
Complete Psionic Feats

Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Deep Vision Darkvision Natural darkvision range increases by 30 feet
Dire Flail Mind Blade Mind blade, shape mind blade Shape mind blade into dire flail
Dire Stun Lurk augment, Extra Lurk Augment +2 DC, stunning strike augment
Dwarven Urgosh Mind BladeMind blade, shape mind blade Shape mind blade into dwarven urgosh
Ectopic Form Know astral
Agile Loper Know astral construct Construct becomes quicker and more agile
Alabaster Aerial Know astral construct Construct can fly
Amber Tunneler Know astral construct Construct can burrow
Anathemic Carapace Any ectopic form, know astral construct Construct deals 1d6 +1d6 per HD when destroyed
Astral Aquan Know astral construct Construct can swim
Ebony Stinger Any ectopic form, know astral construct Constructs attacks are piercing and deal 1 point of Con damage
Emerald Gyre Know astral construct Construct gains improved grab
Iridescent Serpent Know astral construct Construct gains energy resistance 10 to 1 energy type
Elemental Envoy Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank, Psicrystal Affinity Gain an elemental steward instead of a psicrystal
Envoy Cognizance Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank, Psicrystal Affinity, Elemental Envoy Elemental steward enhances your energy powers
Enervation Endurance Psychic enervation Suffer half power point loss when enervated
Enhanced Beneficence Psychic aura Increase size of your psychic aura by 5 feet
Euphoric Reduction Surging euphoria +1 Gain alternate surging euphoria ability
Focused Perception Blind-Fight Gain blindsense 60 feet for 1 round.
Focused Shield Shield Proficiency Shield's AC bonus increased by 1
Focused Skill User +2 bonus in three skills while psionically focused
Gestalt Anchor Any host feat or kalashtar, base Will save +3 +2 bonus on init checks and Ref saves while within 60 ft. of hosting allies
Instinctive Consummator Str 13, Power Attack, Cleave Expend focus to confirm critical
Invest Armor Armor proficiency +3 armor bonus against one attack
Energize Armor Invest Armor Energy resistance 10 against next energy attack
Lurk Augment, Extra Lurk augment Use lurk augment 3 extra times/day
Lurk Augment, Ranged Lurk augment Use lurk augments for ranged attacks
Lurk Master Lurk augment Use lurk augments as a lurk 2 class levels higher
Mantle Focus Access to 1 psionic mantle +1 to save DCs for mantle powers
Mental Juggernaut Ability to gain psionic focus Gain a bonus to saves against daze or stun effects
Mind Cleave Mind blade, psychic strike Drain foe's mental energy to charge mind blade
Mind Empowerment Mind blade, psychic strike, Mind Cleave Drain off defeated foe's mental energy to deal additional psychic strike damage
Mind Strike, Focused Mind blade, psychic strike +1d8 Deal extra die of damage with psychic strike
Mind Strike, Swift Mind blade, psychic strike +2d8 Imbue psychic strike as swift action/�2 attack penalty
Orc Double Axe Mind Blade Mind blade, shape mind blade Shape mind blade into orc double axe
Postpone Enervation Psychic enervation, wild surge +2 Delay psychic enervation up to 3 rounds
Practiced Manifester Psicraft 4 ranks Manifester level increases by 4 (max your HD)
Privileged Energy Ability to manifest energy missile Deal +1 damage per die with chosen energy
Dazzling Energy Ability to manifest energy missile, Privileged Energy Dazzle foe affected by your privileged energy
Psymbiot Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, manifester level 3rd Gain +2 bonus on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws while within 10 feet of psionic entities
Skin of the Construct Know astral construct Absorb construct aspects you'd otherwise manifest
Stygian Archon Know two negative energy powers Manifest negative energy powers at +1 ML
Tap Mantle Access to one psionic mantle Add mantle powers to powers known
Don Mantle Tap Mantle Gain mantle ability
Extra Aura Don Mantle, psychic aura Gain additional psychic aura
Two-Bladed Mind Blade Mind blade, shape mind blade Shape mind blade into two-bladed sword
Volatile Escalation Volatile mind Force enemy to pay extra 1d4 power points
Volatile Leech Volatile mind Absorb extra power points from victim
Racial Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Dromite Ray Dromite Use energy ray psi-like ability 2 more times/day
Dromite Barrier Dromite, Dromite Ray, 3 HD Use energy ray psi-like ability to create an energy wall
Duergar Expansion Duergar, expansion Use expansion 3 + Cha mod times/day
Duergar Invisibility Duergar, invisibility Use invisibility more times/day
Elan Repletion, Enhanced Elan Do not require food or water
Elan Resilience, Enhanced Elan Can reduce damage taken by 4 points/1 power point
Elan Resistance, Enhanced Elan Spend 1 point for +6 bonus on saves for 1 round
Elan Retainment Elan, 3 HD 1/day spend 3 points to maintain psionic focus
Githyanki Charm Githyanki, psionic daze Able to use psionic charm instead of psionic daze
Githyanki Control Githyanki, far hand Able to use control object instead of far hand
Githyanki Dismissal Githyanki, dimension door Able to use psionic dismissal instead of dimension door
Githyanki Ectoform Githyanki, concealing arnorpha Able to use ectoplasmic form instead of concealing arnorpha
Githzerai Burst Githzerai, cat fall Able to use burst instead of cat fall
Githzerai Feedback Githzerai, inertial armor Able to use biofeedback instead of inertial armor
Githzerai Knock Githzerai, concussion blast Able to use psionic knock instead of concussion blast
Githzerai Link Githzerai, psionic daze Able to use mindlink instead of psionic daze
Half-Giant Stomp Half-giant, stomp Use stomp three times/day.
Half-Giant Thunderer Half-giant, stomp Stomp psi-like ability is doubly effective
Maenad Fury Maenad Use outburst 1/2 HD times/day
Maenad Scream Maenad Use energy ray (sonic) 3 + Cha mod times/day
Maenad Scream, Deafening Maenad Your energy ray (sonic) deals +1 per damage die and deafens targets
Synad Multitask, Enhanced Synad Use multitask racial trait 2/day.
Thri-Kreen Carapace Thri-Kreen Add +1 to natural armor bonus
Thri-Kreen Claw Thri-Kreen, metaphysical claw Use metaphysical claw 3 times/day
Thri-Kreen Displacement Thri-Kreen, psionic displacement Use psionic displacement 3 times/day
Thri-Kreen Poison Thri-Kreen, poison Use poison 3 times/day
Xeph Burst, Extra Xeph Use burst 3 times/day
Xeph Celerity Xeph Use burst to gain an extra attack

You can manifest any of your lesser powers with a moment’s thought.

