SRD Tools


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Name Size Type Subtype Challenge Rating Environment Level Adjustment Source
ABOLETH Huge Aberration Aquatic 07 Underground MMI
ACHAIERAI Large Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 05 Acheron MMI
ALLIP Medium Undead Incorporeal 03 Any MMI
ANGEL, ASTRAL DEVA Medium Outsider Angel, Extraplanar, Good 14 Good Plane +8 (ECL 20) MMI
ANGEL, PLANETAR Large Outsider Angel, Extraplanar, Good 16 Good Plane MMI
ANGEL, SOLAR Large Outsider Angel, Extraplanar, Good 23 Good Plane MMI
ANIMATED OBJECT Varies Construct Varies Any MMI
ANKHEG Large Magical Beast 03 Warm plains MMI
ARANEA Medium Magical Beast Shapechanger 04 Temperate forests +4 (ECL 7) MMI
ARCHON, HOUND Medium Outsider Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful 04 Celestia +5 (ECL 11) MMI
ARCHON, LANTERN Small Outsider Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful 02 Celestia MMI
ARCHON, TRUMPET Medium Outsider Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful 14 Celestia +8 (ECL 20) MMI
ARROWHAWK, ADULT Medium Outsider Air, Extraplanar 05 Plane of Air MMI
ARROWHAWK, ELDER Large Outsider Air, Extraplanar 08 Plane of Air MMI
ARROWHAWK, JUVENILE Small Outsider Air, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Air MMI
ASSASSIN VINE Large Plant 03 Temperate forests MMI
ATHACH Huge Aberration 08 Temperate hills +5 (ECL 19) MMI
AZER Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 02 Plane of Fire +4 (ECL 6) MMI
BARGHEST Medium Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger 04 Gehenna MMI
BARGHEST, GREATER Large Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger 05 Gehenna MMI
BASILISK Medium Magical Beast 05 Warm deserts MMI
BEHIR Huge Magical Beast 08 Warm hills MMI
BEHOLDER, BEHOLDER Large Aberration 13 Cold Hills MMI
BEHOLDER, GAUTH Medium Aberration 06 Cold Hills MMI
BELKER Large Elemental Air, Extraplanar 06 Plane of Air MMI
BLINK DOG Medium Magical Beast 02 Temperate plains +2 (cohort) MMI
BODAK Medium Undead Extraplanar 08 Abyss MMI
BUGBEAR Medium Humanoid Goblinoid 02 Temperate mountains +1 (ECL 4) MMI
BULETTE Huge Magical Beast 07 Temperate hills MMI
CARRION CRAWLER Large Aberration 04 Underground MMI
CELESTIAL CREATURE +0-2 Good-Aligned Plane +2 (Template) MMI
CENTAUR Large Monstrous Humanoid 03 Temperate forests +2 (ECL 4) MMI
CHAOS BEAST Medium Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 07 Limbo MMI
CHIMERA Large Magical Beast 07 Temperate hills +2 (cohort) MMI
CHOKER Small Aberration 02 Underground MMI
CHUUL Large Aberration Aquatic 07 Temperate marshes MMI
CLOAKER Large Aberration 05 Underground MMI
COCKATRICE Small Magical Beast 03 Temperate plains MMI
COUATL Large Outsider Native 10 Warm forests +7 (ECL 16) MMI
DARKMANTLE Small Magical Beast 01 Underground MMI
DELVER Huge Aberration 09 Underground MMI
DEMON, BABAU Medium Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 06 Abyss MMI
DEMON, BALOR Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 20 Abyss MMI
DEMON, BEBILITH Huge Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 10 Abyss MMI
DEMON, DRETCH Small Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 02 Abyss +2 (ECL 4) MMI
DEMON, GLABREZU Huge Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 13 Abyss MMI
DEMON, HEZROU Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 11 Abyss +9 (ECL 19) MMI
DEMON, MARILITH Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 17 Abyss MMI
DEMON, NALFESHNEE Huge Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 14 Abyss MMI
DEMON, QUASIT Tiny Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 02 Abyss MMI
DEMON, RETRIEVER Huge Construct Extraplanar 11 Abyss MMI
DEMON, SUCCUBUS Medium Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri 07 Abyss +6 (ECL 12) MMI
DEMON, VROCK Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil 09 Abyss +8 (ECL 18) MMI
DERRO Small Monstrous Humanoid 03 Underground +2 if sane (ECL 5) MMI
DESTRACHAN Large Aberration 08 Underground MMI
DEVIL, BARBED (HAMATULA) Medium Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 11 Baator MMI
DEVIL, BEARDED (BARBAZU) Medium Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 05 Baator +6 (ECL 12) MMI
DEVIL, BONE (OSYLUTH) Large Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 09 Baator MMI
DEVIL, CHAIN (KYTON) Medium Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 06 Baator +6 (ECL 14) MMI
DEVIL, ERINYES Medium Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 08 Baator +7 (ECL 16) MMI
