

Every monster has a treasure rating (indicating how much treasure it has, although for some creatures the rating is “None”). The tables found below are used to determine the specifics. After referencing the level and kind of treasure (coins, goods, items) found in the creature’s description, roll on the appropriate row and columns of the proper table.

When generating an encounter dealing with monsters away from their lair, remember that a creature only takes what it can easily carry with it. In the case of a creature that cannot use treasure, that generally means nothing. The monster safeguards or hides its treasure as well as it can, but it leaves it behind when outside the lair.

Using the Treasure Table

Cross-reference the level of the treasure on the left with the type of treasure. The level of the treasure is equal to the CR of the monsters in the encounter. A standard treasure (one that includes coins, goods, and items) requires three rolls, one for each category.


per Encounter
per Encounter
1 300 gp 11 7,500 gp
2 600 gp 12 9,800 gp
3 900 gp 13 13,000 gp
4 1,200 gp 14 17,000 gp
5 1,600 gp 15 22,000 gp
6 2,000 gp 16 28,000 gp
7 2,600 gp 17 36,000 gp
8 3,400 gp 18 47,000 gp
9 4,500 gp 19 61,000 gp
10 5,800 gp 20 80,000 gp

On average, the PCs should earn one treasure suitable to their level for each encounter they overcome.


Type Average Result
Gem 275 gp
Art object 1,100 gp
Mundane item 350 gp
Minor magic item 1,000 gp
Medium magic item 10,000 gp
Major magic item 40,000 gp