Prerequisites: Quicken Power, Psicraft 30 ranks, ability to manifest 9th-level powers.

Benefit: You can manifest all 1st-level powers as quickened powers without expending your psionic focus (though you must be psionically focused). The normal limit to the number of quickened powers you can manifest per round applies. Powers with a manifesting time of more than 1 round can’t be quickened. You still must pay the requisite number of extra power points to manifest these quickened powers.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, the powers of your next level can be quickened without the expenditure of your psionic focus. Thus, a psion who took this feat twice could quicken his 1st-level and 2nd-level powers with no expenditure of psionic locus. This feat doesn’t decrease the manifesting time for powers that normally require a full-round action to manifest in metamagic form.


Your powers are tremendously potent, overcoming power resistance with ease.

Prerequisite: Greater Power Penetration, Power Penetration.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on manifester level checks made to overcome a creature’s power resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonuses from Power Penetration and Greater Power Penetration.


You can endow your manifestations with epic locus.

Prerequisites: Greater Psionic Endowment, Psionic Endowment, ability to manifest at least one 9th-level power.

Benefit: You can expend your psionic focus and add 1 to the save DC of a power you manifest. This bonus stacks with the bonuses from Psionic Endowment and Greater Psionic Endowment.


You heighten your ability to manifest powers while threatened without fear of being attacked.

Prerequisites: Combat Manifestation, Concentration 25 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to one-half your manifester level on Concentration checks made to manifest a power, use a psi-like ability, or achieve psionic focus while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned.


You burn your life force without limit to strengthen your powers.

Prerequisite: Overchannel, Psicraft 25 ranks.

Benefit:While manifesting a power, you can increase your effective manifester level to a value up to twice your actual manifester level, but in doing so, you pay a price. For each level you increase your effective manifester level above your actual manifester level, you take 2d8 points of damage. For example, a 23rd-level psion could increase his effective manifester level to 30th to manifest a particular power. However, as a result of the seven-level increase, he would take 14d8 points of damage.

The effective change in manifester level increases the number of power points you can expend on a single power manifestation, ns well as increasing all manifester level dependent effects, such as range, duration, and overcoming power resistance.

Normal: Your manifester level is equal to your total levels in classes that manifest powers.


Psionic dorjes are more potent in your hands.

Prerequisites: Craft Dorje, manifester level 9th.

Benefit:When you use a dorje, the power manifested is treated ay if it were augmented by 4 additional power points. If the power cannot be augmented, then the DC of saving throws against the dorje’s effect is increased by 2.


You can fight with two dorjes at the same time.

Prerequisites: Craft Dorje, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can wield and activate a dorje in each hand (if you have both hands free), with one designated as your primary dorje and the other as your secondary dorje. Each use of the secondary dorje expends 2 charges instead off.


You have mental defenses erected against telepathic attacks.

Prerequisites: Cha 15, Hostile Mind.

Benefit:Whenever you are subject to a power from the telepathy discipline (regardless of whether the power is harmful or beneficial to you), the manifester must make a Will saving throw against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier, and takes an additional 2d6 points of damage, plus 2d6 points from your Hostile Mind feat, for a total of 4d6 points of damage. The benefit of this feat applies only to psionic powers and psi-like abilities.

This is an exception to the psionics-magic transparency rule.

Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve).


You are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the psionic defenses and powers of others.

Prerequisite: Ability to manifest psionic powers or use psi-like abilities. Benefits: You can take 10 on manifester level checks (as if the manifester level check were a skill check).


The psionic entity you host gives you access to psi-like abilities capable of disrupting the mind of your enemy.

Benefit: A psionic entity takes up residence within your flesh. The entity grants you the following psi-like ability: Psi-Like Ability: 1/day—mind thrust or psionic daze. Manifester level 1/2 your HD; save DC 11 + your Cha, Int, or Wis modifier.

Special: You can use one or the other or your entitygranted psi-like abilities once per day—you can’t use both. Once you use one, you can’t use the other for the rest of the day.


The psionic entity you host seeks to cause damage and mayhem, and you have powers to further that end.

Benefit: A psionic entity takes up residence within your flesh. The entity grants you the following psi-like ability:

Psi-Like Ability: 1/day—-energy ray or crystal shard. Manifester level 1/2 your HD; save DC 11 + your Cha, Int, or Wis modifier.

Special: You can use one or the other of your entitygranted psi-like abilities once per day—you can’t use both. Once you use one. you can’t use the other for the rest of the day.


The psionic entity living in your mind enables you to better resist attacks.

Benefit: A psionic entity takes up residence within your flesh. The entity grants you the following psi-like ability:

Psi-like Ability: 1/day—force screen or empty mind. Manifester level 1/2 your HD; save DC 11 + your Cha, Int, or Wis modifier.

Special: You can use one or the other of your entitygranted psi-like abilities once per day—you can’t use both. Once you use one, you can’t use the other for the rest of the day.


You can use a psi-like ability granted by a host feat an extra time each day.

Prerequisite: Any other host feat.

Benefit: You can use one of the two psi-like abilities granted by your host feat one extra time each day. For example, if you have the Telepathic Affinity teat, which grants access to the mindlink or detect psionics psi-like abilities, you can use mindlink twice, detect psionics twice, or both mindlink and detect psionics in a single day.

Normal: You can use one of two psi-like abilities once per day.


You host a psionic entity that dislikes combat and provides you psi-like abilities to help you avoid a fight.

Benefit: A psionic entity takes up residence within your flesh. The entity grants you the following psi-like ability:

Psi-like Ability: 1/day—deaden blow (see page 82) or entangling ectoplasm. Manifester level 1/2 your HD; save DC 11 + your Cha, Int, or Wis modifier.

Special: You can use one or the other of your entity- granted psi-like abilities once per day—you can’t use both. Once you use one, you can’t use the other for the rest of the day.


Your mind blade is an expression of your inner spirit. Your forceful personality allows you to deal more damage with your blade.

Prerequisites: Any other host feat, mind blade class feature.

Benefit: You can expend your psionic focus to add your Charisma bonus (it any) to the damage you deal with your mind blade. This effect lasts for 1 round.


As the host of a formless psionic entity, you possess immense willpower.

Prerequisite: Any other host feat.

Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused and possess at least 1 power point, you receive a +1 insight bonus on Will saves. As an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus and spend 1 power point to improve this insight bonus to +5 for 1 round.


The entity you host gives you the ability to better communicate with other creatures.