DEVIL, HELLCAT (BEZEKIRA) Large Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 07 Baator MMI
DEVIL, HORNED (CORNUGON) Large Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 16 Baator MMI
DEVIL, ICE (GELUGON) Large Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 13 Baator MMI
DEVIL, IMP Tiny Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 02 Baator — (Improved Familiar) MMI
DEVIL, LEMURE Medium Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 01 Baator MMI
DEVIL, PIT FIEND Large Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 20 Baator MMI
DEVOURER Large Undead Extraplanar 11 Any MMI
DIGESTER Medium Magical Beast 06 Warm forests MMI
DINOSAUR, DEINONYCHUS Large Animal 03 Warm forests MMI
DINOSAUR, ELASMOSAURUS Huge Animal 07 Warm aquatic MMI
DINOSAUR, MEGARAPTOR Huge Animal 06 Warm forests MMI
DINOSAUR, TRICERATOPS Huge Animal 09 Temperate plains MMI
DINOSAUR, TYRANNOSAURUS Huge Animal 08 Warm plains MMI
DIRE APE Large Animal 03 Warm forests MMI
DIRE BADGER Medium Animal 02 Temperate forests MMI
DIRE BAT Large Animal 02 Temperate deserts MMI
DIRE BEAR Large Animal 07 Cold forests MMI
DIRE BOAR Large Animal 04 Temperate forests MMI
DIRE LION Large Animal 05 Warm plains MMI
DIRE RAT Small Animal 1/2 Any MMI
DIRE SHARK Huge Animal Aquatic 09 Cold aquatic MMI
DIRE TIGER Large Animal 08 Warm forests MMI
DIRE WEASEL Medium Animal 02 Temperate hills MMI
DIRE WOLF Large Animal 03 Temperate forests MMI
DIRE WOLVERINE Large Animal 04 Cold forests MMI
DISPLACER BEAST Large Magical Beast 04 Temperate Hills +4 MMI
DISPLACER BEAST, PACK LORD Large Magical Beast 12 Temperate Hills MMI
DOPPELGANGER Medium Monstrous Humanoid Shapechanger 03 Any +4 (ECL 8) MMI
DRAGON TURTLE Huge Dragon Aquatic 09 Temperate aquatic MMI
DRAGON, BLACK Varies Dragon Water Varies Warm marshes MMI
DRAGON, BLUE Varies Dragon Earth Varies Temperate deserts MMI
DRAGON, BRASS Varies Dragon Fire Varies Warm deserts MMI
DRAGON, BRONZE Varies Dragon Water Varies Temperate hills MMI
DRAGON, COPPER Varies Dragon Earth Varies Warm hills MMI
DRAGON, GOLD Varies Dragon Fire Varies Warm mountains MMI
DRAGON, GREEN Varies Dragon Air Varies Temperate forests MMI
DRAGON, RED Varies Dragon Fire Varies Warm mountains MMI
DRAGON, SILVER Varies Dragon Cold Varies Warm mountains MMI
DRAGON, WHITE Varies Dragon Cold Varies Cold mountains MMI
DRAGONNE Large Magical Beast 07 Temperate deserts +4 (cohort) MMI
DRIDER Large Aberration 07 Underground +4 (ECL 10) MMI
DRYAD Medium Fey 03 Temperate forests MMI
DWARF Medium Humanoid Dwarf 1/2 Temperate mountains +0 (ECL 1) MMI
DWARF, DUERGAR Medium Humanoid Dwarf 01 Underground +1 (ECL 2) MMI
EAGLE, GIANT Large Magical Beast 03 Temperate mountains +2 (cohort) MMI
ELADRIN, BRALANI Medium Outsider Chaotic, Eladrin, Extraplanar, Good 06 Arborea +6 (ECL 12) MMI
ELADRIN, GHAELE Medium Outsider Chaotic, Eladrin, Extraplanar, Good 13 Arborea MMI
ELEMENTAL, AIR Varies Elemental Air, Extraplanar Varies Plane of Air MMI
ELEMENTAL, EARTH Varies Elemental Earth, Extraplanar Varies Plane of Earth MMI
ELEMENTAL, FIRE Varies Elemental Fire, Extraplanar Varies Plane of Fire MMI
ELEMENTAL, WATER Varies Elemental Water, Extraplanar Varies Plane of Water MMI
ELF Medium Humanoid Elf 1/2 Temperate forest +0 (ECL 1) MMI
ELF, DROW Medium Humanoid Elf 01 Underground +2 (ECL 3) MMI
ETHEREAL FILCHER Medium Aberration 03 Underground MMI
ETHEREAL MARAUDER Medium Magical Beast Extraplanar 03 Ethereal Plane MMI
ETTERCAP Medium Aberration 03 Warm forests +4 (ECL 9) MMI
ETTIN Large Giant 06 Cold hills +5 (ECL 15) MMI
FIENDISH CREATURE +0-2 Evil-Aligned Plane +2 (Template) MMI
FORMIAN MYRMARCH Large Outsider 10 Mechanus MMI
FORMIAN QUEEN Large Outsider 17 Mechanus MMI
FORMIAN TASKMASTER Medium Outsider 07 Mechanus MMI
FORMIAN WARRIOR Medium Outsider 03 Mechanus MMI
FORMIAN WORKER Small Outsider Lawful, Extraplanar 1/2 Mechanus MMI
FROST WORM Huge Magical Beast Cold 12 Cold plains MMI
FUNGUS, SHRIEKER Medium Plant 01 Underground MMI
FUNGUS, VIOLET Medium Plant 03 Underground MMI
GARGOYLE Medium Monstrous Humanoid Earth 04 Any +5 (ECL 9) MMI
GENIE, DJINNI Large Outsider Air, Extraplanar 05 Plane of Air +6 (ECL 13) MMI
GENIE, EFREETI Large Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 08 Plane of Fire MMI
GENIE, JANNI Medium Outsider Native 04 Warm deserts +5 (ECL 11) MMI
GHAST Medium Undead 03 Any MMI
GHOST Undead Incorporeal +2 Any +5 (Template) MMI
GHOUL Medium Undead 01 Any MMI
