
Complete Champion

General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Battle Blessing Ability to cast paladin spells Cast paladin spells more quickly
Spontaneous Domains Ability to cast 3rd-level spells; access to two or more domains Leave your domain spell slots open to be filled at need
Swift Call Special mount class feature Call special mount as a swift action
Divine Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Retrieve Spell Any two divine feats, ability to turn or rebuke undead Spend turn/rebuke attempts to regain a previously cast spell
Spiritual Counter Any other divine feat, ability to turn or rebuke undead Spend turn/rebuke attempts to counterspell
Domain Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Air Devotion Gain bonus to AC; ranged attacks have a 50% miss chance against you
Animal Devotion Gain bonuses based on animal influence chosen
Chaos Devotion Gain bonus on attack rolls or to AC (randomly determined) for 1 minute
Death Devotion Cause one weapon to bestow negative levels
Destruction Devotion Reduce enemy�s armor or natural armor bonus for 1 minute
Earth Devotion Move freely through difficult terrain or create difficult terrain
Evil Devotion Grant yourself and allies within 30 feet DR/good for 1 minute
Fire Devotion Appear to be on fire, deal extra fire damage with melee attacks
Good Devotion Grant yourself and allies within 30 feet DR/evil for 1 minute
Healing Devotion Gain or grant fast healing for 1 minute
Knowledge Devotion Gain bonuses on attack rolls and damage rolls against specific creature types based on your knowledge of them
Law Devotion Gain bonus on attack rolls or to AC until your next action
Luck Devotion Improve damage roll to average result
Magic Devotion Make a ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 damage/two character levels
Plant Devotion Gain +2 bonus to natural armor and fortification effect based on character level
Protection Devotion Create 30-ft.-radius protective aura centered on yourself
Strength Devotion Gain adamantine slam attack and the ability to overcome hardness with melee attacks
Sun Devotion Cause your melee weapon to glow and deal extra sacred/profane damage
Travel Devotion Move your speed as a swift action
Trickery Devotion Create a simulacrum of yourself that can perform certain actions based on your level
War Devotion Improve your ability to fight defensively
Water Devotion Summon a water elemental with HD based on your character level

You can defend yourself with the power of air.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can shroud yourself in a mantle of air.

This effect grants you a +1 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 for every four character levels you possess (maximum +6 at 20th level).

In addition, thrown and projectile weapons have an automatic 50% miss chance against you while the air mantle is active.

This protection lasts for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You enhance your own abilities with the characteristics of animals.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can give yourself the power of a specific animal. Select one of the following abilities each time you activate the feat.

Each effect lasts for 1 minute. Ape’s Fury: Gain a +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to your Strength score. The value of this bonus increases by 2 for every six character levels you possess (maximum +8 at 18th level). When you activate ape’s jury, fur sprouts all over your body and remains until the effect ends.

Cheetah’s Sprint: Gain a +5-foot sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to your base land speed. The value of this bonus increases by 5 feet for every four character levels you possess (maximum +30 feet at 20th level). Your body is covered in black spots while cheetah’s sprint is active.

Hawk’s Flight: You can fly as if using the overland flight spell. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, you gain a +5- foot sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to your base fly speed (maximum +20 feet at 20th level). Intangible, luminescent wings grow from your back when you activate hawk’s flight and remain as long as the effect is active.

Serpent’s Strike: You gain a natural bite attack that deals 1d3 points of Constitution damage but no hit point damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) negates the Constitution damage. Creatures immune to poison are immune to this effect. Your upper canine teeth grow into fangs when you activate serpent’s strike and remain in that form as long as the effect is active.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.

Special: You can have multiple abilities active simultaneously. However, you can still activate only one ability per round.


Through a combination of sheer muscle and mystical acumen, you can deliver devastating smite attacks.

Prerequisites: Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, smite ability.

Benefit: This feat allows the use of three tactical maneuvers, each of which requires that you make a smite attack while using the Power Attack feat (minimum attack penalty -l). You must declare the use of this feat before making the attack roll. You can employ only one of these maneuvers at a time.

