Spines: Spines rain down on area, dealing 6d6 damage and pinning creatures to ground. Rusted Blade: Touched weapon delivers filth fever. Storm of Needles: A deluge of needles deals 1d4 damage/level (max. 15d4) in 30-ft. cone. 5th LevelFireFireand Brimstone: Subject takes fire damage, might be sickened. Heart of Fire: Gain +10 ft. to land speed, resistance to fire 10, use fire shield once. 6th LevelFireLingering Flames: Eruption of fire deals 1d6 damage per caster level each round for 3 rounds. Storm of Fire and Ice: Storm provides concealment, slows movement, deals cold and fire damage. WaterStorm of Fire and Ice: Storm provides concealment, slows movement, deals cold and fire damage. 7th LevelEarthGreat Worm of the Earth: Enormous wormlike maw attempts to swallow target. MetalAdamantine Wings: Wings grant fly 60 ft., provide natural attacks. Energy Absorption: Target gains resistance 10 to energy; can turn one energy attack into healing. 8th LevelEarthDeadly Lahar: Create a wave of molten volcanic rock that sticks to creatures. FireDeadly Lahar: Create a wave of molten volcanic rock that sticks to creatures. Mysterious Redirection: Attacks against you have 50% chance to strike adjacent target instead. 9th LevelFireDeadly Sunstroke: Creatures take 1d6 fire damage/ level and become fatigued. WoodArboreal Transformation: Transform your foe into a tree, which temporarily animates and serves you. Transcend Mortality: You are nigh-unkillable for a brief period, but die immediately afterward. |