GIANT, CLOUD Huge Giant Air 11 Temperate mountains MMI
GIANT, FIRE Large Giant Fire 10 Warm mountains +4 (ECL 19) MMI
GIANT, FROST Large Giant Cold 09 Cold mountains +4 (ECL 18) MMI
GIANT, HILL Large Giant 07 Temperate hills +4 (ECL 16) MMI
GIANT, STONE Large Giant Earth 08 Temperate mountains +4 (ECL 18) MMI
GIANT, STORM Huge Giant 13 Warm mountains MMI
GIBBERING MOUTHER Medium Aberration 05 Underground MMI
GIRALLON Large Magical Beast 06 Warm forests MMI
GITHYANKI Medium Humanoid Extraplanar 01 Astral Plane +2 (ECL 3) MMI
GITHZERAI Medium Humanoid Extraplanar 01 Plane of Limbo +2 (ECL 3) MMI
GNOLL Medium Humanoid Gnoll 01 Warm plains +1 (ECL 3) MMI
GNOME Small Humanoid Gnome 1/2 Temperate hills +0 (ECL 1) MMI
GNOME, SVIRFNEBLIN Small Humanoid Gnome 01 Underground +3 (ECL 4) MMI
GOBLIN Small Humanoid Goblinoid 1/2 Temperate plains +0 (ECL 1) MMI
GOLEM, CLAY Large Construct 10 Any MMI
GOLEM, FLESH Large Construct 07 Any MMI
GOLEM, IRON Large Construct 13 Any MMI
GOLEM, STONE Large Construct 11 Any MMI
GORGON Large Magical Beast 08 Temperate plains MMI
GRAY RENDER Large Magical Beast 08 Temperate marshes +5 (cohort) MMI
GRICK Medium Aberration 03 Underground MMI
GRIFFON Large Magical Beast 04 Temperate hills +3 (cohort) MMI
GRIMLOCK Medium Monstrous Humanoid 01 Underground +2 (ECL 4) MMI
GUARDINAL, AVORAL Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Good, Guardinal 09 Elysium MMI
GUARDINAL, LEONAL Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Good, Guardinal 12 Elysium MMI
HAG, ANNIS Large Monstrous Humanoid 06 Cold marshes MMI
HAG, GREEN Medium Monstrous Humanoid 05 Temperate marshes MMI
HAG, SEA Medium Monstrous Humanoid Aquatic 04 Temperate aquatic MMI
HALF-CELESTIAL Outsider Native +0-3 Same +4 (Template) MMI
HALF-DRAGON Dragon +2 Same +3 (Template) MMI
HALF-FIEND Outsider Native +0-3 Same +4 (Template) MMI
HALFLING Small Humanoid Halfling 1/2 Warm plains +0 (ECL 1) MMI
HARPY Medium Monstrous Humanoid 04 Temperate marshes +3 (ECL 10) MMI
HELL HOUND Medium Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful 03 Baator +3 (cohort) MMI
HIPPOGRIFF Large Magical Beast 02 Temperate hills MMI
HOBGOBLIN Medium Humanoid Goblinoid 1/2 Warm hills +1 (ECL 2) MMI
HOMUNCULUS Tiny Construct 01 Any MMI
HOWLER Large Outsider Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar 03 Pandemonium +3 (cohort) MMI
HYDRA, EIGHT-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 07 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, ELEVEN-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 10 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, FIVE-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 04 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, NINE-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 08 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, SEVEN-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 06 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, SIX-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 05 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, TEN-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 09 Temperate marshes MMI
HYDRA, TWELVE-HEADED Huge Magical Beast 11 Temperate marshes MMI
INEVITABLE, KOLYARUT Medium Construct Extraplanar, Lawful 12 Mechanus MMI
INEVITABLE, MARUT Large Construct Extraplanar, Lawful 15 Mechanus MMI
INEVITABLE, ZELEKHUT Large Construct Extraplanar, Lawful 09 Mechanus +7 (ECL 15) MMI
INVISIBLE STALKER Large Elemental Air, Extraplanar 07 Plane of Air MMI
KOBOLD Small Humanoid Reptilian 1/2 Temperate forests +0 (ECL 1) MMI
KRAKEN Gargantuan Magical Beast Aquatic 12 Temperate aquatic MMI
KRENSHAR Medium Magical Beast 01 Temperate forests +2 (ECL 4) MMI
KUO-TOA Medium Monstrous Humanoid Aquatic 02 Temperate aquatic +3 (ECL 5) MMI
LAMIA Large Magical Beast 06 Temperate deserts +4 (ECL 13) MMI
LAMMASU Large Magical Beast 08 Temperate deserts +5 (ECL 12) MMI
LICH Undead +2 Any +4 (Template) MMI
LILLEND Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good 07 Ysgard +6 (ECL 13) MMI
LIZARDFOLK Medium Humanoid Reptilian 01 Temperate marshes +1 (ECL 3) MMI
LOCATHAH Medium Humanoid Aquatic 1/2 Warm aquatic +1 (ECL 3) MMI
LYCANTHROPE, WEREBEAR Shapechanger +4 Any +2 (Template), +3 if afflicted MMI
LYCANTHROPE, WEREBOAR Shapechanger +3 Any +2 (Template), +3 if afflicted MMI
LYCANTHROPE, WERERAT Shapechanger +2 Any +2 (Template), +3 if afflicted MMI
LYCANTHROPE, WERETIGER Shapechanger +4 Any +2 (Template), +3 if afflicted MMI