Demolishing Smite: Your smite attack punches through your enemy’s defenses. For the purpose of this single attack, you can ignore a number of points of damage reduction (except DR/– or DR/epic) up to twice your Charisma bonus (if any). For instance, if your Charisma is 17 (+3 bonus), you ignore 6 points of your target’s damage reduction when making a demolishing smite.

Overwhelming Smite: Your smite attack can knock an opponent prone. If the attack hits and deals damage, it is treated as though it were also a trip attack. Make a Strength check opposed by the defender’s Strength or Dexterity, with all the normal trip modifiers (PH 158). A foe that resists is not entitled to make a trip attempt against you in return. You can attempt an overwhelming smite only once per round.

Seeking Smite: Your smite attack is uncannily guided to its target. For the purpose of this single attack, you ignore any miss chance your foe might have, though your weapon must still be able to strike the target. Thus, while this maneuver allows you to strike an incorporeal creature unerringly with a magic sword, it does not allow you to strike it with a nonmagical weapon.


You can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast paladin spells.

Benefit: You can cast most of your paladin spells faster than normal.61 If the spell normally requires a standard action, you can cast it as a swift action. If it normally requires a full round to cast, you can cast it as a standard action. Spells with longer or shorter casting times are not affected by this feat.


You have learned to take complete advantage of the animal forms you can assume.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: This feat allows the use of three tactical maneuvers, each of which requires that you attempt a charge attack in the round immediately following your shift into animal form using wild shape. If you have the Swift Wild Shape feat (page 62), you can attempt the charge in the same round as you change forms. Pouncing Charge: You can make a full attack after you charge, as if you had the pounce ability (MM 313). If the animal form you have assumed normally has the pounce ability, your bonus on attack rolls when charging increases to +3.

Striking Charge: For the purpose of this charge attack only, you gain an extra 5 feet of reach by suddenly striking forward with your head and neck. You must assume a serpentine animal form to employ this maneuver.

Twisting Charge: You can change direction during a charge, as long as you move at least 10 feet both before and after you turn. You must assume an animal form with four or more legs to employ this maneuver.

Normal: You can make only a single attack after charging, with a +2 bonus on attack rolls. You can charge only in a straight line.


The forces of chaos assist you in combat.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can summon the force of chaos to aid you.

When you activate this ability, roll 1d6. If the result is odd, add that number as a sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on your attack rolls until your next action. If the result is even, add that number as a sacred or profane bonus to your AC.

At the beginning of each action thereafter, roll the die again and apply the designated bonus. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

When you attain 10th level, the die you roll increases to a d8.

When you attain 15th level, the die increases to a d10.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


Your close connection to death magic causes others to find your company unpleasant.

Prerequisites: Access to the Death domain.

Benefit: As long as you have a 2nd-level or higher Death domain spell available to cast, you exude an almost imperceptible scent of the grave wherever you go. As a standard action, you can force one foe within 30 feet to attempt a Will save or be shaken for 1 minute.

If you use this ability on an already shaken creature and it fails its saving throw, it becomes panicked for 1 minute or until it spends 1 full round out of line of sight of you. Creatures that succeed on this save are not affected again by your charnel miasma for 24 hours.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting death spells.


The power of death imbues your weapon with exceptional might.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can cause one of your melee weapons to radiate negative energy for 1 minute. When you make a successful attack with this weapon, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or gain a negative level.

You can bestow only one negative level per target for every four character levels you possess (minimum one, maximum five negative levels at 20th level).

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


Your attacks weaken your opponents’ defenses.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can call upon the forces of destruction to weaken your opponents’ defenses. If you deal damage with a melee attack (but not a melee touch attack) while this ability is active, you temporarily reduce the struck opponent’s armor bonus or natural armor bonus by 1. Reductions from multiple hits stack, to a minimum bonus of +0.

If the opponent has both armor and natural armor bonuses, it chooses which one to reduce. Once one bonus reaches +0, the other bonus automatically gets reduced until it too reaches +0 or the effect ends. This effect lasts for 1 minute, after which all armor and natural armor bonuses reduced in this way return to normal.