Level d% Coins d% Goods d% Items
1st 01–14 01–90 01–71

15–29 1d6 x 1,000 cp 91–95 1 gem 72–95 1 mundane

30–52 1d8 x 100 sp 96–100 1 art 96–100 1 minor

53–95 2d8 x 10 gp

96–100 1d4 x 10 pp

2nd 01–13 01–81 01–49

14–23 1d10 x 1,000 cp 82–95 1d3 gems 50–85 1 mundane

24–43 2d10 x 100 sp 96–100 1d3 art 86–100 1 minor

44–95 4d10 x 10 gp

96–100 2d8 x 10 pp

3rd 01–11 01–77 01–49

12–21 2d10 x 1,000 cp 78–95 1d3 gems 50–79 1d3 mundane

22–41 4d8 x 100 sp 96–100 1d3 art 80–100 1 minor

42–95 1d4 x 100 gp

96–100 1d10 x 10 pp

4th 01–11 01–70 01–42

12–21 3d10 x 1,000 cp 71–95 1d4 gems 43–62 1d4 mundane

22–41 4d12 x 1,000 sp 96–100 1d3 art 63–100 1 minor

42–95 1d6 x 100 gp

96–100 1d8 x 10 pp

5th 01–10 01–60 01–57

11–19 1d4 x 10,000 cp 61–95 1d4 gems 58–67 1d4 mundane

20–38 1d6 x 1,000 sp 96–100 1d4 art 68–100 1d3 minor

39–95 1d8 x 100 gp

96–100 1d10 x 10 pp

6th 01–10 01–56 01–54

11–18 1d6 x 10,000 cp 57–92 1d4 gems 55–59 1d4 mundane

19–37 1d8 x 1,000 sp 93–100 1d4 art 60–99 1d3 minor

38–95 1d10 x 100 gp 100 1 medium

96–100 1d12 x 10 pp

7th 01–11 01–48 01–51

12–18 1d10 x 10,000 cp 49–88 1d4 gems 52–97 1d3 minor

19–35 1d12 x 1,000 sp 89–100 1d4 art 98–100 1 medium

36–93 2d6 x 100 gp

94–100 3d4 x 10 pp

8th 01–10 01–45 01–48

11–15 1d12 x 10,000 cp 46–85 1d6 gems 49–96 1d4 minor

16–29 2d6 x 1,000 sp 86–100 1d4 art 97–100 1 medium

30–87 2d8 x 100 gp

88–100 3d6 x 10 pp

9th 01–10 01–40 01–43

11–15 2d6 x 10,000 cp 41–80 1d8 gems 44–91 1d4 minor

16–29 2d8 x 1,000 sp 81–100 1d4 art 92–100 1 medium

30–85 5d4 x 100 gp

86–100 2d12 x 10 pp

10th 01–10 01–35 01–40

11–24 2d10 x 1,000 sp 36–79 1d8 gems 41–88 1d4 minor

25–79 6d4 x 100 gp 80–100 1d6 art 89–99 1 medium

80–100 5d6 x 10 pp 100 1 major
11th 01–08 01–24 01–31

09–14 3d10 x 1,000 sp 25–74 1d10 gems 32–84 1d4 minor

15–75 4d8 x 100 gp 75–100 1d6 art 85–98 1 medium

76–100 4d10 x 10 pp 99–100 1 major
12th 01–08 01–17 01–27

09–14 3d12 x 1,000 sp 18–70 1d10 gems 28–82 1d6 minor

15–75 1d4 x 1,000 gp 71–100 1d8 art 83–97 1 medium

76–100 1d4 x 100 pp 98–100 1 major
13th 01–08 01–11 01–19

09–75 1d4 x 1,000 gp 12–66 1d12 gems 20–73 1d6 minor

76–100 1d10 x 100 pp 67–100 1d10 art 74–95 1 medium

96–100 1 major
14th 01–08 01–11 01–19

09–75 1d6 x 1,000 gp 12–66 2d8 gems 20–58 1d6 minor

76–100 1d12 x 100 pp 67–100 2d6 art 59–92 1 medium

93–100 1 major
15th 01–03 01–09 01–11

04–74 1d8 x 1,000 gp 10–65 2d10 gems 12–46 1d10 minor

75–100 3d4 x 100 pp 66–100 2d8 art 47–90 1 medium

91–100 1 major
16th 01–03 01–07 01–40

04–74 1d12 x 1,000 gp 08–64 4d6 gems 41–46 1d10 minor

75–100 3d4 x 100 pp 65–100 2d10 art 47–90 1d3 medium

91–100 1 major
17th 01–03 01–04 01–33

04–68 3d4 x 1,000 gp 05–63 4d8 gems 34–83 1d3 medium

69–100 2d10 x 100 pp 64–100 3d8 art 84–100 1 major
18th 01–02 01–04 01–24

03–65 3d6 x 1,000 gp 05–54 3d12 gems 25–80 1d4 medium

66–100 5d4 x 100 pp 55–100 3d10 art 81–100 1 major
19th 01–02 01–03 01–04

03–65 3d8 x 1,000 gp 04–50 6d6 gems 05–70 1d4 medium

66–100 3d10 x 100 pp 51–100 6d6 art 71–100 1 major
20th 01–02 01–02 01–25

03–65 4d8 x 1,000 gp 03–38 4d10 gems 26–65 1d4 medium

66–100 4d10 x 100 pp 39–100 7d6 art 66–100 1d3 major

For treasures above 20th level, use the 20th-level row and then add a number of random major items.

Level Magic Items Level Magic Items Level Magic Items
21st +1 25th +9 28th +23
22nd +2 26th +12 29th +31
23rd +4 27th +17 30th +42
24th +6

Table: GEMS

d% Value Average Examples
01–25 4d4 gp 10 gp Banded, eye, or moss agate; azurite; blue quartz; hematite; lapis lazuli; malachite; obsidian; rhodochrosite; tiger eye turquoise; freshwater (irregular) pearl
26–50 2d4 x 10 gp 50 gp Bloodstone; carnelian; chalcedony; chrysoprase; citrine; iolite, jasper; moonstone; onyx; peridot; rock crystal (clear quartz); sard; sardonyx; rose, smoky, or star rose quartz; zircon
51–70 4d4 x 10 gp 100 gp Amber; amethyst; chrysoberyl; coral; red or brown-green garnet; jade; jet; white, golden, pink, or silver pearl; red spinel, red-brown or deep green spinel; tourmaline
71–90 2d4 x 100 gp 500 gp Alexandrite; aquamarine; violet garnet; black pearl; deep blue spinel; golden yellow topaz
91–99 4d4 x 100 gp 1,000 gp Emerald; white, black, or fire opal; blue sapphire; fiery yellow or rich purple corundum; blue or black star sapphire; star ruby
100 2d4 x 1,000 gp 5,000 gp Clearest bright green emerald; blue-white, canary, pink, brown, or blue diamond; jacinth