LYCANTHROPE, WEREWOLF Shapechanger +2 Any +2 (Template), +3 if afflicted MMI
MAGMIN Small Elemental Fire, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Fire MMI
MANTICORE Large Magical Beast 05 Warm marshes +3 (cohort) MMI
MEDUSA Medium Monstrous Humanoid 07 Temperate marshes MMI
MEPHIT, AIR Small Outsider Air, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Air +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, DUST Small Outsider Air, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Air +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, EARTH Small Outsider Earth, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Earth +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, FIRE Small Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 03 Plane of Fire +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, ICE Small Outsider Air, Cold, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Air +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, MAGMA Small Outsider Fire, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Fire +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, OOZE Small Outsider Extraplanar, Water 03 Plane of Water +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, SALT Small Outsider Earth, Extraplanar 03 Plane of Earth +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, STEAM Small Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 03 Plane of Fire +3 (cohort) MMI
MEPHIT, WATER Small Outsider Extraplanar, Water 03 Plane of Water +3 (cohort) MMI
MERFOLK Medium Humanoid Aquatic 1/2 Temperate aquatic +1 (ECL 2) MMI
MIMIC Large Aberration Shapechanger 04 Underground MMI
MIND FLAYER Medium Aberration 08 Underground +7 MMI
MINOTAUR Large Monstrous Humanoid 04 Underground +2 (ECL 8) MMI
MOHRG Medium Undead 08 Any MMI
MUMMY Medium Undead 05 Any MMI
NAGA, DARK Large Aberration 08 Temperate hills MMI
NAGA, GUARDIAN Large Aberration 10 Temperate plains MMI
NAGA, SPIRIT Large Aberration 09 Temperate marshes MMI
NAGA, WATER Large Aberration Aquatic 07 Temperate aquatic MMI
NIGHT HAG Medium Outsider Evil, Extraplanar 09 Hades MMI
NIGHTCRAWLER Gargantuan Undead Extraplanar 18 Plane of Shadow MMI
NIGHTMARE Large Outsider Evil, Extraplanar 05 Hades +4 (cohort) MMI
NIGHTWALKER Huge Undead Extraplanar 16 Plane of Shadow MMI
NIGHTWING Huge Undead Extraplanar 14 Plane of Shadow MMI
NYMPH Medium Fey 07 Temperate forests +7 (ECL 13) MMI
OGRE Large Giant 03 Temperate hills +2 (ECL 6) MMI
OGRE MAGE Large Giant 08 Cold hills +7 (ECL 12) MMI
OOZE, BLACK PUDDING Huge Ooze 07 Underground MMI
OOZE, GELATINOUS CUBE Huge Ooze 03 Underground MMI
OOZE, GRAY Medium Ooze 04 Cold marshes MMI
OOZE, OCHRE JELLY Large Ooze 05 Temperate marshes MMI
ORC Medium Humanoid Orc 1/2 Temperate hills +0 (ECL 1) MMI
OTYUGH Large Aberration 04 Underground MMI
OWL, GIANT Large Magical Beast 03 Temperate forests +2 (cohort) MMI
OWLBEAR Large Magical Beast 04 Temperate forests MMI
PEGASUS Large Magical Beast 03 Temperate forests +2 (cohort) MMI
PHANTOM FUNGUS Medium Plant 03 Underground MMI
PHASE SPIDER Large Magical Beast 05 Warm hills MMI
PHASM Medium Aberration Shapechanger 07 Underground MMI
PLANETOUCHED, AASIMAR Medium Outsider Native 1/2 Temperate plains +1 (ECL 2) MMI
PLANETOUCHED, TIEFLING Medium Outsider Native 1/2 Temperate plains +1 (ECL 2) MMI
PSEUDODRAGON Tiny Dragon 01 Temperate forests +3 (ECL 5) MMI
PURPLE WORM Gargantuan Magical Beast 12 Underground MMI
RAKSHASA Medium Outsider Native 10 Warm marshes +7 (ECL 14) MMI
RAST Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 05 Plane of Fire MMI
RAVID Medium Outsider Extraplanar 05 Positive Energy Plane MMI
REMORHAZ Huge Magical Beast 07 Cold desert MMI
ROC Gargantuan Animal 09 Warm mountains MMI
ROPER Large Magical Beast 12 Underground MMI
RUST MONSTER Medium Aberration 03 Underground MMI
SAHUAGIN Medium Monstrous Humanoid Aquatic 02 Warm aquatic +2, +3 if four-armed (ECL 4) MMI
SALAMANDER, AVERAGE Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 06 Plane of Fire +5 (ECL 14) MMI
SALAMANDER, FLAMEBROTHER Small Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 03 Plane of Fire +4 (ECL 8) MMI
SALAMANDER, NOBLE Large Outsider Extraplanar, Fire 10 Plane of Fire MMI
SATYR Medium Fey 02 Temperate forests +2 (ECL 7) MMI
SEA CAT Large Magical Beast 04 Temperate aquatic MMI
SHADOW Medium Undead Incorporeal 03 Any MMI
SHADOW MASTIFF Medium Outsider Extraplanar 05 Plane of Shadow +3 (cohort) MMI