Upon reaching 10th level, you reduce your opponent’s armor or natural armor bonus by 2 per successful hit.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


You can manipulate the earth to your advantage.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can ignore the effects of difficult terrain or make terrain near you more difficult to move through. If you use this ability on yourself, you can ignore the effects of difficult terrain for 1 minute.

This ability also grants you a +5 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Balance, Climb, and Jump checks.

If you use this ability to affect nearby terrain, you can change one 5-foot square of earth or stone from normal to difficult terrain for every three character levels you possess (minimum 1 square; maximum 6 squares at 18th level). The first square you change must be within 30 feet of you, and all other squares must be linked to that one in an unbroken line.

Thus, the second square must be adjacent to the first, the third must be adjacent to the first or second, and so on. This change lasts for 1 minute.

On attaining 10th level, you can cause stone spikes to grow from any surface you have changed to difficult terrain using this ability.

These spikes work like caltrops (PH 126), except that the bonus on attack rolls for each spike equals your base attack bonus, and they cannot be swept away. This effect also lasts 1 minute.

If you cause spikes to appear underneath a creature on the affected surface, they immediately “attack”.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


You can channel the power of the four elements from the natural world around you.

Prerequisites: Any other wild feat, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: When you first select this feat, choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. This choice cannot thereafter be changed.

You can spend one daily use of your wild shape ability to surround your limbs and weapons with an aura of the chosen energy. While this effect is active, each melee attack you make deals an extra 1d6 points of the appropriate type of energy damage.

Additionally, you gain resistance 5 against that type of energy.

These effects last for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it, you must select a different type of energy to which the feat applies. You cannot use this feat to activate multiple energy types at the same time.


The power of evil cloaks you and your allies.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can surround yourself with an aura of evil that grants you and each of your allies within 30 feet damage reduction that can be overcome only by good-aligned weapons. The numeric value of this damage reduction is 1 + 1/five character levels you possess (maximum 5/good at 20th level).

In addition, your and your allies’ natural and weapon attacks are evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


You can burn your enemies with your melee attacks.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can sheathe your body in red and orange flames. The fire does not harm you, but you illuminate the nearby area as a torch would.

While you are thus alight, each of your melee attacks deals 1 extra point of fire damage + 1 point for every three character levels you possess (maximum +7 at 18th level). This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Any foe injured by this fire ignites and burns for an additional 1d4 points of fire damage per round unless it succeeds on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier).

A burning creature can take a move action to automatically douse the flames.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each two daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


Your innate attunement to the forces of entropy allows you to weaken objects with the force of your will.

Prerequisites: Access to the Destruction domain.

Benefit: As long as you have a 3rd-level or higher Destruction domain spell available to cast, you can enhance the inherent flaws of objects. Using this ability requires a touch or a melee touch attack (if used against an opponent).

For a number of rounds equal to your caster level, the hardness or damage reduction of the touched object or construct is reduced by an amount equal to the level of the highest-level Destruction domain spell you have available to cast. This ability cannot reduce an object’s hardness or damage reduction below 0.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 insight bonus on all sunder attempts that you make.


The power of good shields you and your allies.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can surround yourself with an aura of good that grants you and be overcome only by evil-aligned weapons. The numeric value of this damage reduction is 1 + 1/five character levels you possess (maximum 5/evil at 20th level).

In addition, your and your allies’ natural and weapon attacks are good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


By channeling the spirits of all creatures, you can increase or decrease your size without otherwise changing your form.

Prerequisite:Wild shape class feature, ability to assume the form of a Large creature using wild shape.

Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your wild shape ability to either grow or shrink one size category.

You cannot use this feat multiple times to grow or shrink more than one category beyond your normal size, nor does this effect stack with others that change your size.

You can activate this feat only while in your normal form. This supernatural ability otherwise functions as the spells enlarge person and reduce person (caster level equals your character level).


You can heal damage faster than normal.