Benefit: A psionic entity takes up residence within your flesh. The entity grants you the following psi-like ability:

Psi-Like Ability: 1/day—mindlink or detect psionics. Manifester level 1/2 your HD; save DC 11 + your Cha, Int, or Wis modifier.

Special: You can use one or the other of your entity- granted psi-like abilities once per day—you cant use both. Once you use one, you can’t use the other for the rest of the day.


You can convert your psionic energy into a mind blast.

Prerequisites: Illithid Heritage, two other illithid teats. manifester level 5th.

Benefit: Once per day as a standard action that requires the expenditure of your psionic focus, you can channel power points into a mind blast, which is a psi-like attack in a 15-foot cone. Anyone caught in the cone must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.


You can call upon your heritage and enhance your ability to manipulate the minds of other creatures.

Prerequisite: Illithid Heritage.

Benefit: Your manifester level for compulsion powers increases by one. You also add 1 to the save DCs of all psionic powers you manifest that have the compulsion descriptor.


When you manipulate the minds of other creatures, you are heartened and emboldened by your success.

Prerequisite: Illithid Heritage.

Benefit: After you successfully affect a foe with a compulsion power, you gain a morale bonus equal to one- half the number of power points spent on the power on the next Concentration, Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft, or Sense Motive check you make before the end of the next round.


Your acceptance of your illithid heritage is so encompassing that you have learned how to extract the brain of a helpless victim.

Prerequisites: Illithid Heritage, Illithid Grapple (4).

Benefit: You have fully embraced your illithid heritage and have developed a taste for the brains of other living creatures. You can extract the brain of a helpless or stunned victim once you have established a hold on its head with all four of your tentacles.

You must begin your turn with all four tentacles attached. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you must then make a grapple check. If your grapple check is successful, your victim takes 2d4 points of Intelligence damage and grants you a number of temporary power points equal to the amount of Intelligence damage you deal. Any creature reduced to Intelligence 0 by this attack is instantly slain.

Temporary power points gained with this feat last for 1 hour, and power points granted by this feat do not stack with each other. This ability is useless against constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and undead. It is not instantly fatal to opponents with multiple heads, such as ettins and hydras.


You embrace more of your illithid heritage, and grow at least one long purplish tentacle that you can reveal and unfurl when you open your mouth.

Prerequisites: Illithid Heritage one other illithid feat.

Benefit: You gain a natural tentacle attack. If you can use weapons, you retain that ability, as well as any other natural weapons you have, if you are fighting without weapons, you can use your tentacle or another natural weapon as a primary attack.

If you are armed with a weapon, you can use your tentacle or your weapon as a primary attack. If you make a full attack, you can use the weapon as your primary attack along with your tentacle as a natural secondary attack.

The tentacle does not improve your natural reach. Your tentacle deals 1d4 points of damage, and you can use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier on attacks with your tentacle if you have the Weapon Finesse feat.

Additionally, you gain the improved grab special ability that you can use only with your tentacle, allowing you to initiate a grapple as a free action, without provoking attacks of opportunity, each time you hit with a tentacle attack. You can only attempt to grapple creatures within one size category of you with your tentacle.

Special: You can take this feat up to four times. Each time you do so, you gain an additional tentacle. Once you have gained all four tentacles, the lower half of your face transforms to resemble that of an illithid. As a lull-round action, you can give up any other attacks you have to attack with as many tentacles you possess, as described above, and can attempt to initiate a separate grapple with each tentacle as a free action. You do not gain cumulative bonuses for each tentacle already attached (as an illithid would).


Somewhere in the deeps of time, your bloodline was polluted with illithid influence. Recognizing this taint but deciding to make the best of it, you have decided to embrace your connection with your illithid bloodline for the power it can offer you.

Prerequisite: Power point reserve of 1 or more.

Benefit: You gain Intimidate as a class skill. In addition, you gain a bonus on saving throws against spells, powers, spell-like abilities, and psi-like abilities. This bonus is equal to one-half the number of illithid feats you have, including this one (round down, minimum 1)


You have realized greater psionic power through your illithid heritage.

Prerequisites: Illithid Heritage, one other illithid feat, manifester level 3rd.

Benefit: You know more powers because of the illithid heritage you possess. Add psionic charm and read thoughts to your list of powers known.


Your knowledge of psionic power has grown even further due to your illithid heritage.

Prerequisites: Illithid Legacy any one other illithid feat, manifester level 7th.

Benefit: You know more powers because of your illithid heritage. Add dispel psionics and psionic dominate to your list of powers known.


Your skin takes on the glistening, rubbery, green-mauve consistency of your illithid parentage.

Prerequisite: Illithid Heritage.

Benefit: Your natural armor bonus increases by 1.

Special: You can take this feat up to three times. Each time, your natural armor bonus increases by another 1.


You can manifest powers that knock creatures off their feet.

Benefit: To use this teat, you must expend your psionic focus. Knockdown Power knocks any creature caught in its area prone if the target fails its saving throw to avoid any or all of the damage of the power.

It can only be applied to powers that allow Reflex saves and affect an area (a cone, line, burst, and so on). Powers that do not allow saving throws gain no advantage if they are made into knockdown powers.

Creatures with evasion are knocked prone if they fail their Reflex saves (creatures with improved evasion are not knocked down if they fail their saves). Flying creatures affected by a knockdown power that fail their saving throws are forced down 10 feet.

For example, if a creature makes its saving throw against a knockdown energy cone but still takes half damage, it is not knocked prone. If it fails its save and takes full damage, it is knocked prone.

Using this feat increases the power point cost by the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.


You can link a power to the power you manifest in this round so that it goes off next round.

Benefit: To use this feat. you must expend your psionic focus. Manifesting a power altered by this feat means that you must choose two powers—one you intend to manifest in this round, and one you intend to manifest in the next round.

The power that is manifested in this round is not altered in any way, nor is the linked power that goes oft in the next round— however, you do not need to spend any of your actions or power points next round to manifest the linked power. The linked power is automatically targeted on the same area or target as the power you manifest in this round (if the power you manifest this round has no area or target, choose an area or target in this round for the linked power to affect in the next round).

If the same creature is targeted by both powers, the target experiences all the effects of both powers individually and receives a saving throw (if applicable) for each. In some cases, such as a psionic charm followed by a linked psionic charm, failing both saving throws results in redundant effects (although, in this example, any ally of the target would have to succeed on two dispel attempts to tree the target from the charm effect). It is possible that by the time the linked power comes into effect on the following round, the area where it goes off or the target that it affects no longer has relevance. On the other hand, you are free on the subsequent round to take actions normally.

Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power manifested this round by a number equal to the power point cost of the linked power. Thus if you manifest energy stun (3 power points) and energy burst (5 power points) as the linked power, the metapsionic cost is 8. The total of power points you spend in this manner cannot exceed your manifester level.


You can permanently modify a psionic power you know with a metapsionic feat.

Prerequisites: Ability to manifest psionic powers, any other metapsionic feat.

Benefit: You choose one power known to you to become permanently modified by one metapsionic feat you know. The cost of modifying your chosen power with metapsionic feats is reduced by 2 power points (to a minimum extra cost of 0 power points). When you manifest the modified power with that metapsionic feat, you must still obey any restrictions of that feat (for example, expending your psionic focus).

Once a metapower is created by taking this feat, it cannot be changed. The metapower can be used normally with other metapsionic feats you know.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a power-—-either one you have already modified or another power you know—and reduce the metapsionic feat cost of that power by 2 power points for a different specific metapsionic feat.


When using a power that allows you to choose a type of energy, you have a wider range of possible choices owing to your ability to mix energy with matter.

Prerequisite: Privileged Energy.

Benefit:When you take this feat, you must choose the energy type you selected with your Privileged Energy feat. To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Upon manifesting a damaging energy power that matches your choice of energy, you can access paraelemental energy to further enhance your energy power with ice (cold), magma (fire), ooze (electricity), or smoke (sonic). The paraelemental power still possesses its underlying energy descriptor.

Targets damaged by paraelemental powers might be affected by the additional effects noted below, in the case of an energy power that requires a saving throw, targets are only subject to these additional effects on a failed save. A successful save against the energy power negates the paraelemental effect. In the case of an energy power that normally does not allow a saving throw (such as energy ray), a target of a paraelemental power can attempt a Fortitude save at the powers DC to negate only the extra effect.

Ice: As cold energy, but also limits affected foes to a single move action or standard action (not both) for 1 round as they attempt to free themselves from ice. The power is considered to be in effect during this time and can be dispelled normally.

Magma: As fire energy, but also deals an additional 2d6 points of fire damage on the round following the attack from lingering magma. The power is considered to be in effect during this time and can be dispelled normally.

Ooze: As electricity energy, but the target is also covered in goo and becomes entangled for 1 round, after which the goo evaporates. The power is considered to be in effect during this rime and can be dispelled normally.

Smoke: As sonic, but targets that breathe spend the following round coughing, and so are limited to a single move action or standard action (not both) for 1 round. The power is considered to be in effect during this time and can be dispelled normally. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, choose another energy type (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that you have also selected with the Privileged Energy feat. You can now manifest that power with the matching paraelemental effect described above.


Psionic toes damaged by your power are also mentally drained.

Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. This metapsionic alteration can be used with any power that targets a single individual and requires a saving throw to avoid some or all of the power’s effect. If the subject fails its saving throw to avoid the phrenic leeching power’s effect, it loses 1d6 power points. You gain 1 power point from the drain. If you already possess full power points, the power points drained from the target are lost.

Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.


Psionic powers you manifest that utilize negative energy are branded with an imprint of fear.

Prerequisites: Stygian Archon, know two powers that utilize negative energy.

Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can alter a stygian power that deals negative levels to foes so that any living creature that gains a negative level as a result of the power also becomes shaken for 1 minute. The target of a stygian power can attempt a Will save at the power’s save DC (even if it doesn’t normally allow a save) to resist this effect. This is a mind-affecting fear ability. Creatures immune to fear are not immune to the primary effect of the power, but they are immune to the shaken effect.

Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.


You can manifest powers that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the power’s area.

Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to manifest a transdimensional power. A transdimensional power has its full normal effect on incorporeal creatures, creatures on the Ethereal Plane or the Plane of Shadow, and creatures within an extradimensional space in the power’s area. This includes ethereal creatures, creatures that are blinking or shadow walking, manifested ghosts, and creatures within the extradimensional space of a rope trick, portable hole, or other portable extradimensional space.

You must be able to perceive a creature to target it with a transdimensional power, but you do not need to perceive a creature to catch it in the area of a burst, cone, emanation, or spread.

Using this feat does not increase the power point cost of the power.

Normal: Only force effects can affect ethereal creatures, and no Material Plane attack affects creatures on the Plane of Shadow or in an enclosed extradimensional space. There is a 50% chance that any power other than a force effect fails against an incorporeal creature.


Your facility with energy is such that enemies are shaken by your prowess.

Prerequisites: Know energy missile power, Privileged Energy.

Benefit:When you manifest an energy power that specifies a single target in conjunction with your chosen energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic), the discharge of that energy is enhanced with a spectacular secondary visual or auditory display. The foe that you strike with the energy power is dazzled for 1 minute. A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks. Sightless creatures are unaffected.


Your mental focus helps you see farther with darkvision.

Prerequisite: Darkvision.

Benefit:While you are psionically focused, the effective distance of your natural darkvision increases by 30 feet.

Special: This feat affects only permanent darkvision gained as part of a creature’s race, type, or class, not from impermanent effects such as the darkvision spell or goggles of night.


When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a dire flail.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature.

Benefit: Any time you wish to reshape your mind blade using your shape mind blade class feature, you can add the dire flail to your shape repertoire. You are proficient with your dire flail mind blade—you are treated as if you possess the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dire flail mind blade). The weapon is sized appropriately for you and deals damage as a dire flail.


When you choose to stun your foe with your lurk augment ability, your foe might be stunned for a long time.

Prerequisites: Lurk augment class feature (page 14), Extra Lurk Augment.

Benefit:When you use a lurk augment to deal a stunning strike, the save DC against the stun is increased by 2, and the stun duration is increased by 1 round.


You gain the granted ability of a mantle you have tapped.

Prerequisite: TapMantle.

Benefit: You gain the granted ability of a mantle you have accessed using the Tap Mantle feat.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each rime you do, you choose a new mantle you have tapped with the Tap Mantle feat.


You can convert uses of your energy ray psi-like ability into walls of energy.

Prerequisites: Dromite, Dromite Ray, 3 HD.

Benefit: You can use one (or more) of your energy ray uses for the day to create a wall of energy of your chosen energy type. When you use this ability in conjunction with triggering energy ray as a psi-like ability, you create a 10-foot-by-10-foot vertical plane of energy. The opaque wall’s near endpoint begins at any corner of your space and extends in a straight line 10 feet long (or as long as space permits, if the area is smaller). The wall lasts for 1d4 rounds.

Any creature passing through the wall takes damage equal to the damage your energy ray psi-like ability would normally deal. If you create a wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Either way, a successful Reflex save halves this damage (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier).