SHAMBLING MOUND Large Plant 06 Temperate marshes +6 (ECL 14) MMI
SHIELD GUARDIAN Large Construct 08 Any MMI
SHOCKER LIZARD Small Magical Beast 02 Warm marshes MMI
SKELETON Undead Varies Any — (Template) MMI
SKUM Medium Aberration Aquatic 02 Underground +3 (ECL 5) MMI
SLAAD, BLUE Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 08 Limbo +6 MMI
SLAAD, DEATH Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 13 Limbo MMI
SLAAD, GRAY Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 10 Limbo +6 MMI
SLAAD, GREEN Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 09 Limbo +7 MMI
SLAAD, RED Large Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 07 Limbo +6 MMI
SPECTRE Medium Undead Incorporeal 07 Any MMI
SPHINX, ANDROSPHINX Large Magical Beast 09 Warm deserts +5 (cohort) MMI
SPHINX, CRIOSPHINX Large Magical Beast 07 Warm deserts +3 (cohort) MMI
SPHINX, GYNOSPHINX Large Magical Beast 08 Warm deserts +4 (cohort) MMI
SPHINX, HIERACOSPHINX Large Magical Beast 05 Warm deserts +3 (cohort) MMI
SPIDER EATER Large Magical Beast 05 Temperate forests MMI
SPRITE, GRIG Tiny Fey 01 Temperate forests +3 (ECL 4) MMI
SPRITE, NIXIE Small Fey Aquatic 01 Temperate aquatic +3 (ECL 4) MMI
SPRITE, PIXIE Small Fey 04 Temperate forests +4 (ECL 5) MMI
SPRITE, PIXIE W/OTTO`S Small Fey 04 Temperate forests +6 (ECL 7) MMI
STIRGE Tiny Magical Beast 1/2 Warm marshes MMI
SWARM, BAT Diminuative Animal Swarm 02 Temperate deserts MMI
SWARM, CENTIPEDE Diminuative Vermin Swarm 04 Underground MMI
SWARM, HELLWASP Diminuative Magical Beast Extraplanar, Evil, Swarm 08 Gehenna MMI
SWARM, LOCUST Diminuative Vermin Swarm 03 Temperate plains MMI
SWARM, RAT Tiny Animal Swarm 02 Any MMI
SWARM, SPIDER Diminuative Vermin Swarm 01 Warm forests MMI
TARRASQUE Colossal Magical Beast 20 Any MMI
TENDRICULOS Huge Plant 06 Temperate forests MMI
THOQQUA Medium Elemental Earth, Extraplanar, Fire 02 Plane of Fire MMI
TITAN Huge Outsider Chaotic, Extraplanar 21 Arborea MMI
TOJANIDA, ADULT Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Water 05 Plane of Water MMI
TOJANIDA, ELDER Large Outsider Extraplanar, Water 09 Plane of Water MMI
TOJANIDA, JUVENILE Small Outsider Extraplanar, Water 03 Plane of Water MMI
TREANT Huge Plant 08 Temperate forests +5 (ECL 12) MMI
TRITON Medium Outsider Native, Water 02 Temperate aquatic +2 (ECL 5) MMI
TROGLODYTE Medium Humanoid Reptilian 01 Underground +2 (ECL 4) MMI
TROLL Large Giant 05 Cold mountains +5 (ECL 11) MMI
UMBER HULK Large Aberration 07 Underground MMI
UMBER HULK, TRULY HORRID Huge Aberration 14 Underground MMI
UNICORN Large Magical Beast 03 Temperate forests +4 (cohort) MMI
VAMPIRE Undead +2 Any +8 (Template) MMI
VAMPIRE SPAWN Medium Undead 04 Any MMI
VARGOUILLE Small Outsider Evil, Extraplanar 02 Tarterian Depths of Carceri MMI
WIGHT Medium Undead 03 Any MMI
WILL-O’-WISP Small Aberration Air 06 Temperate marshes MMI
WINTER WOLF Large Magical Beast Cold 05 Cold forests +3 (cohort) MMI
WORG Medium Magical Beast 02 Temperate plains +1 (cohort) MMI
WRAITH Medium Undead Incorporeal 05 Any MMI
WRAITH, DREAD Large Undead Incorporeal 11 Any MMI
WYVERN Large Dragon 06 Warm hills MMI
XILL Medium Outsider Extraplanar 06 Ethereal Plane +4 (ECL 9) MMI
XORN, AVERAGE Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Earth 06 Plane of Earth MMI
XORN, ELDER Large Outsider Extraplanar, Earth 08 Plane of Earth MMI
XORN, MINOR Small Outsider Extraplanar, Earth 03 Plane of Earth MMI
YETH HOUND Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Evil 03 Hades +3 (cohort) MMI
YRTHAK Huge Magical Beast 09 Temperate mountains MMI
YUAN-TI ABOMINATION Medium Monstrous Humanoid 07 Warm forests +7 MMI
YUAN-TI HALFBLOOD Medium Monstrous Humanoid 05 Warm forests +5 MMI
YUAN-TI PUREBLOOD Medium Monstrous Humanoid 03 Warm forests +2 MMI
ZOMBIE Undead +2 Any — (Template) MMI
ABOLETH, PSIONIC Huge Aberration Aquatic, Psionic 07 Underground EPH
ASTRAL CONSTRUCT Varies Construct Varies Any EPH
BLUE Small Humanoid Goblinoid, Psionic 01 Temperate plains +1 EPH
BRAIN MOLE Tiny Magical Beast Psionic 1/2 Temperate forest EPH
CALLER IN DARKNESS Large Undead Incorporeal, Psionic 09 Underground EPH
CEREBRILITH Large Outsider Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Psionic 10 Infinite Layers of the Abyss +9 EPH
COUATL, PSIONIC Large Outsider Native, Psionic 10 Warm forests +7 EPH
CRYSMAL Small Elemental Earth, Psionic 03 Underground EPH
DROMITE Small Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 1/2 Underground +1 EPH