Benefit: Once per day, you can gain fast healing 1, +1 for every five character levels you possess (maximum fast healing 5 at 20th level).

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

You can activate this feat as an immediate action or, if you have a daily available, it automatically activates if you are reduced to 0 hit points or below (but not killed).

Special: As a full-round action, you can transfer this ability to a willing recipient as a touch spell. Doing so counts as one daily use of the ability.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


You have learned to manipulate the energies of the divine to great martial effect.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: This feat allows you the use of two of the four following tactical maneuvers.

The first two maneuvers are available only if you channel positive energy, while the latter two are available only if you channel negative energy.

Balance of Life: The positive energy you channel when healing temporarily bolsters you physically. To use this maneuver, you must first cast a cure spell, then attempt either a melee attack or a Strength-based check in the following round. You gain a bonus on that attack roll or check equal to the level of the cure spell cast.

Conduit of Life: Two conduits of positive energy (turning and healing) reinforce each other, making your cure spells more potent.

To use this maneuver, you must first attempt to turn undead, then make an attack with a cure spell (or other positive-energy spell) against an undead creature in the following round.

You gain a bonus on your damage roll for the spell equal to one-half the result of the initial turning check, and the save DC increases by an amount equal to your Charisma bonus (if any).

If you roll a natural 20 on your attack roll when delivering the spell (assuming one is necessary) and the target fails its save, the spell deals double damage.

Conduit of Death: Two conduits of negative energy (rebuking and dealing damage) reinforce each other, making your inflict spells more potent.

To use this maneuver, you must first attempt to rebuke undead, then make an attack with an inflict spell (or other negative-energy spell) against a living creature in the following round.

You gain a bonus on your damage roll for the spell equal to one-half the result of the initial turning check, and the save DC increases by an amount equal to your Charisma bonus (if any), furthermore, the critical threat range of the attack increases by 1.

Touch of Death: The negative energy you channel lingers, increasing the severity of the wounds you inflict. To use this maneuver, you must first cast an inflict spell, then attempt a melee attack against a living creature in the following round.

If the attack hits, it deals extra damage equal to twice the level of the inflict spell cast.


Your zeal on the battlefield allows you to deal extra damage in combat.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast 4th-level spells, access to the War domain.

Benefit: As long as you have a 4th-level or higher War domain spell available to cast, you gain a bonus on your weapon damage rolls equal to the level of the highest-level War spell you have available to cast.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting force spells.


You imbue your healing spells with additional benefits based on the power of your belief.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast conjuration (healing) spells; access to one or more domains.

Benefit: Whenever you cast a 1st-level or higher conjuration (healing) spell, you not only heal your subject of hit point damage, but you also confer on it a carrier effect deriving from a domain to which you have access. If you have access to more than one of the following domains, choose which carrier effect to use each time you use this ability.

Each of these carrier effects has a duration of 1 minute per level of the conjuration (healing) spell cast and an equivalent spell level.

If you are using domains from publications other than the Player’s Handbook, use the Domains from Publications Other Than the Player’s Handbook sidebar on page 53 to determine an appropriate domain equivalency.

Air: Electricity resistance 5.

Animal: Scent ability.

Chaos: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on a randomly determined ability score.

Death: +4 on saving throws against death effects.

Destruction: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on melee damage rolls.

Earth: Acid resistance 5.

Evil: DR 3/good.

Eire: Fire resistance 5.

Good: DR 3/evil.

Healing: 1 temporary hit point per level or HD. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour.

Knowledge: +2 insight bonus on skill and ability checks.

Law: +4 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on saving throws against mind- affecting spells or spell-like abilities.

Luck:When rolling for damage, treat any die roll result of 1 as 2, unless 1 is the maximum result possible.

Magic: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on saves against spells and spell- like abilities.

Plant: Light fortification (25% chance to avoid extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks).

Protection: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC when fighting defensively.

Strength: +2 on damage rolls with any melee attack. Sun: Low-light vision; +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Spot checks.