You can use your energy ray psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisite: Dromite.

Benefit: You can use the energy ray granted by your dromite heritage two more times per day.

Normal: A dromites energy ray can only be used once per day.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each rime you take it, you gain two additional daily uses of your energy ray psi-like ability.


You can use your expansion psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisites: Duergar, expansion psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can use the expansion psi-like ability granted by your duergar heritage a total of three times per day.

Normal: A duergar’s expansion psi-like ability can only be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain two additional daily uses of your expansion ability.


You can use your invisibility psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisites: Duergar, invisibility psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can use the invisibility psi-like ability granted by your duergar heritage a total of three times per day.

Normal: A duergar’s invisibility psi-like ability can only be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you fake the feat, you gain two additional daily uses of your invisibility ability.


When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a dwarven urgosh.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature.

Benefit: Any rime you wish to reshape your mind blade using your shape mind blade class feature, you can add the dwarven urgosh to your shape repertoire. You are proficient with your dwarven urgosh mind blade— you are treated as if you possess the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven urgrosh mind blade). The weapon is sized appropriately for you and deals damage as a dwarven urgrosh.


This feat allows you to create asrral constructs with distinct appearances and specialties.

Prerequisite: Know astral construct power.

Benefit: The astral constructs you create using this feat vary in appearance and talents.

Special: You can gain Ectopic Form multiple times. Each time you take the teat, it applies to a new form of astral construct. You can only apply one of the following feats to each astral construct you create. When you use this feat, refer to the preconstructed astral constructs of particular kinds on pages 121–128.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive quadruped appearance. They are quicker and more agile than normal.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you imbue it with +4 bonus on initiative checks and a +20-foot increase to its base speed. An agile loper construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power. Agile lopers appear as sleek, centaur-like quadrupeds with pale fur, humanoid torsos, and black, ram-like horns on their foreheads.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive humanoid appearance, but possessing wings instead of arms. They are natural fliers.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you shape its arms into wings and give its feet a distinctive hand-like appearance. The addition of wings grants your alabaster aerial a fly speed of 20 feet (average). An alabaster aerial of at least 4th level has a fly speed of 30 feet (average), and an alabaster aerial of at least 7th level has a fly speed of 40 feet (average). An alabaster aerial construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power.

Alabaster aerials appear as silvery-white humanoids with wings for arms and large hands on the ends of their legs, rather than feet. They use their wings for flight and their feet for pummeling opponents.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive many-legged form, with short, strong legs.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you give it short, powerful legs that can be used for digging in the ground at great speed. The creature is a natural tunneler, having a burrow speed equal to its base land speed. An amber tunneler construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power.

Amber tunnelers appear as amber-colored, many-legged, bug-like bur rowers that are wide and low to the ground, possessing powerful legs for digging or attacking.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive bug-like appearance, and harbor a retributive energy that is unleashed it they are destroyed. Additional

Prerequisite: Ectopic Form (any form).

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you imbue it with latent energy that is unleashed in a destructive burst when the construct is destroyed, dealing up to 1d6 points of damage plus an extra 1d6 points for every Hit Die of the construct to every adjacent creature (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 constructs HD). You can choose to detonate an anathemic carapace construct as a standard action if you have unobstructed line of sight to your creation. Each round, starting in the round alter it appears, the damage of an anathemic carapace’s burst reduces by 1d6 points.

An anathemic carapace construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power. Anathemic carapaces appear as oversized, red scarabs, eyes blazing with the destructive power they contain.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive eel-like appearance, with a pair of long tentacles protruding from its mouth. They are natural swimmers.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you shape it into an eel with two tentacles protruding from its mouth. The construct is imbued with a swim speed of 60 feet. An astral aquan construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power.

Astral aquans appear as silvery-blue eels with two long tentacles protruding from their mouths. They use these tentacles for pummeling opponents.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive spider-like appearance, with a large hooked tail tipped with a wickedly barbed stinger. Additional

Prerequisite: Ectopic Form (any form).

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you shape a large hooked tail tipped with a barbed stinger. Each of the creature’s attacks is made with this tail, which does piercing damage rather than bludgeoning damage. In addition, an ebony stingers attacks deal 1 point of Constitution damage in addition to their normal damage (Fortitude negates; DC 10 + 1/2 construct’s HD). Creatures immune to poison are likewise immune to this effect.

An ebony stinger construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power. Ebony stingers appear as shiny black spiders with a hooked tail that is tipped with a wicked barb, capable of delivering a minor poison.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive ape-like appearance, with the exception of a third arm-like limb that grows out of the middle of the back.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you shape a third arm in the middle of the creature’s back that is used to assist in grabbing opponents, granting the construct the improved grab menu B ability (EPH 186). An emerald gyre construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power.

An emerald gyre appears as a green humanoid (size depends on the level of construct) that possesses a third arm growing from the middle of its back.


Astral constructs you create with this form take on a distinctive serpentine appearance and possess an energetic quality that can change from construct to construct.

Benefit:When you create an astral construct using this form, you imbue it with a form of energy of your choice (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). The construct gains resistance 10 to the chosen energy type.

An iridescent serpent construct is the same base size as an unmodified astral construct fashioned with the astral construct power. They appear as serpents with a clubbed tail that delivers a blow enhanced by a chosen energy type.


As an elan, you can sustain yourself with repletion longer than other members of your race.

Prerequisite: Elan.

Benefit: You never need to eat or drink again, and instead you rely entirely on your psionic metabolism to provide optimum nutrition and hydration.

Normal: A typical elan can sustain himself without food or water for 24 hours if he spends 1 power point.


As an elan, you can prevent greater amounts of damage than other members of your race.

Prerequisite: Elan.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can reduce the damage you are about to take by 4 points for every 1 power point spent.

Normal: A typical elan can reduce damage he is about to take by 2 points for every 1 power point spent.


As an elan, you can resist harmful effects more readily than other members of your race.

Prerequisite: Elan.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can spend 1 power point to gain a +6 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.

Normal: A typical elan gains a –4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of his next turn.


You can use your psionic metabolism to aid your ability to retain your psionic focus when you would otherwise expend it.

Prerequisites: Elan, 3 HD.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can spend 3 power points to maintain your psionic focus, even it you have just taken an action that would normally expend it.


This feat allows you to acquire an elemental steward: an emberling (fire), a geodite (sonic), an arctine (cold), or a tempestan (electricity). This elemental steward acts as an envoy in place of a psicrystal. This envoy remains with you for an indefinite period of time, until dismissed or destroyed. (Elemental stewards are described in Chapter 5, starting on page 130).

Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank, Psicrystal Affinity.

Benefit:When you are able to acquire a new psicrystal. you can select an elemental steward instead. The type of steward—emberling (fire), geodite (sonic), arctine (cold), or tempestan (electricity;—depends on your preference, unless you have the Privileged Energy feat, in which case the steward must match the energy type. As you advance in power, your elemental steward also increases in power; see the Elemental Stewards as Envoys sidebar.

Special: You cannot simultaneously possess both a psicrystal and an elemental envoy.


You can charge your armor with psionic energy, making it resistant to energy damage.

Prerequisite: Invest Armor.

Benefit: You can expend your psionic focus to infuse your armor with psychic energy. This gives you resistance 10 against the next attack or effect with an energy descriptor that affects you. Using this feat is an immediate action (it can be used on another creature’s turn) in reaction to being affected by a spell, effect, or attack that deals energy damage and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


When facing the aftermath of a wild surge, enervation doesn’t sap your power points.

Prerequisite: Psychic enervation class feature.

Benefit: Repeated exposure to wild surges and their debilitating aftereffects has increased your resistance to psychic enervation, from now on. when you become enervated, you lose power points equal to one-half your wilder level, although you are still dazed until the end of your next turn.

Normal: A wilder overcome by psychic enervation is dazed until the end of his next turn and loses a number of power points equal to his wilder level.


Your psychic aura is larger than normal, reflecting your devotion to your deity.

Prerequisite: Psychic aura class feature.

Benefit: The radius of your psychic aura increases by 5 feet (the radius of your aura would be 10 feet at 1st level, instead of 5 feet).


When your elemental envoy is nearby, its associated energy enhances your ability to manifest energy powers.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank. Psicrystal Affinity, Elemental Envoy.

Benefit: Because you have chosen to replace your psicrystal with an elemental steward —either an emberling (fire), a geodite (sonic), an arctine (cold), or a tempestan (electricity)—you can now utilize its associated energy to enhance any power you manifest that has the same energy descriptor. While your elemental envoy remains adjacent to you, you manifest these powers at one manifested level higher than normal.


Channel your euphoric surge into a boost for one of your skills.

Prerequisite: Surging euphoria +1 class feature.

Benefit:When you trigger your surging euphoria, you can choose to channel it into a concentrated boost of physical resilience. Instead of gaining a bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws, you gain damage reduction equal to three times the surging euphoria level to which you have access. For instance, a 6th-level wilder with this feat who uses wild surge to boost her manifester level by two and uses surging euphoria can gain damage reduction 3/– for 2 rounds.


You gain the aura ability of a mantle you have donned.

Prerequisites: Don Mantle, psychic aura class feature.

Benefit: You gain the ability to generate a psychic aura based on a mantle you have accessed with the Don Mantle feat. When you generate a psychic aura, you can also choose the aura granted by the mantle from the associated Don Mantle feat.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a new mantle you have donned with the Don Mantle feat.


When you concentrate your faculties, your power of sight pierces the darkness.

Prerequisite: Blind-Fight.

Benefit: You must expend your psionic locus to use this feat. When you expend your psionic locus, you gain blindsense out to 60 feet for 1 round.


Your mental locus makes you more adept at using your shield.

Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency.

Benefit:While you are psionically focused and holding a ready shield with which you are proficient, the AC bonus provided by your shield increases by 1.


You can take advantage of your psionic focus in new ways.

Benefit:When you first take this teat, choose three skills in which you have ranks. While you are psionically focused, you gain a +2 competence bonus on skill checks when using any of these three skills.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, choose three additional skills in which you have ranks.


You have a strong bond to the psionic entity you host. When you are around other hosts, you can move and act together as a fluid unit.

Prerequisites: Any host feat or kalashtar, base Will save +3.

Benefit:While you are psionically focused and within 60 feet of an ally that serves as a host or who is a kalashtar, you and all host or kalashtar allies within 60 feet gain a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks and Reflex saves.


You can leverage your psionic daze psi-like ability to gain greater control over subjects.

Prerequisites: Githyanki, psionic daze psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the psionic daze psi-like ability granted by your githyanki heritage to instead gain the use of psionic charm as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your far hand psi-like ability to gain greater control over objects.

Prerequisites: Githyanki, far hand psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the far hand psi-like ability granted by your githyanki heritage to instead gain the use of control object as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your dimension door psi-like ability to gain greater control over other creatures’ locations.

Prerequisites: Githyanki. dimension door psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the dimension door psi-like ability granted by your githyanki heritage to instead gain the use of psionic dismissal as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your concealing amorpha psi-like ability to gain greater control over your own body.

Prerequisites: Githyanki, concealing amorpha psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the concealing amorpha psi-like ability granted by your githyanki heritage to instead gain the use of ectoplasmic form as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your cat fall psi-like ability to gain greater control over yourself in your environment.

Prerequisites: Githzerai, cat fall psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the cat fall psi-like ability granted by your githzerai heritage to instead gain the use of burst as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice :minimum 1st).


You can leverage your inertial armor psi-like ability to further insulate yourself from harm.

Prerequisites: Githzerai, inertial armor psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the inertia armor psi-like ability granted by your githzerai heritage to instead gain the use of biofeedback as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your concussion blast psi-like ability to gain such fine control over manipulating force that you can open locks or sealed doors.

Prerequisites: Githzerai, concussion blast psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses of the concussion blast psi-like ability granted by your githzerai heritage to instead gain the use or psionic knock as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can leverage your psionic daze psi-like ability to forge direct mental contact with another creature.

Prerequisites: Githzerai, psionic daze psi-like ability.

Benefit: You can expend one or more of your daily uses or the psionic daze psi-like ability granted by your githzerai heritage to instead gain the use of mindlink as a psi-like ability. Your manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice (minimum 1st).


You can use your stomp psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisites:Half-giant, slump racial trait.

Benefit: You can use the stomp granted by your half-giant heritage three times per day.

Normal: A half-giant’s stomp can be used once per day.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, you gain two more daily uses of your stomp psi-like ability.


You can use your stomp psi-like ability to far greater effect.

Prerequisites:Half-giant, stomp racial trait.

Benefit:When you use the stomp ability granted by your half-giant heritage, your manifester level is equal to your character level.

Normal: The effect of a half-giant’s stomp psi-like ability is calculated as if the half-giant’s manifester level were equal to 1/2 the half-giant’s HD.


You always make good on your threats.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, Cleave.

Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. Whenever you threaten a living foe with a critical hit on a melee attack, you can choose to automatically confirm the critical hit.

