Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage to nonchaotic creatures. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with a melee or ranged attack or a spell that deals damage.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Destiny Dissonance: | Your dissonant touch sickens a foe. |
1 | Matter Agitation: | You heat a creature or object. |
2 | Distracting Shout: | Distract opponents with your powerful shout. |
4 | Personality Parasite: | Subject's mind calves self-antagonistic splinter personality for 1 round/level. |
5 | Catapsi: | Psychic static inhibits power manifestation. |
6 | Inconstant Location: | Make swift instantaneous moves in combat. |
8 | Chaos Fissure: | Wild surge and wild magic apply to psionic powers and spells. |
Granted Ability: While psionically focused, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and can use the Diplomacy skill more quickly and skillfully than others. When making a rushed Diplomacy check as a full-round action, you take only �5 penalty on the check.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Attraction: | Subject has an attraction you specify. |
1 | Charm, Psionic: | Makes one person your friend. |
1 | Missive: | Send one-way telepathic message to subject. |
1 | Telempathic Projection: | Alter the subject's mood. |
2 | Missive, Mass: | You send a one-way telepathic message to an area. |
2 | Suggestion, Psionic: | Compels subject to follow stated course of action. |
2 | Tongues, Psionic: | You can communicate with intelligent creatures. |
4 | Correspond: | Hold mental conversation with another creature at any distance. |
5 | Metaconcert: | Mental concert of two or more increases the total power of the participants. |
9 | Metafaculty: | You learn details about any one creature. |
Granted Ability: You are more in tune with martial concepts and gain the Weapon Focus feat as a bonus feat with a weapon of your choice.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Metaphysical Weapon: | Weapon gains +1 bonus. |
1 | Prescience, Offensive: | Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls. |
2 | Psionic Lion's Charge: | You can make a full attack in the same round you charge. |
3 | Dimension Slide: | Teleports you a very short distance. |
4 | Immovability: | You are almost impossible to move and gain damage reduction 15/�. |
5 | Psychic Crush: | Brutally crush subject's mental essence, reducing subject to �1 hit points. |
5 | Graft Weapon: | Your hand is replaced seamlessly by your weapon. |
8 | Spirit of War: | Confer +4 on attack rolls and damage rolls, +10 to one save, and confirm one critical threat. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your focus as an immediate action to gain 5 temporary hit points when someone within 10 feet is wounded. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 minute.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Hungry Touch: | Your touch deals 1d6 damage while you heal. |
2 | Feat Leech: | Borrow another's psionic or metapsionic feats. |
4 | Power Leech: | Drain 1d6 power points/round while you maintain concentration; you gain 1/round. |
7 | Power Thief: | Steal and quickly use one power from a target. |
7 | Decerebrate: | Remove portion of subject's brain stem. |
9 | Apopsi: | You delete target's psionic powers. |
Granted Ability: Your insights into corruption and madness have touched you with insanity and terrible clarity. While you are psionically focused, you cannot be confused.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Daze, Psionic: | Humanoid creature of 4 HD or lower loses next action. |
1 | Primal Fear: | Target is shaken for 1 round. |
2 | Brain Lock: | Subject cannot move or take any mental actions. |
3 | Mental Turmoil: | Prevent target from using abilities that require mental calm. |
4 | Mindwipe: | Subject's recent experiences are wiped away, bestowing negative levels. |
7 | Decerebrate: | Remove portion of subject's brain stem. |
7 | Insanity: | Subject is permanently confused. |
9 | Microcosm: | Creature or creatures live forevermore in a world of their own imaginations. |
Granted Ability: You gain the Ectopic Form feat (page 50) as a bonus feat and learn the form of your choice. You must meet all the feat's prerequisites for the form of your choice.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Astral Construct: | Creates astral construct to fight for you. |
1 | Minor Creation, Psionic: | Creates one cloth or wood object. |
4 | Fabricate, Psionic: | Transforms raw goods to finished items. |
5 | Major Creation, Psionic: | As psionic minor creation, plus stone and metal. |
6 | Fabricate, Greater Psionic: | Transforms a lot of raw goods to finished items. |
9 | True Creation: | As psionic major creation, except items are completely real. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to kill a dying creature, as the death knell spell (PH 217).