DUERGAR, PSIONIC Medium Humanoid Dwarf, Psionic 01 Underground +1 EPH
ELAN Medium Aberration Psionic 1/2 Any +0 EPH
FOLUGUB Medium Aberration 02 Underground EPH
GITHYANKI, PSIONIC Medium Humanoid Extraplanar, Psionic 01 Astral Plane +2 EPH
GITHZERAI, PSIONIC Medium Humanoid Extraplanar, Psionic 01 Limbo +2 EPH
GRAY GLUTTON Huge Magical Beast 07 Underground EPH
HALF-GIANT Medium Giant Psionic 01 Warm desert +1 EPH
INTELLECT DEVOURER Small Aberration Evil, Psionic 07 Underground +6 EPH
MAENAD Medium Humanoid Maenad, Psionic 1/2 Warm hills +0 EPH
MIND FLAYER, PSIONIC Medium Aberration Psionic 08 Underground +7 EPH
NEOTHELID Gargantuan Aberration Psionic 15 Underground EPH
PHENRIC CREATURE Psionic +1-3 Same +2 (Template) EPH
PHTHISIC Large Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 06 Any EPH
PSICRYSTAL Diminutive Construct Varies Any EPH
PSION-KILLER Large Construct 12 Any EPH
PUPPETEER Fine Magical Beast Psionic 01 Underground EPH
PUPPETEER, FLESH HARROWER Small Magical Beast Psionic 02 Underground EPH
TEMPORAL FILCHER Large Aberration Psionic 03 Any EPH
THOUGHT EATER Small Aberration Psionic 02 Ethereal Plane EPH
THOUGHT SLAYER Huge Aberration Psionic 13 Ethereal Plane EPH
THRI-KEEN Medium Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 01 Warm desert +2 EPH
UDOROOT Huge Plant Psionic 05 Temperate forest EPH
UNBODIED Medium Monstrous Humanoid Incorporeal, Psionic 05 Any +4 EPH
XEPH Medium Humanoid Psionic, Xeph 1/2 Warm forest +0 EPH
YUAN-TI ABOMINATION, PSIONIC Large Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 07 Warm forests +7 EPH
YUAN-TI HALFBLOOD, PSIONIC Medium Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 05 Warm forests +5 EPH
YUAN-TI PUREBLOOD, PSIONIC Medium Monstrous Humanoid Psionic 03 Warm forests +2 EPH
ANAXIM Medium Construct Extraplanar, Lawful 22 Any Epic
ATROPAL Large Undead Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 30 Any Epic
CHICHIMEC Medium Outsider Air, Evil, Extraplanar 21 Any Epic
DREAM LARVA Large Outsider Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar 31 Any Epic
HECATONCHEIRES Huge Outsider Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar 57 Any Epic
INFERNAL Large Outsider Evil, Chaotic or Lawful 26 Any Epic
PHAETHON Gargantuan Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Fire 34 Any Epic
PHANE Large Outsider Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal 25 Any land and underground Epic
XIXECAL Colossal Outsider Chaotic, Cold, Evil, Extraplanar 36 Any Epic
BEHEMOTH EAGLE Colossal Outsider Extraplanar 18 Any forest, hill, mountains, and plains Epic
BEHEMOTH GORILLA Huge Outsider Extraplanar 19 Warm forest and warm mountains Epic
BRACHYURUS Large Magical Beast 23 Any Epic
COLOSSUS, STONE Colossal Construct 24 Any Epic
COLOSSUS, FLESH Colossal Construct 27 Any Epic
COLOSSUS, IRON Colossal Construct 23 Any Epic
DEMILICH Undead +6 Same Epic
DEVASTATION CENTIPEDE Colossal Vermin 39 Any land Epic
DEVASTATION SPIDER Colossal Vermin 41 Any land Epic
DEVASTATION SCORPION Colossal Vermin 42 Any land Epic
DEVASTATION BEETLE Colossal Vermin 50 Any land Epic
DRAGON, ADVANCED Varies Dragon Varies Varies Varies Epic
DRAGON, FORCE Varies Dragon Force Varies Any land and underground Epic
DRAGON, PRISMATIC Varies Dragon Light Varies Any land and underground Epic
ELEMENTAL, PRIMAL AIR Colossal Elemental Air, Extraplanar 35 Any land Epic
ELEMENTAL, PRIMAL EARTH Colossal Elemental Earth, Extraplanar 35 Any land Epic
ELEMENTAL, PRIMAL FIRE Colossal Elemental Fire, Extraplanar 35 Any land Epic
ELEMENTAL, PRIMAL WATER Colossal Elemental Water, Extraplanar 35 Any land Epic
GENIUS LOCI Colossal Ooze 30 Any Epic
GIBBERING ORB Huge Aberration 27 Any land and underground Epic
GLOOM Medium Monstrous Humanoid 25 Any urban Epic
GOLEM, ADAMANTINE Huge Construct 25 Any land Epic
GOLEM, MITHRAL Huge Construct 21 Any land Epic
HA-NAGA Colossal Aberration 22 Temperate and warm land or underground Epic
Large Aberration Shapechanger 29 Any Epic
HOARY HUNTER Medium Fey Cold 25 Any cold Epic
HOARY STEED Large Magical Beast Cold 09 Any cold Epic
HUNEFER Medium Undead 25 Any Epic
LAVAWIGHT Medium Undead Fire 23 Any Epic
LEGENDARY BEAR Large Animal 09 Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground Epic
LEGENDARY TIGER Large Animal 10 Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground Epic
LESHAY Medium Fey 28 Any Epic
LIVING VAULT Colossal Construct 33 Any Epic
MERCANE Large Outsider 5 Any land and underground +7 Epic
MU SPORE Colossal Plant 21 Any Epic