Normal: All hits that threaten a critical hit must be confirmed with an additional successful attack roll.


You can charge your armor with additional protective qualities.

Prerequisite: Proficient with armor worn.

Benefit: You can expend your psionic focus to increase the armor bonus of the armor that you’re wearing by 3. Using this feat is an immediate action (it can be used on another creature’s turn) in reaction to being the target of an attack. You must decide whether or nor to use this feat before the result of your opponent’s attack roll is determined.


You can use your lurk augment more often than normal.

Prerequisite: Lurk augment class feature.

Benefit: You can use your lurk augment class feature three more times each day.


You can use some of your lurk augments in conjunction with a ranged attack.

Prerequisite: lurk augment class feature.

Benefit: You can apply the following lurk augments to your ranged attack: Additional sneak attack, solid strike, ignore concealment, mental assault, deceptive strike, sneak attack undead, ghost touch, aligned attack, sneak attack constructs. planar attack, or synaptic disconnect.

Special: Lurk augments applied to ranged attacks only affect a target within 30 feet.


You are more skilled in augmenting your attack than your training would indicate.

Prerequisite: Lurk augment class feature.

Benefit: You can treat your lurk level as two higher than it actually is when determining what abilities you can select with your lurk augment class feature.


You can use your outburst racial trait more often.


Benefit: You can use the outburst racial trait granted by your maenad heritage three times per day.

Normal: A maenad’s outburst racial trait can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, you gain two additional daily uses of your outburst ability.


You can use your energy, ray (sonic) psi-like ability more often.


Benefit: You can use the energy ray (sonic) psi-like ability granted by your maenad heritage three times per day.

Normal: A maenad’s energy ray (sonic) can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, you gain two additional daily uses of your energy ray (sonic) psi-like ability.


You can use your energy ray (sonic) psi-like ability to better effect.


Benefit:Whenever you use the energy ray (sonic) ability granted by your maenad heritage, you deal an extra 1 point of damage per die. Creatures that take damage from the ray are deafened for 2d6 rounds if they fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Con modifier).

Normal: An energy ray deals—1 point of damage per die and does not deafen its targets.


The powers from one of your mantles become more potent.

Prerequisite: Access to one psionic mantle.

Benefit: Add 1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against powers from the mantle you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus provided from feats such as Psionic Endowment.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new mantle.


You are adroit at avoiding the mind blasting effects of certain psionic abilities and powers.

Prerequisite: Ability to gain psionic focus.

Benefit: As an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus to ignore the consequences of a failed save against any power, psi-like ability, or other psionic or magical effect that would otherwise daze or stun you. You can decide to use this feat after you have rolled and determined the potential outcome of your roll.

Special: If you choose not to expend your psionic focus, you gain a +2 bonus on your saving throw against any power, psi-like ability, or other psionic or magical effect that would daze or stun you. When you are not psionically focused, you still gain a +1 bonus on saves against effects that would otherwise daze or stun you.


When you lay low a foe. you drain off a portion of its excess mental energy into the conduit of your mind blade.

Prerequisites:Mind blade class feature, psychic strike class feature.

Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it fall (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it) with your mind blade, you drain off a portion of the creature’s liberated energy of consciousness. The liberated energy automatically charges the blade used to fell the foe as if you had imbued it with your psychic strike class feature.


When you lay low a foe, you drain oft a portion of its excess mental energy into the conduit of your mind blade.

Prerequisites:Mind blade class feature, psychic strike class feature, Mind Cleave.

Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it fall (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it) with your mind blade, you capture a greater portion of the creature’s liberated energy of consciousness (more than you already drain with your Mind Cleave feat). The additional liberated energy resides in your blade for 3 rounds or until you make your next successful psychic strike (whichever occurs first), whereupon you deal an additional ids points of damage.


When you use your psychic strike ability, you deal more damage.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, psychic strike +1d8.

Benefit: If you expend your psionic focus when you imbue your mind blade with a psychic strike, the destructive energy instilled in your blade deals one more die of damage. For example, when a 7th-level soulknife charges his blade with a psychic strike in conjunction with expending his psionic focus, the damage potential of the blade is +3d8 points (instead of+2d8 points).


You possess a deadly speed when charging your mind blade with psychic energy.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, psychic strike+2d8.

Benefit: Once per day, you can charge your mind blade with a psychic strike as a swift action.

Normal: A soulknife imbues his blade with a psychic strike as a move action.


When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: an ore double axe.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature.

Benefit: Any time you wish to reshape your mind blade using your shape mind blade class feature, you can add the ore double axe to your shape repertoire. You are proficient with your ore double axe mind blade— you are treated as if you possess the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ore double axe mind blade). The weapon is sized appropriately for you and deals damage as an ore double axe.


You can postpone the onset of your psychic enervation.

Prerequisites: Psychic enervation class feature, wild surge +2.

Benefit:Whenever you are subject to psychic enervation through the failure of a wild surge, you can postpone the effects of the enervation by 3 rounds. You decide to use this feat after you roll to determine whether you are subject to psychic enervation. You can voluntarily subject yourself to the effects of the postponed psychic enervation before the 3 rounds have fully elapsed. Once you use this feat to postpone the effects, however, you cannot use the wild surge class feature until you endure the postponed psychic enervation.


Choose a manifesting class that you possess. The powers you manifest from that class are more powerful.

Prerequisite: Psicraft 4 ranks.

Benefit: Your manifester level for the chosen manifesting class increases by four. This benefit cant increase your manifester level higher than your Hit Dice. Even if you can’t benefit from the full bonus immediately, however, if you later gain levels of nonmanifesting classes, you might be able to apply the rest of the bonus.

For example, a human 5th-level psion/3rd-level fighter who selects this feat would increase his psion manifester level from 5th to 8th (since he has 8 Hit Dice). If he later gained a fighter level, he would gain the remainder of the bonus, and his psion manifester level would become 9th (since he now has 9 Hit Dice).

A character with, two or more manifesting classes (such as a psychic warrior/psion) must choose which class gains the feat’s effect. This feat does not affect your powers per day or powers known. It only increases your manifester level, which helps you overcome power resistance and increases the duration and other effects of your powers.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you choose it, you must apply it to a different manifesting class.


You favor one specific energy type overall others.

Prerequisite: Ability to manifest the energy missile power.

Benefit: Choose one type of energy to become your privileged energy: cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Any time you manifest a power that deals damage of your chosen energy type, that power deals an extra 1 point of damage per die.


You gain benefits when you are near other psionic characters or creatures.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, manifester level 3rd.