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Stygian Discernment: | Gain insight to act against detected undead and negative energy auras. |
2 | Stygian Ray: | Bestow a negative level on foe for 1 round. |
3 | Speak with Dead, Psionic: | Speak or mindlink with a corpse to ask it questions. |
4 | Death Urge: | Implant a self-destructive compulsion. |
5 | Stygian Dominion: | Assume control over the body of a mindless undead creature. |
7 | Crisis of Life: | Stop subject's heart. |
8 | Recall Death: | Subject dies or takes 5d6 damage. |
8 | Stygian Veil: | You take on traits of the undead type. |
Granted Ability: As an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus to displace yourself until your next action. While you are displaced, any attacks that target you have a 50% chance to miss you entirely.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Charm, Psionic: | Makes one person your friend. |
2 | Cloud Mind: | You erase knowledge of your presence from target's mind. |
2 | Concealing Amorpha: | Quasi-real membrane grants you concealment. |
3 | False Sensory Input: | Subject sees what isn't there. |
3 | Escape Detection: | You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers. |
6 | Cloud Mind, Mass: | Erase knowledge of your presence from the minds of one creature/level. |
8 | Bend Reality: | Alters reality within power limits. |
Granted Ability: You have the Improved Sunder feat as long as you are psionically focused. If you expend your focus as part of a sunder attempt, the hardness of the object you are sundering is treated as 4 less.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Dissipating Touch: | Touch deals qd6 damage. |
2 | Dissolving Touch: | Your touch deals 4d6 acid damage. |
2 | Dissolving Weapon: | Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage. |
3 | Dispel Psionics: | Cancels psionic powers and effects. |
6 | Disintegrate, Psionic: | Turns one creature or object to dust. |
7 | Ultrablast: | Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft. radius. |
9 | Intellect Bomb: | Causes your target's head to explode. |
Granted Ability: When you become psionically focused, choose one of the four primary elements with which to align yourself (air, earth, fire, or water). As long as you remain focused, you gain an associated benefit, as given below. Air- You treat any fall as if the distance were 20 feet less. Earth- You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and checks to resist bull rush attempts. Fire- Your melee attacks deal an extra 1 point of fire damage. Water- You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Control Flames: | Take control of nearby open flame. |
1 | Elemental Steward: | Summon a small psionic elemental to protect and serve you. |
2 | Control Air: | You have control over wind speed and direction. |
2 | Earth Walk: | Move easily in all directions while on earthen surfaces. |
3 | Breathless: | You don't need to breathe. |
5 | Adapt Body: | You body automatically adapts to hostile environments. |
6 | Blackstone Hammer: | Target weapon petrifies those it strikes. |
9 | Tornado Blast: | Vortex of air subjects your foes to 17d6 damage and moves them. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to gain resistance 5 against one energy type for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Wis modifier. At 10th level, you gain resistance to energy 10 instead.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Energy Ray: | Deal 1d6 energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) damage. |
2 | Energy Push: | Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject back. |
3 | Energy Bolt: | Deal 5d6 energy damage in 120-ft. line. |
3 | Energy Burst: | Deal 5d6 energy damage in 40-ft. burst. |
3 | Energy Wall: | Create wall of your chosen energy type. |
5 | Energy Manipulation: | You manipulate a source of energy. |
7 | Energy Wave: | Deal 13d4 damage of your chosen energy type in 120-ft. cone. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage to a non-evil creature. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with a melee or ranged attack or a spell that deals damage and targets a single creature.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Protection from Good, Psionic: | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out summoned creatures. |
2 | Death Knell, Psionic: | Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 level. |
4 | Planar Apotheosis: | Temporarily become celestial or fiendish (fiendish only). |
5 | Fiendish Conduit: | Launch a bolt of ectoplasm-mediated negative energy from your fingertips. |
6 | Planar Embrace: | Temporarily become a half-celestial or half-fiend (half-fiend only). |
8 | Dark Despair: | You gain a dark aura that harms good creatures. |
Granted Ability: Once per day, you can expend your psionic focus to add a bonus on one d20 roll equal to your level in the class that allowed you to access this ability.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Precognition, Defensive: | Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws. |
1 | Precognition, Offensive: | Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls. |
2 | Clairvoyant Sense: | See and hear a distant location. |
4 | Remote Viewing: | See, hear, and potentially interact with subjects at a distance. |
6 | Precognition, Greater: | Gain +4 insight bonus on one roll. |
7 | Fate of One: | Reroll any roll you just failed. You also gain an augmentation option unavailable to other manifesters of this power. Augment- If you spend 3 additional power points, you can reroll a third time. You need not decide to spend the power points for this augmentation until after you decide to roll the third time, but you must spend the power points before you know the result of your roll. |
9 | Metafaculty: | You learn details about any one creature. |
Granted Ability: While psionically focused, you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your Armor Class.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Force Screen: | Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC. |
