Jungle giants are the gentle descendants of the powerful titans who once ruled Xen'drik. They live throughout the humid jungles that give them their name.

Jungle giants are shy and reclusive, keeping to themselves whenever possible. On occasion they emerge from their jungles to trade, then quickly melt into the trees once their business is complete.

The skin of a jungle giant ranges from near-black to pale tan, with a barklike texture. Instead of hair, jungle giants have short fur of yellow, green, or brown covering their heads, shoulders, and upper arms. They are quick and nimble, the most dexterous of all the giants.

Jungle giants are nomadic, moving from campsite to campsite, and sometimes act in seemingly unpredictable ways. They live long lives and make plans that can unfold over decades. Though they might attack or aid travelers for no apparent reason, their actions (whether helpful or hostile) often tie to experiences or recollections of years before.

They construct collapsible tents out of animal hides and strap long tent poles to their backs when on the move. Though omnivorous, jungle giants have great respect for animal and plant life, and they take pains not to kill more than they need to survive.

Jungle giant tribes often do not have a leader. The giants make decisions by consensus, though tribes with an even number of giants sometimes grant the most powerful member two votes.

Jungle giants sometimes train wild animals, such as dire tigers, to serve as companions and guardians.

Jungle giants have little of the thirst for combat shared by others of their kind, preferring to stay at range and pepper their enemies with javelins. They are more than capable of defending themselves, however, and carry elegant longspears to use in melee.

They flank with their allies whenever possible and use entangle to keep more powerful foes at bay. When faced with an enemy they cannot defeat. jungle giants use their woodland stride and pass without trace abilities to slip away safely. with snare traps left against those who might track them with magic.

Jungle giants stand from 9 to 12 feet tall at maturity and can weigh as much as 1,100 pounds.

  • +10 Strength, +18 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma.

  • Large size: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium creatures.

  • Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet.

  • A jungle giant's base land speed is 40 feet.

  • Low-light vision.

  • Racial Hit Dice: A jungle giant begins with eleven levels of giant, which provide 11d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +8, and base saving throws of Fort +7, Ref +3, and Will +3.

  • Racial Skills: A jungle giant's giant levels give it skill points equal to 14 × (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Craft, Hide, Listen, Move Silently. Spot, and Survival. A jungle giant has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Survival checks in jungle terrain.

  • Racial Feats: A jungle giant's giant levels give it four feats.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A jungle giant is automatically proficient with simple weapons and light armor.

  • +5 natural armor bonus.

  • Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - pass without trace, wood shape. 1/day - entangle, snare. Caster level 11th; save DC 10 + jungle giant's Cha modifier + spell level.

  • Woodland Stride (Ex): Jungle giants can move through natural overgrown areas at normal speed without damage. See the druid class feature.

  • Automatic Languages: Giant. Bonus Languages: Common, Drow, Sylvan.

  • Favored Class: Ranger.

  • Level Adjustment: +5.