Benefit:When you are psionically focused and one or more psionic characters or creatures with a manifester level of 3rd or higher stands within 10 feet of you, you gain a +2 bonus on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

Psionic entities such as those described in any of the host feats in this book are not separate creatures for the purpose of gaining this feat’s benefit, nor are astral constructs, or any psionic creatures crafted, projected, or summoned by you.


You can wear an astral construct as if it were a second skin.

Prerequisite: Know astral construct power.

Benefit: If you expend your psionic focus, you can fuse the essence of an astral construct that you have personally manifested with your own body. You choose to do this when you first manifest the power to gain this effect (instead of creating an astral construct normally).

This construct, once absorbed into your body, does not count against your limit of astral constructs crafted (in most cases you can have only one astral construct active at a time. This additional astral “flesh” bonds perfectly with your own, giving you a silvery-white appearance and ids temporary hit points that last for up to 1 hour. More important, it grants you one Menu A choice (EPH 186) that you can use as if you were the construct. You wear the skin of the construct for the normal duration of the manifested astral construct power, after which time it elapses.

Special: If you have any other feats that modify the appearance or abilities of an astral construct (such as Boost Construct or Ectopic Form), you do not accrue those benefits when you use the astral construct power with Skin of the Construct.


You sear the synapses of your mind with a scar of void and emptiness. From now on, psionic powers you manifest that utilize negative energy are more fully tied to the Negative Energy Plane.

Prerequisite: Know two powers that utilize negative energy.

Benefit: To use this feat, you must maintain your psionic focus. When manifesting a power that utilizes, disrupts, or detects negative energy, your manifester level is treated as one higher than normal.


As a synad (page 139), your threefold mind grants you an additional opportunity to multitask.

Prerequisite: Synad.

Benefit: You gain one additional use per day of your multitask racial trait. You can spend 1 power point to gain a swift action that you can use to take any purely mental action twice per day.


You gain the ability to access the powers in a new mantle.

Prerequisite: Access to one psionic mantle.

Benefit:Whenever you gain the ability to learn another psionic power, you can choose a power you can manifest from this new mantle. You essentially gain a new menu of options from which you can select powers whenever you would normally learn a new power from advancing in a psionic class. You do not gain the mantle’s granted ability or any other benefit of access to the mantle.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a new mantle to access.


Your carapace is harder than average.

Prerequisite: Thri-kreen.

Benefit: Add 1 to your natural armor bonus.


You can use your metaphysical claw psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisites: Thri-kreen, metaphysical claw psi-like ability.

Benefit: Extra practice and hard work are rewarded. You can use your metaphysical claw psi-like ability a total of three times per day.

Normal: A thri-kreen’s metaphysical claw psi-like ability can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain an additional two daily uses of your metaphysical claw ability.


You can use your psionic displacement psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisites: Thri-kreen, psionic displacement psi-like ability.

Benefit: Constant rehearsal and study grant you the mastery required to use your psionic displacement psi-like ability a total of three times per day.

Normal: A thri-kreen’s psionic displacement psi-like ability can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain an additional two daily uses of your psionic displacement ability.


You can use your poison bite more often.

Prerequisites: Thri-kreen, poison bite.

Benefit: Your adherence to a slightly modified sleep cycle and change in diet pays off—you can secrete venom more often. You can use your poison bite a total of three times per day.

Normal: A thri-kreen’s poison bite can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain an additional two daily uses of your poison bite ability.


When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a two-bladed sword.

Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature.

Benefit: Any time you wish to reshape your mind blade using your shape mind blade class feature, you can add the two-bladed sword to your shape repertoire. You are proficient with your two-bladed sword mind blade—you are treated as if you possess the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (two-bladed sword mind blade). The weapon is sized appropriately for you and deals damage as a two-bladed sword.


When you are attacked with a telepathic power, your innate wildness forces a higher mental price on your attacker.

Prerequisite: Volatile mind class feature.

Benefit:While you are psionically focused and have not consciously lowered your volatile mind ability, the number of power points it costs a manifester to affect you is higher. A manifester who uses a telepathic power upon you while these conditions apply must pay an additional 1d4 power points on top of his normal cost. This effect stacks with that of the volatile mind class feature.


You gain the power points your attacker wastes attacking you with a telepathic power.

Prerequisite: Volatile mind class feature.

Benefit:While you are psionically focused and have not consciously lowered your volatile mind ability, you absorb extra power points that manifesters of telepathic powers are forced to pay when they target you. The power points you absorb in this fashion are added to your power point reserve; however, you can never gain more power points in this fashion than your normal power point maximum. It you already possess your maximum power points, your volatile mind ability works normally.


You can use your burst racial trait more often.

Prerequisite: Xeph.

Benefit: You can use the burst ability granted by your xeph heritage a total of three times per day.

Normal: A xeph’s burst ability can be used once per day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain an additional two daily uses of your burst ability.


You can use your burst racial trait to gain an extra attack.

Prerequisite: Xeph.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend one or more of your daily uses of burst granted by your xeph heritage to gain one extra arrack for 1 round, instead of gaining an increase to your speed. While enjoying your round of celerity, you make one extra attack each round, using your highest base attack bonus, when you take a full attack action.


You are an active and valued member of your guild.

Prerequisite: Membership in a guild.

Benefit: As an active and necessary member of your guild, select one of your guild’s associated skills. As long as you remain a member of the guild, you gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made with that skill. As a additional fringe benefit, you also gain an ability relating to your guild’s type, as described in your guild’s entry. (See Dungeon Master’s Guide II page 228 for more information).

Normal: To receive benefits from a guild, you must pay monthly dues. You do not gain any guild fringe benefits.


Your combat tactics mesh well with those of other Diamond Knights. Whenever you are adjacent to another guild member, you both gain a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.


The Lodge Luminous subsidizes your monetary expenses when you create psionic items, reducing your raw material costs by 5%.


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Adon have the Wild Talent (Adon) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and quality for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use psionic minor creation (EPH 121) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Celare have the Wild Talent (Celare) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and qualify for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use burst (EPH 81) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Cogitare have the Wild Talent (Cogitare) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and qualify for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use psionic charm (EPH 82) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Incendar have the Wild Talent (Incendar) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and qualify for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use control object (EPH 88) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Novar have the Wild Talent (Novar) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and qualify for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use precognition (EPH 124) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).


Instead of a free bonus feat, Talaire of House Vaymin have the Wild Talent (Vaymin) feat.

Benefit: You gain the psionic subtype. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and qualify for psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. In addition, you gain the psi-like ability to use vigor (EPH 140) once per day (manifester level 1st + half the number of psionic class levels gained).