Huge Aberration Extraplanar, Incorporeal 26 Any Epic
PRISMASAURUS Huge Magical Beast 28 Any sunny land Epic
PSEUDONATURAL CREATURE Outsider Extraplanar +10-16 Any land and underground Epic
RUIN SWARM Tiny Vermin Swarm 23 Any Epic
SHADOW OF THE VOID Large Undead Cold, Incorporeal 26 Any Epic
SHAPE OF FIRE Large Undead Fire, Incorporeal 26 Any Epic
SIRRUSH Large Magical Beast 24 Any Epic
SIRRUSH, THREE HEADED Large Magical Beast 28 Any Epic
SLAAD, BLACK Huge Outsider Chaotic 25 Any land and underground Epic
SLAAD, WHITE Large Outsider Chaotic 21 Any land and underground Epic
TAYELLAH Gargantuan Magical Beast 24 Any temperate or cold land Epic
THORCIASID Medium Aberration 22 Any Epic
TITAN, ELDER Colossal Outsider Extraplanar 30 Any Epic
TREANT, ELDER Colossal Plant 25 Any forest Epic
UMBRAL BLOT (BLACKBALL) Medium Construct 32 Any Epic
UVUUDAUM Large Outsider Evil, Extraplanar 27 Any Epic
VERMIURGE Large Aberration 24 Any Epic
WINTERWIGHT Medium Undead Cold 23 Any Epic
WORM THAT WALKS Aberration +3 Any Epic
ANGEL OF DECAY Large Undead 15 Any land and underground LM
ATROPAL SCION Medium Undead 11 Any LM
BLASPHEME Medium Undead 09 Cold plains or cold hills LM
BLEAKBORN Medium Undead 07 Any LM
BLOOD AMNIOTE Huge Undead 09 Underground LM
BLOODMOTE CLOUD Fine Undead Swarm 06 Any LM
BONE RAT SWARM Tiny Undead Swarm 03 Any LM
BONEYARD Huge Undead 14 Any LM
BRAIN IN A JAR Tiny Undead 04 Any LM
CARCASS EATER Small Animal 1/2 Temperate forests LM
CINDERSPAWN Large Undead Fire 06 Any +4 LM
CORPSE RAT SWARM Tiny Undead Swarm 04 Any LM
CRYPT CHANTER Medium Undead Incorporeal 07 Any land and underground LM
DEATHLOCK Medium Undead 03 Any +3 LM
DESICCATOR Small Undead Water 02 Any +3 LM
DIRE MAGGOT Small Vermin 02 Underground LM
DREAM VESTIGE Huge Undead Incorporeal 16 Any LM
ENTOMBER Medium Undead 05 Any LM
ENTROPIC REAPER Medium Undead Extraplanar, Chaotic 12 Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo LM
EVOLVED UNDEAD Undead +1 Any +1 (Template) LM
FORSAKEN SHELL Medium Undead 06 Any LM
GHOST BRUTE Undead Incorporeal +2 Any +5 (Template) LM
GRAVETOUCHED GHOUL Undead +1 Any +2 (Template) LM
GRAVE DIRT GOLEM Large Construct 09 Any LM
HALF-VAMPIRE +1 Any +2 (Template) LM
HOODED PUPIL +1 Any +4 (Template) LM
HULKING CORPSE Large Undead 09 Any LM
MUMMIFIED CREATURE Undead +3 Any +4 (Template) LM
MURK Medium Undead Incorporeal 03 Any LM
NECROMENTAL Undead +1 Any — (Template) LM
NECROPOLITAN Undead +0 Any +0 (Template) LM
PLAGUE BLIGHT Medium Undead Evil 06 Any LM
QUELL Medium Undead Incorporeal 03 Any LM
RAIMENT Small Undead 01 Any LM
REVIVED FOSSIL Undead Varies Warm forests — (Template) LM
SKIN KITE Small Undead 03 Cold hills LM
SKIRR Huge Undead 07 Cold hills LM
SKULKING CYST Small Undead 04 Any LM
SLAUGHTER WIGHT Medium Undead 08 Any LM
SLAYMATE Small Undead 02 Any LM
SPECTRAL LYRIST Medium Undead Incorporeal 04 Any LM
SWARM-SHIFTER Undead Shapechanger +1 Any — (Template) LM
TOMB MOTE Tiny Undead 02 Underground LM
UMBRAL CREATURE Undead Incorporeal +2-3 Any land and underground — (Template) LM
VISAGE Medium Undead Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar 09 Infinite Layers of the Abyss LM
VOIDWRAITH Medium Undead Air, Incorporeal 06 Any LM
WHEEP Medium Undead 11 Cold mountains LM
ANARCHIC CREATURE Extraplanar +0-2 Chaotic Plane +5 (Template) Planar
ASTRAL KRAKEN Gargantuan Vermin Extraplanar 16 Astral Plane Planar
AXIOMATIC CREATURE Extraplanar +0-2 Lawful Plane +4 (Template) Planar
DHARCULUS Medium Aberration Extraplanar 09 Ethereal Plane +7 cohort Planar
DWARF, FROST Medium Humanoid Dwarf, Extraplanar 01 Infinite Layers of the Abyss (Ice Wastes) +1 Planar
ELEMENTITE SWARM, AIR Tiny Elemental Air, Extraplanar, Swarm 04 Elemental Plane of Air Planar
ELEMENTITE SWARM, EARTH Tiny Elemental Earth, Extraplanar, Swarm 04 Elemental Plane of Earth Planar
ELEMENTITE SWARM, FIRE Tiny Elemental Extraplanar, Fire, Swarm 04 Elemental Plane of Fire Planar
ELEMENTITE SWARM, WATER Tiny Elemental Extraplanar, Swarm, Water 04 Elemental Plane of Water Planar
ELSEWHALE Gargantuan Magical Beast Extraplanar 07 Temperate aquatic Planar
ELYSIAN THRUSH Tiny Magical Beast Extraplanar, Good 1/4 Blessed Fields of Elysium Planar
ENERGON, XAC-YEL Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Fire, Incorporeal 05 Bleak Eternity of Gehenna Khalas Planar
ENERGON, XAC-YIJ Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Incorporeal 05 Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo Planar