1 | Deflection Field: | Provides +4 deflection bonus to AC. |
2 | Concussion Blast: | Deal 1d6 force damage to target. |
3 | Telekinetic Force: | Move an object with the sustained force of your mind. |
3 | Ethereal Volley: | Imbue your missiles with force energy, making them ghost touch weapons. |
4 | Telekinetic Maneuver: | Telekinetically bull rush, disarm, grapple, or trip your target. |
6 | Concussive Detonation: | Burst of force damages targets in area. |
8 | Telekinetic Sphere, Psionic: | Mobile force globe encapsulates creature and moves it. |
Granted Ability: While psionically focused, you gain a +10-foot bonus to your speed. You can expend your focus to add your manifester level to a roll made to resist being grappled or to escape from a grapple.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Dimension Hop: | Swiftly teleport a short distance. |
2 | Hustle: | Instantly gain a move action. |
4 | Fly, Psionic: | You fly at a speed of 60 ft. |
5 | Freedom of Movement, Psionic: | You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile. |
5 | Teleport, Psionic: | Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level. |
6 | Evade Burst: | You take no damage from a burst on a successful Reflex save. |
8 | Teleport, Psionic Greater: | As psionic teleport, but with no range limit and no off-target arrival. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage to a non-good creature. You deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with a melee or ranged attack, or a spell that deals damage and targets a single creature.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Protection from Evil, Psionic: | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out summoned creatures. |
2 | Empathic Transfer: | Transfer another's wounds to yourself. |
4 | Planar Apotheosis: | Temporarily become celestial or fiendish (celestial only). |
5 | Celestial Conduit: | Launch a line of ectoplasm-mediated positive energy from your fingertips. |
6 | Planar Embrace: | Temporarily become a half-celestial or half-fiend (half-celestial only). |
8 | Greater Glory: | Good creatures near you gain benefits. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to take the damage dealt to an adjacent ally by a single melee attack. You must declare the use of this ability after you know the result of the attack roll against your ally, but before damage is rolled.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Deaden Blow: | A weapon deals nonlethal damage rather than lethal. |
1 | Thicken Skin: | Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level. |
2 | Damp Power: | Variable numeric effects of enemy powers are minimized against you. |
3 | Dispel Psionics: | Cancels psionic powers and effects. |
4 | Wall of Ectoplasm: | You create a protective barrier. |
5 | Protection from Psionics: | Gain +3 insight bonus on saves against powers and psi-like abilities. |
6 | Mind over Energy: | Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type. |
8 | Iron Body, Psionic: | Your body becomes living iron. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to make an attack of opportunity against a foe that attacks one of your allies.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Call Weaponry: | Create temporary weapon. |
2 | Call Armor: | Transfer chosen type of armor to your hand. |
2 | Incite Bravery: | You and allies near you become immune to fear effects for 1 round/level. |
2 | Zone of Truth, Psionic: | Subjects within range cannot lie. |
4 | Aura Sight: | Reveals creatures, objects, powers, or spells of selected alignment axis. |
4 | Discern Lies, Psionic: | Reveals deliberate falsehoods. |
5 | True Seeing, Psionic: | See all things as they really are. |
6 | Perfect Riposte: | Make an attack of opportunity against a creature who just missed you. |
7 | Reddopsi: | Powers targeting you rebound on the manifester. |
Granted Ability: While psionically focused, you can make Knowledge checks as if trained. You can expend your psionic focus to gain a +5 bonus on one Knowledge check.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Call to Mind: | Gain additional Knowledge check with +1 competence bonus. |
1 | Detect Psionics: | You detect the presence of psionics. |
1 | Detect Teleportation: | Know when teleportation powers are used in close range. |
1 | Know Direction and Location: | You discover where you are and what direction you face. |
2 | Detect Hostile Intent: | You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you. |
2 | Identify, Psionic: | Learn the properties of a psionic item. |
2 | Object Reading: | Learn details about an object's previous owner. |
3 | Touchsight: | Your telekinetic field tells you where everything is. |
4 | Detect Remote Viewing: | You know when others spy on you remotely. |
4 | Trace Teleport: | Learn destination of subject's teleport, |
6 | Psychometry: | Read psychic impressions from a given location. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage to nonlawful creatures. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with a melee or ranged attack, or a spell that deals damage.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Grip of Iron: | You gain +4 bonus on grapple checks. |
1 | Hammer: | Melee touch deals 1d8/round. |
2 | Psionic Lock: | Secure a door, chest, or portal. |
3 | Heavy Earth: | Alter gravity locally. |
4 | Immovability: | You are almost impossible to move and gain damage reduction 15/�. |
4 | Steadfast Perception: | Gain immunity to illusory effects, +6 bonus on Spot and Search checks. |
5 | Tower of Iron Will: | Grant PR 19 against mind-affecting powers to all creatures within 10 ft. until your next turn. |
8 | Iron Body, Psionic: | Your body becomes living iron. |
9 | Timeless Body: | Ignore all harmful, and helpful, effects for 1 round. |
Granted Ability: If you expend your psionic focus as a swift action as you manifest a power from this mantle, your manifester level for that power is considered 1 higher (thus increasing the number of power points you can spend on manifesting the power, among other benefits).