Travel: +5-foot bonus to base land speed.

Trickery: +6 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Bluff checks.

War: +1 on attack rolls with weapons (not natural weapons).

Water: +6 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Swim checks.

Special: When you use a conjuration (healing) spell to deal damage to a target, you cannot confer one of these carrier effects on that target.

Special: Different carrier effects can affect the same target concurrently, even if the domains are normally opposed in nature (Law/Chaos, Good/Evil, and so forth).

Special: If your conjuration (healing) spell affects multiple creatures, you can choose only one carrier effect per casting. All targets are subject to that same effect.


You can use your knowledge to exploit your foes’ weaknesses and overcome their strengths.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (any) 5 ranks.

Benefit: Upon selecting this feat, you immediately add one Knowledge skill of your choice to your list of class skills. Thereafter, you treat that skill as a class skill, regardless of which class you are advancing in.

Whenever you fight a creature, you can make a Knowledge check based on its type, as described on page 78 of the Player’s Handbook, provided that you have at least one rank in the appropriate Knowledge skill.

You then receive an insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature type for the remainder of the combat.

The amount of the bonus depends on your Knowledge check result, as given on the following table.

Check result Bonus
15 or lower +1
16-25 +2
26-30 +3
31-35 +4
36 or higher +5

You can make only one Knowledge check per creature type per combat.

If you fight creatures of multiple types during the same combat, you can make one Knowledge check per type, thereby possibly gaining different bonuses against different opponents.

Example: Alhandra faces a black dragon, a vampire, and a beholder.

She has the Knowledge Devotion feat and ranks in both Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion). At the beginning of the battle, she makes checks to gain bonuses against the dragon and the vampire, but since she possess no ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering), she has no chance to gain a bonus against the beholder (an aberration).

Alhandra’s Knowledge (arcana) check grants her a +3 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against the black dragon.

Later, a half-dragon enters the fray. Alhandra cannot make another check since she has already checked for the dragon type this combat, but she can apply the +3 insight bonus to her attack rolls and damage rolls against the half-dragon as well.

This benefit is an extraordinary ability.


The power of law assists you in combat.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can summon the power of law to aid you.

Upon activating this ability, you immediately gain a +3 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on your attack rolls or to your AC until your next action.

At the beginning of your next action, you can reallocate the bonus if desired.

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

The bonus increases to +5 when you attain 10th level, and to +7 when you attain 15th level.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


Luck makes your attacks more effective.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can activate this ability to improve your combat prowess.

For 1 minute, if the result of any damage roll you make is below average, you can increase it to one-half the maximum possible (rounded up).

This effect works for all damage you deal, whether from physical or magical attacks.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You channel your faith into a bolt of energy that strikes your target from afar.

Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can launch an energy bolt as a ranged touch attack against a target within 30 feet, + 5 feet per two character levels you possess.

If this attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of damage per two character levels you possess.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each two daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You can temporarily relieve ability damage.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.

Benefit: As long as you have any restoration spell or another conjuration (healing) spell that cures ability damage available to cast, you can confer temporary ability points on yourself or an ally.

As a standard action, you can create 2 points + 1 point per level of the highest-level such spell you have available to cast.

These ability points can be applied to any single damaged ability, raising it to a maximum of its starting score. Temporary ability points granted in this way disappear after 10 minutes, returning the subject to its previous damaged state unless some other effect restores the lost ability points first.

You can use this effect on the same individual as many times as you wish.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting conjuration (healing) spells.


Your body takes on the resilience of plants.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can force your body to take on plant characteristics. Your skin becomes brown and bark-like, your hair becomes leafy, and your blood oozes like sap.

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

While in this form, your natural armor bonus increases by 2.

In addition, you gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks).

The resistance chance granted by this fortification effect increases to 50% when you attain 10th level and to 75% when you attain 15th level.

At 20th level, you gain heavy fortification (immune to critical hits and sneak attack damage) while in this form.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each two daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You exude an aura that protects you and those around you.

Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can activate a protective aura.