ENERGON, XAP-YAUP Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Incorporeal 05 Wilderness of the Beastlands Planar
ENERGON, XONG-YONG Medium Outsider Extraplanar, Incorporeal 05 Infernal Battlefield of Acheron Tintibulus Planar
ENERGON, XOR-YOST Medium Outsider Cold, Extraplanar, Incorporeal 05 The Nine Hells of Baator Cania Planar
ENTROPIC CREATURE Outsider Extraplanar +1-3 Negative Energy Plane +2 (Template) Planar
GASPAR Huge Magical Beast Extraplanar 10 Wilderness of the Beastlands Planar
GNOME, FIRE Small Humanoid Gnome, Extraplanar 01 Twin Paradises of Bytopia and Elemental Plane of Fire +1 Planar
LIMBO STALKER Large Magical Beast Chaotic, Extraplanar 08 Ever- Changing Chaos of Limbo Planar
NIGHTMARE, LESSER Large Outsider Evil, Extraplanar 04 Gray Waste of Hades +3 Planar
PACK FIEND Large Magical Beast Evil, Extraplanar 08 Gray Waste of Hades Planar
SHADOW JELLY Large Ooze Extraplanar 06 Plane of Shadow Planar
UNRAVELER Large Outsider Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Lawful 09 Inner Planes Planar
UR’EPONA Large Magical Beast Extraplanar 01 Concordant Domain of the Outlands Planar
VIVACIOUS CREATURE Outsider Extraplanar, Incorporeal +1-3 Positive Energy Plane +5 (Template) Planar
VOID OOZE Large Ooze Extraplanar 08 Negative Energy Plane Planar
ASHEN HUSK Medium Undead 03 Any warm Sand
ASHERATI Medium Humanoid 1/2 Warm deserts +0 Sand
ASHWORM Large Magical Beast 02 Warm deserts or plains Sand
BHUKA Medium Humanoid Goblinoid 1/2 Warm deserts +0 Sand
CAMELOPARDEL Large Magical Beast 03 Warm deserts Sand
CHEKRYAN Large Magical Beast Psionic 04 Warm deserts Sand
CRAWLING APOCALYPSE Gargantuan Undead 11 Warm deserts Sand
CRUCIAN Medium Humanoid 02 Warm deserts +2 Sand
CURSED COLD ONE Medium Aberration 03 Warm deserts +2 Sand
DEVIL, DESERT (ARATON) Medium Outsider Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful 06 Nine Hells of Baator +6 Sand
DINOSAUR, PROTOCERATOPS Medium Animal 03 Warm deserts Sand
DINOSAUR, DIPROTODON Large Animal 05 Warm deserts Sand
DIRE HIPPOPOTAMUS Huge Animal 14 Warm plains and forests rivers Sand
DIRE JACKAL Large Animal 02 Warm deserts Sand
DIRE PUMA Large Animal 04 Warm hills Sand
DIRE TORTOISE Huge Animal 08 Warm deserts Sand
DIRE VULTURE Large Animal 03 Warm deserts Sand
DRAGON, SAND Varies Dragon Earth Varies Warm deserts Varies Sand
DRY LICH Undead +3 Warm deserts +5 (Template) Sand
DUNE HAG Large Monstrous Humanoid 04 Warm deserts Sand
DUNEWINDER Huge Magical Beast 10 Warm deserts Sand
DUSTBLIGHT Medium Aberration 03 Warm deserts +3 Sand
DUSTFORM CREATURE Construct +2 Warm deserts and evaporated seas — (Template) Sand
DUST TWISTER Medium Elemental Air, Extraplanar 03 Warm deserts Sand
FORLORN HUSK Medium Undead 04 Warm deserts Sand
GIANT BANDED LIZARD Huge Animal 07 Warm deserts Sand
HALF-JANNI +1 Warm deserts and mountains +3 (Template) Sand
IRONTHORN Large Plant 06 Warm deserts Sand
WERECROCODILE Medium Humanoid Human, Shapechanger 04 Warm Marshes or Rivers +3 Sand
MARRULURK Small Monstrous Humanoid 04 Warm deserts +1 Sand
MARRUSAULT Large Monstrous Humanoid 05 Warm deserts +2 Sand
MARRUTACT Medium Monstrous Humanoid 05 Warm deserts +3 Sand
MARRUSPAWN ABOMINATION Medium Outsider Native 19 Warm deserts Sand
MEPHIT, GLASS Small Outsider Earth, Extraplanar, Fire 03 Elemental Plane of Earth +3 cohort Sand
MEPHIT, SULFUR Small Outsider Air, Earth, Extraplanar 03 Elemental Plane of Air +3 cohort Sand
MIRAGE MULLAH Fey +2 Warm deserts (fey oases) +3 or +4 (Template) Sand
OOZE, BRINE Huge Ooze 06 Warm deserts Sand
OOZE, LAVA Large Ooze Fire 05 Underground Sand
PORCUPINE CACTUS Small Plant 01 Warm deserts Sand
SAGUARO SENTINEL Huge Plant 09 Warm deserts +4 Sand
SAND GOLEM Huge Construct 12 Warm deserts Sand
SAND HUNTER Medium Magical Beast 03 Warm deserts Sand
SCARAB SWARM, DEATH Diminutive Undead Swarm 07 Warm deserts Sand
SCORPION SWARM Diminutive Vermin Swarm 05 Warm deserts Sand
SPHINX, CANISPHINX Large Magical Beast 05 Warm deserts +3 cohort Sand
SPHINX, CROCOSPHINX Large Magical Beast 12 Warm deserts +8 cohort Sand
SPHINX, SAUROSPHINX Large Magical Beast 05 Warm deserts +2 cohort Sand
SPHINX, THRESKISPHINX Large Magical Beast 08 Warm deserts +5 cohort Sand
THUNDERBIRD Huge Magical Beast 12 Temperate deserts Sand
TROLL, WASTELAND Large Giant 07 Warm hills and mountains +5 Sand
TUMBLING MOUND Medium Plant 03 Warm deserts Sand
WASTE CRAWLER Large Construct Extraplanar, Lawful 09 Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus Sand