d% Value Average Examples
01–10 1d10 x 10 gp 55 gp Silver ewer; carved bone or ivory statuette; finely wrought small gold bracelet
11–25 3d6 x 10 gp 105 gp Cloth of gold vestments; black velvet mask with numerous citrines; silver chalice with lapis lazuli gems
26–40 1d6 x 100 gp 350 gp Large well-done wool tapestry; brass mug with jade inlays
41–50 1d10 x 100 gp 550 gp Silver comb with moonstones; silver-plated steel longsword with jet jewel in hilt
51–60 2d6 x 100 gp 700 gp Carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems; solid gold idol (10 lb.)
61–70 3d6 x 100 gp 1,050 gp Gold dragon comb with red garnet eye; gold and topaz bottle stopper cork; ceremonial electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel
71–80 4d6 x 100 gp 1,400 gp Eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone; fire opal pendant on a fine gold chain; old masterpiece painting
81–85 5d6 x 100 gp 1,750 gp Embroidered silk and velvet mantle with numerous moonstones; sapphire pendant on gold chain
86–90 1d4 x 1,000 gp 2,500 gp Embroidered and bejeweled glove; jeweled anklet; gold music box
91–95 1d6 x 1,000 gp 3,500 gp Golden circlet with four aquamarines; a string of small pink pearls (necklace)
96–99 2d4 x 1,000 gp 5,000 gp Jeweled gold crown; jeweled electrum ring
100 2d6 x 1,000 gp 7,000 gp Gold and ruby ring; gold cup set with emeralds


d% Mundane Item
01–17 Alchemical item
01–12 Alchemist’s fire (1d4 flasks, 20 gp each)
13–24 Acid (2d4 flasks, 10 gp each)
25–36 Smokesticks (1d4 sticks, 20 gp each)
37–48 Holy water (1d4 flasks, 25 gp each)
49–62 Antitoxin (1d4 doses, 50 gp each)
63–74 Everburning torch
75–88 Tanglefoot bags (1d4 bags, 50 gp each)
89–100 Thunderstones (1d4 stones, 30 gp each)
18–50 Armor (roll d%: 01–10 = Small, 11–100 = Medium)
01–12 Chain shirt (100 gp)
13–18 Masterwork studded leather (175 gp)
19–26 Breastplate (200 gp)
27–34 Banded mail (250 gp)
35–54 Half-plate (600 gp)
55–80 Full plate (1,500 gp)
81–90 Darkwood
01–50 Buckler (205 gp)
51–100 Shield (257 gp)
91–100 Masterwork shield
01–17 Buckler (165 gp)
18–40 Light wooden shield (153 gp)
41–60 Light steel shield (159 gp)
61–83 Heavy wooden shield (157 gp)
84–100 Heavy steel shield (170 gp)
51–83 Weapons
01–50 Masterwork common melee weapon
51–70 Masterwork uncommon weapon
71–100 Masterwork common ranged weapon
84–100 Tools and gear
01–03 Backpack, empty (2 gp)
04–06 Crowbar (2 gp)
07–11 Lantern, bullseye (12 gp)
12–16 Lock, simple (20 gp)
17–21 Lock, average (40 gp)
22–28 Lock, good (80 gp)
29–35 Lock, superior (150 gp)
36–40 Manacles, masterwork (50 gp)
41–43 Mirror, small steel (10 gp)
44–46 Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp)
47–53 Spyglass (1,000 gp)
54–58 Artisan’s tools, masterwork (55 gp)
59–63 Climber’s kit (80 gp)
64–68 Disguise kit (50 gp)
69–73 Healer’s kit (50 gp)
74–77 Holy symbol, silver (25 gp)
78–81 Hourglass (25 gp)
82–88 Magnifying glass (100 gp)
89–95 Musical instrument, masterwork (100 gp)
96–100 Thieves’ tools, masterwork (50 gp)