While it is active, you gain a +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC, as does every ally within 30 feet of you.

This bonus increases by 1 for every four character levels you possess (maximum +7 at 20th level).

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


Your connection to the divine principle of protection shields you or an ally from attacks.

Prerequisite: Access to the Protection domain.

Benefit: As long as you have an abjuration spell available to cast, you can use a standard action to provide a sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC equal to the level of the highest-level abjuration spell you have available to cast.

You can apply this bonus either to your AC or to that of a single ally within 30 feet, and it persists until the beginning of your next turn.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting abjuration spells.


You can channel raw divine energy to recharge a previously cast spell.

Prerequisite: Any two divine feats, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend turn or rebuke undead attempts to recover a spell you have already cast that day.

You must spend a number of daily uses equal to 1 + the level of the spell you wish to recover.

You can recover only spells within the class that grants your turn or rebuke undead ability.

You cannot, for example, use this ability to regain a previously cast wizard spell.


Your devotion and faith allow you to counter the effects of other spells.

Prerequisite: Any other divine feat, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: As a standard (readied) action, you can expend one or more turn or rebuke undead attempts to counter another caster’s spell, as though you had cast the same spell yourself (see Counterspells, PH 170).

You must spend a number of daily uses equal to 2+ the level of the spell you wish to counter (minimum l) and be able to cast that spell as if it were on your spell list.

Normal: You can counter a spell only by casting the same spell, a specific counterspell, or dispel magic.


You need not prepare your domain spells in advance.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells, access to two or more cleric domains.

Benefit: When preparing your spells for the day, you can leave your domain slots open.

You can then choose, when the situation arises, to cast any of the domain spells you could normally have prepared for a given level.

However, you are still limited to one domain spell per level per day.

Normal: Clerics must prepare their domain spells before casting.


You can overcome an opponent’s normal resistance to damage.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can bypass hardness with your melee attacks for 1 minute.

In addition, you gain a slam attack as a natural weapon, and all your melee attacks (natural or not) gain the adamantine property for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. As a natural weapon, your slam attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

It deals damage based on your size and character level, as given on the following table.

Character level Damage (S)Damage (M)Damage (L)
1st-5th 1d41d61d8
6th-10th 1d61d82d6
11th-15th 1d81d102d8
16th-20th 1d102d63d6

If you already have a natural weapon, use whichever damage value is higher.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any damage rolls you make with that weapon.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


Your weapon blazes with the power of the sun.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can cause one of your melee weapons to glow with the power of the sun. The illumination radius is the same as that of a torch, but the light is true sunlight and affects creatures within a 10- foot radius as such.

This effect lasts for 1 minute.

While your weapon glows, it deals an additional 1 point of sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) damage per character level you possess to any undead it strikes.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


You can call your special mount in the blink of an eye.

Prerequisite: Special mount class feature.

Benefit: You can call your special mount as a swift action.

Normal: Calling a special mount is a full-round action.


You can shift forms in the blink of an eye.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Fast Wild Shape, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: You can activate your wild shape ability as a swift action.

Normal: Activating wild shape is a standard action.


You can channel divine energy into healing with a touch.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.

Benefit: As long as you have a conjuration (healing) spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can spend a standard action to touch a target creature and heal 3 points of damage per level of the highest-level conjuration (healing) spell you have available to cast.

You can use this ability only on a target that has been reduced to one-half or fewer of its total hit points.

The effect ends once you’ve healed the subject up to half its normal maximum hit points.

This ability has no effect on creatures that can’t be healed by cure spells.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting conjuration (healing) spells.


You can move quickly around the battlefield.

Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can activate this ability to move up to your speed as a swift action each round.

Thus, you can move your speed and then take a full-round action, or move and take two other actions (two move actions or one move action and one standard action). This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Special: You cannot take a 5-foot step in the same round that you use this feat to move as a swift action.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each two daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You project a simulacrum of yourself that can perform limited tasks.

Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can create an exact duplicate of yourself up to 30 feet away. You can control this simulacrum’s movements as a free action.