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Touch of Health: | Channel positive energy to cure damage or deal damage to undead. |
2 | From the Brink: | You stabilize a dying target. |
3 | Body Purification: | You heal 1d12 points of damage. |
4 | Stygian Ward: | Grant immunity to death spells and negative energy effects. |
5 | Psionic Revivify: | Return the dead to life before the psyche leaves the corpse. |
6 | Mend Wounds: | Cure nonundead of 55 damage, or deal 55 damage to undead. |
6 | Restoration, Psionic: | Restores level and ability score drains. |
8 | True Metabolism: | You regenerate 10 hit points/round. Unlike other manifesters of this power, you gain a new augmentation option. Augment- If you spend 5 additional power points, you can affect one additional willing creature touched with this power. |
Granted Ability: When you gain this mantle, choose whether you gain low-light vision or darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have both, you can double the range of your low-light vision or add 30 feet to the range of your darkvision.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Control Light: | Adjust ambient light levels. You also gain an augmentation option unavailable to other manifesters of this power. Augment- If you spend 4 additional power points, you can create the effect of a daylight or darkness spell. |
1 | Elfsight: | Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Search and Spot checks, and notice secret doors. |
1 | My Light: | Your eyes emit 20-ft. cone of light. |
2 | Claws of Darkness: | Gain claw attacks and slow grappled targets. |
4 | Light Beam: | Deal 5d6 damage in 120-ft. line. |
5 | Shadow Walk, Psionic: | Step into shadow to travel rapidly. |
8 | Light Burst: | Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. |
Granted Ability: You gain Use Magic Device as a class skill. If you purchased ranks in Use Magic Device or Use Psionic Device at the cross-class rate, you get additional ranks in Use Magic Device or Use Psionic Device as if it had always been a class skill for you. In addition, you always treat magic and psionics as identical. Therefore, powers such as dispel psionics work for both magic and psionics. Most campaigns already treat them in this manner, so this mantle is most useful in campaigns where they are considered different systems.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Metaphysical Weapon: | Weapon gains +1 bonus. |
3 | Dispel Psionics: | Cancels psionic powers and effects. |
5 | Power Resistance: | Grant power resistance equal to 12 + level. |
6 | Analyze Dweomer, Psionic: | Reveals magical aspects of subject. You also gain an augmentation option unavailable to other manifesters of this power. Augment- For every additional power point you spend,you can analyze an additional object or creature, requiring an additional round per target. |
6 | Null Psionics Field: | Create a field where psionic power does not function. |
8 | Protection from Spells, Psionic: | Gain +3 on saves against spells and spell-like abilities. |
Granted Ability: For the purpose of determining bonus power points for the class that gives you this mantle, treat your Wisdom score as 2 points higher than its actual value.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Mind Thrust: | Deal 1d10 damage. |
2 | Id Insinuation: | Swift tendrils of thought disrupt and confuse your target. |
2 | Mental Disruption: | Daze creatures within 10 feet for 1 round. |
3 | Mind Trap: | Drain 1d6 power points from anyone who attacks you with a telepathy power. |
4 | Intellect Fortress: | Those inside fortress rake only half damage from all power and psi-like abilities until your next action. |
5 | Psychic Crush: | Brutally crush target's mental essence, reducing subject to �1 hit points. |
6 | Cranial Deluge: | Massive physical damage can cause your opponent's head to explode. |
8 | Hypercognition: | You can deduce almost anything. |
Granted Ability: You gain the wild empathy class feature (PH 35), except the result is determined by 1d20 + manifester level + your Cha modifier.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Chameleon: | Gain +10 enhancement bonus on Hide checks. |
1 | Metaphysical Claw: | Your natural weapon gains +1bonus. |
1 | Stone Mind: | Gain bonuses on Search checks while standing on stone or earth. |
2 | Animal Affinity: | Gain +4 enhancement to one ability. |
2 | Psionic Scent: | Gain the scent ability. |