The image becomes more “real” as you advance in level. This ability is usable up to a maximum of 1 minute per level each day.

The simulacrum combines the characteristics of the silent image (PH 279) and unseen servant (PH297) spells. Its hit points are equal to 6 + your character level. It ignores terrain effects and moves like an unseen servant, making no noise in the process, though it makes normal motions while traveling.

If you have a fly speed, the image appears to fly when not in contact with the ground; otherwise, it walks on open air. You can do anything with this image that you could do with the unseen servant spell and are under the same limitations.

When you attain 5th level, you gain more control over the simulacrum.

At this point, it behaves more like a major image spell (PH 252), though it still performs actions like an unseen servant. As long as the simulacrum remains within 5 feet of your position (and you can direct it to do so as a free action), you can perform a Bluff check in combat as a swift action. You gain a +4 bonus on this check, which is opposed by your opponents’ Sense Motive checks.

If you are successful, your foes believe the image is you (and vice versa) for 1 round.

Once you reach 10th level, you can spend a swift action to transfer your perceptions to the simulacrum and perceive the world from its point of view rather than your own. You can move the image as if it were your own body, using the simulacrum’s movement characteristics (ignoring terrain, “flying, “ and the like).

You can also perform any skill and ability checks using the simulacrum, as long as they do not require a Strength score higher than 2.

The image has phantom versions of all your equipment (such as lockpicks), but any such items that lose direct contact with it immediately dissipate.

When you attain 15th level, the image can become more “real” at your command.

It gains a Strength score equal to one-half your own and can perform combat actions using phantom versions of your gear.

Any of these items that lose contact with the image dissipate immediately.

Thus, the image can wield a sword, but if it shoots a bow, the arrow disappears as soon as it is fired. Equipment that extends more than 5 feet from the image (such as a length of rope) also disappears beyond that distance.

In addition, you can now cast spells originating from the image as if with a project image spell (PH 265), with one exception.

If you lose line of effect to the image, the effect does not end; you just can’t cast spells originating from the image until you gain line of effect again.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You control darkness and shadows.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells.

Benefit: As long as you have a 3rd-level or higher darkness spell available to cast, shadows and darkness appear to obey your will.

As a standard action, you can direct these shadows to obscure the vision of one foe within 30 feet.

If your target fails a Will save, its attacks have a miss chance equal to 5% per level of the highest-level darkness spell you have available to cast.

This effect lasts until the beginning of your next action. Creatures that do not rely on sight are unaffected by this effect, and those with Blind-Fight or similar abilities can fight as they normally would.

As a secondary benefit, you gain darkvision out to 10 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 10 feet.


You can imbue your natural attacks with a touch of venom.

Prerequisites: Any two wild feats, wild shape class feature, ability to assume plant form using wild shape.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your wild shape ability to envenom your natural attacks for up to 1 round per caster level you possess. An ordinary unarmed strike does not qualify for this benefit; you must have a true natural attack, though it can be the result of a transmutation spell or other shapechange effect.

Poison: Injury, Fortitude negates (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Con modifier), 1d2 Str/1d2 Str.


You can control your abilities more effectively in combat.

Benefit: Once per day, when fighting defensively as a standard or full-round action, you take a –3 penalty on all attack rolls in a round and gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC in the same round.

When you attain 7th level, your penalty on attack rolls drops to –2 and your dodge bonus increases to +4. When you attain 15th level, your penalty on attack rolls drops to –1 and your dodge bonus increases to +5. This bonus stacks with the bonus to AC granted by the Combat Expertise feat.

This benefit is an extraordinary ability.

Normal: When fighting defensively, you take a –4 penalty on all attacks in a round and gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC for the same round.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.


You can create a water guardian.

Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can pour the contents of a full waterskin on the ground and summon forth a water elemental on that spot.

The creature remains and follows your commands for 1 minute.

The size of the elemental is based on your character level, as given in the table below.

Character level Elemental Size
1st-5th Small
6th-10th Medium
11th-15th Large
16th-20th Huge

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.