4 | Metamorphosis: | Assume shape of creature or object. |
5 | Oak Body: | Your body becomes as hard as oak. |
7 | Animate Plants, Psionic: | One or more plants animate and fight for you. |
9 | Earthquake, Psionic: | Intense tremor shakes 5-ft./level radius. |
Granted Ability: As an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus to share the pain of the next melee attack that deals damage to you. The attacker takes damage equal to half the damage it deals you.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Disable: | Subjects incorrectly believe they are disabled. |
2 | Inflict Pain: | Telepathic stab gives your foe �4 on attack rolls, or �2 if he makes the save. |
2 | Recall Agony: | Foe takes 2d6 damage. |
3 | Empathic Transfer, Hostile: | Your touch transfers your hurt to another. |
3 | Share Pain, Forced: | Unwilling subject takes some of your damage. |
4 | Empathic Feedback: | When you are hit in melee, your attacker takes damage. |
5 | Psychotic Break: | Targets viciously attack closest creature. |
6 | Fuse Flesh: | Fuse subject's flesh, creating a helpless mass. |
9 | Affinity Field, Pain: | Negative effects that affect you also affect others. |
Granted Ability: As a tree action, you can expend your psionic focus to gain a +2 bonus to Str, Dex, or Con for 1 round.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Adrenaline Boost: | Receive a temporary Str and Dex boost. |
1 | Vigor: | Gain 5 temporary hit points. |
2 | Animal Affinity: | Gain +4 enhancement to one ability. |
3 | Graft Weapon: | Your hand is replaced seamlessly by your weapon. |
5 | Psychofeedback: | Boost Str, Dex. or Con at the expense of one or more other scores. |
7 | Oak Body: | Your body becomes as hard as oak. |
8 | True Metabolism: | You regenerate 10 hit points/round. |
Granted Ability: You can expend your focus to gain a +4 bonus on manifester level checks made to overcome an outsider's power resistance. You can use this ability in conjunction with the Power Penetration or Greater Power Penetration feat, and the effects stack.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Astral Traveler: | Enable yourself or another to join an astral caravan-enabled trip. |
3 | Astral Caravan: | You lead an astral traveler-enabled group to a planar destination. |
4 | Dimensional Anchor, Psionic: | Bars extradimensional movement. |
4 | Dismissal, Psionic: | Forces a creature to return to its native plane. |
5 | Plane Shift, Psionic: | Travel to other planes. |
6 | Planar Champion: | Call a good or evil creature to do your bidding. |
7 | Ethereal Jaunt, Psionic: | Become ethereal for 1 round/level. |
9 | Etherealness, Psionic: | Become ethereal for 1 min./level. |
Granted Ability: While psionically focused, you gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks. You can expend your focus as a free action to gain a +5 bonus on a single Concentration check.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Empty Mind: | You gain +2 on Will saves until your next action. |
2 | Serenity: | Pacify a creature and stop it from fighting. |
2 | Empathic Transfer: | Transfer another's wounds to yourself. |
3 | Solicit Psicrystal: | Your psicrystal takes over your concentration power. |
4 | Steadfast Perception: | Gain immunity to illusory effects, +6 bonus on Spot and Search checks. |
6 | Suspend Life: | Put yourself into a state akin to suspended animation. |
7 | Mind Blank, Personal: | You are immune to scrying and mental effects. |
Granted Ability: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day, you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to delay the onset of one damaging attack or effect. Instead of taking the damage immediately, as normal, you take it 1 round later. If, in the intervening turn, you gain some immunity that would have protected you from the damage, it does not protect you from the delayed damage. You are subject to the damage as if you had taken it when the blow or effect was struck.
Level | Power Name | Brief Description |
1 | Deceleration: | Target's speed is halved. |
2 | Sustenance: | Go without food and water for one day. |
3 | Time Hop: | Subject hops forward in time 1 round/level. |
5 | Anticipatory Strike: | Take your action out of initiativeorder. |
6 | Temporal Acceleration: | Your time frame accelerates for 1 round. |
8 | Time Hop, Mass: | Willing subjects hop forward in time. |
9 | Time Regression: | Relive the last round. |